From The Elder Scrolls and Fallout to Dishonored and Wolfenstein, the Bethesda catalogue has been a staple of many a PlayStation console's third-party lineup. Its games are unique and varied. And while not all of them land, you're always in for something a bit different. Microsoft's acquisition of the company means that's all set to end, and Ghostwire: Tokyo represents one final taste of the publisher's distinctive blend. We're sad to report, then, that the firm departs with a whimper rather than a bang.
The latest game out of The Evil Within developer Tango Gameworks isn't a bad one, but it's not particularly good either. It's just, well, fine — which, unfortunately, represents a significant drop in quality after The Evil Within 2 really put the Shinji Mikami led studio on the map. Taking place in downtown Tokyo, the game becomes repetitive, full of open world busywork, and peppered with colourless optional content.

The usual hustle and bustle of the Japanese capital is gone, however, as a supernatural occurrence disappears the local population. All that's left behind are their clothes and you: protagonist Akito. He's able to survive the paranormal attack thanks to the efforts of KK, a friendly spirit lending him life and elemental powers. Together, the pair must rid Tokyo of its occult coup.
It's safe to say the narrative that follows fails to live up to that promising premise, never reaching the heights of what it has on paper. Akito and KK are essentially the same character; both annoying and tedious to listen to. They'll babble on at one another, arguing for multiple scenes and then make good when the going gets tough once again. Fortunately, both Japanese and English voiceover is available, and the pair are less of a chore in their native language. Sadly, however, none of the story beats their dialogue pertains to hit.
Focusing on the main objectives will see you beat the game inside roughly ten hours, and very few of the core tasks are particularly engaging. The coolest moments occur in cutscenes, with actual gameplay relegated to cleansing Torii gates to unveil more of the map, eliminating waves of enemies, and tracking down items. Separated from the action, the story is nothing to write home about whatsoever.

Thankfully, the combat in Ghostwire: Tokyo is enjoyable, and propelling elemental spells out of your fingertips to send the ghostly entities haunting Tokyo back to their graves is satisfying. Fights revolve around breaking through an enemy's outer layers and then taking its core, with three powers allowing you to do so. Wind attacks are the most basic: they fling balls of energy at the phantoms to slowly break them down. Then there are fire attacks which act like bombs at their best, and water spells that require upgrading to feel even slightly useful. Your arsenal is then rounded out by a bow and arrow for headshots and talismans that have various effects on ghosts.
In combination with some excellent support of the PS5's DualSense controller's adaptive triggers, firing off spells and grappling with enemies for their cores feels fantastic. There's a small bit of resistance upon launching each attack, which gradually increases once you're tethered to a core and trying to pull it out. At the height of the action, the adaptive triggers push your grip to its maximum, increasing satisfaction once the item's finally in your grasp. The feature adds that little magic touch to combat, which would feel sorely lacking after a time without it.
You see, while engagements remain relatively fun throughout, the mechanics that make them tick are never built upon. The fights at the end of the game are exactly the same as the ones at the start: all you need to do is essentially spam the elemental powers until you can rip out an enemy's core and move on. This concept never, ever changes. As such, combat eventually succumbs to repetition. You're either mindlessly firing off incantations or targeting an obvious weak spot — mind-numbingly dull stuff despite the brief stretches of fun.
You could probably say that about the whole game, to be honest. Compared to other open world titles, the map is fairly small, but Tango Gameworks still manages to stuff it with the usual busywork we grew tired of years ago. Icons flood the map, with flat side quests to force your way through and various collectibles that offer minuscule improvements to your stats. You can't even freely explore the city either; a thick fog blocks off parts of the map until you've cleansed the corresponding Torii gate.
It makes exploration more of an annoyance than a joy since you start to take damage if you cross the boundaries. At least some verticality extends the potential of Tokyo, with a grapple and limited glide letting you cover ground faster. Up on the city's rooftops, you'll find more spirits to cleanse and activities to complete. Without even a hint of fall damage, it's a great way to get about. When your feet are on the ground, though, Ghostwire: Tokyo does very little to inspire.

General quality aside, the game isn’t entirely unlike past Tango Gameworks efforts. While it's not straight-up horror, it's still pretty spooky. Effective sequences turn reality and closed spaces on their head while haunting imagery is plastered along walls. This happens randomly out in the open world just as much as during scripted story scenarios, so it's a well-implemented feature. Nothing here will give you a genuine jump scare or really get under your skin, but what it does do is unnerving enough to unseat any sense of comfort.
Again, though, there always seems to be something to bring you back down to Earth in Ghostwire: Tokyo. If the city itself is unsettling and spooky, the enemies themselves are anything but. All of them follow very similar attack patterns, either rushing you to try and land a hit or using a few of their own spells. The design of them leaves a lot to be desired, with just a few variations scattered across Tokyo. You'll encounter the same enemy types over and over again, which only reinforces the repetitious nature coursing through the game. The most baffling choice, however, is to not give you a dodge button. Based on the move sets of certain spiritual foes, the game is practically screaming for one.

We'd have taken less damage had it been implemented (even if we hardly died across our entire playthrough), and as such, had more time to appreciate our surroundings. Since the place is completely deserted now bar yourself, stray cats and dogs, and the supernatural army, all you really have to admire are the buildings and alleyways, but they still look good with a current-gen shine. You could do a good bit of virtual tourism here, visiting famous Tokyo landmarks and having the time to appreciate them without anyone around.
They look their best in the 30 frames-per-second capped Quality Mode, which runs smoothly without any real drawbacks. Raytracing is also used to great effect, reflecting light and shadows wonderfully off the high-rise buildings of the capital. But if you need the extra frames, Performance Mode doubles the frame rate and delivers a minor hit to the visuals. While it may be a noticeable one, a smooth 60fps makes up for it with crystal clear combat and exploration.
Interestingly, the game comes packaged with a further four modes for a total of six. You can choose to uncap the framerate in both the Quality and Performance Modes, which yields varying results depending on how intense the action is on screen. Then there are the same two modes with VSync enabled, which aims to eliminate any screen tearing. It's an impressive range of modes, allowing you to fully customise the game to suit the sort of experience you're looking for. No matter which one you pick, though — at least in terms of the default Quality and Performance modes — you're in for a smooth ride that looks pretty darn good to boot.
Ghostwire: Tokyo feels like a step back from what Tango Gameworks has produced in the past. While its combat system is fun in bursts, it becomes repetitive far too quickly. The open world is jam-packed with busywork, and the story doesn't go anywhere interesting either. Excellent PS5 DualSense controller support, haunting elements, and nice visuals aside, Ghostwire: Tokyo will have to go down as a miss.
Comments 144
If you have any questions, feel free to copy me in.
Well, bye then, Bethesda! 👋
There was too much out already to buy and play this one day 1. Shame this is the send off for the last game majority of players will get outta tengo
I was looking forward to the game, but after reading this review I think I'll cancel it and watch some gameplay videos...
I liked the premise of this but I was kinda down on it as soon as I saw gameplay.
I expected this score. Some are marking it as a 7/8. I'll hold fire and wait for a price drop, as I'm guessing it will be the case with this.
Damn.... That's disappointing. I've never been a Tango fan, but I was hoping this one would win me over. I'll be waiting for the inevitable Game Pass release.
If the quality of the last few Bethesda game is anything to go by, if they are no longer available on PlayStation, I won't be too upset.
This was a sale game for me anyways, so the "lower" score doesn't put me off.
I don't know what to think with all these mixed reviews, I really like the aesthetic and themes of this game. I was never planning to get this day 1 unless it got rave reviews across the board, so looks like I will get it when its 1/3 of the price in the black friday/holiday sales
Hopes for this were waning in recent days, not too surprised it’s arrived at a 6 I do wanna get a feel of the haptics with those hand actions though..
Yeah I had a feeling when they showed extended gameplay. The combat looked like it could get boring quickly and unfortunately that was the whole appeal of the game for me.
Might just check it out for a steep discount in the future.
I'm just glad it tried something different
"Sadly, however, none of the story beats their dialogue pertains to hit."
That's a very strange sentence. Anyways, back to reading
Still interested in it. It was never gonna be a day 1 for me anyway as I knew I would still be balls deep in Elden Ring and other games I've not played, so it will be many months before I get round to it.
I’ve learned to take PushSquare reviews with a grain of salt, but if this is averaging a 7/10 across the board that’s fine with me.
I never thought this game would be some breakout hit.
@AndyKazama I know it's not coming to PlayStation, but Redfall looks like the next guaranteed bomba from Bethesda.
Of course, it'll be saved by Game Pass, but by golly that game looks like the epitome of $19.99 in a month, as has been the case for much of Bethesda's output for years. (I love Deathloop, but it was also bomba price by Xmas!)
I was always interested in this game but what we saw of it didn't get me too excited so I'll be waiting for a price drop which should be fast as it's a Bethesda game. At least it makes excellent use of the DualSense.
I mean the gameplay videos really looked boring. Dishonored, Prey etc have the powers fps thing on lock already.
It never seemed all that great to me.
Most of the stuff left for March made it to my rental list at best. This did not even do that.
@TheArt yea probs. What’s next on the horizon, Masquerade? Knights… argh
It was always going to be curious how this would turn out given the original creative designer left part way through. Whilst they've obviously delivered on their contract,you'd hope they didn't pull any design punches after the Zenimax buyout, & plan to bring out a Enhanced Edition with extra content just for XBSX /Gamepass when the exclusivity period expires.
@get2sammyb I'll take a look! I sub to gamepass on and off when I want to dip in to MS stuff. Just got a decent PC this year too, and it hadn't occurred when I bought that I can use it for Bethesda games.
Still getting it!
Also this review seem to be one of the lower ones, while the rest are between 7-8s. So can take that as you will. 6 is still decent though. Don't get how people say how this "bombed". Nowadays anything below 9 means a game is garbage apparently.
Didn't have any excitement for this game so I was expecting that score for the max. It looked interesting to watch for a while but not interesting enough for me to buy. Seemed like a game I'd have only played if it was on PS+.
The only thing I'm going to miss from Bethesda on PS is Elder Scrolls and maybe Wolfenstein. Everything else they make don't look that exciting
There's some good reviews out there too and the metascore is not too bad (but also not amazing) at 74 but I'll be skipping this one for now. At least it looks pretty with the ray tracing
I'm glad that this is a reasonable length. I'll definitely pick up when it is discounted!
I watched some gameplay and looked real stylish but repetitive. I'll wait for gamepass or plus.
@jFug The PushSquare scale is always at least one less than every other site!
@rawzeku one claims “ if GhostWire connects with you, I think it'll really connect with you “ which is encouraging for all the ghost whisperers out there
So a typical boring Bethesda game then. Thanks Liam I guess I won't be buying this now which is a shame as it did look and sound interesting.
Thanks for the review. This will be a bargain bin buy for me if I ever decide to purchase the game.
Out of curiosity, why is it that your sister site Eurogamer doesn’t have a review? I’ve noticed that their content has really fallen off over the last couple of years…to the point that I rarely visit their site anymore. There wasn’t even a mention of the Hogwarts State of Play, and nothing on this game. I get my Digital Foundry fix through YouTube.
It’s shocking how bad their service has become…and now they’re charging people. It’s cray cray.
This is a real shame. The evil within was flawed but had some really good ideas and enemies sprinkled throughout, the evil within 2 was actually pretty damn good albeit nowhere near as popular. Was hoping it'd be a case of third time lucky, might pick this up when it's on a (deep) sale or humble bundle further down the line
I wouldn't be surprised at all to see Bethesda games on PlayStation in future.
the future of gamepass 😅
I love the reaction here that suddenly all Bethesda games are gonna suck. This is just one of their studios. I think mainline games from Bethesda Game Studios like Starfield are going to be excellent as well as Obsidian’s output and id Software’s Doom line of games that have yet to disappoint IMO. Anyway, just saying it’s unfair to make a general statement about Bethesda.
I’m still on the fence with this one since it is getting better reviews on other outlets.
Ah that's kind of disappointing. I was really hoping the game would've been good since it had a pretty unique premise.
Was never overly hyped for either Deathloop or Ghostwire, but I still plan on buying Ghostwire Day One, but it may end up in my backlog until I've finished the Ace Attorney Trilogy, Dark Souls 3 Ringed City DLC, Shadow Warriors 1,2 & 3, Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, Judgement & Lost Judgement.
Well that makes my choice much easier will just wait for it too hit gamepass , too many games in backlog and too many other games coming .
Don't understand swansong in headline ok no more for PlayStation but it's not like they are not making any more games.
@Apfelschteiner Alternatively, the rest of the media is always one point higher than the Push Square scale. 😏
Totally agree we know those trashing them would be praising them if it was Sony that bought them , love the old fan boys double standard
Most reviews seem a seven which hits the point lower or higher at push square while GameSpot is always lower or higher than ign
Or…just maybe…people call out poor games for being poor. I don’t see people here praising Gran Turismo 7 for the latest issues, but spout what you want, even though you’re clearly incorrect.
Im glad to see this game reviewing Xbox standard scores. I’m not trolling pushsquare this was a harmless joke please don’t delete my comment. you guys hate when people have a little harmless fun a round here.
I was actually looking forward to this game. The mixed reviews have somewhat dampened my spirits for it though. I guess I'll wait until there's a huge discount on it.
@lacerz It has nothing to do with the review for this game but the generalization that suddenly all Bethesda games are going to suck. One bad game from just one studio under their umbrella isn’t a good assessment of their output.

It's on 75 on metacritic from 81 this is one of the lower's got a couple of it's mixed I wouldn't be to probably just wait for it to come to gamepass though as I have to many games to play as it is
I've read a few reviews and this Game Informer quote seems the most apt. It's quirky but if the game grabs you, you might love it.
I knew this game wasn't gonna be great but it seems unfair when reviewers say the story was uninteresting but when it comes to elden ring or any souls games when there is no coherent narrative or is non-existent people slide it under the rug
I'm a big fan of the genre, so this is still a must buy for me.
Perhaps once they realised their future was secure and this game was eventually destined for game pass they dialled it back so that it was just "good enough".
Shame but I'm not sure I was really feeling this anyway.
@get2sammyb lol 😂.
I get what you are saying but also, has to say you are not correct.
Souls games, and Elden Ring HAS a story. But its hidden, and you need to SEARCH for it. You need to connect the pieces yourself. The story doesn't get shoved in your face. It's fair if that's not yours, or anyone elses cup of tea. But saying it has no story, really isn't fair, or correct.
Obviously not played Ghostwire yet, so can't comment the review is correct on that part.
Eh, that’s alright! I’ll pick it up day one.
I thought it was was quite clear from the deep dive that this would not appeal to everyone, so its nio suprise to see a range of scores and a %73 metacritic for this title.
This was always one for the first sale for me. as we have an abundance of greatness to play, so no need to move too quickly on this.
As someone who has always enjoyed Jap horror and ghost tales, and will get a kick from traversing an accurate modelled Tokyo, I will try it when I can and hope that it appeals to me beyond those two things!
Could tell from the trailers this would turn into a bore fest later on in the game, and the rest of the negatives are a big no for me. Unfortunate this isn't a good game but hopefully they use the money to focus on evil within 3
@awp69 I'm only sad to potentially not play Tango games, but then Tokyo Ghostwire is the first to really interest me, and also Machine Games, but the last Wolfenstein was not as good. Sometimes it's good when your options are limited as you go and enjoy something else.
Will probably pick it up at somepoint, but at the moment just have too much things to play, and returnal update tomorrow, so may get it over summer quiet time or black friday sale.
It was either this or Kirby and the forgotten land this Friday for me...looks like it’s Kirby.
@Nightcrawler71 Not to go off-topic, but that Kirby demo was incredible.
@get2sammyb Nothing wrong with showing some love when it's deserved. Even on rival consoles. I'm for certain getting Kirby this Friday.
Really excited for this! The mixed reviews don’t surprise me as both The Evil Within games had a mixed reception yet really connected with me. Dry gameplay has me a bit hesitant but the uniqueness of the experience still seems worth a shot. Thanks for the review!
@Rafie This is a mentality I have never understood, none of these consoles are rivals to the consumers since nothing is stopping us from buying them all if we wanted... Unlike decent cable service.
Not spending £54 for a 10-15 hour game with the type of reviews coming in. Will wait for a good sale and player base reviews before considering purchase.
People will likely disagree with me but for a £50 + game no matter how good it is, I refuse to pay so much for such a short game that I can complete in one day over the weekend.
Man this is a bummer 😕 Doesn't sound like the best experience for $60, but one to keep an eye on for a sale. It probably would have benefitted most for being a linear game with more focused combat mechanics.
@Nightcrawler71 Same. The wait for Kirby has been killing me.
Bethesda output over the past five years has been awful and that's not including the fiasco that was Fallout 76 and Todds sweet little lies (coming for Starfield fans, soon). A company of that size should have been laser focused on producing better quality then what we got and it was inevitable that they would agree to sell if a bid came in.
Ah very disappointing…
@awp69 Obsidian has nothing to do with Bethesda, they made one game as a contract dev, they were never part of Bethesda, It was a independent Studio until the Microsoft acquisition in 2018, 2 years before the Zenimax Media acquisition, and that includes all 8 Studios and Its satellite studios (Tango, 2 id Software Studios, 2 Zenimax Online Studios, 4 Bethesda Game Studios, Roundhouse, 2 Arkane Studios, Machinegames and Alphadog) and also the publisher. (Bethesda Softworks)
@MaikonCSGarcia My bad. You’re right. Think I was getting mixed up with Arkane.
@BusyOlf Deathloop (88 on OpenCritic) was awful? Doom Eternal (89) ? Even The Evil Within 2 has an 80. I think Fallout 76 is the only one of their games in the last 5 years that I would personally put in the “awful” category. Even this one is trending upwards at 76.
Was hoping this would get good reviews
@Mgene15 It is getting good reviews. This is on the lower end of the spectrum. There are some 8+ scores out there too.
To be honest I was never interested in this game anyway. Not happy to know it’s not great but at least now no one will be telling me about all the fun I’m missing.
For some reason, I feel like I won't buy a game until Soul Hackers 2.
Was interest, still kinda am but it's gonna be a sale if I ever getting, probably for a deep discount. We shall see.
Was hoping it would be a smash
@get2sammyb yeah it is good. I’ve never played a Kirby game before (!) but that demo sold it for me.
I didn't even remember this was from Bethesda lol
Anyway this is sad...I was expecting at least a great game, it seemed fun and weird...but oh well! I think I won't get it day one now..
@suikoden I love the way you assume it's always down to fanboys. Just a FYI I own everything and it's just what I think of Bethesda's games in general now. They're just not as good now to what they used to be. If you like them no worries but it really grates on my nerves the way people always assume there's some stupid fanboy war going on.
Man I hoped this will be a great game, oh well at least I can try it later when it comes to gamepass.
Removed - unconstructive
What a bummer! I've had this on my radar for quite some time and based on the pedigree of the developing studio, I was hoping for one final 'old school' Bethesda-published gem. Alas, it sounds like that's not to be. I'll still probably play it at some point in the future but certainly NOT for full price.
A shame, but I'd still be tempted to give it a go when it hits the sales.
This should surprise no one after that recent trailer. Would consider for $20.
Money saved, bring on Tiny Tina's, should be a decent one.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
@RavenWolfe81 No disrespect but if you base your purchase on this review you are mental...It's your choice, not this reviewer. If the game interests you then get it,or get it when cheaper. Don't let a stranger who gets free copies to review influence your thoughts and final decision....
Reviews on this really seem to make it a love it or hate it game. Other PlayStation centric sites even gave it high marks (9.5 on PSU and 9 on PlayStation Lifestyle). In any case, average review is a full 1.5 points higher than PushSquare (76 on OpenCritic). It’s good to sample reviews and not just accept one person’s views IMO. I’m still interested.
Sad, I still want to try it though, knowing Bethesda games, this will probably be 20 bucks by the end of spring.
Comments are as hilarious as could have been predicted from the dreaded ‘6’. Gotta love coping mechanisms that switches the brain to excitedly claim this as a huge L for Xbox…when PlayStation paid a years worth exclusivity for it.
Plus we all know those currently trying to grasp a hypothetical comfort blanket that this getting the dreaded 6 means they’re fine with all future Bethesda games not now hitting PlayStation we’re the first on the twitter frontlines begging for starfield not to be exclusive. Will be the first begging for the next fallout, elder scrolls, and whatever tango games and Arkane put out next.
Another day in paradise
Really liked the Evil Within 2 and this still looks interesting. Think I will get it, beat it then trade it for Final Fantasy Stranger then maybe even Assassin's Creed Ragnarok
I preordered it and I’m still keeping the preorder. Reviews have been really diverse for this one. I liked reading the review though! Hope I’m one of the ones that enjoys the game. With games that get both 4/10s and 10/10s and other reviews across the board, you really never know what you’re going to get. I’m still excited for it. Granted, with as thick of a release schedule as we’ve got this month, it might be May before I get to it…
@Mezzer Yeah, I'm still amazed this keeps happening here. These people seemed interested enough to make preorder on these games, but then this one site gives it a 6/10 (a score that Pushsquare has defended as not being a bad one), a score lower than the average, and they all jump to cancel their preorders.
I genuinely don't understand what drives this mentality.
I knew this was going to be at least somewhat disappointing when it was revealed and it turned out to be some weird FPS thing instead of the survival horror action game it should have been.
With that said, I'm still interested. Just not at full price.
This will be one I’ll look forward to getting a bit cheaper down the road. Loved both Evil Within games, and this looks like it oozes style 💦
@Mezzer I'm more looking at all the reviewers I tend to agree with, which includes here. I'm sure this game is decent but right now is a bad time to release a game that isn't exceptional.
Elden Ring, Forbidden West, Triangle Strategy, Kirby, Wonderlands (if it's any good) and so on. A lot to choose from and I only have so much time.
Still decided to take a punk with it. Wasn't going to, but tbh there are some games I have bought after reading very average reviews and they have turned out to be very good. (Also the reverse) I like the magic element, so thought why not!
Yah this one just didn't look great initially and every bit more we were shown it looked even more mundane. Solid review and appreciate avoiding another generic open world structure. That alone is just a no go for me, which is why anything from ubisoft is a non-starter any longer.
Theory: Microsoft purposefully sabotaged Sony with this game.
Proof: Just trust me man
I don't think I have ever bought a Bethesda game. So bye bye
Some of the Bethesda hate in these comments is kinda pathetic.
It seems like people take reviews as a fact or how they should also feel about an experience!
Well that's a huge disappointment. I was really looking forward to this and loved both Evil Within games.
Hopefully by the time it arrives on Game Pass they'll have made some improvements or added some elements to make it better.
The game looked average gameplay-wise. That should have been enough to realize this wasn't going to light the world on fire.
Not bad, but not outstanding either... It is an average game with some cool art-style.
For now, I will pass. If I ever buy it, it will be deep on sale.
6 is not a bad PushSquare score. It just means its not going to knock your socks off. I like the fact Push leaves some room at the top of the scale to separate 6/7/8 games. Not knocking IGN but it seems if a game loads its already a 5 on their scoring scale.
Too bad. Love the title. Thought it would be Skyrim set in Tokyo with Jujutsu Kaisen vibes. It’s a Microsoft studio now so they don’t really need the money, guess I’ll try it on heavy discount
@helloim_anthony I always thought the same then i found that if you talk with the NPC's find read the dialog you get a big story with tons of depth. I agree if you dont feel like finding stuff out the game then the game is a lot less interesting.
@NB-DanTE Reviews are more of a guide line i believe Pushsquare understands that. I dont always understand or agree with them but thats fine. Thats why i always will let them know they gave Metal Gear Survive a 8/10.🤪
Goodbye Bethesda ! I don’t like Elder scroll and fallout series, now they bring both series even new IP Starfields on xbox !
6/10 on push almost guarantees its a good game. As everywhere else will give it 9 or 10. Unless its a generic cash in or an Amazon release it will never get a good review on here. I mean they gave GTA 5 cashin number 3 a 9/10 review for Pete's sake.
Well, if Balan Wonderworld scored a 4/10 on this site, than Ghostwire Tokyo should be a 10/10 for me. 😁
Interesting enough, in other reviews, the scores are very pending. The side quests are elsewhere described as very well made.
@Nintendo4Sonic days gone got a 7/10 here but Fifa 22 got a 9/10. That answers all you need to know about these biased reviews
@Kairu "I'm kinda disappointed it's not that possible 8/10 game it could've been"
It's a 7.5/10 on metacritic. Does that 0.5 point matter that much?
Reckon I’ll bite it still looks appealing to me. To me…. to you; to me….
Up to 77 average on OpenCritic with plenty of 8s and a some higher. Heck, reviewing better than Stranger of Paradise at least. Doesn’t seem like the awful game people seem to be saying it is in the comments here.
That's a hard pass from me
I was gonna buy Ghostwire day one, but then remembered that Kirby was releasing on the same day.
I'll just wait for Christmas sales, like I plan on doing with Stranger of Paradise, Sifu, Elden Ring, and Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@Mince Nah that would be a 7, this is minus an extra point for being an Xbox studio game.
Bethesda peaked with Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and Fallout 3 - everything since has been getting steadily worse.
Can't say I'll miss them but Sony really should capitalise on one of their own IPs and get a free-roam western style RPG out there - perhaps the EverQuest/Norrath world?
Not sure why any Sony or Nintendo console owners worries about Microsoft studios and their recent purchases.
Series x has been out 2 years this November 2022 and the only one game maybe worth missing is Forza Horizon 5.
They have nothing in the bag this year apart from maybe Starfield and let’s see it first before we miss it.
Microsoft have turned into a joke for me, I was with them day one original Xbox, but 2 weeks ago sold my series x and have left them now.
Just the way feel about Microsoft as a company that so far have done zero AAA game wise apart from FH5 for series x.
@Dezzy70 Halo Infinite’s single player was great and highly rated, Flight Simulator was one of the highest rated games of last year and overall Microsoft Studios (including Deathloop, a Bethesda game) ended up having the highest overall average of any studio on Metacritic in 2021. Psychonauts 2 was also one of those games and the next game in that series will end up being MS exclusive. There’s plenty of games coming and timed exclusives like Tunic. So if having the highest rated studio output in 2021 makes Microsoft a “joke” then I’ll be happy to be in on it.
I love my PS5 and Sony’s games as well. But to act like Bethesda and all of Microsoft’s output is crap is ridiculous.
So a niche Japanese game is somewhat divisive amongst the 'reviews' and overall has a respectable average 'metacritic' score. Its somewhat of a departure from their previous projects (Evil Within 1 & 2) so have to give them some credit to being 'true' to their roots instead of making another game set in an American state.
I was 'never' interested in this, but then I don't really enjoy these style of games. I'm sure that if you are into games like this, you'll be more positive.
You have to remember that MS may 'now' own Bethesda, but games like this and Deathloop too were in development before they took over and its 'MS's' money that has enabled those developers to 'polish' the game to 'look and run' well on release. The 'design and game-play' is all Tango and impressed Sony enough to want to pay for timed exclusivity.
@Dezzy70 I understand where you're coming from, I haven't sold my series S yet but in the 13 months I've had it and tried most of the xbox exclusives (pre Activisions) and I have been massively disappointed. I enjoyed forza horizon 5 but after 10 hours I just lost interest and halo infinite was bland and not a big budget game and flight simulator was just boring to me as its actual gameplay element was tedious. It's like xbox games are lacking a big budget, when you play playstations big exclusives you can just tell that it had a big budget behind it. Horizon Forbidden West is a perfect example yet xbox players use the same narrative about playstations games saying there are like a movie, yet they obviously haven't played horizon forbidden West, God of war, days gone, persona 5 etc which all have hours upon hours of gameplay and exploring while also look beautiful, have great story and cutscenes, filled and varied maps to explore. And they only way xbox are getting that is from Bethesda with elder scrolls 6/starfield.
If it wasn't for gamepass then xbox would of been finished this gen, and even with gamepass people get more excited over third party games and indies than actually playing xbox's own exclusive games which tells you everything.
The only game for me from the ones you listed was FH5, Halo campaign was ok but not a console keep for me. It is as simple as that.
The near future games for me could be Starfield but we have seen nothing of it, maybe 2022 and lets see the game play and quality first.
It’s a matter of what games you like and what console they are on, I would much rather play Sony and Nintendo big AAA exclusives.
@sanderson72 sony need to buy fromsoftware and make and elden ring style game open world rpg which caters to all players
Thank you and you sum my feelings up correctly on Microsoft’s Xbox and game development.
As for Xbox being finished I think the main reason they are still here is Microsoft’s very deep pockets.
Their strategy of gamepass is not working, I have just checked and lots and lots of Series X sitting on my local shop shelves and easy to order online.
Xbox will always be behind Sony and Nintendo.
Good idea, I have Demon Souls remake a litre then stopped and have slipped Elden Ring.
If Elden was easier then I would buy it and play it.
I think if it was easier overall it would sell even more.
@Dezzy70 I bought it last weekend just to try it and surprisingly I'm now level 41 and just beaten the second main boss. BUT, I will admit I don't do any main or side bosses on my own, before every boss and dungeon there's a totem which you can summon two other random players to join you which makes it a lot easier for me as I concentrate on magic hitting bosses from range whilst the players I've summoned get up close. I've died a few times in the open world though but it's not too challenging, and this is from someone who only lasted a couple hours in demon souls and Bloodbourne
Sounds a bit more favourable then.
Might try it, but prefer the HFW and BOTW open world games. Two of the best ever for me.
Well sadly I just lent my PS5 to my brother until at least November, so it would be a while before I was able to play this anyways. Oh well.
And what’s up with the weird Bethesda sucks comments? Since when do 2 games make a trend? Fallout 76 and Ghostwire Tokyo are different developers, and neither are indicative of Bethesda as a whole going downhill. DooM, DooM Eternal, Wolfenstein, Deathloop, and Fallout 4 all got massive praise. Heck even Dishonored 2 and Prey were decently liked. Let’s not start pretending like Bethesda is the new EA or something because they’ve had a couple of lackluster games recently.
@Dezzy70 yeah same, hopefully BOTW2 has changed its map as I'm worried they have re used the same map and locations
I think the ground map will be similar and maybe a smaller area, but maybe just the main Hyrule Field.
But I think the expansion will be below and above with lots of new environments and areas to explore.
@jFug Yeah Push Square reviews feel off, like reviewers trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. 😋
In all seriousness, it's not that the reviews are wrong persey, just that it seems the reviewers are constantly reviewing games from genres they don't even like... 😬
I got it and I’m loving so far. It has a unique style and I love the theatricality of the story.
Also don’t see the two main characters as annoying, I enjoy their character.
I get a feeling the wrong reviewer may have been assigned.
@Jaz007 Or maybe that you should take reviews with a grain of salt. Till you had the chance to play the game yourself.
Bit of a bummer it’s only supposedly average. If I could get my hands on a PS5 I’d give it a go as I’m a huge fan of The Evil Within and its sequel. With all reviews I choose to take this review with a grain of salt until I try it. Tango games have a certain amount of idiosyncrasy which can be very charming.
I remember beating the original TEW on the hardest difficulty which involved one-hit deaths and many MANY replays of certain sequences.
One of my most satisfying video game achievements in recent memory!
I would sell my left arm for The Evil Within 3 but sadly I don’t see it happening. Especially since Tango are owned by Microsoft now 😔
Another of my favourite horror games Deadly Premonition had a sequel locked to a Nintendo console. Not a fan of this kind of fragmentation but I never complained about Sony exclusives so I guess I’m in no position to whine too loudly, lol.
Thank you for the great review. It’s very disappointing as this game looked creepy and intriguing but it looks like this is going to end up on sale like Deathloop at some point so I’ll probably grab it when it’s 29.99
I’m just about done with the game and in the end I agree with the negatives pointed out here.
I love my open-world games but Ghostwire’s biggest weakness is literally the open-world setting. It adds nothing but unimaginative filler content, unfortunately.
It’s a shame, really. The game do have some interesting and well-thought-out game mechanics. The ray tracing is also on point.
Games looks great and is properly playable with the right settings (own a 120hz tv and had to manually switch that off, so I could run it in the proper HFR Quality mode with vsynch.. Thanks Digital Foundry ), but it's sooooo boring and yeah the story is lame too. Only thing I really liked was learning about japanese culture but tbh this was a real letdown. Well gonna mop the collectibles now for the plat and then forget about it. They should've made another Evil Within...
Now I've actually played this I feel more positive in saying I think this was a score out of spite of Bethesda joining Xbox.
Its an 8 or a 7 at worst.
This review has aged poorly imho. The game is actually fun and stylish and whilst not perfect should be at least a 7 or 8, especially if you have any love of Tokyo or Japan.
@Silenos I played it on Series X. I don't rate many games so high but it's a 10 out of 10 for me, for the reasons I wrote here:
Those that don't care about the Japanese culture, don't read the files and are used to enjoy more flashy/gory games may find Ghostwire too subtle and a disappointment. I am impressed by how they integrated the folklore in so many ways and how they crafted a big open-world game that doesn't rely on filler. On top of that, the combat is fun and the story is deep.
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