Attempting to remake what is considered one of the greatest video games of all time has to be both an incredibly exciting and intimidating prospect, but just over three years ago, that’s the exact promise Capcom made. Many consider Resident Evil 2 to be the pinnacle of survival horror after it capitalised on the potential of a cheesy and clunky predecessor with refinements that brought terror to the masses. And 21 years later, it’s ready to wreak havoc across Raccoon City all over again. Resident Evil 2 is an impressively faithful remake, but that’s also arguably its only major flaw.
While the release is more commonly referred to as a remake, Resident Evil 2 is just as much of a re-imagining of the 1998 PSone outing. Many memorable locations remain the same, though there are plenty of tweaks and changes, keeping you on your toes. The famous Raccoon Police Department has been lovingly recreated, although walking its hallways in 2019 is more of a streamlined experience. Some puzzles and mechanics are either radically different or have been removed entirely, and certain shortcuts have been stripped from existence. In their place are new rooms to explore, extra items to acquire, and fresh brain teasers to solve that feel slightly more grounded than what we’re used to. Don’t worry, though, each addition and adjustment makes for an even better game. Nothing at street level has been lost to time.

It’s when proceedings head underground that alterations really start to have an affect, though. Gone are the spiders, moths, and crows that inhabited the sewers and Umbrella’s laboratories, and the biggest kicker of all is that there’s nothing to replace them. It’s disappointing that some of the original’s more outlandish creatures are nowhere to be seen, especially so when no new terrors have been thrown into the mix. Thankfully, the zombie horde continues to be utterly horrifying.
More recent instalments have moved away from the undead, but Resident Evil 2 makes sure that every encounter with a zombie is a potentially tough test. Unloading nearly an entire clip of bullets may not even be enough to down a lonesome straggler, and when it comes to a whole group of them, your best option is to run in the opposite direction. You’re going to need to conserve your ammo for when you really need to use it because with bullets at short supply and zombies that refuse to stay in their graves, this is a hostile environment that works against your chances of survival in every single engagement.

This all helps to create an extremely tense atmosphere that’ll have you on edge at all times. A wave of nostalgia is sure to bring a smile to your face when you first reach the police department’s main lobby, but turn to the right and take a peek under the shutter leading to the east wing and that is sure to dissipate in an instant. Without electricity to fuel lighting, many of the rooms off to either side of the goddess statue are in total darkness. With only a torch on hand to aid navigation, initially you’ll fumble about the place, bumping into one too many zombies that would love nothing more than to sink their teeth into your flesh. But with further exposure comes experience. You’ll never feel completely comfortable exploring an entirely new area, but once you’ve got a grip on how the game expects you to play, you can start to make some real progress. The undead are always a major threat, though, and as a matter of fact, there’s another foe that is going to cause you even more problems.
Mr X has to be one of the most frightening enemies we’ve ever come across in a video game. The T-00 stalks your every move at certain parts of the game, and when he’s on your tail, the tension and adrenaline rush fly off the chart. The great thud of his boots across the wooden floorboards is enough to scare even the most hardened veterans, so much so that you’ll want to avoid him at all opportunities. Gunshots draw his attention, and if he discovers your hiding place nearby, taking one of his blows to the face could prove fatal. Not even save rooms or the main lobby area are safe places to take a breather anymore. This continuous sense of dread combined with the roaming zombie population makes for a tense and terrifying trip across Raccoon City.

When you compare the 2019 release with what was achievable on the PSone, the biggest difference between the two is quite clearly the visuals and a camera positioned just behind the shoulder. Each and every locale has been recreated with a great deal of care, while character models look superb. It’s not quite on the same level as 2018’s heavy hitters God of War or Red Dead Redemption 2, but the experience is still an extraordinary one from a visual design point. Taking potshots at zombies causes their flesh to chip away and decay in real time, while their stumbling motions along corridors is as lifelike as it can get.
Elsewhere, the remake brings with it sweeping changes to mechanics and the user interface to make for easier navigation. After being developed with the RE Engine that powered Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, Capcom has adopted that same inventory and map design for Resident Evil 2. And to say that this update aids the experience would be an understatement. The inventory screen makes for easy reading with clear options that assist when combining items or inspecting them, while the map screen takes note of the items you don’t pick up along the way as well as highlighting locked doors along with text that tells you which key you need in order to head inside. It’s a great help that takes away some of the potential frustration felt when backtracking for items once you’ve found their use.

One mechanic that is nowhere to be seen though is the zapping system, a feature that allowed you to store equipment and ammunition in chests to be picked up on alternate playthroughs. As such, every item you find can only be used by the character you’re currently playing as. It’s not a big deal, but purists may understandably feel a little let down with the omission.
Resident Evil 2 is famed for its two alternating scenarios, and the plights of both Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield make their return with two campaigns that are actually a lot more similar than what we envisioned. Of course the twosome have separate reasons and motivations for being in the city at first, but both quickly find themselves wrapped up in a quest to take down Umbrella. They share objectives, visit the exact same locations, and face much of the same bosses. There is slight variation in terms of the characters they meet though – Leon teams up with Ada Wong and Claire helps Sherry in escaping the city.

For Ms Redfield, this does open up a whole new area never before seen in the PSone original. The orphanage focuses on Sherry’s escape from the dirty clutches of the Raccoon Police Department’s chief, and it makes for a whole set of exhilarating sequences. It can be considered a worthy addition to the overall narrative that makes you feel for the child that little bit more.
There’s so much to praise in Resident Evil 2, but unfortunately, there’s one hold back. The remake attempts to be so faithful to the original text, to the point where that becomes a flaw. It’s a strange one because Capcom has set out and achieved exactly what it wanted to do: create an honourable remake of Resident Evil 2. But in doing so, it has also proved just how far games have come since the days of the fifth generation of consoles. Video games simply aren’t designed this way anymore, and despite a number of changes and refinements, gameplay is still going to feel a little too archaic for some. Inventory limits will continue to frustrate newcomers, the lack of any real story setup may disappoint those who were looking for further lore, and the short supply of bullets may leave some stuck in a rut. The Japanese bigwig has remained loyal to its 1998 masterpiece, but 21 years later, not all of those mechanics manage to hold up when it comes to an experience that plays well.

During our time with the game pre-release, we rolled the credits on three separate playthroughs. Our initial foray lasted just under eight hours, but subsequent runs shortened to roughly three and a half. Multiple playthroughs are most definitely encouraged thanks to unlocks and ranks to achieve, although there are other modes to take a stab at outside of the two main campaigns. Hunk’s brutally difficult scramble for extraction from Raccoon City’s sewers makes a return, as well as the comedic Tofu. They’re two welcome modes that will prolong your time with the remake that little bit more.
Resident Evil 2 might be one of the most accomplished remakes of the generation. A number of mechanics have been updated and introduced in order to bring the game into the modern era, but this is still very much the classic experience you remember – inventory management, limited ammunition, and all. Capcom has lovingly recreated every historic location and moment you remember from 1998, and you owe it to yourself to witness that spectacle first-hand.
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Comments 115
If anyone has any questions about my review or the game, feel free to copy me in!
8/10 is my wait for a sale score.
Looking good, can't wait to try it after I platinum spider-man and god of war
@fluggy lol
@fluggy Those are some seriously high standards! 8 is a very high score given to great games.
... its a high "good" ... I prob wouldn't pay a £44.99 premium for "good" these days, given what I could get on PSN sales for that.
I believe you're misremembering how the zapping system worked. Items stored in chests in the original by one character cannot be taken by the other. Certain decisions you made in the game as the first character you played affected the second character's playthrough (taking items from the armory in the basement, releasing the gas in the lab) but there absolutely was no item sharing.
@fluggy it's "Great", not a "high good" it's also only £39.99 on Amazon at the mo.
@Jake3103 games aren't cheap. if one chooses to only buy 9/10 or 10/10 games at launch, that is fair in my opinion. i don't even buy masterpiece games at launch myself as i consider $90 here in canada for ANY game to be a ridiculous price point. having said that, i have a feeling games are going to rise another $10 with the ps5 gen... something to look forward to!
"It’s disappointing that some of the original’s more outlandish creatures are nowhere to be seen, especially so when no new terrors have been thrown into the mix."
That's interesting, I did wonder how they'd handle some of the weirder creatures - the walking plants in particular. Turns out they just..didn't.
@fluggy Fair enough.
@Porco Nothing wrong with not spending the money on launch and waiting for a sale. I do it all the time. I'm just surprised that a game getting an 8 might be a potential turnoff for some people who seem like they were otherwise excited for the game. 8 is a great score. It's also sitting on a 91 aggregate rating right now.
Kinda sucks that crows, spiders, etc are removed. Nowhere near a deal breaker though. Can’t wait to get it.
Great standards. Apart from the odd competitive multiplayer, like movies I've positioned myself 1 year being the curve. As you can't miss what you haven't had. Plus it's cheap and usually patched to perfection.
"Video games simply aren’t designed this way anymore, and despite a number of changes and refinements, gameplay is still going to feel a little too archaic for some. Inventory limits will continue to frustrate newcomers, the lack of any real story setup may disappoint those who were looking for further lore, and the short supply of bullets may leave some stuck in a rut."
Inventory limits and spare resources are an integral part of the genre's design, so this isn't a negative for me. Also good to hear that this is still primarily a gameplay-driven experience.
I'm super excited to finally play this!
"The short supply of bullets may leave some stuck in a rut."
Not if you do what I did in the demo and accidentally put the handgun in the storage crate. Then you don't need to worry about bullets at all
"Gone are the spiders..."
Honestly, thank god. I dreaded thinking about seeing the giant spiders in the RE engine. I get people will miss them, but I sure won't.
@LiamCroft How creepy is the Lab compared to the rest of the game and did they keep its eerie music?
I've never played RE2 and I'm a big girl when it comes to anything remotely scary or jumpy. I just about managed the zombies in the demo but hearing about Mr X chasing you really puts me off. I hate being chased in any game by something that relentlessly keeps on coming. It scares the life out of me.
Lol "inventory limits" " short supply of bullets" maybe THOSE gamers would enjoy RE6.
Well having just beaten the original Resi 2 over the weekend I can say I'm more than up for this "archaic" gameplay, sorry but that game is more interesting than many I've played this gen. I'm more than happy with having to put a bit of thought into managing my inventory and not having a near unlimited supply of ammo and not magically respawning exactly where I died, or riding a horse for 10 minutes to find anything interesting to do and if I never have to climb a tower to unlock icons on a map again I'll be a very happy man 😁
My only concern is the lack of giant spiders and those plant things which is a shame but hopefully the giant alligator is still there. I'm also confused about the lack of lore, the original had plenty of story plus many files dotted about and the demo seemed to have these too so we'll see how that plays out. In any case I'm very much looking forward to playing this when it pops through my letterbox
@Ralizah I thought this was a strange criticism too. I would've been disappointed if they'd removed these things. It's 'survival' horror. Not 'go in unlimited guns ablazing' horror.
Good review. It sounds like a fantastic game. I thought it would be a 9 honestly. I think some of the criticisms are actually good things instead. Limited ammo is what gives the horror, inventory management expounds on that. I recently played Resi 6's Leon campaign on professional and it made for different and better game. The first part of the campaign carried a lot more tension and horror because I was always on brink of no ammo and couldn't fight some of the hordes thrown at me;I had to run.
@LiamCroft So it sounds like It's more about picking a character than different campaigns? It sounds like you wouldn't miss out on much by only playing as Leon or vice versa, is that true?
@Areus The lab is pretty creepy. Many floors are in darkness until you get the power back on, which then triggers many of the zombies lying on the floor to wake up. Plus there are the plant creatures, and Mr X appears down there.
@Jaz007 Correct. Each character does have their own little exclusive sequence where you play as Ada or Sherry, but besides that, the two campaigns are very, very similar.
I thought RE was dead after RE6, the smartest move they made was RE7 Biohazard bring the survival horror back brilliant game. So i am glad they've remade RE2 & cannot wait to play it especially with modern graphics.
resident evil 2 classic.next up resident evil 3 nemesis.and capcom give me dragon dogma 2👍💗❤💞💕💖.word life.word is bond.word to your mother.word up son
It looks incredible, I'm too much of a wimp to play it though.
To the reviewer,does this have difficulty levels to choose from, like easy /medium/hard etc ?
Very excited for this. Tempted to dust off the ps3 and play the original ps1 classic first. They really should make them ps1 classic games downloadable on the ps4. I'd buy loads more.
Question @LiamCroft. How is the game music? Is it mostly the same, similar or completely different to Classic RE2? And do the save rooms still have that relaxing piano music?
@Ralizah wholeheartedly agree and I think it's a shame that we don't have video games designed this anymore where you have to play with a bit of care and genuine apprehension of what you may come across and whether you are equipped to deal with it
Great score and I'm genuinely excited for this after playing the demo!
I'm still a big scaredy cat (didn't finish RE7 LOL) but I think I can power through this one x)
This is one of those games I'm glad I didn't play the original (since they removed some enemies) and I'm glad I can experience it first time!
@fluggy Do you realise people like you are the reason review sites want to scrap scores on reviews.
On the other hand Liam also gave Metal Gear Survive an 8 and there's no way I'm picking that up in a sale.
@LiamCroft I have read in other reviews that there are "B" scenarios that you unlock for Claire and Leon by beating their respective "A" scenarios. Did you get to try either of those, and if you did, were they significantly different, i.e. offer different endings or weapons for either of them?
Can't wait to try this, last year I played straight through RE4-7 and I've been waiting for this remake so I can start RE0 and RE1 and catchup on this classic series.
Respect the review Disagree with it on every front though Imo It's a masterpiece didn't play entire entire game finished only A scenarios.
This is one of those games where Right mix of nostalgia and Amazing modern Gameplay makes every thing perfect for me The game didn't need to be some groundbreaking horror Last of us lvl of storytelling the only thing this game needed to show me is what is like to be rookie cop and a lost girl in a city full of zombies a remake that should give you that vibe of loneliness in a city full of zombies.
@hulkie Yes it does. Assisted, Standard, and Hardcore. Assisted has regenerating health, aim assist, and easier enemies. Hardcore only allows you to save via ink ribbons and no checkpoints.
@RedMageLanakyn I've got an article explaining the differences coming at launch, but the A/B scenarios aren't as much as a thing as they were in the original. I played both Leon and Claire's standard campaigns, as well as what would be considered Claire's B route, all through to completion. There's a different character sequence exclusive to each campaign and different weapons, but besides that, the differences are very small.
@LiamCroft Thank you ! Assisted sounds good to me. What about the Tofu mode, is it available from the start,or need to be unlocked?
@hulkie It has to be unlocked. You need to finish the two campaigns and Hunk's scenario before you can play it.
Honestly, I'll miss the 'thud thud thud' noise of those spiders in the sewers. I suppose it's even more scary when you can't see them because of the fixed camera angle of the original, though.
@LiamCroft Thanks.
Is there an easy mode like in REMake and 0 HD?
I know beggers cant be choosers,but you know what would have made this game a 10/10?They should have thrown in for free the original ps 1 version of part 2 in a bonus section menu. No graphical upgrades,maybe just slightly uprezzed to look like it does on ps3.
@DualWielding Lol. Just a few posts earlier I asked,wont take long to find. And,yes it does.
Im assuming the demo we got was on medium difficulty.
@LiamCroft Gotcha, thank you for the response and the excellent review!
I’m waiting for my copy to arrive, it will be the first time that I will play Resident Evil 2.
Great review and so glad to see it got a high score too!This is my most anticipated game of the year as I absolutely LOVED this game back in the day.I'm really disappointed to hear they took out the Spiders though..real shame.And I'm pretty sure both campaigns were very different in the original from what I remember so hearing they are very similar just with different characters is also a bit of a let down but all in all,after playing the demo i can't wait to play this on friday!
Inventory limits and a lack of ammo aren’t negative points, they’re the foundations of survival horror games! Good to know it’s sticking to what it does best. The new graphics and darker tone just wouldn’t suit the spiders and such.
Never played the original, but I was always confused about the whole "A" Campaign, "B" Campaign thing. Is it true that this remake does away with that and goes RE1 style? As in, there's just a "Leon" campaign and a "Claire" campaign (before unlocks, of course)?
Review definitely has me interested in playing, but sadly will probably wait for a $25 sale during Black Friday.
KH3 will be having my attention for awhile, then DMC 5 in March etc.
‘You’ve got Redfield on you’ 😀😀. Very good 👍
Amazing work, at 91 Metacritic. The demo was fantastic.
That said, I have Ace Combat 7 and will be getting Kingdom Hearts 3 on day 1 so not picking it up myself.
Wouldnt waste time on a 6.
... Ridiculous i'd rather spend my money on a 9 or 10 than an 8?? ... That seems illogical?
@fluggy why do you need someone else's score to determine if you would like the game or not? Why take 1 review from push□ To make your mind up?. Go on gamerankings.com, check out the average and read all the reviews before making your mind up. You might play it for yourself and decide, to you it's worthy of a 10/10.
If I made my purchases based on other people's reviews I'd have missed some cracking games in my years.
... im not missing it ... i'm choosing to not pay £44.99. I'll get it eventually. Last game I bought on release was God of War. Thats the kind of quality that I pay top dollar for. Anything less, I wait a couple of months. Thanks for your concern though ... im deeply touched.
I wonder how Will Smith feels about being dropped from the original?
@fluggy lmao what? Are you for real?
@kyleforrester87 The plants are apparently in.
@fluggy I'd give the quality of your sarcasm 8/10. Defenately not worth "top dollar"
It's really, really good. I've been playing it and having an absolute blast.
I just bought a 3ds (yes, I'm 8 years late lol) and I have a massive backlog (Arkham series, KH 1.5+2.5, Prey, Dishonored 1 + 2, MGSVTPP, etc.) so I won't get this now. Definitely going to get at some point though when it's on sale. This style of RE looks way more interesting to me than RE7, maybe that's because I'm a baby lol.
If I'm reading this right, you want the archaic chest inventory system back in, but lament the inclusion of archaic mechanics like limited inventory and limited ammunition.
I've read a handful of reviews and it seems general consensus is it's a new school game with a very old school feel which is exactly what I got from playing the 1-shot demo. I enjoyed the mechanics and the very welcome modern controls and the police station was beautifully updated. If the rest of the game has as much care put into it (and it seems it does) I'm going to be hooked on this like I was 21 years ago. Looking forward to Friday.
worst review ever read
@Lekzie1 There it is, thanks!
well there is just no keeping up is there with all these great games coming out i still haven't even started spiderman.
@carlos82 Lol you always have to slide your dislike for RDR2 or Ubisoft games in your comments. You like linear games, fine, people prefer open worlds too. RDR2 and Witcher 3 will remain the best games this gen for a while until something crazy comes out, obviously it's getting harder for linear games to compete.
@fluggy nah matey! 8 out of 10 is still good are you kidding me! Otherwise I’d never play good games(?) like vampr.... however you spell it, darksiders 3, maybe even hitman 2 and the latest tomb raider game......
@Lekzie1 Judging by the quality of that sentence, you're not really in a position to criticize.
Someone should compile a list of good games rated 7 out of ten (or 70 out of 100) just to show people what they are missing and to trust that 7 out of ten is still good. (8 great, 9 fantastic and amazing, 10 is perfect yes?
... thats EXACTLY what I said ... 8/10 is "good".... with so many top tier games available, why would I spend my money on "good" games when I can spend the same amount on "exceptional" games. Vampyr, DSiders and latest Tomb Raider were all subpar. . . and thats being kind.
@PS_Nation same here! 👍✌️
@SegaBlueSky game got an 8 cuz its not a rockstar game? the sheer amount of detail alone and the zombie physics and ai sets it apart from other games.
@Lekzie1 Horses for courses. There are plenty of highly-rated games I don't enjoy too, like Rockstar and Bethesda's games. But Push Square aren't the only ones to give Resident Evil 2 an 8 and there's nothing wrong with that score. They think it's great, in fact. From what I can see the (few) criticisms they have are perfectly valid.
@SegaBlueSky thats the point gow 2018 got a lot of flaws still didnt got an 8 here anyway im expectin days gone will get a lower than 8 here cuz lets be honest theres no way its near as close as re2 when it comes to a zombie game
@TheArt only as much as you profess your love for open worlds and RDR2, plus I really like The Witcher 3 (it might even be my favourite PS4 game) and some other open world games too including the first Red Dead Redemption, though too many recently feel too similar to one another. Oh and tell God of War it's getting hard for linear games to compete 😉
@Lekzie1 Which again, is down to opinion. If you read Push Square's GOW review, I don't think it mentions a single flaw, hence the 10/10 score.
However I do agree, personally for me RE2 is a far more enticing prospect than Days Gone. But I don't need a review to tell me that and the score doesn't change that opinion, because they're very different games and I know which one appeals to me. It may be that whoever reviews Days Gone thinks it's the best game they've ever played. We'll have to see.
@KingdomHeartsFan You'd think everyone would realize that by now, wouldn't you? But gamers be gamers.
@SegaBlueSky yeah I know, gow got a lot of flaws but still manage to get a 10 while this game few minor quirks really affect the verdict, even though we all know that this is the ultimate survival horror experience at least on the technical side.
@carlos82 God of War was too short for me, with like 5 characters in the entire game. Those 2 boring blacksmith brothers spawning anywhere anytime felt fake- yea they claim they have some dwarven teleportation skills but c'mon. The game is fine but definitely not better than RDR2. Oh and I did play it with a neutral mindset hoping to get blown away, which I was a bit but it came to an end real quick. I think I might just prefer Horizon even. A Frostclaw or a common Thunderjaw would give any GOW Troll a run for their money. You're gripped with fear when confronting a Fireclaw in the Frozen Wilds.
@TheArt It's all subjective. RDR2 just isn't my cup of tea, for example, and I find that with most (not all, but most) open world games. But loved GoW and had what I'd consider a very good amount of time with it for an action game, at least 20-30 hours probably? Definitely game of the year in my books, absolutely loved it and was gripped from start to finish.
@SegaBlueSky Yes it's all subjective and when I see anyone constantly trying to bash something, I just gotta chip in to remind them their favorite game isn't too special either.
@TheArt strange as to me isd flip it. GOW imo was much better than RDR2. I found it a boring slog in the final 2 chapters and the 2 prologue chapters nearly made me give up.
@TheArt actually they were a bit annoying, even more so when the boy upsets one of them so he just whines all the time. Horizon Zero Dawn is amazing, not so much the side stuff but that combat is exceptional with plenty of options when a few different types mix together. Not played the DLC but I won't forget my battles with a Thunderjaw in a hurry
@carlos82 id love to get in to this game but i just cant. Ive owned it twice betore but just didnt click with it. Got as far as where you have to go and kill the giant sabre tooth tiger looking thing.
@Kidfunkadelic83 yeah I can see why people can't having replayed it recently, I just had a lot of fun beating up the robot dinosaurs and when you get to the bigger ones that combat really starts to shine. I couldn't begin to tell you what is happening in the story though.
@carlos82 i think that is the problem with me. I have a big back log of games so a game needs to grip me within a few hours or i just lose interest. The ammount of amazing games i have that i stop playing to try out the "new" game that i dont go back to is crazy. I rarely manage to complete a game. Spiderman and GOW was the last games I finninshed which is why I rate both highly as they kept me engrossed enough to complete them.
@Kidfunkadelic83 I'm in a similar situation but more due to a lack of time to play in the first place and have many unfinished games that I'll likely not return to. Which probably contributes to my frustrations at those games which don't respect that time.
@Kidfunkadelic83 Ok but is it because it's slow-paced? Are you hyped for RE2? Because it's also slow-paced which is fine by me.
@carlos82 The Frozen Wilds is brutal! Horizon is innovative - shooting components off machines is really satisfying. Trolls in GOW can be found in just about any game, dodge a blow, get behind and chip on the legs, same MO every time.
@TheArt cant say I'm really hyped for resi 2 as I hate anything remotely scary. I physically can't play them 😂
I did however play the demo and really liked it butvi think the inclusion of Mr X chasing me down tight hall ways would Finnish me off. I'm a big girls blouse 😂
@Kidfunkadelic83 😂 I know. It's like I'd prefer Uncharted to the Last of Us not because one is better than the other but I prefer to relax and enjoy games rather than being tensed up all the time sitting at the edge of my seat.
The last of us doesn't bother me but anything more than that and I can't play it.
I've tried for years to overcome my fear of playing creepy games and I just can't do it.
Shopto emailed me earlier to confirm mines been dispatched. 50/50 chance its coming tomorrow. EEk!!!!!
@Porco Yeah there is one massive flaw in that reasoning. You can miss the biggest gems if you look that way.
@carlos82 Well im so far in Horizon Zero Dawn i will finish that before i can start the Resident Evil 2 Remake and that game is one of my favorites. Horizon Zero Dawn i thought i would drop it but the i started with the main missions and im all back 70 hours plus already. 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃
@TheArt Did you love RDR 1? I found that game so boring more gameplay doesnt always make it better. 😁
I would rate Heavenly Sword with 6 hours way higher. Fantastic story, characters and that ending. 😭😭
@fluggy Completely disagree with you on that point. Some big games get a too big pass RDR2 is one of those. Plus ratings are a opinion a lot of the times.
@playstation1995 Clock Tower and Haunting Grounds please. 😁
Breath of Fire please i loved 3 and 4.😃
@Flaming_Kaiser Safe to say you're just not a fan of Rockstar's games right. What games do you like, what games do you rate highest this gen? Because seems to me you don't like all the popular games.
might pick this up at this rate!
i never was into resident evil but after hearing so many good things from the 2 remakes and having checked out 7 at youtube and loving the whole vibe i might aswell get into this series now.
next stop would be a resi 3 remake which has been rumored to be planned right?
@Flaming_Kaiser i'm not missing any gems... i just pick them up 12-24 months after they release is all.
@TheArt My last Rockstar game what was last Vice City or Manhunt? I dont count RDR because it was so boring i did not finish it and sold it. 😃
@TheArt Horizon i love that game so much. The story i love it but the combat shines like nothing else around.
GOW, Bloodborne, Dragon Quest Builders why does part 2 take so long too release.
Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and 4, Injustice 2 one of the best fighters this generation. Dynasty Warriors 4 Orochi i played that so long.
I have a lot of games i want to start Spiderman, Dragon Quest 11, RE7 and all the remasters no Resident Evil 6 that garbage does not exist to me.
And i need to start so much RPG's and i played a lot of great indies. Yet i dont seem to get so much time for games any more new job nightshifts its killing me slowly. 😔
@Flaming_Kaiser I like all the games you mentioned, games are so good nowadays it's hard to not like them. The industry has come a long way, but of course you're going to have favourites and criticize constructively your least favourites.
Yes I finished RDR1 multiple times to 100%, bought it 2 times for PS3 & Xbox 360, bought San Andreas 3 times(you can make that 4 since I have it on my PS4 too) , GTAIV 2 times, and of course bought GTAV 2 times too so yea, I'm a Rockstar Games big fan.
@Flaming_Kaiser Yea Horizon is so unique and innovative. I bought it so late in the middle of 2018 because like several other people, I didn't get the robot dinosaur concept being shot at with arrows. Now, it's one of my favourites of all time. The combat is different, challenging and satisfying. The sound design is crazy, you get chills when you hear the steps of a Sawtooth early on. The Tramplers, Storm birds, Fireclaws all give you the shake. Not once was I terrified in GOW, the trolls looked like colorful huge teddy bears that just came out to play.
Man some of yall need to get a life. This review doesn't warrant a back a forth paragraph long responses on what you dislike or like about other games & what they did for you personally compared to what other games failed to do for you "subjectively". It's not that deep, grow the hell up...
@fluggy why? 8 out of ten is good going on very good, 9 would be absolutely amazing! You missing out on a lot of good/very good games!
@antdickens so stop fussing and don’t worry! You will get your moneys worth and will enjoy yourself! I’ve never played resi 2 and 3! Give number 3 the same treatment and pitthat game back on the gaming map, no one talks about resi evil nemesis hardly.......
@fluggy ok. But what’s wrong with a “good game? No game is perfect. I was stupid enough to buy the Deadpool remaster for PS4 yet I’m enjoying a non good game? What about dragon quest 11. If that were only just “good” would it put me off buying that game? Hell no! Yakuza games are good going on excellent! Gravity rush 1&2 just good? So not buying? Fist of the North Star? Man, I’m glad I ain’t you..... lol kidding.
My physical copy just came through the door a day before release. Can't wait to play it later
It's actually pretty good, the atmosphere and everything, still there will be people complaining about some things....but i think Capcom could have added a 'fixed' camera option like in the original game.
That could have been nice, if not, original to say least.
Was having higher expectations for the game scoring 8/10 its not an essential purchase.
@fluggy I'm with you 100% it needs to be amazing for full price. PSN sales are perfect for catching up on the rest...
@fluggy ironically anything over 8 is my " a fan reviewd this and is skewed by nostalgia or emotions" score, like fifa madden or ANY game past its 3rd sequel especially fighters and racing games, heres a new idea for a race game mechanic your racer gets into a ricky bobby level invisable fire type wreck and has to go through a semi rpg like physical therapy/mental health training for physical injuries and ptsd to race again, now THAT would be new inovative gameplay mechanics
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