An alternate history set in the wake of World War II. A technological utopia hiding terrible secrets. A square-jawed, bloodthirsty protagonist. Mick Gordon spewing fire from the speakers. You'd be forgiven for thinking Bethesda just stealth-dropped another Wolfenstein. Alas, this isn't a new adventure for the Blazkowicz family, but it does owe a great debt to that franchise.
Finally released after a lengthy dev cycle at Mundfish, Atomic Heart is an FPS set in a scientifically superior Soviet empire. The reds have made pioneering advancements in robotics and AI thanks to scientist and industry minister Sechenov. Automatons fulfil every need of the Russian populace.
Of course, you can't have a society filled with robots without a robot uprising, which is exactly what happens in the game's opening minutes. Our hero P3, real name Sergei Nechaev, is sent on a routine mission by Sechenov following a parade to usher in a new golden age for the empire. When the bots run amok, he crashes on a massive airborne biome with only an axe and his AI Char-les for company. Fighting through increasingly hostile facilities, he must uncover the cause of the uprising and track down Viktor Petrov, the supposed traitor behind it.

The plot quickly thickens with mostly familiar beats, but some twists and turns occur along the way. Comparisons to Wolfenstein extend to the B-movie setup and emphasis on popcorn spectacle. P3 cracks wise like his middle name is Nukem while Char-les quips back at him constantly — it's banter straight out of the 90s. However, the script lacks the nuance and political bite of Machine Games' modern cycle and rarely goes for anything approaching emotional complexity.
Conversations about the intricacies of a communist state and the unifying power of scientific discovery smash headlong into crass jokes and catchphrases (P3 is constantly yelling "crispy critters"). Elsewhere, there's a sex-crazed, murderous upgrade station that spouts filth while you browse.
It may talk like an old-school shooter, but it walks more like an immersive sim, albeit one with a mostly linear path through its 15-20 hour story. P3 comes equipped with an experimental 'polymer glove', affording him a selection of powers that can be freely swapped out as the situation allows. Shielding, elemental damage, speed, and machine control can be equipped and upgraded using resources scattered around the levels.
It's this ability system — along with weapon customisation and stealth elements — that brings Atomic Heart closer to BioShock (the floating cities bear more than a passing resemblance to Columbia). Likewise, stalking around the ruined buildings of Facility 3826, seeking out cost-effective ways to navigate enemy encounters with your toolset, recalls 2017's PREY. Weaponry is sparse at first, with only a modified axe, shotgun, and energy pistol taking you through the first few hours. Ammo is scarce so the emphasis is on melee combat.
Enemies telegraph certain attacks to allow for a well-timed dodge counter, which never quite feels smooth but is useful when mastered. Later, as your arsenal grows, that vintage shooter vibe starts to creep back in. P3 goes from sneaking around corridors filled with bots and mutated plant people to blowing mechanised behemoths to bits while bickering with his glove. The option to go quiet and tactical is always there, but you can also use resources to make ammo and try to blast a way through.
Stealth is usually recommended in the semi-open world sections that connect the story's main facilities. P3 creeps through communities ravaged by the uprising, with cameras and hostile machines dotted around the map. Shuffling around these houses and hoovering resources with your glove's tendrils or interrogating the memories of dead androids is a nice way of breaking up the action between the game's main levels.

There's a lot going on in Atomic Heart, tonally and mechanically. It's trying to be many things at once and doesn't fully succeed at any of them. The writing is the biggest culprit, veering wildly between genuinely engaging and cringe-inducing. In one stand-out sequence, a pair of cybernetic ballerina bodyguards conjure a blood-red polymer demon with an ethereal dance. It's a beautifully atmospheric moment. Minutes later, we go back to expletive-filled tough-talking and hackneyed conspiracy plotting. Uncovering the rotten core at the heart of the empire and finding out just who and what P3 is can be genuinely intriguing, but it mostly feels messy and rushed.
Glove abilities and weapon mods are plentiful, creating a playground of choice reminiscent of the aforementioned titles from which Mundfish borrows. That said, combat with multiple enemies feels clunky, while boss fights are skill checks that don't necessarily respect your choice of skills. Projectile weapons look and feel great, but melee weapons don't pack as much of a punch as the marketing of the game has touted.
Another issue is pacing. Each of the game's levels are distinct enough, but the fetch quest objective structure and frequent treks through the open world can get repetitive.

The ruined farmsteads of Facility 3826 look great at least, with Unreal Engine 4 rendering stunning outdoor vistas and atmospheric interiors. It's worth noting, though, that the version we reviewed suffered some crashes, with no identifiable cause. The open world sections have infrequent checkpointing, so crashing was a bit of an annoyance during our playthrough.
This mashup of shooter, stealth, and RPG wears its influences proudly but rarely matches them. Its alt-history setting is interesting and there are plenty of ways to approach the robot-killing, but these elements are at odds with messy storytelling and characterisation.
Comments 112
Oh dear all that hard work and time and not a fantastic game.
Never mind, next game please 😂
Well this is a let down.. it’s sooo pretty though.. awesome review though.. very in depth..
Just hope Judas comes out better in a couple years.. really wanted this to scratch that Bioshock itch.. really bummed
@WolfyTn @Dezzy70 Mind that many other reviewers gave it a higher score.
Current metascores are around 80 on all platforms.
I knew it would be a 6/10 title. Then my money goes to hogwarts instead.
@Reviewer: How is the performance on ps5 and again no word on DualSense features. Not good?
This is one of the lowest scores on the internet so far. PSX Brasil is giving a 90, IGN Spain a 80.
@LIMA Aside from the crashing issues mentioned, no performances dips whatsoever. Even during boss fights, which are hectic, it ran smooth as butter.
Another game I can save money on thankfully
The previews looks though, I guess I'll try it myself since it's on gamepass and I already download it on my pc.
It's sitting at a 73 on Opencritic with 64% critics recommending it so it seems like a mixed bag. Definitely not the next Bioshock which is a shame. Still, we can breath a sigh of relief that we don't have to financially contribute to Russia this time, especially for a pretty average game.
Thank you! I will look after some other reviews. Ps5 doesn‘t have much first person shooters sadly
To may low scores for me.
I like being up there with say.
A mixed three to stay impartial.
Not a game I would outright buy on release, but I hoped it would justify my GP subscription. Doesn't seem like it though :/
I've pre-loaded it, so I'll give it a go. But everything listed as cons on day 1 available reviews is things that typically annoy me the most.
LOL I knew it, people were talking SO high about this game before playing it that of course they would curse it.
Now, reviews are personal so a number doesn't say if YOU are going to enjoy it or not but looks like it isn't the xbox system seller people even in this page were talking about 😅
Unfortunately expected. The preview stuff looked great, but seemed like it was cherry picked.
Kind of falls in the camp of Metro- worth playing, but not paying full price for it.
I'll be checking it out on Game Pass. Honestly, this is a game, like Wanted: Dead, where I would've said 'screw the reviews' and bought it but I have a GP sub so I'm going to take advantage of it. Had the game come out in a less crowded time, would've been a purchase, however, with Dead Space remake, Like a Dragon: Ishin and Metroid Prime Remastered there was only one game I felt like taking the $ risk on and old-school action games are more up my alley than FPS. I still think I'll enjoy this game, though, I've found lately that my opinion on a lot of games that have scored low recently is much higher than what reviews would suggest it should be. And for some games that have scored high, like Hogwart's, I have zero interest in.
I had doubts when it came to buying this game, due to my moral issues with giving money to a company financed by the Russian mafia state. Now I know that I’m not missing much
Ps, To anyone who will be triggered by what I said, I will ignore any “whataboutism”
expected around 75% for it... bit like Callisto, looks nice but under the hood lacking.
nothing about it making me want to jump in, will try eventually on GP
Will give it a go on gamepass. But vr2 in few days so might not play much. Looks stunning visually though.
Every third party AAA that has a day 1 release on gamepass, has been mid at 100% rate. It's not me, the facts and scores are there. It gives me an idea if the game will be good or not. It costs $70 on ps5? Doesn't matter because I wasn't even going to play it for free. Lots and lots of games this year.
I know I brought xbox into the scene, but I'm just saying that's how I know I won't be spending $ on the game.
I would be really surprised if Wo Long ends up on the 70s. Gosh I hope not.
Removed - trolling/baiting
power of day1 gamepass average at best
Next up is Lies of P.
Won't live up to BB.
Glad we all agree that 3rd party AAA games launched Day One on GamePass like The Show, A Plague Tale Requiem and Monster Hunter Rise are pure crap. The “all games launching day one on GP” suck is a ridiculous generalization.
@SrpskaArtilerija I think as long as you're not making outlandish claims like "everyone who buys this game is pro Russia and pro war", everyone is fine with it here. You have personal issues with supporting this game, so you shouldn't, I don't think anyone in their right mind here would tell you differently.
most of the time i find games better than the reviews push square give them
Mh rise had its sales on switch already.
Plague Tale is AA and I played it and it wasn't that good.
MLB show is an MLB forced thing.
So 100% rate, whether you like it or not.
@arra1213 Hi-Fi Rush would like to have a word….
I thought it was AAA.
Well, I bet it will be another 70s game.
@GodofCapcom MLB is a MLB forced thing….what does that even mean?? Like it or not it is day one on Gamepass
MLB pushes the game to be on gamepass.
It's not that high of a score either. Think it was in high 70s, almost 80.
You are just proving my point.
So you agree with plague tale and mh rise.
Again. 100% rate so far.
This game is definitely a mixed bag. The dialogue in this game is also a hit and miss since it can be cringey and other times not be like that. It's a damn shame since this game looks quite good too.
No matter how much evidence there is that gamepass is bad for AAA day 1 games, unless the game is expected to not be good, you still think how you think. Anyways. Proof is the pudding.
@Loamy Prior to starting the game, I read the dev announced dynamic, variable performance in the open world sections and 60fps stable in interiors. However, I can't say I saw a huge performance change when running around outside. It's worth noting that there is a pretty sizeable day one patch which is important enough to actually block playing the game. This may address any performance issues that might be noted elsewhere. But personally, it was stable on my TV.
Due to real world events and the way some acted over hogwarts legacy, I got a sneaking suspicion that the only way I'll know what score this game truly deserves is by playing it myself.
nowadays games just get dismissed as rubbish if they arnt 9/10 where as the truth is usually somewhat different
This is the exact sort of game that demands the wider market (especially on console) adopt more acceptance of tiered pricing.
I think this looks good. I never expected it to be a AAA title. So asking $70 was just out of the question.
But this dropping at $60? $50? You have my attention and I'm sure a lot of others would also reconsider.
At the end of the day, the review score is just a number, people put way too much into it. It's especially hilarious watching PS fanboys who defended Forspoken after the reviews dropped, calling this one out. But in the end, the arbitrary number doesn't mean anything. People should just play what they want and if it doesn't look like something they're into, move on without trying to ruin other people's enjoyment.
Seems to be getting decent reviews elsewhere. The perfect candidate for Gamepass, will tryit out over there. Seems like there's a good game in there. Just maybe not for everyone.
With other scores being higher and this being lower I’d have to guess it’s somewhere in the middle and say it’s probably around. 7 or 7.5, as that’s the way it seems to turn out for me, personally. I’ll give it a go when it’s on sale or there’s a price drop, for sure. I’ve had my eye on this for some time and I do really want to play it eventually.
@Casco just like other average ps exclusives w 80+ score like horizon spidey returnal etc
nothing to brag about
@Gamer83 well said
and the gamepass haters descend
pah. might try it when it's on plus.
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@arra1213 so being a day one GamePass game with horizon or Spider-Man quality is nothing to brag about? Hmmmm ok.
At a glance from the trailers and videos this left the feeling of a 7 maybe 7.5 rating game, and from what I read here, that still seems to be the case, despite the lower final rating.
I think it was judged a bit too harshly, because this game was never intended to be a masterpiece, with a superb storyline and unforgettable characters... but more of an over the top action game, for pure unadulterated "fun-having" clobbering enemy robots into spare parts. If expectations were fitted within that frame before delving into the game for the review, methinks the final score would have been a tad higher.
But I'll see it for myself tomorrow, when it launches on Game Pass.
I will buy it on sale or used ! Same as I was going to because myself do not give 2 shakes about his review or all reviews !
The gamers reviews with time are what maters !
It looks absolutely amazing.
@JB_Whiting I think the developers relocated to Cyprus.
Will give this a go on gamepass
@Casco it means getting an 80+ is nothing to brag about
main difference games like horizon spidey tsushima sells millions
@trev666 Not so for me. That's why I stick with PushSquare. Their review scores match my own opinion pretty well.
I’ve been playing it for a few hours now and I quite like it so far. “A bit too long” and a pointless open world means I should focus on the main objectives. Thanks for a good review!
Interested in this one ever since first laid eyes on it but it never peaked my interest enough to be a day one and now these many 7s and 6s on average don't appeal to me much. More than happy to add to my PS5 wishlist for sales later down the road
Wait, this game has Open World Sections? That's weird.
I may get it down the road.
Anyone here that has access to the game and can tell something about the dualsense implementation?
TBH I was expecting a score in this ball part. Will pick up on sale
To be fair, forspoken also looked mid. I keep the same energy. Also most people here were skeptical too.
I would say the same for ME for killzone, death stranding, days gone etc.
@arra1213 everything that Sony makes is great. We get it.
But square enix is just FF at this point. That's their proud child.
This game looks awesome but the main thing for me is gameplay and how satisfying the combat feels, and I am hearing that is exactly where the game is lacking. Still looks really cool but I will wait for a decent discount
A 6 is not bad.it could be a 6 for pushsquare and a 7 or 8 for other people.play the game and like the game for yourself.word up son
it looks intriguing; buying it
Agree about not always trusting review scores all the time and actually playing it for ones self is always the best way to know for sure. However for me personally spending £50, £60 or £70 is a premium and I don't take spending that amount of money lightly. So on many occasions if a game ain't having so many 8s, 9s on average or maybe some 10s too then yh I'm gonna be cautious when spending. Also when having a never ending backlog, many new releases have to genuinely impress for me to bite or I'll just carry on with the huge backlog
@Voltan Even their own sister site Purexbox gave it a 7/10.
Anyway, I’ll just check it myself since it’s on Game Pass. If I can enjoy myself for a week it’s mission accomplished.
This was an interesting one, where everyone including myself was hyped when we saw the tailor made trailers but then when later the extended gameplay sequences were shown it quickly became apparent that it was mediocre and fairly one dimensional in terms of gameplay.
A bummer but I definitely expected this after the two Most recent gameplay showcases.
This is an intersting one where truly reading the reviews rather than looking at the scores is important. Because for. Some mindless shallow combat, a cringegy dated male protagonist and half baked, narrative stunting padded out horde and bullet sponge mechanics are good enough, for others not so much.
I must admit game pass shows its appeal when these types of games release day one on the platform. For its a game that looks like some mindless entertainment but not appealing enough for me to throw down 70 us dollars for.
I thought identity crises were all the rage. Ah well I think for as pretty it looked, we were all weary
I'll get it at some point, but at the moment I'm just back to back with games! Hogwarts is taking up alot of time and I have just got a switch, so Zelda is up before may. (Plus other games) so I'll wait for those to clear and get it reduced (or used)
I'm glad the reviews are saying the game isn't garbage. That was my fear with this.
I'll definitely check this out when it's much cheaper. It looks fascinating, and I'm down with a linear game.
@RudeAnimat0r My thoughts exactly, will likely be half off during a summer sale when I’m a lot less busy.
@GymratAmarillo You can't just go off of one review.
Hogwarts Legacy has my ongoing attention, but I’ll give this a short look on Game Pass tomorrow.
@Casco Do it or we take the license away yeah that's forcing it .
Ill just wait a little I have so much to play but it looks cool though.
@Flaming_Kaiser That's business, just like Sony pays developers to release less content in other platforms for a game priced at exactly the same. MLB asked for those terms in the contract, Sony agreed to them.
For their first game and runs better then most AAA games from bigger company's, not too shabby.
Already saw 3 other reviews and I'm buying it.
@JB_Whiting So if it was good, you'd happily give money to Russia? Well to be fair, I think most people would if they liked something. Boycotts don't really work just like how all those claiming they were going to boycott Hogwarts ended up buying and playing it, apart from me that is because I've never been a HP fan.
So this isn't the communist simulator Tankies were hoping for? And it looks like it won't be that successful either lol.
Interesting concept. Especially around windows. Who would’ve thought a window could be so deadly?
@Phornix My comment was in jest, apologies. I'm not against anyone picking it up; if you want to play the game AND not fund a war, then pick up a used copy.
All I can say, don't buy it.
You know why.
And it is much easier to do this due to its overall mediocrity.
I have this on my list to buy but there are so many other games I need to get through, I don’t know when I get around to it.
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I like how 6s are supposedly Not Bad and 5s are called Average, when we all know a 6 or below is a death knell. I don't know if I have ever played a game that was reviewed at 6. even if I had never saw the review beforehand. Certainly haven't played any 5s.
@Tr3mm0r You have a legitimate source?
I see that the Azovcels are out in full force sidetracking the discussion into non-gameplay-related territories so I'll wait for my favourite YouTubers to stream this game first before making the final purchase decision.
@Casco Well what i read everywhere it wasn't a ask. You pay for all the development and then you release for free on Gamepass you cant be serious they would do that without pressure.
@Flaming_Kaiser These are long contract negotiations. Sony could have offered to pay off the potential revenue the MLB is getting from Microsoft, but at the end obviously they thought it was a good compromise allowing them to put on GamePass, as probably Sony wasn’t willing to pay what the MLB was asking to keep it exclusive. Obviously all of that is speculation but at the end, the fact that the game is out there means by the contract was agreed by those parties and Sony was OK with this, otherwise they could have walked away..:.
@GymratAmarillo Unless they start selling Xbox for $20, nothing will be an Xbox system seller. It's already sold to who it'll sell to this gen.
Playstation's got it buried as far as leads go.
Why would this game have ever been an Xbox system seller anyway? It's not exclusive to them.
@JB_Whiting I don't see a video game selling enough to fund a war. Not even the biggest game.
Wars are a bit expensive.
Guys this is one review. Im seeing a 100, a few 90s, a 9.5 and some mid 80s reviews coupled with some really low ones. It looks to be one of those games that you think is fantastic, or you dont care for it at all. Youll have to rent etc to see which one you are.
You guys have proof this is going to the Russian government? The Russian people arent your enemy. Their government is. Anyone willing to punish everyday russians for what their gov is doing, is completely illogical. If there is some proof, then yeah Im not buying it.
@Tr3mm0r I honestly doubt that and with your logic... oh forget it.
Have a good day/night and I hope you stop blaming people for things they haven't done.
The entire plot is that this civilization collapsed because the Soviet government took a major breakthrough and royally f---ed it all up due to their narrow minded ideologies and subpar capabilities. That is about as anti-Soviet as you can possibly get. Also are you boycotting American developers who have nothing to do with the military due to military war crimes? Probably not, just saying.
I'm not making an Americans are bad argument, I am saying if you don't buy something because of the government of a countries behavior; that has nothing to do with the everyday people making that very thing, then that would have to be applied to 90 percent of countries otherwise it comes across as very hypocritical. I understand you have personal reasons for hatred but don't label all people for actions they are not a part of
I'm not trying to be a butthole..... I'm really not but the moment I found out it was a gp day one release I kinda already knew what to expect.
Okay, watched maybe an hour + of this game on YouTube, it looks so much better than a 6/10 on PC for sure. Can't imagine it being that much worse on ps5, considering the four main criticisms are fairly weak arguments to knock off 4 whole points.
The general 7.5/8.5 aggregated range seems perfectly fair for this one. Especially if you treat it as a new IP from a new studio and are not expecting it to be exactly like an unrelated game you love from the past.
I can tell a lot of people will like this and have plenty of fun, so don't be put off by this lower number
I've gone to the one place where the aggregate reviews I'd consider to be trustworthy: Steam user feedback, and it's very positive, so that's sold for me. Sorry NAFOs.
Yeah, No.
Thankfully I could try it on Gamepass with little risk and 100% disagree.
This is one PS review I am glad I ignored.
Yeah, and on Steam you can actually see how long someone played a game before they post their review.
I always set it to a minimum of 10hrs. And this already at "Very Positive" with that filter on.
RIP this is a damn shame, especially with the recently funny but epic promo ad that had Jenson Ackles in it.
I'll pick up the game in a few years when it's $20 New or free with PS Plus.
What ive played so far way better than a 6 .IGN gave it 8 said it was great. Would the score be so low on here if it wasnt on gamepass i wonder ??
@Agramonte I cannot wait to play it tonight after work.
@palmab It's 2023, IGN is the fairest game reviewer who disregard non-gaming related agendas and EA's releasing bangers that aren't tainted by microtransactions? I'm liking this timeline.
Im playing through this now and im baffled by the 6/10 theres just not way is it a 6/10.
so far its a 7.5/10 at least
im very much enjoying it exploring the setting is fantastic and im constantly surprised by the next thing i see. the games about exploring getting from A to B and shoot a few things along the way.
I know im enjoying it the times flying by next thing i know 3 hours have passed
I picked it up on PS5 today, actually loving it so far. The lustful femme upgrade station bot is hysterical. I also like the Fallout vibe cartoons for the abilities. Finding myself playing this over Hogwarts
@trev666 totally agree, I think this game is great. Glad I purchased in spite of the sub-par reviews
I haven't even played the game yet (still waiting on my copy from Amazon) but it was very obvious from just the trailers this isn't some Pro-Soviet revisionist circle jerk that they were trying to paint it as.
@kendomustdie Hohoho man! You forgot to mention two crucial things in this review!
First is that music is made by Mick Gordon (mentioned in conclusion, but nowhere in article) what pushes game few levels higher.
And second thing is that one song is sang by Alex Terrible from Slaughter to Prevail and that makes this game "must play" for significant amount of metal fans!
@djlard the music does elevate the game. The boss battles in particular are improved significantly by those tracks and there’s a wave based sequence in the mid-game that’s just outstanding thanks to a brilliant cover. I’d say Mick started a new wave of action games that use musically driven setpieces to wonderful effect.
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