Final Fantasy 16 is the furthest the mainline series has ever strayed from its traditional RPG roots. It's more of an action game with RPG elements bolted on than it is an RPG with action combat, but at the same time, it boasts all of the ingredients that we associate with the greatest Final Fantasy titles. Its character-driven story is grand and intoxicating, its fantastical world building is brilliant, and it's fit to burst with glorious battles. Again, it's a bold new direction for the beloved franchise, but it's also the best mainline, single-player Final Fantasy game since 12 — and it's not even close.

Granted, the incredibly divisive 13 and 15 didn't exactly set a high bar, but with 16, it feels like Final Fantasy is focused again. This was a project with a clear vision, and that shines through in the impressive cinematic quality of the storytelling, and the largely excellent combat system. When the credits rolled, we felt like we'd been on a memorable, emotional journey and we were sad to see it end. That's what finishing a Final Fantasy game should feel like.
For this particular journey, you're plopped in the consistently tragic shoes of Clive Rosfield — a noble-born swordsman charged with the protection of his throne-bound younger brother. In this world, a select few — including Clive's little bro Joshua — are essentially born with the power of demigods inside of them. Some nations use these 'Eikons' to wage war, while others worship them. These all-powerful entities are at the heart of the game's story, and every time an Eikon takes to the stage — whether it's during an eye-popping cutscene or a mind-melting boss fight — it's hard not to be blown away.
Final Fantasy 16's narrative is a fairly intricate mix of grounded political intrigue — all very reminiscent of Final Fantasy 12 — and crazy Eikon-based chaos, with magic and crystals and superhuman feats that wouldn't feel out of place in Dragon Ball Z. Somehow, the game's plot manages to meld all of this together without creating tonal whiplash, and that's perhaps down to its mostly immaculate script. Indeed, the localisation team deserves so much praise here, because they've taken a Japanese script and transformed it into something that feels completely natural, topping it off with some superb voice acting.

When the sh*t hits the fan — and it does, a lot — Final Fantasy 16 tells a truly gripping tale. It's up there with the most emotionally impactful plots in modern gaming, and it's further bolstered by cinematic action sequences that would make God of War 3 blush. We haven't seen spectacle quite like this in a long time, and as the story develops, it only gets more and more obsessed with one-upping itself on the "is this actually happening?" scale.
Now, given its penchant for lengthy cutscenes, you might be sitting there worried that Final Fantasy 16 is more movie than game. It's a fair concern if you've dabbled in the demo — which features the title's cutscene-heavy prologue — but thankfully, combat and exploration are just as prevalent as the big story moments. While there's no doubt that this is a cinematic experience first and foremost — it's exactly what Square Enix wants you to see in trailers and carefully curated presentations — you'll still spend most of your playthrough battering beasts and wandering across large environments.

Structurally, the game jumps between very linear, story-slinging 'dungeons', and whole chapters where you're free to roam open areas, ticking off side quests and getting to know secondary characters. Final Fantasy 16's plot pacing can be so intense that it's nice to have some downtime every now and then, so we did eventually find ourselves welcoming the opportunity to just go off and do our own thing for a bit.
However, we say 'eventually' because some of the side quests — particularly early on — are mind-numbingly dull. The drop off in overall quality between the main story and these optional tasks can be jarring, as engaging camera angles and full motion capture are replaced by static character models and flapping mouths, spewing the kind of completely forgettable quests you'd find in an MMO (which does make some sense, seeing as this game is spearheaded by Final Fantasy 14 developers).
The problem is that we're long past having to chew through such dreary side quests in modern RPGs. In an era where titles like The Witcher 3 and Horizon Forbidden West have redefined what we've come to expect from branching activities, Final Fantasy 16 may as well be a PS2 release in terms of questing. Some quests do help flesh out the world, providing insight into the finer points of the lore, but when the accompanying gameplay literally boils down to finding objective-marked NPCs and listening to their inane prattle, one after another, you can't help but feel as though your time is being wasted.
Fortunately, when the next story beat kicks in and you're back on the rollercoaster, you can forgive the title's (admittedly optional) missteps. The aforementioned 'dungeons' represent the core game at its peak, as Clive rages through a series of stunning locations, peppered with near perfectly placed encounters and jaw-dropping boss battles.
Alongside the story, it's really the combat system that holds everything together. Accessible and flashy, but also stocked with an intriguing degree of depth, Final Fantasy 16 plays a little bit like a streamlined Devil May Cry. The inputs are comparatively simple, but the, er, devil's in the details, as you gradually start to explore more advanced techniques like parries and attack cancelling. On a fundamental level, it feels fantastic to play, with responsive controls, slick animations, and satisfying sound design.
More important fights — against foes that can't just be launched into the air and combo'd into oblivion — revolve around dodging incoming attacks and retaliating at the right time. Aside from just a handful of specific battles that are almost too graphically busy for their own good, the visual cues — the ways in which enemies wind up their attacks and unleash special moves — are extremely well designed. This leads to a difficulty curve that often feels incredibly rewarding, where over the course of a protracted battle, you'll get to grips with exactly what your opponent is capable of, and learn to take full advantage.

In combination with Clive's standard sword swings and magic projectiles, you're steadily given access to a range of elemental, Eikon-driven abilities that operate on individual cooldowns. After unlocking said abilities with points that you gain from battle, they can be assigned to your combat bar, and you begin to build your own style of play. Some abilities are ground-shakingly powerful but they're balanced with long cooldowns, while others are much more versatile, adding unique quirks to the way you approach different enemy types. Again, the system itself is easy to understand, but discovering ways to link everything together is where the mechanics start to sing.
Back to the topic of difficulty, Final Fantasy 16 gives you just one difficulty level that can be made easier by equipping special accessories, which are granted at the beginning of any new game. It's an odd way of doing things, but we suppose it works in that there's no need to rebalance the entire combat system to suit arbitrary settings. However, players who are more experienced with action games are probably going to crave a greater challenge, and that's where the touted 'Final Fantasy' hard mode enters the equation.
Final Fantasy mode makes your foes stronger, remixes various encounters, and even unlocks the level cap while adding new items and equipment. The catch? It's only playable after beating the game, through New Game +. Now, we get it: Final Fantasy mode is designed to add replay value to the package — a reason to join Clive on his journey all over again, and daring you to push the combat system to its limits. But it is a bit of a kicker that the concept of a harder difficulty is locked behind a full playthrough — a playthrough that can already last upwards of 70 hours if you want to complete everything.

It's quite a minor complaint, though. Despite its unwavering focus on story and combat — there are no minigames here at all, eschewing series tradition — Final Fantasy 16 feels robust and complete as an action game package. Between hunts that see Clive track down and slay especially dangerous monsters, to the ability to replay your favourite dungeons — complete with boss fights — through a dedicated arcade mode, the title fully embraces its lovingly crafted combat system.
The PS5 is embraced in a similar fashion, through the magic of ridiculously fast load times (seriously, it takes less than ten seconds to get from your console's home screen to gameplay) and haptic feedback, which is really well implemented throughout.
Is it a technical showpiece for Sony's system, though? While its cutscenes certainly rival and at times surpass the standards set by PlayStation Studios, it's not quite on the level of a first-party blockbuster overall. Generally speaking, the visuals are hugely impressive — backed by amazing art direction and environmental design — but as we wrote earlier, things can look rough outside of the main story, with distractingly wooden animations being the biggest issue.

And then there's the frame rate, which does like to dip on a pretty regular basis when using performance mode. The dips aren't distracting enough to the point where we'd recommend the graphics option — which caps at 30 frames-per-second in exchange for slightly better visual quality — but it's a real shame that such an otherwise refined action game can't maintain a smooth 60fps. It's also worth noting that, at least at launch, there's no option to disable the title's heavy-handed motion blur effect — although we daresay you get used to it.
Of course, this wouldn't be a Final Fantasy review without mentioning the music. Simply put, the score is outstanding; an absolute odyssey of orchestral magic that enriches every cutscene, every location, every battle. In a word, immense.
At its best, Final Fantasy 16 is a jaw-dropping epic of rarely seen proportions. It's pretty much the pinnacle of cinematic spectacle in modern games, and its often gripping, emotional story is only matched by its fantastic combat system. While its overall quality does dip outside of the main plot, this is still a must-play action RPG, and the best single-player Final Fantasy in over a decade.
Comments 179
Thanks for reading the review! If you've got any questions about the game or the review itself, tag me @ShogunRok or fellow editor @Quintumply and we'll try to answer them as soon as we can.
Just to be transparent about how much of Final Fantasy 16 I played before publishing this review, my timer was at 115 hours. I completed the base game and got a decent way into New Game + Final Fantasy Mode.
This review does take the day one patch into account. Based on my testing, the update did improve performance, but only slightly. The frame rate drops mentioned in the review are unfortunately still there for the most part.
Went straight to the conclusion. Alright, I'll pre-order tonight. Thanks, Push Square
Fantastic! I was hesitant waiting for the trophies but pre-ordered right now.
115hrs seems a long time to be not through the second playthrough as I was reading it would be half that. But hey if it's as good as you say it is then I can see why.
Waited to post this for weeks and we can finally talk about it when the Nintendo Direct goes live. Couldn't make it up!
thank you for this fantastic review,about to buy the game.
but are you guys sure about the hour of this review? i thought the embargo lifted at 5pm BST.
Currently a 90 on OpenCritic, much higher than I predicted! Eurogamer seems to be an outlier with a lukewarm response. Despite them frequently going against the grain I do still take their opinion on board, just to temper my expectations somewhat
You love to see it. Lot of debbie downers on this game but I always had faith and I'm very excited for it. Kupo!
Nice, this will be the game I'm playing this month. Can't stop thinking about the game after I finished the demo, man that demo make the game an insta-buy for me
@jdv95 3pm was definitely the embargo we were told! Anything else you've heard was false.
I've gone from 'Because of backlog and all the stuff on Extra, I'll probably pick this up in a sale or wait for it to reach PS+' to 'OK, I pre-ordered.'
Side quests sound like a missed opportunity and shame about the hiccups in performance, but otherwise I am hyped after reading your review. Thanks!
My CE is confirmed to arrive tomorrow
Looking forward to spending about 30 minutes with it while I'm still busy with some projects
Excellent review! Not sure if I’ll be able to hold off for the PC version tbh, think I’ll grab it on PS5 after all. Kinda bummed about the frame rate issues though, Square acknowledged them in the demo version so I was hoping they had a fix in place for the full version. Guess not.
@ShogunRok sorry… didn’t read the review, only the conclusion… I’m “afraid” of spoilers, and I trust your reviews. Yours and Sammy usually they are on par with my opinions…
It looks good, I am looking forward to getting it later on this year. There have been a small handful of very vocal haters on here, they are pretty dug in and I expect the decent scores won't cause them to reconsider! However you slice it though, it's good to see FF on the up after 13 and 15.
@ShogunRok just curious about the side quests. Would you say they are all throwaway fetch quest type things, or are some a bit more in depth? Honestly wondering if I should just ignore them as I hate mindless fetch quests and the like. Bit shocked that they haven't improved this aspect of the game after FFXV honestly.
@whizzkidd Don't worry, no spoilers here but I understand the caution. Thanks for comment all the same!
My copy has been sent out today so fingers crossed its at home when I get back from work tomorrow. Payday next week so il be getting Diablo 4 and Master Detective Archives, still haven't finished with Zelda TOTK either, what a time to be a gamer.
@MB3108 Some of them are just incredibly basic and boring, like having to talk to three NPCs dotted around a town and then go back to the quest giver, and that's it. Others have you go to a marker and kill a monster and then watch a dialogue scene. They're just not very engaging at all.
That said, the side quests do get better later in the game, because they start involving secondary characters and some even have unique boss fights.
Overall, I would be tempted to tell people to skip most of the side quests — even the rewards are hardly ever worth it — BUT some powerful equipment / items are locked behind the renown system, which becomes available later in the game. And one of the main ways to get renown is to complete side quests.
N.i.c.e. final fantasy 16 is definitely a game of the year contender.everything about final fantasy 16 looks and sounds amazing.the graphics do look excellent.and the story everything is looking good.and its a rated m for mature for final fantasy 16.word up son
I expected nothing less, can’t wait for tomorrow!
First off, that's a promising score 😁
What I'd like to know though @ShogunRok is the percentage of side quests to main quests or rough quest totals? And also, how many of the side quests are stinkers, are some still rewarding and full of bonus story content? As I was a bit disappointed reading that part of the summary.
Going to read through more in depth in a bit, but always like to see if the score is good and the summary first to make sure it's one worth reading in full 😄
I loved FFXV, to be honest. And this seems to be more FFXV with KH battle mechanics in the mix and a more focused story.
I wonder how amazing the next Kingdom Hearts game will be after reading about the battle mechanics of this game.
So the big question is - is it worth the launch price?
@Quintumply just saw everyone posting their reviews so i was indeed reading wrong info.
sorry to question you guys! my bad.
Best June in gaming history.
As someone who’s never really been into FF games, Stephen’s “second opinion” is really what struck a chord with me. Like Stephen, I had played FF7 remake but also never finished it. I’m not saying I’m now buying FF16 at launch, but it’s definitely on my radar. Will watch some review videos before deciding.
@jdv95 Haha, no trouble!
9 is kinda low, haters will murder this now.
Not a 10/10 and framerate not constant 60fps. Preorder canceled
So.... you have to play through a 70 hour game in easy mode before you can (maybe) get a challenge? I was seriously considering this game, but I usually lose interest with Final Fantasy games because there is no challenge.
I know the FF core base might be a little turned off by the switch but this new direction is exactly why I pre-purchased a copy.
The reviewer mentions over the top cinematics and epic battles that would make GoW3 blush, or comparing the combat to Devil May Cry and I agree based on the demo. I loved it.
It just reminded me of a game I would have loved back in the PS2/PS3 era....but with sexy PS5 graphics 🔥
That's a win for me personally lol
@JB_Whiting I usually account for Eurogamer too, but not when it's Edwin writing the review. I can go ahead and disregard that as over-written drivel and proceed with my pre-order.
@Nightcrawler71 It will depend on your tastes of course, but for me, the fact it's a straight up action game with super-fun combat is a huge part of the appeal. On top of that, I really fell for the characters and the story here, which I felt was a weakness in 7 Remake.
I guessed 85 on metacritic and its currently 88, so I was not a million miles away, just a little lower.
I will be buying this as my next game, when I have finished Zelda and Ragnarok, but that could take a while!
Shame the performance was not fixed from the demo, as it was my friends biggest issue. He said performance mode on the demo was awful, but he was probably exaggerating a little, he likes to do that
Very nice read!
P.s. I love how the very hard on the eyes (sorry, been playing it non stop but it is true)TOTK gets a pass on the technical side and we nitpick on this spectacle!
@Feena Push Square are very harsh, pretty sure they wouldn't have rated Zelda more than a 9.
The high praise for this game is making it quite compelling. I have six more weeks in a hellacious statistics class and then I'll pick this up as a reward to myself, assuming I survive.
Damn, that's my type of game. I will get it before the end of the year. Clear my actual gaming list to fit it and save some money too hehe Love Final Fantasy since ths PS1, and never stopped.
@ShogunRok As a Final Fantasy fan that loved the older FF titles, would I be put off by the seemingly huge change from RPG to action game?
I wasn't that much of a fan of FFXV's combat system although I did enjoy FF13's combat.
@Feena Don't worry, there's no way I'd have given TOTK a 10!
@ShogunRok Hahahaha <3 honest 9.2 game 😗
Great review, cant wait. My copy is in the post . Counting down the minutes till i can play!
its crazy how not only ff16 but 6/7 months from now we get ff7 rebirth.
@Ravix There are a lot of side quests, and a good number of them are pretty crap, but unsurprisingly, none of them are as involved or as lengthy as the main story quests, so they don't dominate the experience.
There is an element of the main story being so good that the side quests seem even worse in its shadow, if that makes sense.
However, some of the side quests, particularly near the end of the game, are of a higher quality. They have more involved storylines and even some unique battles.
@Netret0120 It really depends on whether you like action games — that's the bottom line. I love Final Fantasy as a series but I also love good action games, so this was always going to be a win for me.
If you're okay with this being an action game and you like action games, then I think you'll have a blast, because it's a very good action game while also being a great FF game in terms of story, characters, world building, etc.
@Michael2008ish seeing how long these games are it will prob take me 5 years to completely beat them lol
Will definitely play this once I get the time, so many great games to play already, this year is just delivering!
Next up, Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest. Using FF 16's Graphics engine. Mhhhhhmm check please!
A 9? Huh, thought it’d be a 10. But, hey, 9 is still really good.
@ShogunRok I am definitely big into the story,world,character building part of final fantasy and I am decent at action games so I reckon I will buy this Day 1 and start playing over the weekend after work.
Thanks for the reply
@ShogunRok i know it's always been a part of FF but is there an option to turn off the damage numbers in the menu?
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35 to 40hrs for the main story double that if you do everything, so thats a 100hrs of ff goodness for me,20 hrs extra looking at textures,water and the sky 😁 and I'm only in half day tommorrow, get in.
Nice review @ShogunRok no spoilers and I read it all. Congrats on getting to review a good game.👍
@get2sammyb “when the Nintendo Direct goes live.”
Yeah I only came here after it was over. 😁
Awesome! Sounds like this is pretty much what I wanted from the game.
I didn't see it mentioned anywhere, but I assume this copy was reviewed before the pending Day 1 patch we're getting, right?
@atthegates There isn't, but they're not quite as obnoxious as they appear in screenshots. I didn't mind them while playing the game, but an option would still be nice. Might be patched in!
Happy with the scores coming out. Really excited to pickup my copy soon.
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@Jedihillis "This review does take the day one patch into account. Based on my testing, the update did improve performance, but only slightly."
@ShogunRok How meaningful, or not is the simplified gear system. Is exploration as non-existent as it has been portrayed in previews and the demo?
Incredible review; counting down the hours until midnight! You love to see it; Final Fantasy reigns once again!
@ShogunRok Cheers. Yeah will hopefully be patched in 👍
@Michael2008ish They're barely worth mentioning, to be honest. They just act as phase transitions in the larger battles, and there's about 20 of them in the whole game.
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@KundaliniRising333 It's very basic. You've got a sword, a belt, and vambraces, plus three slots for accessories. You buy or craft better stuff after just about every story chapter and that's pretty much it. Some powerful gear gets made available later in the game that you have to gather materials for, but that's as in-depth as it gets.
There's no loot system or anything like that. Equipment stats do make a noticeable difference, though, so it's still worth engaging in the gear system itself.
The real hook of character progression comes from the Eikon abilities, as you get access to loads of them throughout the game but you can only equip and maximum of six, so there's fun in experimentation there.
Great review, except FF12 sucked.
Seems like a lot of negatives in there for a 9
Cheers @ShogunRok
I've finished the full review now, and it's a good one 😄 this could well be my first foray into Final Fantasy 😁
I've also read elsewhere that some of the later side quests are more rewarding emotionally, and tie in to the events more as well, so hopefully people aren't put off by the earlier ones. And also, bounty hunting adds another side activity for harder boss fights, which does seem to appeal for when you just want a bit of a challenge and spectacle, rather than pushing on with the story.
Part of the demo I really appreciated so far was the Lore menu too. Did you find you used it much? I know I will, as there is less pressure to try and learn and remember everything at once, which means it's easier to relax and absorb the story and action as it unfolds. They need some serious props for this option, as it's really easy to use, and not the usual bloated character sheet and compendium that you have to dig through, it's simple, condensed and scene relevant info.
@Ravix I kept forgetting the lore menu was there, but it is a really cool feature. It's not that the game's story misses important details, but having that option makes learning about the broader lore really easy.
Like you say, I think the best part of it is how concise it is. Super useful... If you remember it's there!
Already ordered before the reviews hit lol.
Enjoy the game!
I'm a bit hesitant to buy this since I'm used to the traditional playable party members system and was a bit afraid this would end up like FFXV, but after watching previews and reading the reviews for it, I immediately pre-ordered it. Thanks for the review ! Can't wait to play it~
Nooooooo should have been a 10 out of 10!!!
My Deluxe copy cannot come sooner god dammit!
What a year for gaming!! Shaping up to be one of the best years for games ever! I need to quit my job, disown my family/friends and just play games, even then I don't think I could keep up! Can't wait to get this and give it a go, sounds like I would love it. Cheers for the review Robert!
Much better review than the Guardian which spent a while moaning about how it doesn't have "people of colour", and how people have European features, and how the slaves aren't black (weird complaint). She even complained about them using stereotypical "Oriental" music. Not sure if she thinks the game is American or something. 🤔
I still have concerns about the world feeling fake due to mainly being corridors that are only connected by teleporting around. It's not about it being open world in the genre sense, but just a believable world that feels like an actual place rather than a corridor with plot points every so often. That said, I still can't wait to play it at midnight. I can't do anything else because all I want to do is play it - everything else seems boring.
I've never been this excited about a FF game since FF10. When I played Zelda TotK, I was so sure that it is the GotY. But after I only played the 2-hour demo of FF16, I'm really not so sure anymore and went straight in PSN to get myself a digital copy.
Damn, this year's GotY will be so interesting.
@danzoEX Review scores at this level of games don't really make anymore difference. Whether it's a 9/10, 9.3/10, 10/10 or 11/10 means the same thing - it's a DAMN great game and everyone should experience it.
Wow! A magic has happened and PushSquare gave 9/10 instead of constant 8/10 or lower...
Looks like this is "must have" physical version.
Yes my preorder is justified! I was completely sold on the demo, but great to get the backing of a strong metacritic behind my £70 bet. Cannot wait to get into the full game!
@puddinggirl Nah there is a big difference between 9 and 10. I think that I will wait till the PC port
Nice to see FF back at the top as an AAA franchise. Can't wait to see how the story concludes.
Nice!... I got my shipped notification.
I have off Friday also - weekend gaming session will be EPIC!
@Michael2008ish I did but my brain must have skipped over it. Thanks for the clarification.
@Matroska yeah white people have never been enslaved throughout history 🙄 what a stupid comment by this reviewer ,it is the guardian though ,so its expected
Not unexpected at all. It sounds like they’ve gone back to the 16bit era of warring nations, dungeons and battles. VI is still considered the best in the series and it has no mini games, logical side quests and a compelling plot.
Some will see this as the series moving forward; I see it as throwing off the goofy shackles of the PS1 era once and for all.
Most welcome.
@Matroska It’s a completely original work of fiction. I like the newspaper but the Guardian would complain if all the characters had blue skin.
Great review, it is still a 10 for me though. Anyway, thank you for this part below that is exactly how I feel about not only FF games, but also for any great game. Best sentences I saw in a review for a long time. "When the credits rolled, we felt like we'd been on a memorable, emotional journey and we were sad to see it end. That's what finishing a Final Fantasy game should feel like."
Eurogamer being Eurogamer.....
They do have some really Talented wordsmiths, but their actual reviews on games can be a little obtuse at times. It should be interesting to see their reviews down the road with actual numbers attached
I don't believe it should've been docked points for side quests I just have a gut feeling will play out like any other game's side quests outside of the gold standard that is Witcher 3 (who also has plenty of basic quests mind you), but if that's about all the issues you feel it has then we still have a game of the generation in the making and I am dying to play this masterpiece already
I do admit I hoped it's overall score would be higher but seeing polygon, guardians, digital trend, Eurogamer, etc reviews and the baffling stuff they're complaining about just made me laugh. In hindsight this should've been expected the moment race was brought up to yoshi p when it had no business being. Ah well please be tomorrow already
Great review, and seems to be universally liked (apart from by Eurogamer of course, but that’s no surprise given recent articles, hopefully the exodus continues).
I’ll almost certainly get it, but I’m not massively enthusiastic about the aesthetic and tone. It really seems very dreary, very “Western”. I wish there was a little more “J” in this JRPG.
@CallMeDuraSouka EG is doing all it can to be outliers to generate clicks (did same with Zelda). It’s massively dropping in quality recently.
@Mauzuri RPGs naturally have difficulty settings in the sense you can intentionally under-level, not keep your equipment up to date (or just not wear armour), don't upgrade skills, etc. The easy mode of the game is down to equipping certain special accessories, normal mode is simply not equipping those, and an effective hard mode is only using the starter equipment or something along those lines.
@Relygon You mean the patch that is coming on launch day to address these issues and the reviewer saying this review was done weeks ago.
@Feena TotK is on much less powerful hardware and 30fps is the norm on Switch. Gloss over it if you like but the performance on this game is disappointing.
By having such a terrible performance mode I'm essentially forced to play it at 30fps. And I'm ok with 30fps but the motion blur is another bad decision for this title. Looking forward to when they let you turn it off.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner It could be that, but it also seems to love employing people that don't seem to be particularly into gaming and just want to vent about whatever the current chip on their shoulder is.
@pharos_haven spoiler alert, the performance issues are still there. All that talk about the demo being based on an older version was not true. The 300mb day one patch did almost nothing for performance.
@CthulhuFhtagn There are a lot of recurring monsters and enemy types from old Final Fantasy games. The game's really good with those cameos!
Why does no one compare the combat in this to Ys 8? It's closer to that than DMC imo.
@Synthatron_Prime of course the switch has (a lot) less horsepower but comparatively FF16, even judging from the demo, makes much better use of the hardware than TOTK does: it looks unremarkable AND it has a low frame-rate. I am very impressed by how unpolished it looks for a Nintendo title, especially considering it built on a game with the same graphic engine.
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@Feena TotK has some very nice looking (for Switch) environments and fog/lighting effects. Not on par with PS5 or XSX of course.
I guess my biggest issue was how they were hyping up how this game was only possible on the PS5 , next gen experience, no day 1 patch, etc. But it turns out to have major performance issues and doesn't push the bar graphically. Nintendo never promised anything like that with TotK.
All that said I enjoyed the demo and am looking forward to playing tomorrow. The game just needs more polish performance wise and I wish the harder difficulty was unlocked from the start because it's way too easy.
@Feena Yeah, the "it's on bad hardware" defense would make sense if every game on the Switch was a lurching, flickery mess that often drops to sub-HD resolution. It also seems to be describe a very bad state of affairs that I'm not sure a Nintendo fan would mean to imply; that a company can intentionally release weak hardware and then overcharge for it, which leads to their games running and looking awful, still charge prices for them similar to more expensively made games, and then all get forgiven for the game being 27fps at 480p while the shadows flicker like a PS2 game.
The reason for the crappiness is down to them; it's like if I used my foot to steer my car and when I crash into a wall, all my fans say "you can't criticise him for crashing, he was using his foot to steer and it's very difficult to steer like that! Anyone would've crashed!" If it was down to the hardware, that was Nintendo's choice. But as you say TotK is particularly bad.
@pharos_haven The day one patch was released yesterday. I spoke to another reviewer who tested it and he couldn’t really tell if the patch made any difference to the frame rate. Although he did stress that he didn’t think the performance issues were prevalent enough to impact the overall gameplay during his playthrough.
Oh and DF already tested the day one patch which shows pretty much zero improvements unfortunately.
Such a tough one to decide on whether to pickup at this time, as reviews seem to really gloss over the problems the game has, yet those specific issues are ones I was most concerned about. (Shallow to non existent arpg/rpg mechanics, and awful side content). Also, To have the harder difficulty locked behind having to play the game again, with it being so cutscene and story heavy, that's a big ask to slog /skip through that on a second playthrough in a game that relies so heavily and so often on story cuts, just to make the game more rewarding/challenging.
There's just enough of the issues that were apparent and worrisome throughout the preview/demo process, that i feel like they may just add up to this being perhaps too oversimplified for my taste.
alas, First world problems for sure !
@Synthatron_Prime "All that talk about the demo being based on an older version was not true."
It is true, you can see the version number in the demo. I guess they just didn't manage to fix it with those patches.
@Matroska I guess I should have clarified. I mean to say a version that had any significant changes. There is no real difference as far as performance between the demo and what was released.
@KaijuKaiser Yeah it's really why I don't trust much gaming reviews besides ACG, AJ, Skill Up, and even Critikal.
Removed - off-topic
I am starting to get really disappointed with the PS5. The guy from Digital Foundry said that the game upscales from 1080p to 4k and even drops lower during combat. And they are still pretending that only the PS5 has an SSD which is hilarious.
Big props to @ShogunRok for being straight forward on the review starting with ". It's more of an action game with RPG elements bolted on than it is an RPG with action combat" and not just cramming a 10 on it. I was worried about the review, especially if you were the one reviewing it after your article kind of fanboying for the genre earlier, but you played it straight, big kudos for that!
I don't know how a game like this ought to be reviewed. You've basically confirmed everything I've been worried about from the start despite all the pile-ons every time I've said it, and I appreciate the direct acknowledgement of those issues! I said once that it probably needs to be reviewed twice, once as an FF game and once as a stand-alone new IP game. Even from your own review, this really comes across as, frankly, just a bad entry in a long-running RPG series if it's really just not an RPG at all, has bad questing...basically everything that makes a game in a given series what it is just isn't there or is poor, I don't think that would be deserving this 9 reviewed as a part of its series. It's like the Gran Turismo 8 having terrible driving, bad career progression, and barely any car tuning, but the space combat is AMAZING!!
OTOH, reviewing it as it's own game as though it doesn't have FF in its name, it sounds like it's a really quality linear narrative action game, and I don't think "Bayonetta but with a comprehensible story" is a bad game by anyone's measure or hopes.
I know a lot are happy about this being "FF16" but I think the depressing part about it still remains just the name. It sounds by most accounts like they built a really solid narrative action game that really deserves to be appreciated as a brand new series from Square, but is instead held down by having to be acknowledged for what it isn't because of the decision to say it's part of a huge RPG brand when it's really something else. It's kind of unfortunate that most reviews have to acknowledge "this newest entry in a legendary RPG series isn't actually an RPG." That's square's fault, but not the game's fault. I really wonder if, given the marketing, and the popularity of this genre right now, if sales would really have been impacted much had they launched this as a new IP instead of tethering it to the safety net of a known brand.
I played through FFXIV and three expansions this year so I'm used to fetching random things for a random NPC who then tells me a snippet of their life story.
@ShogunRok Hey Robert, what's the humour like in this game or is it too much doom and gloom to crack a funny?
@NEStalgia Things change and evolve. It's not like XV was just like XII or XII was just like IX. FF is what Square Enix makes it. It's their baby and good on them for having a new direction and making it good. Their job is to make money and this game is going to make a shipload.
@NEStalgia it’s been obvious for months what the game fundamentally was, all we learnt today was that it ended up actually being good, yet you’re stuck on repeat! I get it.. you don’t think it’s a Final Fantasy game… because…. things 😴 (was that one of those comments you should have been getting paid to write, by the way?)
@ApostateMage It does have some much needed humour in the form of characters like Cid, and even Clive once you get to know him as the story progresses.
But overall, this is a darkly toned and serious game. It certainly doesn't have the consistent dark (and daft) humour of something like The Witcher 3 (but then not many games do).
Personally, I think it's a touch too self-serious at times and could do with just a tiny bit more levity, but it is trying to be dark fantasy, and it does succeed in that.
@Kidfried That means a lot to us, thanks for reading!
I just pre-order it now. The reviews are glowing everywhere. Not sure when I get around to playing it with my busy work. but some developers just deserve it. I like the new directions of the story driven and action combat. Not everyone has time to level up everything. I don't like turn-based games. Interestingly IGN praise later side quests which are captivating. What are your thoughts on that?
@NEStalgia I think you do have to be clear on stuff like that when you're reviewing a new game in a series as beloved as Final Fantasy. It's not worth tip-toeing around the drastic changes when fans are obviously very aware of them anyway. I'm glad we agree on that (and thanks for the kind words).
It was quite a difficult game to review, but ultimately, I think you have to distance yourself (to a degree) from a franchise like Final Fantasy before you can properly write about a new instalment. For me, Final Fantasy 16 is an excellent game overall, and that's just how it is. Even if it wasn't a Final Fantasy game, it'd still be excellent.
But because it is a Final Fantasy game, does that change the perspective? I think that's an inevitability. There are bound to be a lot of people who just don't see this as a continuation of the RPG series they've enjoyed for so long — and that's fine!
Final Fantasy 16 has flaws, for sure. But like the review says, I don't think they're enough to totally detract from what it does exceptionally well. The combat, the storytelling, and the worldbuilding end up greatly outweighing the (sometimes) crappy side questing and lack of in-depth RPG mechanics.
But like you're saying, if those elements are what you're looking for in a game, then that's just the unfortunate reality of how Final Fantasy 16 has turned out.
On your last point, I will say, it'll be very interesting to see where the mainline series goes from here!
@mrbone The side quests definitely get better later in the game. They become much more involved and some even have their own unique boss battles.
It's the earlier side quests that tend to be boring — but then that's a bad thing because they potentially put you off doing the later ones because you start thinking they're all like that.
But yeah, again, I'd agree that the side quests get better.
Can't wait to step into clives boots and take Torgal for an epic crystal spotting adventure. Friday 3pm can't come soon enough.
Y'all gotta stop mixing these articles man, was tagged but can't even find the message haha
Ya, the timing on going back to a scored system with the release of Zelda and not giving it a 10....(they knew it would generate massive traffic). Not odd at all
The performance issues for a PS5 exclusive make me fearful of how the PC port will perform lol.
Otherwise, I think everyone expected the game wouldn't be terrible for what it is. I hope the people looking forward to it enjoy it.
@ShogunRok You might have already answered this, but how are the end game Hunts? Any unique ones or all they all just kind of the same with different colour palettes?
Also I don't know if I should stay up late and play this or go to bed early/get up early before work and have a go. Or be normal and wait til after work. Love me some FF
@Sil_Am the only one hating so far is you dude LOL
Installing my early copy from Target now. Can’t wait to play it after work!
@SuperSilverback There are quite a few repeats in the hunts (a good chunk of them are repurposed mid-bosses from the story) but they all have a unique trait or two, whether it's different combos or different spells.
Endgame ones are really fun. I think the hunts are a great addition overall, enjoyed crossing them off immensely.
@LordBakemono True, I hate that it's not 95 on Metacritic.
@ShogunRok that's what I like to hear. Hopefully nothing on Yiazmats level though haha
@eagletrippin what???
@SuperSilverback Haha not quite, glad to report I didn't have to grind for 100s of hours to beat any of these hunts.
There are some tough ones in the endgame though. The kind of stuff that really makes you appreciate the combat system.
@NEStalgia I think you're awesome, you keep it real and you articulate a lot of points much more politely than I do.
From one old school fan (who gets it) to another, you're not alone, and keep preaching.
To me, It's really not a mainline final fantasy without a party system.
It's not the spells or the creatures or the summons or any of that that define a final fantasy because Most of them weren't present from the beginning, and most of them are in kingdom hearts or any other spin-offs like chocobo GP.
Most of the people who push back on you are cult members anyway.
Thanks to all the PushSquare folks for the review! So glad there are no “rakes in the grass”. I’d have loved something like 10 or 12, but after playing the demo, I felt like I wanted to play this for what it was, not what I wished it was. For anyone who’s not into it, hey, they’ll almost inevitably be a remake of 10 & 12 at some point (if they ever finish 7!)
FF16 is the first FF game I'll have played. I had no interest until on a whim I tried the demo. It blew me away so I bought it. Can't wait to get stuck in
Your review speaks as someone whose never had to manage disabilities that make video games harder to play.
The accessibility settings in this game are HORIFFIC, the diversity of the population (in terms of race, gender, body shape, & such) is even worse.
I'm a long time fan & player of Final Fantasy games, and 16's push to be an action RPG may make this one I struggle to complete.
Interesting fact: the English voice actor for Clive mentioned in a Skill UP interview that his English script was actually the baseline for the Japanese and all over versions which is why the English dub version is so good.
Is there any Tonberries in the game? There my favourite ff enemy
@Darylb88 From what I understand, the original script was Japanese, which was then fully localised into English, and then that script was used as a basis for everything else — including the redone Japanese one.
It's a crazy story, but it's resulted in a really well made script!
@ShogunRok Apologies if you've already answered this above but would you recommend this game to a Final Fantasy virgin?! Witcher 3 was my first fully fledged fantasy RPG despite gaming since the 80's. This game seems too good to pass up but I'm concerned I won't have any previous context for the lore/characters etc. Thanks in advance!
Nice to see all the big gaming sites give this game either 9/90 or 10/100 scores yet the average metacritic is being brought down by the lesser sites (apart from eurogame) so they can get attention, as usual.
@TJ81 I would 100% recommend it if you like action games and fantasy settings. You don't need any prior knowledge of the series; every mainline Final Fantasy game has its own story, setting, and characters, even though they're all numbered. FF16 is no different.
The only things you might miss out on are very minor, like references to monsters or creatures from the older games.
Hope that helps!
@ShogunRok Fabulous, in that case I will definitely play it - thanks again for the info!
The soundtrack I've heard so far has been amazing. Excellent melodic composers are common in Japan, but I get the impression that Soken threw everything at FF16 to make it a landmark achievement for him.
It's been a long time since I last looked forward to the music just as much as the game itself; it used to be a common occurrence for me in the old days.
Going to sleep extremely pleased with what I played! The demo already sold me on the game even though when they first revealed it I was afraid it wouldn’t be my cup of tea. It’s just a great game overall.
@RosebeeHD Oh no how will I play my game without my diversity!? Lol
@Matroska A while? It was mentioned once in a singular paragraph, and I think it's a legitimate criticism with respect to world building.
I already had pre-ordered but I went straight to the bottom to see the score and pros & cons. I see that I'm going to love the game. I read the review maybe after this weekend after I've gotten several hours of gaming in.
After playing a few hours (post demo), have to say the frame rate issues are more bothersome than I thought they would be. Also, any way to turn off the spoken dog commands? They’re pretty annoying, lol.
Otherwise enjoying it so far!
@awp69 Unfortunately I feel the same way. A tad disappointing admittedly, but I’ve played through worse. Shouldn’t tarnish the experience too badly.
I said I’d wait for the PC version but at the end of the day I’m an impatient mf so of course I pre-ordered after seeing the raving reviews!
@neon-xxiv which ones?
I don't know if this has been asked but do you have a rough estimate how much of the game is in dark and grey environments. The outside environments look very pretty put from a lot of videos I have seen most of it has been very dark environments and its hard to see whats going on in the videos.
Popped it in my PS5 late yesterday afternoon, next thing I knew it was 1AM.. getting too old for late night sessions. Superb so far, especially running around with Chris Finch from the office.
@bindiana I would say a lot of the game is set in darker environments, but I'd hesitate to say most of it. There are quite large portions of the game where you're running around outside and it's all quite bright.
For what it's worth, the darker, inside environments are generally very well lit with torches and the like — it's impressively atmospheric at times.
Sooo excited to get home and play this tonight!!!
I tried both performance mode and graphics mode and the performance is just not worth it. The dip in quality is just too big and the framerate not being consistent makes performance mode barely better in that area. I wish they could have a VRR mode though
Despite having gamed for 30 years now I’ve never played and have zero interest in this franchise.
I’m glad people are excited and looking forward to getting stuck in.
Me? I’m just happy that I don’t have to spend even more money atm after TOTK and SF6 (which I’ve also gone a bought a fight stick for)
Costly couple few weeks
Seems its a anime fan wet dream come true.
Since i find manga/anime appaling i'll pass.
I'm hoping, and every sign points to it, that this game is fun. It most certainly doesn't resemble, in any fashion, a traditional FF game (that point isn't even debatable), but as a lover of ARPG, I am definitely going to try this out. I don't mind game series evolving (just look at BOTW or TOTK), as long as they remain fun.
Great review
Whew, I genuinely think I may have dodged a bullet here, in terms of buying this at full price, as i was very close to doing so. I think so many of its components are underbaked, tacked on, simplified, or just downright removed from an IP that always had such components; it's just too much to sacrifice in favor of just a basic action game in which 75% of it is watching cutscenes.
This is a situation where they chased a trend without the prowess and attention to detail to fully realize the trend or market they were trying to burst into, and in so doing fell back into very dated and basic structure elements, and completely stripped away a reason for it to be as long as it is for the simplified genre it tried to adopt, and replaced all the elements of an rpg or arpg that make a 40-70 hr journey meaningful.
When its significantly discounted, ill give the playable CGI FF movie a go.
@NEStalgia Have you seen the Skillup review. It validates a ton of the concerns we were worried about with this attempt for mass appeal, using the FF name. It sounds like nearly everything we assumed based on previews, and via the demo came to be true.
A dumbed down, over simplified linear action game without any meaningful rpg mechanics, itemization, exploration, or even basic tactical combat like elemental weaknesses, which is laughable considering the elemental based eikonic abilities. All packaged in a game in which 75% of a typical 40 hr main story playthrough is watching cutscenes, if you also couple the gimmicky/barely playable eikonic battles with that, it's likely even a higher percentage.
It will be interesting to see how GENUINE based on experience, user reviews land for this one. Especially considering that most mainstream outlets completely glossed over the shortcomings when delivering an ultimate verdict/score for the title.
@KundaliniRising333 I'll have to give it a watch, I'm not big on youtuber reviews, but this game warrants exceptions because it's just such an utterly bizarre situation. I can't think of any other series, ever that completely changed genres, markets, audiences and everything without being a dead and dormant IP rebooted.
(Snip due to added edit)
Clearly lots of people played the demo and loved it for what it is and ordered based on that, it seems to deliver for a target audience. But if it's delivering for the wrong target audience, there ought to be critical pushback on that, what are critics for otherwise? I'm sad that scores aren't being lowered, as I feel they should be, because of that. At the same time it would be a shame to effectively punish the devs with a lower than deserved score because their publisher foisted a brand name on them as a slimy cash grab for a game that wasn't designed as that brand.
No amount of money will convince me at no point in development someone in the high level meetings didn't say "hey, you know this isn't rellly an FF game, should we make this a spinoff?" and some executive decided the numbers would be better this way based on prior sales numbers of spinoffs vs core titles, and for no other reason.
Edit: I did give it a partial listen and, wow. great review, also a much more condemning take than we're hearing from most reviews. Certainly the unpopular opinion in the review, but VERY detailed as to why, and a depth not seen in most other reviews. 45 minutes of in-depth analysis is very impressive. For all the ups and downs I think the worst part of it all is "75% of main campaign is cutscenes." This isn't for action game fans, this is for cinema fans! I figured that was just the demo intro because it's the intro, not the whole game. They really DID make Spirits Within 2! Then added some gameplay!
TBH I honestly feel like even once I've someday played the whole thing I still won't actually know how I feel about it. It seems like it will be kind of enjoyable, kind of sort of FF-ish in some areas, yet hollow like it's going through the motions. If I can tolerate the cutscenes. I don't watch TV, I don't watch movies, I don't like doing that, I like playing games. A 15 hour move is not at all appealing to me. My big take-away from that review though was YoshiP's answer to his question about kids these liking action etc (so they made a 15 hour movie where you do nothing?), it gives me the sense, if you figure when they started development on this, that it was all a knee-jerk reaction to what happened with XV, and instead of placing blame on themselves for a poor release and bad planning, they went looking for "why don't kids like FF games anymore" and found that online shooters were all the rage, so they need something to compete with that. Ironically that's exactly the mistake they made 2 generations ago with XIII. Except back then it was hated and this time it's celebrated. I don't quite understand that difference between then and now and how making the same mistake twice somehow works to grand success the second time. It also reminds of that was the trend at the time that almost buried Capcom too, and how games like Splinter Cell: Conviction was loathed for being a simplified over the shoulder action shooter instead of a tactical stealth game to be "for the online shooter kids these days" back in the "single player is doomed" era.
It doesn't look bad but it looks....kind of awkward and kind of middling. And that's not always a terrible result, but it still makes me scratch my head at the extreme hype it's getting. Although I have the same feeling about GoW18. Decent if flawed and simple game. Worth a play. Nothing amazing. I'm definitely not seeing this amazing world redefining thing so many others see. And this is clearly meant for the same people.
God this game is good !!!
Waiting until June 24th (my birthday) to play. My brother and his GF got me the Deluxe Edition. Cannot wait to open it tomorrow! In the meantime, I’ve been playing Resident Evil 4. So much better than RE2 IMO.
100% agree with this review! My best friend and I are over half way through and … love the combat, enjoying the story , but man those side quests- you go from epic adrenaline-flooding battles to fetch quests of the most mundane variety. I would fully support a philanthropist’s gild and toss them Gil to get the quests done. The pacing is jarring and in between the MSQ, it just brings the story’s momentum to a grinding halt.
@neon-xxiv This place is pretty much an echo chamber. Unpopular opinions are immediately labeled trolling. Which means if you hold enough unpopular opinions you're not really in the right place.
What a game! Started on friday and have been playing a lot over the weekend.
Hear a lot of people saying ' it's not final fantasy' which i find very weird, as it reminds me a lot of exactly the older ff games like 1 and 2, just in a modern jacket. The only thing missing is fixed parties, well boo-hoo.
If it stays this good for the remainder of the game this might become one of my all-time favourites.
@KundaliniRising333 @NEStalgia I think it's funny you refer to it as spirits within 2 and I refer to it as stranger to paradise 2.
I think as time goes on the cracks in the veneer are going to show rather rapidly on this installment. It's already started.
In the end, this is just a mids action game to boost playstation 5 sales with a legacy brand attached. The number of people who say it feels dated is quite surprising given how much they talked about how this graphic powerhouse was not even possible without PS5.
I would say that skill up review is a must, length be damned.
Hope you all had a great weekend.
@Cordyceps That's what really has me confused. People keep celebrating it and I can't really figure out who it's for other than people that love movies. It's clearly not for RPG or FF fans since it has nothing in common with RPGs, and it has some presentation ties to FF history but not really gameplay. The movie people I can understand. The RPG fans are naturally going to be disappointed. But even if it really is a great action game for action game fans....really, how can they tolerate the movies? The RPG fans can tolerate long movies more than action fans, you'd think. There's definitely a market it's resonating with but I can't figure out what market that is.
It just seems like a really weird game they put a bunch of tentpoles in a blender and this is what came out. Like 15 and 13 I get the feeling like the quirkiness of making a frankensteins monster that nobody wanted or could have predicted actually ends up kind of charming in its own way. But also technically very middling, so the super mega hype just confuses me to no end. It's not that I don't understand some people would like it, heck I might even like the sheer weirdness of a thing that shouldn't exist existing, but....that's still a solid 7 at best.
The most frustrating goes beyond the game itself but how it's spawned this whole brand of "anything with XP and equippables = RPG". MLB, CoD,'s all RPGs...
That SkillUp review is just phenomenal though, because it really goes into depth of what's divisive, the things that are sort of in the back of our minds but we can't place what points are problems he really drills into exactly what things are problematic and why. Still, a lot of people seem to utterly love it ,and I can't tell if they love it because they're told they should, or if they just like movies, or if something about the gameplay really clicks for them despite the gameplay being on hold for long stretches of time. I'd assume anyone that thinks GoW18 is one of the best games of all time is definitely going to be in the camp that likes this because they're the same design template. So I'm the oddball in both because both seem to be middling affairs to me, but I'm not wowed by production values in a game, I care about the game-play loop being addictive and varied, but also, they're supposed to be two completely different genres. And GoW doesn't take control away from you to go watch more movies all that often, so it's a better adrenaline fix for the action fans. (Though seriously, screw the boring lake.)
@NEStalgia I don't really get it either.
The best explanation I have is there's a group of fans out there that just rubber stamps everything Square enix puts out as gold, the same way we could once upon a time trust Squaresoft when making a purchase during the golden era. I feel this group of fans thinks they are living in a new golden era.
The two sides don't agree on that. Or much else.
Regardless of if this is or isn't the new golden era, they aren't doing it without the true golden era remakes.
I mean this is a remake of the golden era.
@Cordyceps Yeah, I mean there's no question it's definitely hitting the sweet spot for a particular market, maybe Square knows what they're doing in that regard. But I still have a hard time pinning down what market that exactly is. The movies seem to slow it down too much for action fans, the lack of actual RPG play seems to miss the mark for RPG fans/FF classic fans, so it must be hitting a separate market from those that otherwise played FF or those that are drawn to Platinum's games. Certainly GoW overlap, and maybe that's the main overlap, and if the sales echo the same 20mil it will say at least something there. Still seems weird to me though to trade FF's market for GoWs market when they could have had both with 2 series though. Yes there's also the market that just will kind of twist their mind to love anything that says FF because it says FF no matter what it is, even if they wouldn't have loved the same game under a different name, but I don't think that's the primary market for it, that's just sort of an add-on market.
But those freaking cutscenes! Who greenlit that?! Is there really a market of gamers that wants to watch a 15 hour move in their game? I mean apparently yes, and it's apparently not the same people that couldn't be bothered to watch a 2 hour FF movie 20 years ago that almost killed Square! (Waves DVD copy of Spirits Within proudly!)
@NEStalgia The other thing that's proper confusing is the promotional marketing from pro athletes.
I still maintain that spirits within was just ahead of its time
@Cordyceps Lol yeah I was definitely confused with how they figured the final fantasy market and pro sports market overlapped. It says something and I still don't know what 😂
I actually thought Spirits was good....
@RenanKJ yes very much worth full price.
@ShogunRok So as a long time JRPG player who's watching my kid play FF16, I have to say the worst part for me so far is no minimap, it's killing me. We're 10 hours in, just got to Phoenix Gate, and while there is a lot of talking and fighting there's also a lot of wandering around Cid's hideaway and the open areas where a minimap would really help. Though maybe it's just the 200 hours of Zelda and 2 years of Fortnite that's messing w/ me.🤷
So yeah anyway that's my biggest takeaway so far.😂
Not surprised at all that FF16 is getting such impressive scores everywhere!
I'll pick it up eventually in a few years, deciding to focus on older games in my backlog instead.
So, after completing the game 100% i can give a short review.
This slots in around FFXII in overall quality for me, which means it is decent, but not amazing. It does have some high moments and i would say the highest moment is not even the end, which was odd.
Anyways, yes, the combat gets repetitive. I was always trying to come up with new strategies and combinations to keep it fresh, but once i homed in on what i thought was the strongest i saw no more need to change.
The game is definitely made by the FFXIV team and it feels on how it's structured (even has zones and dungeons being the persistant outdoor zones and the missions). This is very much a single player FFXIV with action combat... but it's also not. The thing is FFXIV is just much better. The world is bigger, better developed and the story is better and takes time to develop culminating on great pay-off moments. The set pieces are still there, but with mmo combat.
Also worth noting that despite what YoshiP said the game does do a time jump that is referenced later in the game and new characters pop out of nowhere like we are supposed to already know them. That piece was clearly chopped off and i wonder if they will add it as dlc later. The game would've benefitted from having it.
So, while yes, i think this is a respectable entry, i don't think it did anything extremely right or extremely wrong. I don't think it's super memorable, but it's a good time.
I do hope next time they embrace series roots a bit more cause i do believe the party dynamic enriches the experience a lot more. They should also stop being so afraid of turn based and ATB.
No lie, this might be my favorite Final Fantasy game ever. To be brutally honest, turned-based gameplay kept this series stagnant for a long time.
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