If you've played any one of Far Cry 3, Far Cry 4, Far Cry 5, or Far Cry: New Dawn, then you already know exactly what to expect from Far Cry 6. Ubisoft is back with yet another course of comfort food in its exotic open world FPS franchise, and this review feels almost inconsequential in its effort to explain what's what for a fifth time; the formula really hasn't changed for almost 10 years. What we will say then is we think Far Cry 6 is the best game in the series yet. However, whether that actually means anything to you or not depends entirely on your tolerance for the franchise's blueprint.

You see, if Far Cry 6 is your first exposure to the Ubisoft formula in this sort of setting, then we think you're in for a genuinely excellent time. It's why we think this is the greatest entry yet: Far Cry 6 has the best open world map of the lot, the best weapon variety, and one of the best villains in Anton Castillo. Played by Giancarlo Esposito of Breaking Bad and The Mandalorian fame, he's a bad guy through and through.
Those looking for even more Far Cry can feel safe in a purchase too; this sixth mainline instalment is packed to the rafters with checklist-style activities to complete and a huge map to explore. The series' trademark style of chaotic action makes a comeback and so too do the charismatic characters and AI companions. Plain sailing for anyone in need of more of the same, then.
It's the fans burnt out on the current formula who can close this web page and start the search for another game to play for Far Cry 6 makes no attempt to subvert expectations. The game is exactly how you picture it, with the usual bases to take over and menial main tasks to tick off. If you had your fill with previous entries, Far Cry 6 should be avoided like the plague. Only boredom awaits if this loop has already grown stale. That creates quite the contrast to our claim Far Cry 6 is the best game in the series to date, but we believe the declarations can co-exist.

What the game gets right first and foremost is its open world. Set across the island of Yara (loosely based on Cuba), the lush and beautiful setting finally allows you to breathe. After Far Cry 5 tried its best to force you into confrontation at every other turn, it's refreshing to simply mark a location on the map and travel there without any conflict. It all feels so much more freeing, and combined with the new weapon holstering system, it makes the world your oyster — even if another mechanic introduces a ranking system to each region.
The title actually rewards putting your gun away by marking enemies on the map that can be bribed for information, while exploring a high-level area is much more manageable if patrolling goons assume you're a civilian rather than a guerilla fighter plotting to take their regime down. It may sound like a minor alteration of the gameplay loop, but it offers you another way of tackling objectives alongside the usual stealth and all guns blazing tactics.
Should you still choose the path of most resistance, though, solid gunplay assures intense and enjoyable shoot-outs that can change on the fly thanks to an enormous weapon roster. Ubisoft has really gone to town in this regard; unique guns can be found throughout the open world along with standard firearms, fleshing out loadout possibilities with special perks and distinct paint jobs. Then there are the Resolver weapons, which border on absurdity. A contraption that fires CDs at enemies? Check. A device acting as an EMP to immediately take down tanks? You got it. A sniper rifle capable of blowing up targets? Oh, go on then. Rounding out your active arsenal with one of these things is far too tempting of an offer, and you should absolutely take up the chance to do so.
They help to bring further fun to the deluge of activities littered across the map, of which many you're likely to be very familiar with. Take over bases to unlock fast travel points, win races in various unwieldy vehicles to score unlocks, and race the enemy to supply drops and cop some resources to upgrade your homesteads. This is once again the aspect that can either make or break the game for so many. There's a sort of mindless entertainment to the tasks, allowing you to sit back with a podcast and clear up any outstanding jobs in your journal. But then too much of that is exactly what turns so many potential buyers off. Only you know if you can stomach much more of it.
Then there's the story, which feels a little more involved than past entries. It's the typical tale of overthrowing a dictator by kick-starting a revolution on their doorstep, but the characters you soon come to call allies are at least memorable and engaging. Far Cry 6 takes time to give its most important faces a bit of an arc, instantly elevating them above the one-note personalities of titles past. Third-person cutscenes also allow you to get to know protagonist Dani Rojas much better, with his or her (you choose at the start of the game) reactions and speeches placed on display for both yourself and NPCs.

Giancarlo Esposito receives a decent amount of screen time as antagonist Anton Castillo, accompanied by his son Diego. The heir isn't quite as on board with ruling Yara with an iron fist, creating some interesting scenes and narrative threads the further you progress. It's not like the plot will win any awards, but the game's effort to embrace cutscenes, dialogue, and story more than previous instalments is most welcomed.
Perhaps the biggest overhaul compared to past Far Cry titles is the new gear system, which replaces skill trees entirely and instead attaches perks to the armour pieces you collect. It's not necessarily a bad change; it's just sort of there. The game wants you to be chopping and changing your loadout constantly to suit the situation, but doing so never really feels warranted. The perks are fairly minor and don't hold enough weight to convince you into pausing the game and deliberately equipping a certain gear piece just to help you out in a tight spot. You'll get by just fine selecting the armour pieces with the best stats and then forgetting about the feature altogether.

There's a knock-on, however, and it's the annoying ammo system. It's a rock paper scissors scenario where three different types of ammunition are strong and weak to specific enemy types, and it doesn't gel particularly well with how Far Cry is played. You're forced to scope out enemy bases and adjust your guns to suit the type of foes there, bringing the flow to a standstill as you search for a nearby workbench in order to make the necessary changes. And if you don't bother tweaking your weaponry and happen to come up against an enemy resistant to your slugs, then you've got a bullet sponge on your hands. Engaging with the system isn't enjoyable and ignoring it makes combat harder — nobody wins.
But those moments of frustration feel somewhat few and far between as the sheer amount of content serves up something new to do every time. Again, you may be burnt out on this sort of stuff, but Special Operations transport you and another online player to unique missions designed around new environments. The camps can be upgraded with resources found out in the field, new amigos try — but always fail — to convince you to use anything other than the adorable Chorizo, and different types of collectibles provide something else to seek. Rest assured there's so much to do beyond the main campaign.

You could even extend your playtime further by simply taking in the view every so often because Far Cry 6 can be a visually stunning title. Detailed character models and spectacular vistas make the game easily one of the best looking available on PlayStation 5 to date, coupled with a lush and vibrant open world filled with colour. Capturing a glimpse of the sunset beaming through foliage as you explore the more mountainous regions of Yara is a real treat.
A solid 60 frames-per-second ensures the game can keep up with both moments of blistering action and quieter periods roaming through the forest, but strangely enough, the cutscenes run at half the speed. It creates a rather bizarre disconnect as the game looks really quite poor when it's running at 30 frames-per-second during these scenes; why Ubisoft decided to take this route beats us. The publisher's trademark technical flaw also makes a return with a fair amount of screen tearing. It's by no means an immersion breaker, but we admit we noticed the problem much more than in past Ubisoft games.
Far Cry 6 is the best version of Ubisoft's open world formula to date, but whether that's still a selling point to you is up for debate. The few advancements and new mechanics won't be enough to convince those burnt out to return for one more exotic trip, but if you're down for another lengthy checklist to complete, then the series has never been better. It's another healthy serving of comfort food; one that sticks to what it knows best while slightly iterating positively.
Comments 77
Apologies this is late, we were screwed by very late review code.
It's also my birthday so I'm off today, but if you have questions, copy me in and I'll get back to you when I can.
Are there any aim assist options? Far Cry 5 was awesome but when it's ultimately a shooter - the very type of game that you SUCK at - it can make it harder to enjoy without a bit of assist.
Ahh, I see, it‘s the battle Chozo vs. Chorizo.
@LiamCroft Happy Birthday
Lmao what a world where a game is great at what it does but that’s reviewed as a negative 😂😂😂
Ha, Shooting CDs reminds me of the Aerosmith arcade game Revolution X. The grenade button shot CDs. Fun arcade game for its time with great music. Far Cry 6 on the other hand, it being the same as past ones, I'll wait for a sale.
@LiamCroft Happy Birthday!
Can you still silently pick off enemies at the outposts with your trusty bow and arrow?
And if you accidentally raise an alarm, do all the enemies in the area still immediately start firing on your position with pin-point accuracy? 🙄😂
Far Cry Enemy AI: ‘OMG!!! Someone just killed Dave with an arrow. It must have come from that bush. That exact bush right there on that hill, next to all those other bushes ...in the Jungle!’
Every time.
@fR_eeBritney there are bows in the game.
And the AI never knew exactly where I am unless they directly saw me and where I ran to + sound of my running or sound of my gun.
@LiamCroft Happy 21st Liam 🎂
"Some" screen tearing? I'd say it's pretty bad actually. Fingers crossed we get VRR support soon! I don't trust Ubisoft, aka the Kings of screen tearing, to fix this anytime soon unfortunately.
@fR_eeBritney it is good in FC6. Bow´s are there and you can put Silencers on every weapon too. Additionaly you can command your amigo (crocodile named guapo and so on...) to kill a marked enemy wih ease. The game is fockin great imo.
I’m loving it so far, about 15 hours in and having a blast. It’s everything I want from a Far Cry game. Huge and beautiful open world. Loads to do. Great weapon options. Tons of ways tackle each mission and great to play as a stealth style game.
I’ve only done one of the special missions so far, but the first map was great. Looking forward to seeing the others.
Should keep me busy for awhile. Amazing game.
I have had the screen tearing issue on the PS5 several times though. They need to address that.
@BowTiesAreCool Yes, just looked, it has aiming assists, lock-on aim, enemy outlines, reticle thickness, reticle sway and tons of other assist style options.
@LiamCroft Happy Birthday! Have a good one!
@Roqka I have just a tiny little tearing here and there on PS5. Did you mean PS4 version?
Enjoy the big day!
@kingbreww well it's Ubisoft's fault for releasing too many games with similar formula, naturally you would expect fatigue. I know FARCRY6 would be mad fun for someone who hasn't touched any Ubi game in years. At this rate their games are like yearly games which we can't tell if they need reviews or not.
@LiamCroft Happy birthday, enjoy it to the fullest
@TheArt zero fatigue here and I’ve played all the far cry games. This game does nothing other than make me look forward to the next one 👌
Nice review, I pretty much agree. Easily the best FC game if for no reason other than pacing. You get the bulk of your basic cool stuff within an hour or so of play, instead of hand-holding. I wasn't going to buy the game but a friend sold me on it. Great game, great review but I don't mind using the benches and arming myself accordingly to the base, though. Seems like a guerilla fighter would have to do that, I'd think.
I'm really enjoying it myself but the near instant enemy respawns on an early story mission is ruining the experience somewhat. Dani Rojas is a pretty cool character, though.
@ORO_ERICIUS No, PS5. It's most prevalent when doing things like driving or riding a horse.
@liamcroft - Do you feel, like me, a little disappointed by a lack of FOV slider for PS5? All feels quite claustrophobic at times!
Sounds like one for me to skip I've long since grown tired of Ubisoft's open world formula and the additions of the ammo types and gear system make it even less appealing for me. Its a shame as there is clearly some good ideas and we'll made parts of their games. Ubisoft just need to learn that sometimes less really is more and to stop letting their game mechanics bleed into all of their games
7 or 8 is pretty much how I feel. I hate the ammo type and the lack of skill tree. It makes me feel like my character isn't progressing enough, the skill tree was one of my favourites in other Far Cry games.
Anyway, you have a typo there, it's "Anton" (you wrote it right the first time) and not "Aston".
Got it for free on PC with AMD Ryzen CPU. Might give it a spin when I'm done with Metroid Dread.
But in all honesty, not too chuffed with FC6 being a rehash of the old formula.
They need to take a page from Breath of the Wild.
BOTW never overwhelms you with tedious fetch quest or stupid randomized encounters that take you out of what you’re doing.
I love Far Cry, but I’ll admit that 5 left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. I won’t buy this one until it’s 30 or less.
Put around 10 hours into it so far and i've been really enjoying, it fixes many of the problems i had with FC5 and the new map is great to explore.
Sounds good. Haven't played a Far Cry since 3 personally, so the overused template Shouldn't effect me too badly. That said, I'll probably wait until I join the PS5 club next year sometime.
@TheRedComet A bulk of BOTW's side quests is just fetch quests though, sure there's the odd gem like the town building side quest but for the most part side quests are just fetch quests or go here and kill that type quests.
@LiamCroft Happy birthday! The day is yours, have fun!
@ORO_ERICIUS I’ve played about an hour or so this morning and I’m loving it.
When you get the map of the island at the beginning and you think, ‘oh, that’s not as big as I was expecting...’ and then you open the map and that island on the map is actually a little island off the coast of the main island which is 90% larger 😳
The characters are great so far and it feels quite polished, which is nice.
Can’t wait to play more!
This sounds like a lootershooter mechanic with ths armor thats a massive downgrade i always loved the perks system.
You want to make it just make it like you cant have everything so you have to choose a style. That makes additional playthroughs also a option.
Great game but the screen tearing is horrible in places. Some worse than others especially driving a vehicle.
@carlos82 they changed it to the ammo system and nonsensical armor dependent skills to open the game up to further monetization. Just like their schemes with AC.
Ubisoft with all their manpower and resources devote most of their time into copy and pasteing old assets and bloating a game to increase chance of an individual falling prey to their microtransactions.
Rather than updating the formula, optimizing or overhauling a decade old engine, or fixing bugs. I've long since learned ubisoft games arent worth anything more than discounted bargain bin prices, with the added bonus that by then the game has a few haphazard patches under it's belt.
@eltomo @IonMagi @SoulChimera @Th3solution @Turismo4GT @Just2Milky Thanks for the birthday messages everyone!
@Number09 God I wish 😂 Add another six years and you’ll have my actual age as of today!
@LiamCroft Happy Birthday!
@itsfoz FOV issues have never really bothered me, but I agree in this case. You can hardly see anything when riding a horse.
I enjoy all the far cry games.and this one looks cool.word up son
@LiamCroft I knew you would like that one have a good one bud 🍻
@LiamCroft even though I thought you were a omnipotent being happy birthday
@itsfoz Yeah, I definitely wish it had a field of view slider. It’s all very cramped. You get used to it, but it would be nice to zoom out a bit.
I recently went back to the Far Cry 3 remaster and couldn’t play it. I felt like I could see what was going on. For some reason I don’t remember it being an issue in Far Cry 5. But it was one of the first things I thought when I started 6.
I have the same problem with Gears of War 5. I think I’ve attempted to play that about 20 times now, but I just can’t get used to it. I really need to just force my way through it.
@LiamCroft happy birthday from me too chief.
Horses in FC6... i don´t use them when I am not forced to.
@AFCC yeah, that ammo type business seems a but iffy, to me... didn't mind it so much with borderlands, where it kinda made sense in a whacky way... corrosive bullets to melt armour, electric ammo to disable shield generators, etc. But having to do all that in the middle of a gunfight with regular dudes just takes away the feeling of being a badass with a gun, somewhat, no? Not like I'm expecting 'realism', but it sounds like an unnecessary impediment to the fun of shooting people in the face, haha
@J2theEzzo the problem is that you can only change it through the pause menu, I think! This is fine if you want to change a sniper for a rocket launcher, since you don't need to change constantly, but having to change ammo enemy after enemy would be a pain! In my experience I use armor piercing bullets on ALL weapons, and never change it!
@AFCC yeah, I see your point. Would have been helped by having a button specifically to change between ammo types, as you do between single shot or burst fire in other games. (Looking at you, Clancy... )
Yeh not happening. armour piercing all the way, and even then it’s phut-phut-phut into waves of bullet sponges there’s a number of things I refuse to get drawn into in this game so I’ll just grab all the treasure, take the odd strategic checkpoint and cut to the chase I reckon..
@Flaming_Kaiser Its not a lootershooter, the armour is more like AC Valhalla where all the armours and weapons are set things you unlock and find rather then say AC Odyssey where its random and loot based and you're endlessly selling and breaking down stuff.
I’ve played Far Cry from #2 onwards, and so far I’m really enjoying this one. It’s exactly what I expected/wanted from a FC game - a huge open world map in which to have lots of fun. I agree about the ammo though - something of a misstep from Ubisoft there.
Firm skip on this. I've never finished a Far Cry game in my life and I'm getting old enough that the exploitative nature of the stories is becoming increasingly difficult to stomach.
I thought 2 was pretty interesting, but I still tired of it after 20+ hours. I gave 4 a shot and was overwhelmed after 10 hours.
Just to echo other peeps in saying that armour piercing ammo is all you really need. At least it's worked for me so far.
Just got Chirizo and I can't stop petting the adorable little blighter.
Happy birthday Liam.
Don't do anything you wouldn't do😃
I love that you called it comfort food in the review. That's 100% how I feel about the series. I don't think any of them are GOTY material but are just dumb fun. This is easily the most fun I have had with Far Cry since 3.
One thing that is annoying is when you’re trying to capture a road checkpoint by stealthily taking out the soldiers one by one... and a car full of allies shows up and ruins it... 😡
I don’t know if that was a one off or if it’s because I’m playing on ‘Story mode’ but that was super frustrating ngl.
@ApostateMage As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been playing for 15+ hours now and I actually had no idea what everyone was talking about. Hahaha.
Turns out, all I’ve been using is the armour piercing rounds too.
I will pass this Far Cry, but it is a little bit unfair to complain about the "formula" used by Ubisoft, as this is an issue that we can find in most modern open world games. I hope Horizon Forbidden West brings new ideas to the open world experience. It is a genre that have stagnated since its golden age with Skyrim and The Witcher 3. I believe this is what explain the success of the intricate world design used by FromSoftware in their games.
@LiamCroft Happy Birthday.
While I do enjoy the Far Cry series I can never justify paying full price for them. As it is I just bought 5 not long ago and still playing that. So it will be awhile till I get to this one but it sounds like it will be just as fun.
How this compares with metro exodus in PS5..i want a shooter to enjoy some next gen graphics..
Nice review. Thank you! A few extra thoughts.
Not everyone loses with the new ammo system, which engages the player (or me, at least) to be thoughtful about my loadouts. Plus, there is often a workbench nearby just in case you want to change ammo type on a particular gun because you are not forward thinking enough to have versatility among your equipped arsenal. I am not defending Ubisoft's decision to do this, but saying everyone loses is a bit strong.
You now automatically loot enemies and animals, which removes my own major gripe about the Far Cry series. The previous looting animations (not to mention cutting plants!) just added too much wasted time to the game for people like me who want to search the fresh remains of your recent chaos.
Otherwise, screen tearing...yeah, it's still there but is noticeably improved compared to previous games. 60 FPS (most of the time) is AMAZING! The HUD inventory system is more streamlined that FC5. The ability to mix and match different armor is fun but (tip of the hat to the review) is far too fussy. The lack of FOV induces a little nausea for me when in corridors.
@WallyWest Ok thanks for the information still icwouls rather have the old system.
@LiamCroft Happy Birthday, have a good one!
Never played a Far Cry game before so maybe this will be my first, will wait for a price drop though as I've enough games as it is and a Switch Oled on the way.
1911 with armour piercing rounds to the head = instant kills everytime!
@LiamCroft At least have a good BD 👍
That ammo system sounds irritating. Thanks for taking the time to explain that, Liam - I think I got the feel for what that would actually be like to deal with.
Happy Birthday to you @LiamCroft, hope you had a great day!
As for your review, very honest and spot on. I'll be waiting for a $20-$30 Complete Edition sale in a few years like I do with all Ubisoft titles.
Happy Belated Birthday!
The ammo system and gear system sound like unnecessary annoyances, but I'll find out soon enough.
I'll be waiting for the inevitable 50% off sale around the holidays that Ubisoft usually has. I've learned to just wait a couple months on new Ubisoft releases. They almost always go on deep discount, very quick.
The ammo situation isn't so bad. I just have 1 of each ammo type in my guns.
You can swap guns in and out from the arsenal menu, just need a workbench to attach/swap out the ammo.
So one gun with armour piercing, 1 with blast, 1 with poison and a bow.
Off I go.
The cut scenes are very immersion breaking though.
And I only noticed the screen tearing very very slightly. Not a game breaker by any means though.
I’ve reached the conclusion that the AI in FC6 is typical of every other Far Cry game unfortunately.
I’m currently doing a mission where you need to take out all the soldiers onboard two ships. I’m trying to do it silently but the moment someone sees you, all the alarms go off and everyone onboard knows exactly where you are and starts shooting. Then a helicopter appears within seconds. What’s even more frustrating is when you reload autosave (there doesn’t seem to be a reload checkpoint) it puts you right at the start of the first ship. So even if you clear the first ship and most of the second ship, you have to redo the whole thing if you’re spotted. Unless you just want to go in guns blazing.
I am enjoying the game a lot though so far, other than this.
@LiamCroft Happy belated birthday, geez! Had a busy day yesterday, so didn't visit. Another year wiser?
This sounds good, but I have only recently played through 5 for the first time. Will leave it a little while before getting this one.
Does anyone know what the yara edition is as that's what mine is, bought it for £45.85 from base website, I'm guessing this is just the standard edition of the game?
The ammo thing isn’t an issue. Just use armour piercing bullets and headshots. I haven’t had a single issue with this setup and never change bullet type.
Some things to consider:
Very enjoyable game though.
@fR_eeBritney this is true, the AI hasn’t been improved. But at the same time you need to
Taking bases at night helps too.
@Loftimus exactly. I don’t understand the complaint with ammo types. Headshots and AP bullets work 100% of the time. Using a suppressor is even better.
I see every complaining about the ammo, but you can just use armour piercing for everything and it's OP. I just always had a rifle and a sniper with that ammo, and one lmg with explosive rounds for vehicles.
The problem with the game for me was that after the first family and a little in to the second it just got boring I was already way OP for everything by then and there was nothing left to unlock in terms of weapons, so why should I keep playing?
They needed to make us work more for weapons and lock them away behind quests and stuff. If you wanted you could get some of the most powerful in the game after only 2 hours of play.
With nothing left to play for other than to progress the story I just lost interest and gave up.
It was fun while it lasted tho, I got about 20-25 hours out of it. I would give it 8/10, especially with the state of games at the moment coming out broken ass, at least this looks great, and does what it says on the box.
There's a lot to complain about but overall it's decent looking and plays smooth on PS5. It's basically Far Cry 5... in a jungle. The pets are funny. You can cause a lot of chaos with the pets lol. Enemy A.I. is just.. generic.. dumb. Not fun. It feels like a "time waster chore game" to me. Imagine building a small house in Minecraft and then just spending hours choppin wood, gathering food, harvesting a wheat field, storing it all in chests... busy-work, basically. That's all Far Cry is - mindless busy-work with a fair amount of fun moments but overall.. forgettable very quickly. This is a game you wanna get on sale $40 or less in my opinion. Once you unlock the dog named Boom Boom, you can sit outside a base, on a hill, and sic your dog on enemies and he'll take'em down. I've cleared bases from afar with the dog while telling him which enemies to attack using my binoculars (your phone in-game), not one alarm raised!
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