LEGO has been a popular children's toy for many years, and we'll happily admit that we still play with it on the odd occasion because, ahem, we have younger relatives. Obvs. Anyway, it's no surprise that LEGO was transformed into a video game blockbuster [Like it! - Ed], using many major franchises to expand the plaything's reach far and wide. The most recent entry, LEGO Dimensions, plots the property's first progression into the lucrative toys-to-life category – and brings together all of the abovementioned universes using portals.
Long-time developer Traveller's Tales has implemented technology called Near Field Communication (NFC) which allows a small computer chip embedded in the toys to be read wirelessly at a very short range. It's the same sort of magic employed in the Skylanders games, but rather than using pre-made models, you'll be faffing with LEGO building kits, instructions booklets, and other gubbins. This is apparent from the instant that you unseal the box, as you're presented with bags of bricks and mini-figures that need assembling before you even pop the disc into its rightful slot.

In the Starter Pack are three mini-figures (WyldStyle, Batman, and Gandalf), one vehicle (the Batmobile), the Dimensions Portal, the NFC pad (which is connected to the PlayStation 4 via USB), and a copy of the game – all of which will set you back more than the average price of a game. It took us about an hour to assemble all of the parts, which is as much a part of the experience as any, as we were actually disappointed when we'd completed the construction.
Fortunately, although the manuals have a set design in mind, as you play through the game's story you'll be presented with instructions on how to alter some of your models to upgrade them or even make a secret robot character to aid you with the portal. Also, if you really want to, you can always build your models a different way or even use your own LEGO pieces from your collection at home. It's really up to you.
The game itself begins with a very well-crafted, humorous opening cut scene showing the three amigos from the Starter Pack getting sucked into each other's worlds by the dastardly fiend and all-new villain, Lord Vortech. He is in search of special elements that exist within the LEGO universe. These are dimension specific items and there is one located in each of the different worlds; for instance, in the Portal world, a cake is the special element – that's no lie. Ultimately, Lord Vortech is trying to become the almighty ruler of the LEGO-verse as each special element collected will allow him to have control over its home world and your very obvious task is to stop him.

The gameplay itself is familiar, with LEGO games being known for having puzzles that are based around different characters' abilities. This is still a big part of the title, but the new addition of the NFC pad makes it very interesting. The pad plays a big role in solving conundrums now as it also has special abilities of its own. For instance, you can teleport by placing the figures in different positions, or even paint your protagonists different colours by moving them around. This, when coupled with each hero's unique ability, makes some of the challenges a lot more gratifying to overcome.
As with previous LEGO games, you can play the entirety of Dimensions either solo or with a friend. We would suggest taking a pal on this journey as some of the new puzzles are a lot easier with a buddy controlling another character. Plus, many of the levels last at least 45 minutes, so it can be a long lonely time without a chum. Of course, there are checkpoints along the way where you have the ability to save and quit and return at a later date.
In addition to the main campaign, the game has a hub area from which you can access all of the other hub worlds through portals, but you can only enter a portal if you have a character from that dimension, meaning that only three worlds are unlocked when you start the game: Lord of the Rings, The LEGO Movie, and DC Comics. These are primarily just toy box-esque areas for you to free roam and explore, complete side-quests, pick up collectibles, and try out some vehicles.

Of course, the game doesn't end there, as the developer wants this title to be more like a gaming service where constant updates and loads of DLC packs are added periodically for the coming years. This is already apparent from the sets that are available for purchase: The Simpsons, Dr. Who, Scooby Doo, Back to the Future, and The Wizard of Oz to name a few. There are Level Packs, which give you access to a new stage, hub, character, vehicle, and gadget. There are also Team Packs, which give you access to a new gadget, two characters, and a vehicle. And finally there are Fun Packs which include one character and either one vehicle or gadget. Of course, if you want to experience everything that the title currently has to offer, you're going to be spending an enormous amount of money, which is worth keeping in mind before you take the plunge.
LEGO Dimensions has made a confident first step into the toys-to-life category, with its real-world models incorporated imaginatively during gameplay. It doesn't stray massively from the series' established formula, but it's a lot of fun as long as you know what you're getting into. And this is the biggest downside: the game's going to cost you a lot of money to get the most out of it. As such, you may want to check the price tag before passing through this particular portal.
Comments 14
This is a perfect fit for Lego games. I can see it doing very well indeed!
If my neice and nephew were a couple of years older I'd be picking this up for them, but I feel for the parents who are going to be mithered into purchasing this!!
Way too expensive for me to be interested.
That tagline is exceptional. It's a goddamn triple pun. It's punultimate.
If they make a Dimension figure of Stay Puft riding that gargoyle, I'm gonna have to have that...
How many 45 minute levels do you get with the starter pack? Do you only play in the 3 starter pack world's until you buy more figures b/c the Wizard of Oz has been prominent in the trailers? If the game only lasts 2-3 hours w/ 3 x 45 minute levels that's not good, but I was under the impression you got way more than that, mid teens, I forget, but I never knew how many you get and how many you have to buy.
Are the hub world's like Disney Infinite toy box where you can build stuff or like the over world in Lego LotR where you only do side quests?
Can you complete the storyline out of the box? Skylanders has a ton of toys and stuff locked away but we've always finished the main story, just missing the hats.
Need more info, a lot more.
When the price eventually goes down (like Skylanders and Infinity usually do), I'll pick it up then...same would go for sets, as my kids would love this...until then, with the Skylanders games that they have and the Amiibo figures they keep on wanting, I may stray away...but if they ever want to get Infinity, I'll pick up this instead...anything to not have Disney in the house (sorry disney fans, but I hate disney and my kids have no care about it either...no bashing me for this, there are a lot of people who do not care for disney).
Other than all of this, this is a very expensive game, and I feel sorry for the parents that will be out (probably close to christmas), having to buy this and the packs. I know the game costs $100, what's the prices of the sets???
Ugh all these reviews on the price point. For the amount of bricks you get and levels+worlds they unlock its a fair price.
I was afraid the price wouldn't be worth it, but getting a Wizard of Oz open world with a 15 minifgure+vehicle set isn't expensive. And neither is paying 30 for the Portal 2 set, which gives you 2 vehicles, Chell, a f*cking insane Portal 2 level and an entire open world Portal game to play.
If you think Disney Infinity or amiibo are fairly priced, you should think the same of this. LEGO has never been cheap, and you get exactly what you pay for.
Buying the starter pack you get a super fun full $60 worth game + around $40 worth of lego to build. You don't need any of the other packs but they are definitely worth it if you like those franchises.
Language -Tasuki-
@rjejr You get like 22 45min levels mixing all the franchises + 3 open worlds for every franchise included in the starter pack (so LEGO movie, LotR and DC Comics) The level packs give you 1 mini figure + transforming vehicles + a 1-2hr level + an entire open world to explore. For the other 12 or so open worlds you just need one mini figure to unlock them. So to unlock the Doctor Who open-world you can either go all-out and get the level pack and get the extra level with it or just buy the Cyberman+Dalek funpack to unlock the open world.
(I know, third post xD whatever) Incorporating the portal into puzzles was a really smart move, it makes the game feel different and it keeps you involved in the the whole dimension thing, they've implemented it in a way that it doesn't get annoying and stays interesting.
Also, you modify the portal over the length of the game so its not like you only build it once and you're done with it. + the portal has some nice surprises I won't spoil.
It has dethroned LEGO City Undercover and is now my favorite LEGO game to date. Seeing my favorite franchises mix and never knowing whats coming next makes it a wonderful game to experience. Well done, TT Games.
I'd dearly love to give this a good, the use of the portal looks quite clever but as ever with these, they are simply far too expensive. Paying £15 to £30 to unlock content on the disc, you'll easily spend £200 to see most of the game and it's simply not worth it. I'll stick to my £50 ish Fallout 4 when it comes out
@rjejr You get 15 story level each lasting about 45 minutes so it is a full campaign plus three hub worlds to explore. These are similar to the world map free roaming areas where side quests can be completed. However in both the levels and hubs a lot of collectibles and side quests are locked because you need a certain character's ability. This really detracts from the exploration and limits the free roaming some what.
@fit6958 @AyeHaley Thank you both. I've been on the fence for this one since day 1. Well not on the fence exactly, more like, I already spend about $200 per year on Skylanders and spent about $200 last year on DI (I missed the first game so had some catching up to do). So the question was can I afford another couple of hundred on this game? The review wasn't winning me over, but I can deal w/ the Lego cost for 12 hours of storyline and a few hours in the hub worlds. PS4 purchase will have to wait though.
I was going to buy all the Dr Who stuff anyway whether we got the game or not. Fortunately there aren't a lot of must have games this holiday so I have some money for toys. Uncharted 4 this holiday would have been a dilema.
@rjejr You can play all levels in the history whit the starter pack, you can get all the thropies whit the starter pack. When you finish all the history you can play in some open worlds like DC UNIVERSE or LEGO MOVIE CITY an get more fun. But if you can play in all Springfield city, run around the moe bar or enter in the cemetery etc. you need buy Homer Simpson to enter to this world.
When you play, you want to get all the packs but you can play a lot of hours with the starter pack.
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