Following a well-documented and successful early access offering on PC, Dead Cells has finally made its way to the PlayStation 4. The title arrives with a good deal of excitement backing it thanks to a promising gameplay loop and a slew of pre-release updates that expanded the game in a variety of ways, but does the experience come together as a full package? We’re happy to report that not only does Dead Cells live up to the hype, it sets the new standard for the genre going forward.
Before we talk about what Dead Cells is, let us define what it isn’t. Instead of structuring itself like a Metroidvania, the game chooses to place all of its emphasis on combat. There is light platforming to be done here and there, but exploration and discovery has no place in this world full to the brim with threats, and you won’t be backtracking to previous areas after obtaining a new gadget to unlock all its secrets within a single run. To replace that sense of wonderment, this rogue-lite showers you with weapons to try out and master.
It’s this colossal amount of variety that helps to keep things fresh, while the core combat mechanics lay some very strong foundations. No matter what your build is though, every run comes equipped with a double jump and a dash as standard. You’ll use these moves to accomplish the simple task of navigating the 2D plane in order to make it to the next area, but of course it’s never as simple as that. Standing in your way is a whole host of enemies, all with their own mechanics, weapons, and attack patterns. Every level has unique combatants that pose a serious threat, but if you’re up to the task, every weapon you come across becomes a viable option when engagement is necessary.
From simple swords, bows and arrows, and shields to electrified whips, twin daggers, spears, and flaming swords, Dead Cells has it all. The sheer amount of customisation on offer is staggering, and due to the RNG that effects the drop rates of every weapon, no two runs will ever be the same. Things get even deeper when buffs, status effects, and modifiers are thrown into the mix, with higher tier weaponry dealing even further damage under certain conditions. And just like the foes standing in your path, every equipable weapon type comes with its own attack patterns. Twin daggers make two quick slices and then power up for a critical hit on the third, broadswords slam the ground dealing damage in a wide area, and certain bows can act almost like machine guns as you dish out a relentless spree of arrows.

With every aforementioned mechanic working in unison, Dead Cells feels absolutely incredible to play. From the agile movement speed and dash ability of the protagonist himself to the quick plucks of a dagger as you dispose of a foe in front of you, a sense of euphoria is never too far away. The control scheme is responsive to a point we don’t think we’ve ever experienced before, and it’s this buzz that had us coming back for more and more.
To supplement that desire, every level is procedurally generated to a point, and permadeath will make sure you see each of those spins on the environment. The interactable structure of the area itself will change, opening up new routes to the exits, but the overall tone, and the enemies that inhabit the location stay the same. Thanks to this, every locale has a sense of uniqueness about it. It feels like you’re actually making progress through a real world, rather than simply encountering the same piece of scenery twice over.
While the permadeath mechanic does take you back to the beginning of the game upon every death, a persistent upgrade system makes sure it wasn’t all in vain. Permanent enhancements can be unlocked in-between areas through the expenditure of dead cells, which are occasionally dropped by enemies when they’re slaughtered. Boosts include extra swigs of your health potion, the conservation of gold upon death, and random starting weapons. Every single run you make now has meaning, in that it will aid you in a future one by way of unlocking a new upgrade that could change the outcome when you try again. This is definitely a tough overall experience, but the inclusion of permanent upgrades makes things feel a lot fairer. Alongside them are mutations, power-ups that provide specific bonuses to help out with your runs. Up to a maximum of three can be held at any one time, and these are obtained again in-between missions, and they can aid in the form of a health boost, a DPS increase, or reduce the cooldown timer on items. These are essential pick-ups if you’re looking to make any real progress.

The combination of permanent upgrades and the mutations on offer makes Dead Cells feel like a very fair game. The difficulty can be brutal at times, especially when it comes to boss fights, but it never feels unreasonable. There’s always a solution for every encounter or a weakness to exploit, you just have to find it. When you blend together this light puzzle solving with the phenomenal combat mechanics on offer, it can be a joy to simply wander about the level annihilating anything that chooses to challenge you.
If getting down and dirty with the enemy isn’t really your thing, then the beautiful pixelated art style is on hand to serve your needs with stunning vistas in outdoor environments and wonderfully grungy sewers beneath the depths of the castle. It’s impressive how much detail has gone into making every moving object tick, from the spiked obstacles that litter the hallways to the intimidating antagonists themselves. Everything is exquisitely animated to the point where every pixel has a purpose, even those way off in the distance setting the mood and scene. There are those that will always find this style of art a turnoff, but anyone else that's willing to engage will be treated to a dazzling world that you’ll be chuffed to explore all over again.
Dead Cells has raised the bar for the rogue-lite genre going forward. A combination of astounding combat mechanics, an unfathomable amount of weapon variety, and a spectacular art style had us coming back for second helpings, while an array of enemies made sure we always had something new to dispose of. Dead Cells has delivered in every way imaginable, making it one of the PS4’s very best.
Comments 47
I played this at EGX last year and it was really good.
Looks great but won't bite due to my library being too large at the moment. Still need to complete Persona 5
Really looking forward to this!
Really want this but I just have too big a backlog at the moment. Sigh.
Don't hate me for buying this on Switch. I just have to do something with it every now and then.
The little I played of Dead Cells at Rezzed was excellent, glad to hear it's so good! Very tempted to get this!
I really like the look of this game!
Will probably buy it on sale someday
I have been waiting for this review, there's 20% preorder discount on psn so if the game reviews is good I'll preordered it before the discount is gone in a couple of hours.
This game and guacamelee 2 will be my metroidvania fix this month
@Enuo Get banned
Looks great. Not normally interested in roguelikes but all the hype for this has to be for a good reason! Definitely interested to try it out at some point.
Welp i cant ignore this now. souls like rouge games aint my cup of tea but its reviewing so good i just might pick it up anyways and "getgud"
sounds fantastic, I usually wait for a bigger discount but with 20% off on a game this special, count me in for day one.
@ShogunRok Get Switched xD
@Enuo Don't worry I won't, as I did the same physically. Switch is usually my indie machine.
Playstatiin store has a ps plus discount if you pre order. Think its 4 pound off or something.
I was going to get this or deaths gambit. I choose deaths gambit, but looks like I'll be getting both now.
Pre-loaded...on Switch!
@ShadowWarrior Banned
@Dpishere Banned
@Giygas_95 Banned
@Bliquid Also banned
@ShogunRok Knew that'd get you!
I think we need to give @ShogunRok a Switch for his b-day
@LiamCroft I'm confused! I read elsewhere that it's a Metroidvania, but you're telling me it isn't. What is it?
@Octane Attempted bribery of an admin? That's a bannable offence...
No but on topic this game is getting seriously high review scores. I'll admit I'm tempted, I like the look of Chasm as well, although that didn't quite get the scores Dead Cells is.
@Octane It's a 2D Roguelite that emphasises combat. There's no backtracking or consistent exploration across different runs.
We should all go to Nintendo life and bring up PlayStation
@ShadowWarrior PlayStation does what Nintendont.dead cells is a classic.word up son
@LiamCroft As in, the game prevents you from backtracking? They did mention several possible paths, like there's no definite way to beat the game. Did you experience any of that?
Anyway, I like the sound of it, and it looks good. I'll give it a try!
@Enuo Traitor!
Nice review! I totally forgot about this until yesterday when i saw that it is being released tomorrow! UK crew; this is actually cheaper on the PS store than I could find it on any online site st £15.99. And it is not released physically until the 14th either. Only 4 hours left till it starts downloading!
Dare I also say.. one for Switch? 😂
@Octane It's not possible to backtrack to different areas within a single run, and the environment will change when you die, so it's literally not possible. Yeah, there's different routes you can take in terms of areas, the path will branch out and then back in for boss battles. 😊
@LiamCroft Cheers!
@Enuo Yuck. We don't want your kind here.
I don't think it's much different from other similar games, but 'hey' that's a good thing in my opinion, I really like this style of game these days. With this and Death's Gambit I'm all set for a challenge this month.
@ShogunRok No trophies on switch? NO BUY.
Do I get a promotion?
Do People still care about trophies? xD
@Dpishere @Octane @kyleforrester87 @LaNooch1978 @Giygas_95
@ShogunRok stay away from Chasm, absolute waste of money
@LiamCroft - how long does a successful run take?
@ShadowWarrior Yeah...I think my last plat was just playing the Telltale games lol
I stoped grinding almost 2 years ago honestly
Got home from work and had 10 minutes left to preorder to get %20 off. Win!
@bbtothe I'm trying so hard to like chasm. Not working out very good...
@ellsworth004 yea... apparently the enemies get a little bit more lifeful and interesting after the 3rd or so dungeon.. but honestly shocked how dull it was. I've tried to play it 3 times but don't think I'll ever go back again. A lot of other better akin games I want to finish like Sundered or maybe even guide myself through Rain World lol
Really cool game! Wish there were more areas though
Vita version?
No port beging
Had my eye on this for a long time, got my physical copy for 20 quid on Shopto with my gold membership.
Really excited to get my hands on this, thanks for a great review!
Great job not plagiarizing this review! I love seeing reviewers with integrity!
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