Sometimes, reviewing a game under embargo feels a lot like the famous Jose Mourinho phrase: "If I speak, I am in big trouble." Not just with the publisher, but also those fuelling the narrative that Gotham Knights is a bad game before it's even out. Warner Bros. Games Montreal's latest has continually been thrown under a bus in the months leading up to launch, and while some of those criticisms are valid, it all comes across a tad unfair having now played it. Is Gotham Knights on par with the mainline Batman: Arkham series? No, but it's still a good game.

With a surprisingly excellent story, fun combat system, and engaging investigations, Gotham Knights differentiates itself just enough from the likes of Marvel's Spider-Man. The open world of Gotham City is your playground, but the campaign still loves its set pieces in crafted, indoor environments and top-quality cutscenes. It's pleasingly cinematic, revealing the death of Batman in proper 4K.
Killed off in the opening cutscene, it's left to his crime-fighting accomplices to pick up the pieces. Batgirl, Robin, Nightwing, and Red Hood take it upon themselves to investigate his passing, which inevitably leads them to the doorstep of some of Gotham City's most infamous faces as well as the Court of Owls.
The game makes you a part of the inquiry, with crime scenes to examine and evidence boards at the Belfry keeping you up to date with everything the team has learned so far. It's not a CSI simulator, but you'll be connecting the dots between pieces of evidence to uncover new leads and coming to conclusions based on your findings. It's a really enjoyable aspect that gets you involved in the nitty-gritty of the story, making the pay-offs that follow all the more worthwhile.
The narrative serves as the most pleasant surprise of the entire package, with genuinely interesting cutscenes and side quests to enjoy alongside the main case. With dashes of that trademark style of superhero comedy, it all comes together to form a really enjoyable plot that surprises just as much as it entertains.

Batman's four protégés can be freely swapped between at any point during the roughly 20-hour story, allowing you to test their combat and parkour abilities before committing to a main mission. You'll probably already have your favourite — we gravitated towards Batgirl, for example — but it's worth experimenting just in case you vibe with someone else. Some key differences separate the four superheroes, making each one useful in different situations.
Robin's skill tree is geared towards stealth while Nightwing charges up through evading enemy attacks. Red Hood is all about big explosions, and Batgirl can revive herself and hack into cameras and turrets. More exclusive abilities are then sourced from the Knighthood talent tree, which either grants you brand new tech to use or buffs existing skills.
A lot of the time, you'll be building up to using these powers by landing basic punches and kicks as well as ranged strikes that play about with elemental weaknesses. Each blow accrues Momentum, which can be traded in for an ability. You then rinse and repeat this strategy until everyone is dead.
Combat is at its best with a full Momentum bar and an arsenal of skills to call upon, but the rudimentary attacks needed to get there still provide a lot of joy. Fights in Gotham Knights are sort of similar to the Batman: Arkham series, but without a parry or even a block button, it's more about dodging attacks from the thugs of Gotham City and then striking when the time is right. It won't go down as the most complex combat system in the world — far from it. However, beating up bad guys provides a good amount of satisfaction, and inviting a friend along for the ride gives you the chance to get creative with your assaults.
The entire game can be played in two-player co-op. No matter whether that's for a free roam of the open world or during a critical story mission, a buddy can be by your side playing as one of the other superheroes. The feature is implemented really well, with progress and XP gains carrying over to your own game once you return. Cutscenes always focus on the host, but you're able to split up and complete objectives separately.
It's a great way to experience the title; with a friend by your side, you have someone to bounce off of and the chance to test how abilities work in unison. Although, it's important to stress Gotham Knights doesn't feel like a lesser game should you decide to play on your own. We spent the vast majority of our playthrough in single player and never felt like we were missing out. While it's undoubtedly more enjoyable fighting crime with a friend, those who don't wish to team up are still in for a great time.

Having someone there to joke around with would improve open world exploration, though, because there's not a whole lot to Gotham City. Using the Belfry as a home base, you can tour its five districts under the cover of night, with optional activities to complete and collectibles to find. Some of these objectives are tied to popular Batman villains — like Harley Quinn and Dr. Freeze — while others are more generic tasks like clearing waves of enemies. They're serviceable enough, but there's little reason to return to them besides XP gains.
Jumping and swinging from rooftop to rooftop is the best way to get about, not least because the streets below reveal how lacking the destination's nightlife is. Gotham City feels lifeless; there are very few pedestrians strolling the sidewalk and the roads remain quiet. Everything stays static, with your actions having no impact on the open world. Riding around on the Batcycle even introduces a bit of texture pop-in as cars appear directly in front of you, either causing you to swerve or crash over the top of them.
Despite Gotham Knights theoretically being its own standalone IP, it still feels like a disappointment for the open world to be so one-dimensional off the back of Batman: Arkham Knight. As soon as you start unlocking the fast travel system, you'll find yourself relying upon it instead of exploring the city on your way to the next objective. Besides some hidden batarangs and a couple of criminals to beat up, you know you won't be missing out on anything.

Another complication is the controls, which are the type of cumbersome where it's easy to get caught up on objects in the environment and it takes an age to readjust. They feel perfectly fine when you've got a good flow built up during combat, but accidentally press up against a wall or perch on a gargoyle incorrectly and the controls will put up just as much of a fight as Clayface does.
The user interface isn't much better. A ridiculous number of menus make for a very busy and overwhelming pause screen, displaying different pieces of information on the same subject in varying degrees of detail. It's possible to learn about main objectives in three different places in the UI, but none of them house everything you need to know. One menu will highlight where to go on the map; the other two won't. It makes for a really confusing interface that doesn't get any better once you scroll over to the loadout and crafting screens.
We don't know who told Warner Bros. Games Montreal a superhero game needs crafting materials, but they're wrong. Gotham Knights gives you the chance to craft new melee and ranged weapons, and it's all completely pointless. These new versions are actually just the same pieces of equipment with better stats — they don't look any different and they don't give you any extra abilities. They're quite literally the same weapons over and over again with better stats and different elemental weaknesses. You can even craft better versions of the same suit! It's rubbish; get rid.

And then there's the elephant in the room: the frame rate. Having received our review code prior to the announcement, we were extremely surprised to learn the game is capped at 30 frames-per-second. In single player, the title runs very smoothly with only a few noticeable drops here and there. It definitely chugs when you head online for some co-op action, but when you're alone, Gotham Knights feels great to play. While the fact it can't output at 60fps on PS5 will immediately put some people off, you needn't worry if you're open to the idea of half the frame rate.
If anything, it's something that’s emblematic of the entire game. It has many niggling problems that you just sort of forget about once the action kicks into gear, a quality cutscene reveals a new story beat, or playing detective in a crime scene uncovers new clues. With nods and references to the wider Batman universe, it's blatantly obvious Gotham Knights comes from a place of love and care for the character and Gotham City. If you have a passion for them too, there's so much to enjoy.
Gotham Knights is the type of game you so dearly want to love, but time and time again it gives you a reason not to. What Warner Bros. Games Montreal has here is an excellent story with top-notch cutscene direction and a fun combat system, with too many needless and confusing mechanics bolted on top. If you can look past them, there's a genuinely great game here. We recommend trying your best to do so; you'll find a compelling narrative on the other side.
Comments 123
I really like this game and I'm not afraid to admit it! Tag me in if you have any questions.
30fps? Come on.
And it just sounds too bland anyway. This is definitely gonna be on Extra sooner rather than later and I might take a look then if I have the time.
It sounds decent but still a huge missed opportunity for what an open world Batman game could really be if it was a populated city. I do think too many developers make games open world for the sake of it rather than it really adding to the game.
Back on to what the game is rather than isn't I'll probably pick it up in a sale down the line as I am interested in its story and characters
This is a last gen game with last gen performance.
£70, 8 whole story missions and 30fps. Easy pass for me.
@LiamCroft would you say it still feels worthwhile for solo players? Also would I miss much by ignoring the other playable characters as I don't really care for Red Hood
@Smash41 No idea where you've got six story missions from. That simply isn't true. There are eight main case files which span multiple quests.
@carlos82 Your question is answered in the review.
It looks good to be honest. Right up my alley.
Thanks for the review..
Kinda been on the fence about this, despite the genuine interest, but am gonna wait and see if they sort the frame rate issues out before jumping on, if at all..
So, the positive is that it's actually a solid game. The negative is it has plenty of issues here and there and obviously the frame rate not being 60 FPS.
In the end, I'm glad it turned out to be an actual solid game, and it'll be something I buy whenever it goes on sale. As somebody who was really looking forward to this at one point, I'm glad to be able to say that at least. Maybe I'll get it as soon as Black Friday if we get lucky.
I’m going to pick this up tomorrow. I love DC and this review is enough to sway me
Seems like a game i’d enjoy when it’s on sale for $20 or less.
Im glad this turned out better than expected but definitely a sale game for me, possibly Christmas.
Not really interested in the game cause I’m not big into the comic book stuff, but if I was I’d be importing it from the UK cause it’s $20 cheaper than it is in Canada even after shipping and custom fees.
@LiamCroft I seemed to have missed a paragraph as an advert loaded in on my phone
All this game does is remind me just how good we had it with Arkham Knights.
Rather like skillup, I suspect the game was originally designed around a live service model which they then had to pivot from during development due to the almighty train wreck of the Avengers. That would explain a lot of what's left and why its so grindy.
If its ever on one of the services I may take a peek, but its really just reminded me that I should go back and play arkham knights again.
Reading some reviews has gotten my interest up, but i will wait a year or so for the game to get patched (maybe even a 60 fps mode?) before playing it. Might wait for it to be on plus or another service.
@LiamCroft Do you know what the lvl cap is?
reviews out there dont like it.
4/10, 5/10,3/5
everyone i read sounds mediocre
Reviews seem to be all over the place like i expected especially with all the mixed previews. Was pretty clear this game wouldn't satisfy everyone. I'm still getting it, from what i've seen and read it's exactly the game i would love and that's all that matters.
Removed - unconstructive
This sounds at least like the game that Marvel’s Avengers should have been.
@LiamCroft - I have 2 questions, but one is a two-part question depending on your answer.
How are the Boss Fights in comparison to the Batman Arkham Games?
And are there any surprise villains in this game that haven't been revealed officially? If the answer is yes, how many surprise villains are there?
30 fps only = not even going to consider looking at it. Try harder next time.
And it's not on the PS4 because......?
I can only assume really inefficient code causes the PS5 to stutter its way up to 30fps.
30 fPs?!?! EyEs hUrT lItErAlLy unPLaYaBlE!!1!1
Thanks for the review, if I weren’t revisiting P5R on Switch this Friday (which is also unplayable apparently, since it’s 30fps there, nooo!) and FF14 most of the remaining time, I’d give this a try.
This review seems incredibly generous.
@Mitsui Even on more powerful pc hardware it drops frames. This game is not optimized well at all.
@dskatter It is to me. Just because you don't have a problem with it doesn't mean other won't.
Wasn't the masterpiece, God of War, 30fps on ps4?
I don't understand most of the comments here.
Sounds others are saying, it seems like it might be worth looking at after a few patches/updates.
This review sits on the more positive end of the spectrum. I've seen a lot of 4s and 5s (out of 10). Looks to me like it lacks the flair and imagination of Rocksteady's work; it feels like a WB mandated franchise entry and I am totally not here for it.
@naruball I think on the Pro it had an uncapped frame-rate, it did manage to hit 60 quite frequently (which is insane). But GoW is a masterpiece so I guess we can forgive it this has mediocre written all over it.
Totally stoked to play this tomorrow! My son and I each have a copy on the way and we’re gonna play through the whole thing together in co-op. BRING IT!!
@LiamCroft thanks for the review.
how long was the main story (I hear there's only 8 story. Issions) ? With such an empty open world was there any replayability? Is there a difficulty toggle if one may want to make the game more challenging. Is the stealth as simplistic as some suggest?
Pushsquare is my primary review source now. I don't read IGn reviews anymore, they turned to negative focus in almost anything these days. They are becoming Gamespot. Pushsquare is much more fair. Thank you for you care, atention and respect.
Sounds a bit messy but still overall a pretty good time. I'm happy to hear it sounds like they at least got the story right. I think I'll wait for a Black Friday deal to pick this one up.
@naruball it was indeed, but are we not allowed to have higher expectations nearly two years into a new generation?
I don't think the issue is necessarily that it's 30fps, more that it's badly optimised and was canned on the last gen, to supposedly aide its development on current gen consoles..
I was looking forward to it, but hopefully a few patches help it run smoother eventually. whether 30 or 60fps, then I will grab it....
I'm a bit suspicious of yet another positive review. Going on the details in the article itself, it shouldn't get more than a 5 or 6. The only thing giving it a 7 is the structure and word content given to the postive/negative features. Enjoying the game is no reason to downplay the game's failures. I'd find clunky controls infuriating, as I would the FPS issues in co-op.
@KundaliniRising333 story is about 20hrs. alot of other reviews say the side missions are busywork and its a grind, so no doubt hurts repeated plays
Cool a 7 is a good score.gotham Knights is a game i would definitely play.word up son
@naruball Yes, it seems that a number of folks have their ability to enjoy games locked at 60 fps.
Gamespot only gave it 4
It's a pass for me. Looks bland as hell.
@LiamCroft Sounds like the typical monthly free PS Plus Essential game for PS5 to me, which gets 20 % in the inevitable „What March 2023 PS Plus Essential game are you mostly looking for?“ poll.
I think folks are expecting more now. Honestly I'd keep making games PS4-ish and keep 60fps. These consoles are about 2 gens behind the PC gfx race now so trying to do too much will just melt em.
Keep Unreal4/whatever runs on the ps4/XB1X and crank it to a solid 60+ fps imo.
This is a game that will be about 50% off in a month or two. I'll think about getting it at that point, if I'm done with God of War Ragnarok by that time.
The reviews of this game are extremely mixed, which is proving how useless review scores generally are. Reviews are subjective to the reviewer. Just because the reviewer likes it doesn't mean you will, and vice versa. There's been plenty of games that review poorly that I like, and plenty of games that review well that I don't like.
Reviews can be useful in getting a general idea of what the game is about or how it plays, but I truly believe no one should ever make a decision to play or to not play a game based on review scores.
Read a couple rough reviews of this game this morning, this might be the most positive take I’ve seen so far. Easy pass for me. PCGamer really didn’t care for it, 49/100 score.
I was interested in the first half of the review but then it just seemed the game is average at best, busy menus..pointless upgrading, 4 characters seems overkill, and a boring empty open world and a 30fps cap which is probably can't keep felt like I read more minus' than plus, might give it a shotnif a trial comes or if it come ps premium
@bpomber well if 8 out of 10 reviews are terrible or good I'd say its fairly safe to choose off a review, but if its more like 60/40 then it's hard say and make a choice i agree, I guess it also depends on how much you like the " world" the game is based on
I was reading on the Gotham Knights page on Reddit that someone completed all of the story missions and side missions in 18 hours, seems kinda short in a way.
I will play this game at some point, it does look good.
A plague Tale Requiem is 30fps but I'm enjoying the heck out of it. This game sounds a bit meh though.
@naruball we didn't know any better back then.
@nessisonett Don’t ever mention the word ‘alley’ when talking about a Batman related game!
It appears Liam has stopped answering people's questions so does anyone else know how bad the performance is with racing turned on or is it even a turn on turn off toggle? Or is it just baked in at a poor level on consoles as a single graphics output.
I already know the performance is terrible on consoles we've heard that and PC apparently too, but I haven't heard a whole lot about visual effects and if you can turn the stupid Ray tracing off that can barely be implemented in a way to justify its drain to performance on these consoles anyway.
@KundaliniRising333 The Digital Foundry analysis should have you covered. It is, however, a pretty damning appraisal.
"This is a last-gen title in terms of its basic visual makeup." And yet barely hits 30fps on many occasions. "The results are often poor." Ouch.
@JB_Whiting oh sweet I didn't realize they did a video on Gotham they seem to have just skipped the plague tale which is very surprising as they often refer to the first ones Graphics so it's bizarre that they skipped it...... to me it's suspect it hasn't been made or released from DF considering apparently there's a ton of issues with plague tales optimization and also some ambitious visuals that would absolutely warrant a video.
However, but I'll definitely check out that Gotham video. I kind of gave up on digital Foundry in the last few months because they seem to gate all their videos now on subscription and release filler content that isn't up my alley . Thanks for the heads up
"It's pleasingly cinematic, revealing the death of Batman in proper 4K.
Killed off in the opening cutscene, it's left to his crime-fighting accomplices to pick up the pieces. "
FFS, Spoiler warnings please!!!
@JustPlainLoco There aren't any villains beyond what's been announced: the Court of Owls, Harley Quinn, Clayface, and Mr. Freeze.
@KundaliniRising333 It took me 20 hours to beat the game, as I said in the review. There's some replayability in that you can play as the other superheroes, but I don't think repeat playthroughs would be worth the time.
@Futureshark That's literally the entire basis of the game and has been in all the marketing?
@Bentleyma I was so tempted to say right up Crime Alley but wasn’t sure if it would land 😂
PC gamer gave it 47 out of 100. Kind of agree with them this time.
I was worried they would focus on multiplayer so the single player wouldn't be that great but after reading this review I'm glad to hear it has great single player with a story. I'll be getting this.
Love the dc universe but think ill wait for a sale, ive got far far to many games at the minute and my partners gonna lose her sh*t, if I buy any more pointless stuff, her words certainly not mine 😂 she still thinks hot toy figures cost £30 shhhh
This will be a great pickup at $20 and under but yeah the reviews are on par with what many people expect from WB Montreal. They have always been the much less talented little brother of Rocksteady.
What's crazy is they have more developers on deck then Rocksteady, it just confirms is better to have just a couple of talented individuals rather than a bunch of average programmers.
"Gotham Knights is the type of game you so dearly want to love, but time and time again it gives you a reason not to."
Those are my exact thoughta on loot-based actipn games. I want to love them yet there are many issues that prevents that.
@JB_Whiting yeah, but can you imagine people not playing God of War because it's not 60 fps, so it's "literally unplayable"?
@dellyrascal no, I get that. Of course we should expect something better, but following the same logic, people would have missed out on one of the best games ever released. So, I find the whole argument silly.
@kejsi-sensei so now that you do you'd give give God of War Ragnarok a miss if it could only hit 30fps?
I don't get "hardcore" gamers anymore.
@JaaackTommyyy it seems that it's badly optimized. I just think it can still be enjoyable.
I predicted it was going to be in the 60s and 70s.
71 on opencritic hahaha.
I know you should play a game to know how good it is, but sometimes, with a lot of experience in your hands, you know something is off.
Silent Hill 2 remake will be average too.
@naruball come on dude, are you seriously comparing god of war and this crap? this game has bigger problems than a 30fps cap, but it is just the cherry on top that will annoy more people
@Sergo have you played an early copy or something because if not how would you know to agree with them or not
@CapGod a 71 average isn’t bad imo at all that’s gamer logic over the years that turned it into that. Mad max was a great game which has the same exact score,Arkham origins which was really good is only a few points higher.
@Dragonaged yeah that was my worry too even though I already preordered the deluxe I’m glad my worries were unfounded
Not bad or good. Just not good enough to waste my very limited time.
@naruball Oh I agree, completely skipping out on a title like that because it's not 60 is ludircous; TLoU 2 for example was absolutely fine at 30 (though that was a very smooth and stable 30).
I think the issue with Gotham is that, referring to the DF analysis, it hovers awkwardly between 26 and 30 with inconsistent stuttering, coupled with a very outdated look - especially compared to Arkham Knight - and mediocre gameplay makes for a sub-par release
@naruball if you read other reviews it struggles to hit 20fps at times.
i would recommend anyone with a pre order to check out other reviews
bosses are level gated. repetitive side mission scenarios that are forced on the player to gain new abilities. lots of grinding for the purpose of padding out the length of the game. poor performance and can't even hit a steady 30 fps is inexcusable. sounds more like a 5/6 out of 10 to me.
hell, gamespot gave it a 4/10! let that sink in for a second...
Well i thought it would probably be a 7..i'm looking forwards to playing this but i have to wait until next weekend as i am about to go up to the lake district for a week away with the wife and my little wooly golf or ps5 for me for the week 😰...
@JaaackTommyyy yup. No doubt about that. That's why I'm specifically against not playing a game simply because it can't hit 60 fps. Same with graphics, better are always preferable, but not a dealbreaker if a game looks like a ps4 game.
@kejsi-sensei but their whole argument was "30 fps? Pfft. Hard pass".
I have played the game for a few hours now and I have found it to look great and be enjoyable. Glad that push square looked beyond the bashing bandwagon tech reviews from DF and clickbait for IGN to give a fair and objective view. Most people outside this toxic gaming echo chamber will enjoy the game and not give 2 s' about fps or how "a 7 year old game looks better". Really glad I tried this before reading reviews.
@Darylb88 glad you’re enjoying it i preordered the deluxe and it’s killing me having to wait till midnight to play it
The cons in the review seem to support a 6/10, at most. Considering many of us have extensive backlogs and tons of games are on the horizon, we don’t HAVE to buy/play something just because it’s the latest anticipated release. It’s easy to get excited any time something new is dropping, but not all games are for the masses.
Crazy how a game could have bad performance lifeless world bad UI bad controls and still be a 7/10 lol.
I'm glad you liked it. Arkham Origins was very good, so I'm more than happy to throw some money WB Montreal's way. I just hate this took an entire generation to get out. Coming from a gamer who has played games, I'm so confused on the 30fps point. 60fps is cool and all, but a solid 30fps has never once bothered me. Maybe I'm not a good enough player.
@dark_knightmare2 Yeah I think you will enjoy it. it's reviews jobs to be critics but most people don't pay attention to them. My sisters bf buys 2-3 games and year and doesn't even know what IGN or fps is. But he played with me and loved the game.
@JB_Whiting I have never seen them go so hard on a game and deservingly so. Those waiting for a 60fps patch will wait for the rest of their lives, they can't even get it to smoothly run at 30.
I would just rather have a stable 30 than a 60 that's all over the place.
The pc reviews are seen say frame rate is all over the place from low teens to 120, as said would take a stable 30 over that
@nessisonett It would of landed as well as Robin’s parents.

Reviews seem to be all over the board.. After reading/watching a few, I don't think it's worth the $70 for me to buy at launch and I cancelled my preorder. I can wait until it goes on sale, and/or gets patched.
@dark_knightmare2 Same reason whybwe read reviews before buying mate.
Totally agree. I also see what Kotaku and Eurogamer say as they just give straight feelings; no arbitrary numbers.
@Sergo no you say you agree with the bad reviews but how would you agree with them if you haven’t played it yet to see if you feel the same way
@dark_knightmare2 I agrred due to the info that it actually mimics Arkham series and it is just more of the same. Also, not in that good way. Watched couple of plays. I am sure you know what is when you read for a good game and see things you like, and when you do not. Also, for the same reason, I do not read only one website for reviews.
@naruball you're comparing a game from 4 years ago on last gen to a brand new game on better hardware.
Hell, RE4 was a masterpiece on GC why wasn't that a steady 60FPS too?
@aj21009 you're completely missing my point, which is that 30fps has been absolutely fine even for masterpieces over the years. Now, suddenly, everyone loses their vision after playing a game that can't do 60fps. It's typical internet exaggeration.
@naruball Your point is ridiculous. As hardware gets better people expect better. This game dropped it's last gen release and it's coded so bad it even dips below 30 fps.
60 FPS is the norm now. If God of War was released now with only 30 fps people would complain, which guess what, it's sequel coming out next month is 60 fps.
Batman Arkham series looks better than this.
@naruball god of war IS A PS4 GAME ……
im torn, im getting this without a doubt because of arkham origins , but it’s just not worth $70 , and i don’t want to wait for a sale
@LiamCroft Over the years I've grown to agree with your reviews, so quite happy with that. Can't wait to jump in today.
@Torque Good to hear, enjoy!
I'm somewhat confused. Were the developers stuck in the last generation?
Easy pass until it goes on sale.
Wish it came out in the Summer so it’d be discounted during Black Friday sales. Oh well. These games discount fast. Plus, I’d rather wait to buy a “Complete/Gold Edition”. No way this game won’t have DLC expansions like the most of the other Arkham games
@naruball That's a fair point... If I had taken that attitude, I would have missed out on a hell of a lot of quality software.. 👍
I really like the look of this, and really could not give a monkeys if its capped at 30fps
Half the people complaing its 30fps wouldn't even notice unless they was told.
@HeeHo and you know that how ? 30 to 60fps is a big difference , if someone can’t see that then they can definitely feel/play it . this ain’t a case of graphics that “refined” gamers like to scoff about .
hope more people complain and be pissed about games being in 30fps , on 9th gen consoles in 2022 ; otherwise what’s the point of ***** upgrading to new consoles
@nomither6 The way some entitled gamers act you'd think anything below 60 played like one of those LCD handhelds.
I will play it if it goes on gamepass or extra im not paying money for somthing that doesnt seem as good as the arkham games
Thanks for the honest review! My best buy copy has already shipped, planning on returning it since they only refund sealed copies.
@sanderson72 "stutter it's way to 30fps" um no it clearly states in the teview and I can confirm having spent several hours with it that it's a solid 30fps and I've seen bo frame rate drops.
Meh... Even with mixed reviews. I'm still gonna purchase and play the game. Luckily, PC is my main platform and I was able to grab this for $40. I feel so sorry for yall console players. Yall are being screwed over with these $70 price tags this generation.
So wait for it to drop to 25 is the feeling I'm getting?
yeah nah mate.. looks plain af.. Arkham Knight ***** on this 💩
I've only got around playing for 3 hrs before I had to break for holidays . I love what's I've been playing so far. Been playing Arkham asylum and city past 2 weeks. So far Gotham knights has been my kind of game .
Must time to moan about numerical scores again.
i like a realistic darkness as much as the next guy, but this here is bordering with incompetence, the game is as dark as The Godfather Part II lol
Just got this for $14 on PSN
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