Sequels are a tricky thing to handle. Do you iterate slightly and deliver more of what fans loved the first time around, or reach for the stars with new ways to play and mechanics? Both approaches work, but Dying Light 2 finds itself in the strange situation where it was pitched as the latter but actually resembles the former. Techland talked a big game in the years leading up to the sequel's release, promising meaningful choices and real consequences for your actions. Dying Light 2 is not that game.
Instead, it's a solid follow-up to the 2015 fan favourite. That intense melee-focused combat system is back for a second round along with those sublime parkour mechanics. They're enough to convince you to take up the activity in your spare time — it all feels that good. It's simple, really: if you enjoyed the first game, you'll also like Dying Light 2.

The problem lies in whether you've bought into what the Polish developer has been touting for its narrative. Decisions were said to be impactful, choices would have huge ramifications for the world and its characters. Having played the title through to completion, it now all feels like a bit of a lie. Story is certainly a big focus of the sequel — it actually has some semblance of a narrative unlike the first game — but it's all so uninteresting. With a largely dull cast of characters to boot, we have to wonder what happened during development.
You play as Aiden Caldwell, a Pilgrim (the name given to a group of outcast survivors) who has travelled to one of the few cities left in the world that has some sort of grasp on society and civilisation. While the undead roams the streets below, the living takes refuge on rooftops. Aiden's there to find his sister Mia, who he lost contact with during childhood. In order to track her down, he must get to know the various factions of the city and learn who knows what. Of course, this leads to Aiden getting caught up in their own squabbles too.
The story is... competent. It has a beginning, middle, and end. It has a few twists and turns here and there, characters hide their true intentions, and some wonky writing is enough to have you laughing at the game rather than with it. You know, classic video game stuff. It would be a satisfactory tale for a Dying Light game if it wasn't for Techland promising something so much grander.

You can make dialogue choices, but it's only on a handful of occasions that they'll change the course of the story. And when they do, their consequences aren't really felt. Pre-release footage spoke of opening up new parts of the city based on your actions — you can even see it in certain gameplay clips. None of this seems to be present in the final game. Either we were seriously unlucky with the choices we made or the feature just isn't there. We're leaning towards the latter. The most you can affect the world is by assigning facilities to either the Survivors or Peacekeepers, and all this does is paint the area in that faction's colours.
It's far and away the most disappointing thing about Dying Light 2. We can live with a forgettable story, but it feels a bit like the wool has been pulled over our eyes. What we have here is a 35-hour story (no, not 500 hours) with a smattering of high points. Your choices aren't particularly respected and decisions have no real impact on the open world you'll traverse. It's one of those games with such unremarkable characters that their names will go through one ear and straight out the other. Good luck remembering more than three faces after the credits roll. Thankfully, that's not enough to dissuade us from a recommendation.

Simply put: the game feels incredible to play. Once you've got most of the core abilities unlocked, the sense of speed and agility at your fingertips is unmatched. The first game established the free-form movement system and this sequel builds on it with new options like a paraglider and the returning grappling hook. Not only is the open world vast, but its verticality is off the charts — especially in the second part of the map. Skyscrapers are no longer an obstacle; they're part of the playground.
The new tool really does expand traversal possibilities tenfold: you can now gracefully take to the skies to avoid all the undead trouble on the ground or swing from lamp post to rooftop like you're the next Batman. Robert Pattinson might want a word or two, but style is the word that comes to mind as you glide through the air. Incredibly satisfying stuff.
Combat hasn’t received quite as much love, but it's still solid. Melee weapons are all the rage this time — guns are nowhere to be seen — meaning fights get bloody and personal. The usual mechanics are at your disposal: light and heavy attacks, blocks and parries, and that unique parkour spin where using an enemy to launch yourself into the air and kick another combatant in the face is fair game.

It's a different story for the undead horde, though. When the sun's out, guns out. The lifeless shufflers are easy prey for your arsenal of machetes, maces, and hammers. Although enemy density is a little disappointing at times, it's fun to manipulate the living into following you to zombie-infested areas and see them take one another on. Cleaning up the pieces, delivering a satisfying bludgeon to the back of the head never gets old.
Then the light of day is lost and suddenly you're bottom of the food chain. When the sun goes down, the special infected come out to play and their undead army has one job: chase you down and feast on your brains. The night sequences don't actually feel quite as intense as they did in the first game, strangely enough, but you've still got to keep your wits about you. At the height of a chase when you've got a horde of zombies on your back, the rush of adrenaline is what fuels you to find safety.
What keeps you out in the field in the dead of night, however, is the increased XP. Dying Light 2 strikes a great balance of rewarding you for your efforts when the undead are at their most dangerous, but also dealing a swift punishment should they get the better of you. If you want to knock off some of the side quests, though, then venturing out into the darkness is your only option.

As a whole, it's this loop that makes the game tick. The original game already nailed it; this sequel is all about refining and improving it. Aiden's paraglider is a genuine revelation: being able to glide about the city, drop down to ground level to kill a few infected and then take to the skies once more, feels so empowering. With the grappling hook on top, the possibilities are almost endless.
Another thing Techland wanted to do with the sequel is turn it into a bit of a full-blown RPG, which it has somewhat achieved. Weapons and gear now come with various stats and percentage-based perks as well as mod slots to supercharge them. Upgrade points then complement your build by unlocking various abilities. And while it takes a few too many skill points to get the parkour system properly up and running, you're golden once you're there. It's a lot like the first game: Dying Light 2 feels better and better the more you play.
There's even a very basic class system for you to dig into, with certain perks explaining how they'd fit different builds. You'd likely feel the full force of this during co-op, which wasn't available during the review process. It's our understanding you can play the entire game — except for the prologue — with up to three other friends. We never felt like we were missing out on anything by playing alone, however, so adding a few buddies into the mix only sounds like a net positive for the experience.

No matter whether you're playing alone or with friends, though, you'll always face the graphical mode conundrum. The title has three options: performance mode with a smooth 60 frames-per-second, and then two others labelled "quality" and "resolution". The former offers the best visual experience with ray-tracing enabled and the latter is all about that sweet 4K resolution — both aim for 30 frames-per-second. The big issue is not one of them feels optimal.
You can look forward to super-smooth gameplay in performance mode, but the graphics take a huge hit. And then when the quality and resolution modes are enabled, gameplay feels sluggish as the speed at which Aiden moves creates a pretty blurry image on screen. We won't go as far to say they're unplayable, but opting to bump up the visuals really takes its toll on interaction. At least you can look forward to some nice lighting no matter which mode you select, however.
But then there's the open world jank on top. This is nothing close to a Cyberpunk 2077 situation; don't worry about that. However, you can expect the odd glitch here and there like NPCs T-posing and hanging in mid-air, objects doing the same, and occasionally falling through the world. The menus are frustrating to navigate too thanks to sluggish response times.
Dying Light 2 is a super solid follow-up to the 2015 original, building upon its fantastic gameplay loop with new traversal options for even more parkour fun. It's extremely disappointing, however, that the narrative and open world promises Techland made in the lead up to launch haven't been realised. Your choices don't have nearly as much impact as we would like, and the map is much more rigid than pre-release footage would have you believe. Still, Dying Light 2 feels awesome and empowering to play, and that can go a long way.
Comments 137
If you have any questions beyond what the review covers, feel free to copy me in.
I think ill pass
In all honesty, this is really what I expected. Which is fine by me, the first game was great in terms of gameplay and this follows that same trend. I wasn't expecting some kind of crazy great story so this meets my expectations. Also, not bothered about the graphical mode.. as long as we have a 60fps mode, which is ideally needed for a game like this.
79 on metacritic.
This month is so filled with horizon and elden ring and gt7 being close. Idk.
I really love the first Dying Light so I'm okay with the cons.
Another game where the marketing team / devs hyped things up beyond reason for years and then the finished product is lacking by comparison. Expectations count for so much in this industry.
At least the game sounds solid enough, and hopefully all of the support the devs have promised amounts to an even better game down the line.
Nice review, good score also. For the negatives I was expecting that. The 1st game characters were boring & story was so so. However, the game looks great to play & i’m all in for that. Thanks for the review Liam👍🏻
Well that makes my decision to wait for some sort of GOTY edition to release AND go on sale that much easier. Sad to hear they didn't execute on the world changing choices mechanics.
I remember the villain in the first game yelling CRANE! like he was channeling his inner Shatner. Guessing the villains are still on this level yeh? Techland just can't do characters and story can they lol
Definitely a 'wait' for me. Only certified bangers are taking me from my backlog right now. I was keeping expectations low, but somehow this is worse than I thought. Exceedingly average.
Wait, what... no guns! Didnt the first one have guns?
Seriously i need guns in my zombie game!!!
Watched the trailers recently released on youtube promoting the story-lines, available decisions and the impact of your choices. Surprised they're not actually in the game!
I was expecting the story to be ok, but the open world takes a hit too? Hmm.
I gave the original like a 7. How much did you give the first one, Liam?
I'll probably still get it on a sale, but this quarter is just too much atm. Shame for the devs.
"Dull story" has killed it for me. I struggle enough to stay engaged with big games with good stories.
The first game was really good, so more of the same sounds great-in about six months when Horizon and the other February games are done.
I feel like I didn't really follow this game closely because I wasn't really all that aware of the narrative ambition and stuff to be honest.
I was expecting cool parkour and undead slaughtering which it sounds like is what they've delivered. In that sense, I think this sequel sounds satisfying for me.
Oh damn. Open critic drop to 73.
Glad I waited for reviews. Techland should've hired better writers for this one, but it seems the core gameplay got improved so it might satisfy the fans. For me, this is a hard pass.
Removed - current gen piracy/emulation
Hey, as long as the gameplay's good. I was pleasantly surprised by the promise of dialogue choices and all that, but that was never my initial draw. Give me more parkour zombie killing!
Good review, and at least they provided a copy and allowed reviews to be published before release.
@LiamCroft did you have the day 1 patch? Any comments on dualsense or was it pretty standard stuff?
Hoping the sluggish menu and glitches can be sorted. I still have the opportunity to cancel my order but there's enough in the review to suggest I'll enjoy it a lot.
I've read on other publications it's a mess. Corrupt saves and severe crashing. And then I've read some reviewers hardly mention it. The fact I can't play on my ps5 with friends on ps4 is a joke though. Was looking forward to this. Looks like it's getting the back burner for Sifu and Horizon
@MatthewJP The game was patched twice (each update being big at around 5GB) during the review process, but what Techland is calling the actual day one patch is coming between now and release.
There's no DualSense support to speak of, unfortunately.
So more of the same but bigger, yeah i'm fine with that and look forward to playing it Friday.
In a way I'm still excited for it, but in another quite disappointed. I remember when they put a video up showing how your choices could affect certain areas (I think the example they gave was being able to flood a certain area with a choice you make, or something like that). Its a shame it sounds like they weren't able to follow through with that kind of stuff in the end.
More of the same. Same story across so many franchises and sequels. So few of them try to do anything radically different...and I can't really blame the devs for that.
People want the familiar. They like to revisit places they've already been to. We go to the same holiday resorts, we watch endless soap operas, we devour identikit superhero films like they're works of genius, even when it's an origin story we've seen many times before. Once a game has become successful it's so often trapped by its own success on at least 2 fronts; gamers want more of what they enjoyed and publishers don't want to risk alienating that known fanbase trying to attract a new, extended one.
It takes a brave publisher to do something like that and its why I find it odd that it is a criticism of the review (in as far as being surprised it wasn't going to be the case, not that Liam is being critical) There's only a handful of games in all these decades worth of games where a sequel is sufficiently different from the previous game(s) that it can be considered a real departure from the formula.
Grand Theft Auto 3 is one such game as is Metal Gear Solid but really this was because of the jump in 3D that was doa le because of the more powerful hardware available. Certainly the subsequent sequels haven't changed the formula much, and people consider Kojima to be some kind of gaming equivalent of an auteur.
Fallout's change from isometric to 3D was again due to tech rather than a new vision. These are off the top of my head. I had to internet search for a game that was totally different through design choices and the best, most recent example was Starfox Adventures that was a platformer following up a flying game. (Anyone think of any others? I don't think there are many that are a total departure from what came before and not because of a move into 3D)
The point is I'm sure Techland would've loved to have made something new, unexpected, different from DL1 and still be recognisable but it was never going to happen. It hardly ever does.
I didn't know anything about them hyping up the story and the choices and stuff for this game but the review seems pretty much like what I expected based on my time with the first game. I played it and I can basically remember nothing about it except for jumping over things and hitting zombies so if that's what it's all about I'll probably play this at some point.
Yeah. There are some bugs being called by IGN.
I guess Polish studios don't polish their games.
Can't wait for horizon, elden ring and will decide to get gt7 based on today's SoP
@LiamCroft other outlets have reported way more bugs and serious technical issues. Did you not experience the framrate drops, extremely frequent crashing, and progress stopping quest bugs?
@KundaliniRising333 Nope, I didn't experience any of that on PS5.
Wait, no Dualsense support? If you didn't support a basic feature of the new console how can I trust you paid attention to other details?
Sounds absolutely fine to me. Also I don't understand why people consider a 7 or 75 percent as a bad game and skip it?!? Also these are just reviews from random people like you guys(players). For me the reviews seem solid enough to try it. If you're interested, don't skip it because it doesn't have 8 or 9...
I have just seen a clip in the Game Informer review where a weapon that is clearly a cricket bat is called a 'Cricket Stick'. That's an automatic 3/10 for me (although GI gave it an outlier 9.5!).
This honestly sounds about what I expected and i’m very excited to play.
But with Horizon just around the corner, and me finally jumping into Frozen Wilds recently after neglecting it for years, this one will have to wait for a while.
Still going to pick it up at some point but that will be after horizon, elden and gt7. Shame about thd lack of dualsense support. I am currently just waiting for horizon now, i did just start another farm on stardew valley so hooked on that again now lol, its just one of those games that the hours just fly by anx before you know it its ghe early hours of the morning
@Thelegend159 The first one had guns, they made you an overpowered god. Not that that was too much bother but it was always more fun with bats and knives.
They should have just sold this as more of the same and I would have been quite fine with that. I already knew to not get too hyped for the game when they started boasting about the script length and hundreds of hours of content. These two are basically meaningless parameters as they are not indicative of quality. That been said, I'll prob get it at some point. 7 sounds fair and is by no means bad.
Essentially it demonstrates that GaaS is viable. If we're going to get sequels that aren't going to stray too far from the first game's formula it may as well be like Destiny and sell DLC.
This reads like an 8 rather than a 7..
Why no 4k@60?? Whats the point of "next" gen??
I saw a twitter on dying light “ we kindly ask you to wait until Feb 4th as by that time you’ll also get access to all improvements and fixes we’ve implemented within last weeks and will introduce with the day 1 patch. That’s the way to experience Dying Light 2 the way it’s meant to be played.” so, you played this game without day 1 patch?
At least I can cross this off my List of to get games. Maybe at a deep sale later. Have Elden Ring and CK3 to fill my games for quite a few months
@riceNpea I do hope traditional single player games remain plentiful tbh. But yeah even single player games with little iterative change really do promote GaaS as opposed to revolutionary sequels. I like to finish a new game, play a multiplayer like FFXIV for a bit and then play a new game when it comes out and the cycle continues. That gameplay loop reduces chances of burnout for me.
@LiamCroft Aww that's lame.
@CynicalGamer me too. That's why I like FF games. They play with the formula more than any other title. I should've mentioned it in a comment I made earlier. Each FF seems to bring with it a new battle system and combat mechanics. Its one of the few games that tries to shake up each sequel.
Great review, a 7 is the kind of score I was expecting at the end of that read.Which is no bad thing.Absolutely loved the first game and been eagerly awaiting this one!
The story business doesant really bother me I'm more disappointed in no dualsence use.
Still buying this Day one..just unsure of I go digital or buy the physical steelbook..
Played the original last year… and quite liked it, cool traversal and melee… but I’m really cold on the sequel for some reason. I’ll probably pick it up for about a fiver in 5 years and play it then! 🤔
The story was pretty dull with the first game too, but i played all the game with my brother in multiplayer on nintendo switch and it was really fun. Hope this one will have the same excitment.
Not much word on ray tracing.. but yeah 30fps..
AMD please bring FSR to consoles!
@LiamCroft when Sifu review ser?
@zhoont cross-gen provides ample excuse for no Dualsense features. Sooner we're rid of PS4 the better
The first Dying Light sat around the 7's aswell with reviews and I loved that so sure the same for 2
@LiamCroft i read the review and i dont know if i just missed it but are there more options for firearms in this game or is it just basic handguns and assault rifles like the first game.
I think holding their feet to the fire on early expectations is a bit harsh. With how many studios that have absolutely sh*t the bed with their broken releases, DL2 seems to be a really solid entry with all things considered (development hell, covid, etc).
@alexbolton2 There are no guns whatsoever. It's just melee weapons and then a bow and arrow/crossbow.
@Rural-Bandit yea I dont know how much we'll see implemented ahead of initial excitement either but long as cross-gen crap continues we're likely held up with rumble instead of haptic for one.
@LiamCroft with the day one patch being pretty comprehensive,do you think this may have affected the score if released when you reviewed it, extra point maybe ?
@vapidwolf1 Nah, the few technical issues I encountered weren't enough to deduct a full point for me. Still a 7/10 even if I didn't encounter bugs.
More of the same is sometimes okay, but when your sequel is releasing 7 years later I can't help but expect a bit more.
@LiamCroft Is there more than like 5 zombies this time round? I loved the first one, but the fact you were fighting the same zombie over and over kind of ruined the immersion.
Still, about what I'd have expected from this, more of the same.
Looks like a wait for a big price drop kind of title.
Never played the first one, but I have considered picking up the Switch release.
I would rate the first one around 8! Loved the experience, felt fresh and fun. I'm expecting the sequel to be around the same for me. The glider seems to be a great idea and hopefuly the gameplay is still super fun.
Good read, Liam!
@LiamCroft How does the quality mode look? It looks damn good in the modes presentation video, sadly no one on yt plays it in quality mode. Does it look exactly like presented?
@Tatarimokke Because there are two better options coming this month (and more for the whole year basically) so we pick the ones that everyone says they're better. Time and Money isn't infinite.
@Rural-Bandit Because for some us, we want better games, we want them to try harder, not give them excuses of "oh but it's on gamepass". Gamepass or not, it should have been better.
@Rural-Bandit You should change your name to I love controllers.
Sad to see it not higher on the rating scale but I’m still stoked.
@LiamCroft oh okay damn i mustve been zoned out thanks for the clarification!
@RevGaming Fair point. I'm more excited for those two as well but I give this one a go before they come out.
I just don't like the trend people judges too easily after reading some reviews. I've learnt the lesson with Days Gone: don't trust the reviewers blindly , try yourself and if you don't like it you can still sell it with minimal loss (if you buy physical of course). Time is a valid point for sure
I never go by critic reviews they are generally wrong most of the time. I have played plenty of incredible games that the fans love but critics didn't like much. I will play the game myself.
@itsfoz Don't listen to critics. Play it for yourself.
@Tatarimokke Yeah. Opinions can vary and you may be an outlier, but and outlier is an outlier I personally I wouldn't risk the money and time. I have given some 70s games a try and some have been pretty good but for the most part, they haven't surprised me.
@AFCC I gave the first one a 9. I think they did an outstanding job. Map mechanics were off a little which is why they didn't get a 10.
@Don_Corleone Bought Ultimate Edition 2 weeks ago, I’ll playing first thing Friday morning and can’t wait 😉
@RevGaming Is that Jin Sakai dancing? What's going on?
@Rural-Bandit I was actually expecting to answer the thing about gamepass but you ended up talking about controllers in a paragraph haha.
@Don_Corleone Secret ending.
@RevGaming 😂 Right. It's called PC mods.
@itsfoz 🤘🏾🤘🏾🤘🏾🔥🔥
WOW, ok so apparently quality mode and performance mode are capped at 1080p. The resolution is capped at 1800p....
jesus, that's unacceptable as a cross gen game and the same as the original. I actually only stopped playing the original because of the blurriness it had.
Yup that seals it for me.
Hard pass. Bummer
@Rural-Bandit Oh. I'm still buying xbox first party games. the only reason I get gamepass or spartacus is for the discounts and I buy even more games. So cod doesn't affect me. Explanation would be they bought Activision 😂
I'll stop buying sony games if they aren't good enough either 😂. $15, $70, $100 doesn't matter.
Neither of the games you listed have released or been made by xbox for gamepass. Only Forza and Halo Infinite and we know how many videos of how badly it was monetized turned out.
Yeah the MLB is a kick in the nuts for sony.
Well dude. People who buy the games can play whenever they want. Everything in life is a trade off.
I'm just worried 70s games become the 90s rated games in the future.
You're talking as if gamepass and disc versions are different.. that's not why I am worried. Look at cod. We will cause game's quality to drop. It will be our own fault.
@Rural-Bandit @RevGaming This isn't the place to be discussing this, guys.
Why are people acting like 7/10 is a bad score.
Thats a good score for dying light.the first dying light The following was really pretty sure for me dying light 2 will be just as good or better than the first dying light.word up son
For those saying you can’t use a gun in the game, that is incorrect
@Tecton217 I've read two reviews saying you can't, can you elaborate?
My thinking is 15 years on from the original I'd imagine bullets and firearms would be hard to come by.
@RevGaming good point about the “it’s on game pass” reasoning. Seeing as how Sony looks to be heading in that direction, and we know the evils of Microsoft, it does indeed seem we’re in a trade war where we keep getting worse and worse quality but openly accept it because the games are more accessible. We need all the talent in the indie companies to remain independent and not sell out as soon as they pass their mark for attention after showing what they can do, and then being hamstringed by big tech
@MatthewJP you can craft a shotgun
@Tecton217 nice, thanks for that
I have yet to play the original, so I didn't really have expectations. I passed over the original in 2015 for whatever reason, especially since Mirror's Edge was one of my favorite Xbox 360 games (at least 3rd party wise). I somehow never released how similar the gameplay was, but I do plan on finally trying it at some point this year since it's frequently on sale. I'm glad the sequel still has really good gameplay.
After watching Digital Foundry's video, the only disappointment is the Performance Mode is 1080p like Guardians of the Galaxy, but it is a buttery smooth 60 FPS, so I'll live.
@LiamCroft hi, I loved dead island and riptide, couldn't get enough. Game breaking glitches included. Dying Light never gelled. Tried and tried and I really didn't like it.
So my question is which end of the spectrum does this fall?
Can you still get to beat up zombies with a frying pan? If so, I’m in.
@KilloWertz I just bought the first one during a recent PSN sale, and I was really impressed. I was skeptical as to whether the game would hold up after 7 years (original release date of Jan 26, 2015), but it totally does. Pick it up cheap and have some fun with it.
Nice review. The first game got similar reviews in the 7's. Cant really expect Disco Elysium level storytelling in a zombie game but the world seems fun
@jgrangervikings1 I will. I probably will buy it before the day is over since the recent Games Under $20 sale is still technically going for another 12-ish hours even though they replaced with a new sale.
I doubt I'll play it anytime soon with Horizon Forbidden West coming, but it'll be there for later.
Sluggish menu on the PS5? Probably worse then on the PS4. Come on now if a game maker can't make a snappy quick and smooth menu and ui then maybe they should not be making video games.
It’s crazy that so many developers fail at writing realistic characters. Ubisoft are one of the worst (Watch Dogs, Far Cry, Assassins Creed - the recent ones at least). They build these amazing worlds but fail at writing a decent story or characters… we need higher standards in the writing department.
Im still looking forward to playing this anyway 😁
Am I the only one who thinks this decision-making gimmick is overrated beyond belief?
Story sucked in part 1, but that's not what made it fun to play. Honestly I have skipped every cutscene in Just Cause 3, 4. They are garbage.
I get these games for the world and gameplay, which they do well.
Is it disappointing? Sure as hell, but if the story sucks already, who cares about decisions lol?
Gives me an excuse to waste less time and skip cutscenes without feeling like I missed something.
They're selling games while hiring the worst and cheapest writers, so why wouldn't they? The worst part is that people defend these lackluster games.
The difference with this and AC though, is that it actually does make up in gameplay and world building. Enjoyed the first one. Will get this on sale
First off, thanks for the review!
1) How are the changes to the grappling hook? I read somewhere previously Techland changed it. It's supposedly less like Batman's, and more in line with how one would really work. Have we lost our ability to zip to the top of a building via grapple? (! 😔)
2) How is the stamina in the game? I read stamina works with the Paraglider. Hopefully we can hang on for a decent amount of time.
I was kind of hoping the Dying Light 1 grapple and the new paraglider would work somewhat like they do in the Just Cause series. 😁
Doubtful though.
3) My biggest concern with the game are little design annoyances. Are there a lot of them in the game, or anything in particular off the top of your head?
For example, I've read about a constant meter ticking before you turn into a zombie, with varying degrees of speed. I believe it was something like your chance at turning becomes slower during the day but faster at night. Something of that nature.
I honestly find mechanics like this highly annoying. If it's obtrusive enough, it would turn me off the game entirely.
@BritneyfR_ee couldn’t agree more. Such wasted talent when a beautiful world has no depth
Writing and characters can make such a huge difference. At least for me they do.
1. It does act like a traditional grappling hook now that you swing from instead of like a zipline.
2. There's a stamina gauge on screen whenever you're doing parkour moves, and it applies to the paraglider too. You can upgrade your stamina to a point where you can use the paraglider for a long time.
3. There weren't really any annoyances beyond what I've mentioned in the review. You're thinking of the Immunity meter, which ticks down whenever you're in a dark place. It too can be upgraded to last longer, but I think it was at around like three minutes at the start of the game.
Guess I'm in the minority but I liked the story of the first one especially the following dlc
Thanks for the responses!
Much like the first one I will hold off playing this and play other games before it. Horizon in two weeks, I can wait.
This place is getting popular, I’m sure I remember when articles rarely hit 100 comments.
Good review! I don’t think it’s for me
Pure Xbox gave it a 5, bit harsher than here.
@Salt_AU different strokes i guess, the reviews seem to be divided ,kinda reminds me of days gone.
@kyleforrester87 the team has and continues to do a fantastic job. Thanks Push Square team and congrats on the continued success.
Sadly I had a feeling this wouldn't review well, not surprised at all.
I'm going to support this one. For an indie game studio this has to be among the most ambitious ever. In a time we are all complaining about consolidation in the industry, Indie developers making big games need support. I expect it will have a few bugs, that what happens when small teams make big games. But DL1 just got better and better and I'm sure the same will be true here..
@TooBarFoo Techland is absolutely not an indie studio. 1,500 people worked on the game.
@LiamCroft HaHa, yep, its a big studio but they are Independent, and this is self published. Totally fits my definition of a Indie. 400+ studio as per their 8th April 21 tweet
@TooBarFoo Yeah, that’s not an indie studio 😂
Depends if GI is covering the game on their cover and such. Sounds fishy
Haha it gets 7/10 here and on this sites sister site Pure Xbox they give it 5/10, I have preordered it and Dan it wait and shall reserve MY judgment till I've played it, because reviewers 'opinions' and scores will vary.
I've just seen a YT review where the reviewer, who has sunk 2 weeks into the game, called this the most refreshing open world game they've played for a very long time, which has great characters and character development, excellent gameplay mechanics, an interesting open world, a dangerous nighttime gameplay cycle and a choice mechanic which greatly influences gameplay, so your choices really do matter here. Only complaint was the bugs, which will hopefully be ironed out soon. Depending on your bug tolerance, the reviewer said this is a must buy at any price, and will be a definite must buy once the technical problems are sorted. I trust this review above others due to the amount of time he invested in the game. Most outlets reviews sound like they didn't invest enough time to see everything that the game had to offer and/or played on easier difficulties as this particular review seemed to almost debunk most cons outlets threw at this game. Personally for me, this sounds exactly what I wanted from DL 2. Pre-ordered this a while back, and it appears I'm one of the people who's benefitting from an early retail release - getting my copy today!
To all the fans "Good Night and Good Luck"
@LiamCroft indie means independent. Size is irrelevant.
Though who owns is a lot more complex!
@Thelegend159 yeah it did have guns, there were like pistols and some other guns, but it was more mellee and arrows and stuff like that..
@OM1993 i agree, the attention span of most gamers is about 1-5 hours, after that they just chuck the game and put in another game to play. I hardly give credence to most reviewers, simply from the fact that playing a game full steam a few days before release, actually does the game a disservice. I dont think anyone can truly say that they experienced the game until they have put in AT LEAST 10 hours, this is my "clicking point", you become familiar with the game mechanics, the controls and skill tree, to the point it feels fluid. Most games that people reviewed and HATED, I loved them, either its my "turtle pace" play style, or because I ingest the game over time and slowly...
Call me a cynic, but I would rather have the games in my hand, play it and make my own decision, but I do appreciate reviewers, but they're not Gods Gaming Hands...
@OM1993 seems it's going to be the same story as it was with Days Gone few years back. Many reviewers judged too early after a few hours gameplay and clearly not after completion.
Well I'm in and hoping the best
@MakersMark @OM1993 I played Dying Light 2 for 50 hours, if you really think it's that much of an issue.
@LiamCroft This didn't apply to your review. The review I had in mind when making this comment was The Guardian. Basically outlets that gave this less than a 5 which felt like they tossed the game aside.
the parkour "get away at any time" mechanic is goofy to me. there's no real fear when you can just parkour away lol. plus it makes a lot of people motion sick im sure. i'll still give it a try, i hope the game does have craftable weapons/guns and games like this, including far cry, i dont care for the story. just the zombie action and playing co op with a buddy and laughing and goofing around. as long as the game brings in 30-40 hours of campaign time, maybe 50-60 if u go for collectibles, trophies, etc.. i'll be fine. i was hoping we'd get extra modes, like a co op horde survival mode in a small confined area or something. but thats asking too much today.. that has to be $30 DLC 6 months later, right? lol!
the 1080p @ 60fps is just dumb. sorry, but i dont believe next gen consoles cant handle 1440p or higher at 60 frames in this game WITH even lower level ray tracing on. at that point, im thinking the game is being rushed or just has a dated engine. perhaps its being held back by it being cross platform with older gen consoles? back 4 blood runs 4k, 60 frames, looks as good as this game if not better WITH 4 player co op and dozens of zombies running full speed. "but back 4 blood isnt open world!" ok, then, the upcoming RE remaster of GTA 5 on ps5.. its way more open world that dying light 2, and it'll run 60 frames and higher than 1080p. so there ya have it.
@Don_Corleone I replayed a bit of the first one in preparation and I think I would lower my score to 7 or 7.5. The gameplay is fun but action is very limited and the graphics are aging like milk lol blurry visuals and all brown colours make for a weird experience! The new one looks super clean but unfortunately it seems 60fps is 1080p 🤦♂️
@LiamCroft not an issue at all… just juxtaposing your “Average” gamer and their inability to stick with the game.. I hardly think even one play through will allow a true “ feel” for the experience…. That’s a good amount of hours you put in, and we appreciate your unfiltered review of the game…
There have been games reviewers didn’t like , but I ended up loving them. Reviewers like Angry Joe, I won’t even waste my time considering into the conversation, about his take on a game…
But we do appreciate your thoughts about the game, it gives us a better take on how we should go about our own personal journeys when we do play Dying Light 2 … 7/10 is decent. We shall see if those numbers change as new content and time is spent with it…
@ShogunRok Its a pity because its sounds like a solid game. But they had to hype it so much its only gonna dissapoint.
@Pixelated GTA 5 is a ancient game with a way higher budget. They remade the game 3 times now? If it does not look better then this game it will be a joke.
@Pixelated completely agree on the bizarre graphics modes. I get having to drop resolution for ray traced shadows, but to have to go down to 1080p just to get 60 frames makes zero sense and it is absolutely them not updating or optimizing the engine to utilize hardware correctly. Digital foundry mentioned something even about it, when discussing the PC versions and that the engine was using dated functioning to some degree that didn't allow it to use newer direct x which hampered full utilization of GPU cards (I know little about the exact details, but it was something along these lines).
The game should absolutely be able to handle 1440 at 60 on ps5 without ray tracing and the other cut backs with the performance mode especially considering the overall visuals in the game and it being cross gen.
I am hoping that their supposed years of support includes updates on current gen machine versions that optimize and improve on the performance mode along with all the bugs.
Hmmmm, not sure i like the sound having to be in the sun to keep you immunity up. @LiamCroft How bearable does that get the more you upgrade? Things like that always do my head in. Kinda reminds me having to keep popping pills for Malaria in Far Cry 2. This is still in my radar, but I was always gonna get it a later in the year. Hopefully most of the bugs would have been squashed by then.
@JohnnyShoulder It's definitely something you need to keep your eye on in the early game, but as you upgrade your health/stamina and find items that extend your immunity timer, it becomes a lot less of a problem.
@LiamCroft Ah cool, that does not sound as bad now. Cheers for the reply!
I thought the 500hrs was in relation to completing all the side missions, getting all the secrets and collectables etc? 35hr campaign seems ok to me
I bet all the people who are hating on this game are the same people who say “breath of the wild is the best game ever” it was decent not the best game by any means but try and discuss it with anyone and they jump on you for pointing out it’s many many flaws. As for dying light 2 I’m sure it is great I loved the first game and while it may not be perfect I’m pretty sure it will be good as well. I won’t be picking it up till 18th cuz since my GameStop is 45 minutes from my house I have to pick up my games once a month. I will be getting deluxe of dying light 2, deluxe horizon forbidden dawn, and king of fighters xv omega edition, oh and elden ring. As such yea I will play all of them but I don’t really care what critics say they are never right anyways although this site is pretty good and accurate. In a lot of ways I wish I could come and write for them.
I finished this today and have to say it’s one of the most broken, buggy games I’ve ever played. For the majority of the second half of the game there were no people in any cutscenes. It really took away the emotional impact of the ending scenes away, I have to say.
@KundaliniRising333 they dropped a patch today... added 2 options to disable blur in the game. it helps, but the 1080p NOW reveals the LOW RES textures lol! this game is NOT next gen, at all. fallout 76 looks better... no joke! by the way, they dont have to drop res for ray traced shadows. ask Rockstar.. they're about to re-release GTA 5, again, on PS5, running at 4k, 60 frames, ray tracing. no excuse for Dying Light 2 to be 1080p with low res textures.
@Flaming_Kaiser gta 5 has a better engine, too, apparently, than dying light 2. they're gonna re-release gta 5 again soon on ps5. 4k, 60 frames, ray tracing. no excuse for DL2 to be sitting on 1080p with ugly low res textures.
@Pixelated Well they have quite a excuse money. Im certain they have quite a bit less of it. And im sorry you are saying its easier to start from scratch with way, way, way less money. Why am i even reacting i said it all in my previous remark.
Im surprised to say I actually like the story and gameplay better than Horizon forbidden west. Im surprised the story gets such a bad wrap from reviewers.
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