There's a lot to like about King of Fighters XV if you're a fan of the genre. Deep, technical gameplay. A large and fairly interesting character roster. All-important rollback netcode, which allows for mostly smooth online matches. All of the ingredients are here, but the finished product still lacks a certain edge — the kind of edge that some would argue SNK lost when it transitioned from sprite-based, 2D fighting games.
Visuals aren't everything, but presentation is still a crucially important component of a successful brawler. Lest we forget the likes of Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite and King of Fighters XIV — the latter being much more relevant to this review.
King of Fighters XIV was an unfortunate release. Its predecessor, King of Fighters XIII, is probably one of the best-looking 2D fighting games of all time, so when XIV moved to a 3D engine, complete with ugly character models and rough visual effects, the backlash was inevitable. It was so heavily criticised that SNK actually updated the title years later, improving its graphical capabilities quite dramatically. But still, the damage had been done, and it almost felt unfair, given that XIV sported some typically great gameplay.

Thankfully, King of Fighters XV is another significant step in the right direction. It builds upon XIV's art style with a more vibrant colour palette, better lighting, and more detailed character models. Generally speaking, it's a flashy and fun looking game, even if it still falls noticeably short of its striking 2D predecessors.
It's a solid start, then, and XV carries that momentum through its trademark fighting mechanics. If you're already familiar with the series, then you'll be able to dive right in. XV feels incredibly close to XIV in terms of animation and general gameplay flow, with only a few system-level changes altering how players might approach a match.
King of Fighters staples, like Max Mode and mandatory three-on-three battles, are still here and mostly work as existing fans would expect. Managing your super meter remains a focus, since it's shared between all three of your chosen characters, who are swapped out once they're KO'd. Said meter allows you to use the aforementioned Max Mode — elongating combos and powering up special attacks — while also providing resources for combo-ending super moves.

The three-on-three system is still at the core of King of Fighters' identity. Unlike other team-based brawlers, such as Dragon Ball FighterZ, you're not switching between your chosen combatants at will, and there are no assists. As such, team composition is more about picking characters that you enjoy playing as, and with XV's sizeable roster, discovering favourites is actually one of the most enjoyable parts of the game.
Now then, about those system-level changes we mentioned earlier. The big one is that you no longer need to be in Max Mode to perform enhanced versions of special attacks. Instead, you can fire off these potent moves by simply burning a chunk of your meter. Depending on the character, this change can have a surprisingly big impact on their effectiveness — especially since you don't have to fully commit to Max Mode.
Meanwhile, Shatter Strike is an entirely new addition — an armoured attack that staggers the opponent on a successful hit. It's clear that SNK didn't want to narrow the scope of King of Fighters' combat here — everything that's been added or altered brings more gameplay options to the table, which leads to XV being an impressively deep and rewarding instalment.

But what does this mean for new players? Well, when you put everything together, there's no question that King of Fighters XV is a very technical game. Once you've wrapped your head around the core mechanics — both offensive and defensive — there's still so much to learn about individual character strategies and tricky combo routes. What's more, King of Fighters remains a relatively high execution series, demanding a lot of precise directional inputs for even standard combos.
That said, King of Fighters isn't as difficult to pick up as you might have heard. The series has developed a bit of a reputation for its daunting combo strings, but there are techniques — like the so-called 'button hold trick' — that make complex-looking inputs a lot easier to actually pull off. The real issue is that these techniques are never explained in-game, and so newcomers stumble across command lists that look borderline impossible, and potentially give up there and then.
Creating and presenting a decent tutorial is a problem that a lot of modern fighting games have, and King of Fighters XV definitely suffers from its inability to effectively explain or demonstrate key mechanics. Hit up the training mode and you get a brief introduction to the basics — like movement, blocking, and short hops — but it all feels disappointingly stunted.

It should also be noted that King of Fighters XV is yet another modern fighting game that expects you to play online. Its dedicated story mode is dumb fun while it lasts — it's really just a glorified arcade run with a team of your choice — but beyond that, the meat of XV is, naturally, found in facing off against other players.
Fortunately, as alluded, the online experience in XV can be pretty darn good. The netcode itself isn't quite Guilty Gear Strive good, but SNK's implementation of rollback often makes for silky online matches that feel great to play. The only issue we had was running into odd connection errors every now and then, which would kick us out of lobbies and back to the main menu. Some research suggests that these network errors were also popping up in the game's pre-release beta tests, so it's a shame that they're yet to be resolved.
Fighting game fans can't really go wrong with King of Fighters XV — a sequel that doesn't shy away from the technical depth of its predecessors. It's obviously still early days, but it feels like SNK has improved upon King of Fighters XIV in all of the ways that matter. Better visuals, expanded mechanics, and, perhaps most importantly, smooth online netcode make for fighter that's hard to fault — even if it's lacking the cutting edge of its peers.
Comments 23
Sorry this review is a bit late, everyone — got completely derailed with Cyberpunk releasing out of nowhere on PS5. Happy to try and answer any questions, just @ me.
Got this and kinda of regret it. Good game but nothing beats Guilty Gear Strive right now. Strive is easily the best fighter in years IMO.
I watched a few competitive streams for this one and it’s pretty fun to watch but not really my thing as a player. I’m sticking to Guilty Gear for now
@awp69 I’ve been always kinda old school with my beat em ups, will check guilty gear out. This I’ll wait for it to turn up on a subscription service.
Ill get the first fighter in ages with a big starter roster.
“Better than XIV but still struggles to wow”
I see what you did there
Got it on the Series X. I love it, huge improvement over XIV.
I can't wait to dig into this after OlliOlli World releases it's grip on me.
I’ve been enjoying this game very much and this will be my main game on PS4 for awhile. My main team is Mai, Athena, and King. Although I do like using other characters such as Terry and Robert.
@Gamer83 how's the player base, as in time to find online matches?
@shonenjump86 I know Terry's always been fun, but I think he's really fun in this game. Just something about the way his moves hit that makes him super satisfying.
It feels like the bunch of small improvements to KoF IV really add up in XV. It’s not as gorgeous as Guilty Gear, for sure, but it has that sturdy KoF feel and a huge and varied roster. Online play is also super smooth. I haven’t noticed any lag while getting wrecked online.
Honestly, don't know. I'm one of the weirdos who only plays single player, I never bother with the online stuff.
@ShogunRok I hear Terry is like really top tier in this game. His mission combos are pretty easy to do. The last one of his mission can net you the One Punch trophy.
@Gamer83 If 83 is referring to your year of birth, I completely understand 89 here, but I do enjoy the occasional online match once in a while.
Better late than never. Bought it day 1 and love it.
It's an 8-9/10 for me.
it's an 8-9 no doubt.
'struggles to stand out in its genre' well nope, especially when it's the fighting game in recent years.
Only have the demo of 14, but i love it.
Yup, that's my birth year. Main reason I don't play online, though, is that I suck at competitive games.
i hate the way the game looks graphically and the way it animates ; i contemplated buying it as my first true KOF but , after watching several twitch streams of the game , i know it wouldn’t be for me . the roster also just looks like a bunch of discount characters of pre-existing characters in other franchises . now idk how old KOF is , and if it came before , but i couldn’t care less .
@Gamer83 another 83'er that sucks at online competitive beat em ups. Must be the year, brother 😂
Yeah, I never got anything more than average at best. In my college days when I had a bit more time I tried to play some sports games and FPS online and could do ok but once I was out of school and started working I went back to singleplayer only, even for games that put a clear focus on multiplayer, such as KoF, Street Fighter, etc.
@awp69 I don't know how anyone can compare this game to Strive and think Strive is the better game. Is it graphically superior? Sure, easily.
But KOF has no overly simplified mechanics, instead the game builds on what has come before in the series with MAX-less EX moves and Shatter Strike, it has no gutted movesets, despite adding some things for newer players such as autocombos and making climax inputs universal the game clearly respects the fanbase that has followed it for decades, it has a sensibly designed lobby system instead of a bizarre Habbo Hotel looking thing, it launched with 39 characters instead of a paltry 15, it features over 300 music tracks from all over KOF and SNK history, it has all sorts of soulful little touches like special intros between characters, unique announcer voice overs for story mode, and some cute special secret endings. None of the e-sports pandering nonsense Capcom has gone for in recent years either.
Strive was fun for a bit, but I got bored very quickly, there just isn't much to do there, player expression was clearly not a priority at all over appealing to new players.
This game here is easily a 9/10 for me, one of the first true and pure fighting games in years.
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