Games are released all of the time – every week without fail, as a matter of fact. A very large percentage of these are either forgettable or downright terrible. Sure some are okay, but the real joy stems from discovering a game so good that it couldn't be called anything other than a masterpiece. Enter Heart Machine's Hyper Light Drifter. A monumental success story on Kickstarter – a goal of $27,000 netted the developer $645,000 instead – the game arrived fashionably late to the party, missing its release window by a paltry two years. But, as they say, "art through adversity". Hyper Light Drifter very much fits this, as the title is essentially the result of creator Alx Preston's lengthy history of health issues. The silver lining in all of this? Said health problems birthed one of the better games in recent times.

Hyper Light Drifter is a 2D action role-playing game with a pixelated graphics style. It shares DNA with games like The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and many others, including the likes of Diablo. You assume the role of The Drifter, a warrior who utilises long forgotten technology, but who is also suffering from a mysterious illness. How do you use this technology? Is there a way to cure this disease? How do you even go about finding out? Many questions arise right out of the gate.
The game's quizzical nature isn't all that is instantly apparent, however. Almost immediately, the game shows off its striking appearance, and it's absolutely gorgeous. The title's use of colour is extraordinary; various shades of red and blue are employed so well that you can't help but just want to sit around and look at what's around you. The trees, buildings that lay decayed and decrepit, corpses of hundreds unnamed behemoths: just about everything in this game begs to be stared at. This is a world brimming with life that has begun anew, but also living in the shadow of a long dead civilisation that was much grander and more luxurious than the current one could possibly hope to be. Just make sure you don't spend too long in any one place. Because you'll die. A lot.
The thing about this game is that it's hard. Really hard. This may scare some players off, but much like the Souls series, it's a rewarding type of challenging. Movement as The Drifter is smooth and is exactly as precise as it needs to be. Without this, it would be borderline impossible to successfully juggle all of the game's systems, from dashing to stabbing to shooting and more.
The thing is, unlike a large number of other games, every single system at play in this title feels like it needs to be there. Many games have a tendency to include superfluous – and sometimes even robust – systems that, while cool, aren't really necessary. Why create all of these potions and chemicals when repeatedly mashing the attack button will net the same result just as quickly, but without the headache? That approach doesn't exactly work here, as every system feels mandatory. Sure, many of the normal enemies can just be button-mashed to death, but some of the more challenging bosses will rip you to pieces if you just charge and keep swinging your sword. The only real negative here stems from aiming your gun. It feels very imprecise in the early going, but not long after, it feels just as natural as every other mechanic at your disposal.

The usefulness of every system helps to make proceedings quite a bit more fun, too; being able to juggle between all sorts of different moves brings a new sense of fun to the combat. This is particularly apparent with the boss fights. A couple of them are incredibly challenging, but there is a ton of fun to be had here. One in particular allows you to trick the boss into destroying his own minions before they can enter the fight, leaving him wide open to gun and grenade attacks. Most of the boss fights have nice little touches like this that help bring an interesting tactical dimension to the combat.
In the grand tradition of older or retro-inspired titles, Hyper Light Drifter has a rather excessive amount of easy to miss secret passages and other hidden little goodies. Across our eight hours with the game, we managed to find quite a few of them, but we feel as though we barely scratched the surface. Much like older games, if one random panel of a wall was a slightly different texture, it's an indicator that there might be something there. This game adopts this methodology, where passages are hidden, but oftentimes not completely invisible.

It's also up to you to discover – or determine – the secret of the narrative. Sure there's a basic plot in play, but many of the finer details are left up to you. The game has no dialogue – not in a traditional sense at least – and virtually no text; outside of a couple of hints here and there, everything is dictated with visual cues, heavily leaning into a reliance on symbology. This, along with a truly magnificent score – courtesy of Disasterpiece, of Fez and It Follows fame – heightens the game even further.
To put it simply, Hyper Light Drifter is incredible. Lovingly wrapped in a distinctly retro shell, the title fires on all cylinders. An intriguing, abstract narrative set in one of the most beautifully vivid world's we've ever seen helps provide a near flawless experience. Add in great combat and controls as well as an amazing soundtrack, and the end result is easily one of this year's must-plays. Its difficulty may scare away some, but for all who can cope, the experience is a truly rewarding one.
Comments 19
Oh yes, Vita version please. Well worth the wait from the sound of it.
Completely agree with this, been playing every night since Tuesday and have loved every second. Figured out last night that my son could also get involved in the action. Fire up the 2nd controller and sacrifice one health bar and another drifter joins the fray. The co-op is AMAZING, and some battles feel unbeatable without that coop help! Everyone needs to give this a go.
Aw man, I want this on Vita now!
Finally! My initial idea was to get this on Wii U, but with that version delayed indefinitely, PS4 it is.
I'm really enjoying this game, near the end and will probably finish it tomorrow. My biggest worry was it would be offputtingly hard, but it's really not at all.. In fact I don't really understand what the fuss is about there. I've died multiple times on certain sections, and one boss in particular took me 10 goes but I really don't think it's as tough as people make out! It's pretty easy to die randomly by not paying attention, I guess. But it's certainly not brutal. My only real complaint is it runs at 30fps, it'd look glorious at 60. And it does seem to suffer from some slow down during intense fights. How the Vita version will run well I'm not sure. Seems like a problem with Gamemaker? The art is gorgeous but I'd say Fez is a little better looking overall. Soundtrack and atmosphere are well on point. Combat is satisfying as hell. Easy 9/10 from me, can't wait to play it again, it's my joint game of the year with Doom right now
I've played the game from a couple of day ago, the game is great, don't worry about the difficulty since the game checkpoint is really generous, the game respect my time and I like it.
I can't wait to start playing this! Heard so many good things about it
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Yeah sneaking in before a bunch of the other (for better or worse) higher profile indie's was a good move! Heck, releasing before No Man's Sky on its own was the right way to approach it haha.
Cool! I really want this game, was kinda hoping it would come on Playstation Plus, but oh well.
Thanks for mentioning it has co op, review failed to mention it. May be too hard for my bro, but its another incentive for me to get it.
So, I got it today, and have played a few hours at this point. It truly is a fantastic title. Love the eerie atmosphere and the challenging (but far from unfair) difficulty level.
I think my only complain is the lack of words, because the picture-based narrative is not at all easy to follow. I wouldn't even know any of the details in the second paragraph if it weren't for this review!
@Majic12 whoa local coop??? Is there online coop as well? I just skimmed the article, sorry if that was covered
@AXEL314 Yep local coop! It was not covered in the review though. And I believe it functions the same way as the PC version of co-op, so no online, and achivements/trophies are disabled. I played through the game solo though, so I don't know that part for sure!
@Majic12 Holy crap, mind blown! Had no idea you could do this - thanks for the heads up!
Great review, too. Loving every minute of the game so far - got Abzu to play tomorrow too and it's going to be difficult splitting the time between them!
I always hate to always sound like Kranky Kong, "in my day" , and all that, but games are easy these days as a general rule.
I feel that in some way, the general design trend of games has gone from the challenge to get a high score, or whether you COULD beat the game to being interactive experiences to be enjoyed.
It does make sense, I suppose. With Alien Isolation, after three hours of repeatedly dying and being unable to get past the first section with people in, I've never played it again. I think years ago, though, I would have persevered; I remember the Aliens game on the Spectrum was fiendishly hard as a 7 year old and I spent hours upon hours upon hours on it, not getting anywhere.
I got this, Gravity Rush and The Witness and I think this is the one I'll be sticking with. I really like the Zelda / Journey / Retro feel.
@RPE83 "I feel that in some way, the general design trend of games has gone from the challenge to get a high score, or whether you COULD beat the game to being interactive experiences to be enjoyed."
And this, my friend, is the bane of modern gaming. Yeah, I'm a cranky 30-something, get off my lawn!
@RPE83 of course, games have gotten easier. Some of that is down to the technology allowing for better level design/control schemes etc that inevitably make the game easier in the same way modern cars are easier to drive even though the principals are the same. Old games were often artificially lengthened though, with no saves, limited lives and crazy difficulty spikes.
Hype light Drifter is a bit hard, but it's not mean.. Some of these old hard games were just downright unfair lol.
Regarding Alien Isolation, do yourself a favour and push through. The section you are taking about is a real pig but the game is incredible.
My son and I have been having a great time playing this one. THE Coop really is such a treat, and makes the game that much more enjoyable. I recommend everyone who bought this to give it a try with coop a time or to, completely changes your strategy in game.
To my absolute delight, I've found Hyper Light Drifter to be every bit as fun to play as it is stunning to look at. After about an hour of gameplay however, I've decided to leave it there so I can enjoy it to the very fullest when it arrives on Vita. I just hope I can bear the wait!
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