Bringing a video game back from the annals of history to be remastered or remade is tricky. Publishers have to ask themselves if it's something original fans and newer players could fall in love with. Should it get a new coat of paint or be rebuilt from the ground up? Has it been too long or short since its original release? With this in mind, it's not a good sign that when we first saw Legend of Kay Anniversary, we'd never heard of it before. And when we started asking ourselves, "Why wasn't this an overhauled remake?" as we played it – well, that was an even worse sign.
Legend of Kay is an action adventure 3D platformer released in 2005, likely attempting to join in on the success that the genre was having with titles like Jak & Daxter, The Legend of Spyro, and Ratchet & Clank among others. As always, though, some will rise to legendary status while others are quickly forgotten, and this game fell into the latter category for understandable reasons. For instance, the gameplay is a mix of elements that may fit together and work well enough, but it fails to leave a lasting impact in any given area.

One of the main aspects of gameplay is hack and slash fighting that could be defined as a kid-friendly equivalent to Darksiders II's combat. Groups of enemies will surround you countless times throughout your journey, but you've got plenty to counteract their assaults. Your trusty sword, claws, or hammer can string together a useful yet limited assortment of similar moves that you'll quickly master in conjunction with rolling, jumping, and blocking. Items can be found and purchased that range from offensive weapons like a jar of hornets and bombs to status-altering stuff like health potions and a concoction that increases your power for a short while. There's a magic meter that's utilised to lash lighting at multiple opponents, and miscellaneous tricks that you can do like automatically fly to an enemy's location with the click of a button as you build a string of attacks.
To be fair, it all plays smoothly with responsive controls, but because the pool of moves is so reductionist, it gets stale after several hours, and it doesn't help that foes – despite varying in type, strength, and defence – have similar, small attack patterns that make them a bore to fight. Only in numbers do they become a significant challenge, but not a clever one, mind you.
That's not to say that there's nothing of value elsewhere. The general movement that comes with the platforming feels great, even if the straightforward level design leaves much to be desired. There are also puzzles spread throughout the interesting mix of fairly open world levels, which usually involve exploring dungeons reminiscent to The Legend of Zelda, which surprised us on occasion with a few competent environmental puzzles and well-hidden objects.

Speaking of which, that is what's most interesting about this game: its open world levels, which are bolstered by optional side quests where you can obtain more upgrades to your status meters and weapons, earn points toward unlocking concept art by saving NPCs, or win money by racing on animals in obstacle courses. Anything besides finding upgrades feels ancillary, though, in addition to the camera in close quarters being an absolute pain to deal with while platforming. Furthermore, the disappointing lack of a targeting system during combat is a problem, while the presence of several deviously oppressive encounters grates. The framework for Legend of Kay is great, but everything built upon it is average altogether.
Did we mention that you play as an anthropomorphic cat? Indeed, Kay is a young martial artist in training under his eccentric master, and it's for the best since the island of Yenching has morphed into an empire with the evil Minister Shun and Tak leading their gorillas and rats to rule over the inhabiting cats, frogs, rabbits, and pandas. While the majority of Kay's neighbours and even his master have become complacent with regard to their new overlords, he won't stand for it, so he sets off on a stubborn yet noble path to free everyone from this tyranny.

Now, if there was one thing that we couldn't care less about in this game, it's the banal storyline and everything associated with it. The characters are uninteresting with some being downright annoying, like the average NPCs and Kay. He's a strange character, rarely exhibiting likeable traits since he's a sarcastic, rude feline who's constantly spewing every shade of childish insult involving bananas and cheese at his foes. The only vaguely interesting character is Su Ling, who's trying to fight against the island's invaders by working with those who believe in a forgotten religious practice called The Way – which is hardly explained and barely relevant to the plot – that once united Yenching in peace.
But even she can't save the bare narrative that never takes any interesting turns, let alone make up for some of the characters' motivations and personalities that are poorly conveyed by the writing. The story and characters derailed our beginning intent of wanting to explore and know more about the world.
This issue extends to the cartoony art direction, which is fine in itself, but the settings and races it has to work with are limited. There isn't much ingenuity or whimsy in how this island and its inhabitants look, with generic environments and characters all around that rarely caught our interest. It's a shame that everything just appears "safe", as if the original developer didn't want to go for anything that might seem outlandish or risky in the slightest with its visual direction.

Still, we would be lying though if we said that it looked graphically under par. No, this remaster adds a mighty polish with sharper visuals, a reorganized HUD, and better character models. It meets expectations, but the fact that jarring texture pop-ins, dated animation loops for character expressions, and bad weather effects and assets remain makes us wonder why more wasn't done here.
That goes for the voice acting and sound effects to an almost greater extreme. The former is disastrous, with NPCs droning out inauthentic lines with laughable accents and Kay sounding as dull as a doorknob. A few voice actors for the main cast earnestly tried, but what a drag it was for us since there was no option to skip or speed up any of the slow-paced, filler conversations. What confused us most, though, is that moderately bad language can be heard on occasion, as if it's supposed to be cool and edgy. It's stupid and feels out of place, conflicting with our recommending this title to younger audiences. The sound effects are decent enough, but when you start to notice a bunch of stock audio being used, you start to appreciate it much less. Thankfully though, the soundtrack isn't that bad: it's run-of-the-mill and some music repeats too often, but some tracks have distinct Chinese instruments that drive catchy melodies.

Legend of Kay is substantial, though, with its 15-hour length. The side quests add another four or so hours to your adventure, and for the first go around with this title, they're worth messing around with – especially for some great Trophies to rack up on your PSN account. But while unlocking some of the special features may hold your interest in trying to complete as much as you can, most of the additional content isn't very compelling since the game isn't all that compelling itself.
Earlier, we suggested that Legend of Kay Anniversary should've been a remake, and that may not be a surprise now considering how great it could be if its glaring issues were altered and positive aspects were improved upon. Alas, while kids may be able to look past the problems and enjoy its simplicity, we can't ignore the obvious. The polished graphics, open world levels, serviceable combat, and fairly compelling dungeons are up to scratch, but the title's niggling gameplay flaws, terrible writing, generic visuals, and bland plot and characters don't exactly make it the cat's meow either.
Comments 14
Would the graphics on this be better than Wii U's? I know PS4 games usually are better looking than Wii U's but i've heard the Wii U version is also at 1080p.
@Sonicfan11589 They're probably the same to be honest, but I haven't seen the Wii U version to compare the two. I imagine there isn't an enormous amount of difference, though.
As for the game, what a bizarre thing to remaster for the PS4... Truly baffling. Thanks for the review, Joey.
I'll wait till its 5 bob on the PS store.
@BLPs Shooters with brown environments all day, every day!
The funny thing is that I personally love these kinds of 3D platformers, so I really wanted to give this a go. Cartoony, colorful, wacky...I grew up on this stuff with Spyro and Crash. But this game is just okay in so many ways, and getting to the good with the above average gameplay while having to endure the boring story and terrible dialogue just didn't work for me. :/ Like I said, I think kids might enjoy this more, but still, I could think of many other 3D platformers I'd rather recommend than this. Still, I really want to see newer IPs like this! That's why I was happy to see Knack when the PS4 launched (even if it was underwhelming) and am stoked for Yooka-Laylee! There needs to be a revival of this genre, and unfortunately, a remaster of this obscure title isn't quite what I was looking for. :/
@Sonicfan11589 Like @get2sammyb said, I assume they're identical across platforms. I'm really curious how the Wii U version uses the GamePad...
@get2sammyb No problem! And yes, it's one of the weirder remasters I've seen! Interesting to see this forgotten game brought back from the dead, but...why? lol
@AyeHaley You know, one thing I should've mentioned is that this game's only $30. That's not bad at all for a remaster! But is the low price worth it? Not really...I'd definitely say to give it a go for $20 at the most, but even then I can't recommend the game wholeheartedly unless you really love this genre.
For $30.00, I'll pick up Rare Replay and have multiple 3D platformers more fondly remembered then this one.
This is one remaster that I'm struggling to think a reason for it's existence. More recent 3D platformers like Knack and The Last Tinker at least offered something that might draw you in, where's this just comes across as a poor man's Jak & Daxter.
I may have heard of this at some brief point in my youth. And I probably would have played it ten years ago, because I'm such a sucker for platformers.
But not only does a remaster of an obscure platformer sound baffling in of itself, but this game seems to scream "average" right in my ears. That's what I got from this review. It doesn't look bad, but the only thing I seem to like from this impression is the art (I actually kinda dig Kay's design). It just seems like a typical, straight-down-the-middle mascot platformer.
I know the review is bad, but I'm looking forward to trying it on my WiiU on release. Been waiting ages for it.
But I guess it's gonna sell terribly and no sequel will happen, like the devs had hoped.
@Sonicfan11589 They are identical.
@BLPs Seriously bro, your sob story has gone from endearing to annoying real quick.
The reason this game won't sell much is not because it stars a cat, it's because it's not any good. It's not good now and it wasn't good in 2005 which is why no-one remembers it. If this were a Crash or Spyro game, then there'd be a lot more buzz (and not just because they're established IP but because they are good games).
Let's recall that when the PSone launched it was prohibitively expensive which immediately skewed the gaming demographic upward. This was also at a time when the gaming industry was desperately trying to grow up and (usually bad) 3D quickly became the norm. Despite this, 2 of the best selling PSone titles were Crash Bandicoot (which played like a 2D game) and Rayman, which were both new IP.
As the price came down and the demographic broadened, platformers like Spyro, Gex and Croc did pretty good business at a time when all games were retail and full-price. For this reason, a lot of interesting games from Japan (and even the US) didn't even make it to PAL territories and even if they did, it was months or even years later.
This trend continued into the PS2 era which was equally prohibitively expensive and skewed to an even older demographic because of the DVD functionality. Despite this brand new IP like Jak & Dexter, Ratchet and Clank and Sly Cooper were hugely popular. As the price came down and the PS2 started receiving shoddy ports of xbox games, then we started getting an influx of these brown, muddy games that you loathe. There were still some brave, quality attempts like the Mark of Kri, but as with the PSone, all games were retail and (mostly) full price which meant developers started playing it safe.
Compare this to the current situation on both PS3 and PS4, where there has been an uprise of both digital and indie titles, and gaming has not been this diverse or affordable since the days of the 8 bits. Games that would have never previously made it out of Japan are commonplace now and other titles that never would have sniffed a retail release due to being too niche have a real shot at earning good sales on PSN or the other console equivalents. Do you think something like Thomas Was Alone could have been released during the PS2 era?
If your game is good, and it captures people's imaginations, it will have a good chance to sell regardless of the platform. I'm not sure if Sony spurned you or declined you from their pub fund program, but your anti -PS4 nonsense and woe is me shtick has officially gotten old.
Come on dude, you're not disappointed we're going to miss out on his game?
@Gamer83 I'm not sure if my sarcasm detector is faulty or not, but I'm generally down to play any game that is good or has a decent hook if it's on Playstation or PC.
It was sarcasm, wouldn't want to part with my money even if it ended up being the best game of all-time and part of it is his attitude. Most users here, even the ones I vehemently disagree with seem like cool people if you were to meet them in the real. This guy however it's constant 'PS4 sucks because they aren't making games that only appeal to me.' There's also the I'm smarter than everybody else vibe his posts give off and the fact he thinks he can tell other people how to do their job. I don't always view things the same way writers here do, but one thing I won't question is their journalistic skills or integrity.
@Gamer83 glad to see my sarcasm detector is still functional. I agree it's a pretty solid group here at pushsquare and a good place for fruitful discussion. Glad to be a part of it.
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