For as much as fans complain about annual sports games playing the same, NBA 2K22 genuinely does feel dramatically different. A complete rewrite to the defensive gameplay means no longer can you ghost past 7-foot interior beasts like they’re made of paper, as you’ll have to actually work to engineer open looks and lanes to the basket. This increase in difficulty is offset by much more manageable shooting when you’re wide open, meaning it’s easier to get the ball to fall – but only if you’ve successfully carved your opponent apart.
It makes for a much more rewarding experience overall, where intelligent playmaking and a good understanding of the court is reflected in results. Even online, where demigod MyPlayer builds once ruled supreme in MyCareer, you can now effectively stonewall tricky slashers who try to dribble you into submission, forcing them to change their approach. There are times where it does feel like 2K Sports has gone a little too far: the AI can give the impression it’s equipped with force fields at times, but it is penetrable if you learn how to leverage your playbook and effectively incorporate the pick-and-roll.

The best part about these fundamental gameplay alterations – which also include a new dynamically adjusting shot meter – is that they expand to each of the core modes in the game, meaning that regardless of whether you enjoy collecting cards in MyTeam or creating your own WNBA superstar in The W, the action feels tighter and more demanding. There are still some collision issues and instances of warping where players are finessed into the position their animation cycle demands, but the overall pace of the game is snappier, and thus this is the best playing basketball sim from 2K Sports in some time.
But the changes don’t end there: the City, which was first introduced in last year’s next-gen version of NBA 2K21, has undergone a makeover – and MyCareer incorporated within it. While the sandbox still has the symmetrical format of its predecessor, divided between four different player affiliations, it’s much busier overall – with NPCs added to formerly abandoned streets, incorporating much-needed visual interest that makes the location feel more alive. As in previous games, you can join impromptu basketball matches on courts all over the open world, and there’s even matchmaking this time.

While the storyline mimics past releases, plotting the exploits of your own personal avatar as he tries to break into the NBA, it’s presented differently. Instead of sitting through cut-scenes with basketball matches in between, you’ll be taking on Quests all over the aforementioned City, meeting with agents and PR executives as you forge your campaign. Along the way, you’ll interact with a cast of colourful characters – including your live-in ally Ricky, who spends almost the entirety of his time working from a laptop on your kitchen counter. Unsurprisingly, the plot’s not going to win any Oscars.
Perhaps most noteworthy is how the game attempts to incorporate side-activities in order to complement your performance on the court. Inspired by real-world stars like LeBron James – who’s made a play at cinema with his Space Jam sequel – and Damian Lillard, a part-time rapper, you’ll spend your time also pursuing careers in fashion and music. This means that you can hit up recording studios to lay down tracks and even strut down the catwalk in the centre of the city – all for rewards which help contribute to your overall progress in the game.

It’s not a bad idea, but unfortunately it all feels undercooked. Navigating the City, which you’ll need to do a lot in order to complete Quests, is cumbersome – and many of the side-activities lack any real depth. When the game is asking you to wear a different t-shirt for two minutes in order to progress, the novelty quickly wears thin, and considering the core on-court gameplay is so strong, the supplementary fluff feels like it exists predominantly to get in the way.
It doesn’t help that the game is plagued with old issues, like the fact that you’ll need an exorbitant amount of in-game virtual currency VC in order to upgrade your player’s stats, and the City itself is riddled with advertising. Some of the lowlights include a line of quests involving Jake from the State Farm commercials, who’s been face scanned into the title to espouse the American insurance firm’s virtues. And he’s not alone: Daily Quests task you with wearing the latest drip from global brands like Adidas and Under Armour in order to reap rewards, while even your MyPlayer’s in-game phone is running 5G from AT&T because of course it is.

While none of this is particularly uncommon for the series, it’s particularly egregious in a game now costing $69.99, and it’s hard to shake the feeling that the package exists primarily as a vehicle to peddle microtransactions and secure commercial partners. But while that’s a valid criticism, it would dismiss the undeniable achievements elsewhere. For example, in a year where Madden NFL 22 sought acclaim for incorporating offensive and defensive coordinators into its Franchise mode, NBA 2K22 introduces an entirely new staffing system into its MyNBA counterpart, allowing you to oversee a team of 17 employees ranging from coaching staff through to sports psychologists.
This is all in addition to industry-leading presentation, underpinned by an excellent soundtrack which 2K Sports has committed to updating seasonally as the release matures. When you compare to the other sports games on the market, this series is in a class of its own in so many ways – it’s even continued its commitment to raising the profile of the WNBA, and while its MyCareer equivalent The W doesn’t have anywhere near the depth of its male-based counterpart, it’s worth keeping in mind that FIFA 22 doesn’t even have Women’s Super League teams yet. (Although it is adding female players to Pro Clubs, which should be acknowledged.)
NBA 2K22 spreads itself a little too thin off the court, but it genuinely takes strides on it. The game’s rewritten defensive system makes for a much more enjoyable experience across all modes, where you feel rewarded for using the ball effectively and engineering open looks. MyCareer’s first foray into non-NBA activities could do with fleshing out, and there’s still an overreliance on advertising and microtransactions. But with one of the most complete Franchise modes on the market, and with exceptional presentation across the board, this is a series at the top of its game again.
Comments 29
The City is very very very very slow to get about. I’m glad I picked this one up for about half the price two days after launch but yeah, it’s decent for what it is. I haven’t played 2K in a while so it does feel vastly improved other than the AI defence committing essentially sexual harassment whenever you get remotely close to them. Those guys stick to you like glue. It’s been a good thing to rotate which sports game I’m buying each year, keeps things fresh.
@nessisonett where’d you manage to get it half price this quick
Well yeah this game doesn't look too bad, but did you know that you can save a lot of money with State Farm?
Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.
but really, why so much advertisement in a $70 game?
@Jacko11 It was £48 at The Game Collection and then I used my reward points to bump that down to about £32 and change.
Off topic but Kena Bridge of Spirits review when?
I beg of you - if you must buy this, wait for a sale.
@Splat We only just got it so can't give you an exact date, but I'd assume next week.
@get2sammyb Thanks. I took a chance and pre-ordered. Looks good and hoping for the best.
Kena looks like it will be more focused on aesthetic rather than substance from first impressions but I'd like to be pleasantly surprised. Getting Jak and Daxter vibes from it, with more focus on the combat.
Oh and sports games suck nowadays, a few minor additions -and occasionally some subtractions - year over year won't change my mind. 🤪👍
Looks like Disco Elysium art style.
I don't buy these games because of the ads
110AUD for an updated rooster with ads and bs 2K microtransactions. Never again
Happy to hear it’s improving. I no longer play sports games but have a lot of friends who do. Sometimes I watch them play and it’s pretty cool.
"At it's best on the court" sounds like "the game is not that good, you should be playing on the actual court".
I love how everyone is complaining how they never buy sports games again ...and comments are full of these people, yet again, year after year. and millions are sold, yet again. ha ha ha
"I don't see the value and so should you" mentality is f cancer
Glad to hear some are enjoying it. Will try to pick it up for $20 in January or $10 in May.
Was mostly interested in the fact it added city stuff but if it's naff I'll skip, thanks, Sammy.
I haven't played much NBA2k games in the last decade until the last 2 years, and while they look great now(they always did even with NBA Live as well) the game play is so clunky and slow now. And the microtransactions are just obnoxious. I'll be missing this one because the last one on ps5 left a bad taste in my mouth with how hard they make it to enjoy the career mode because they want you to buy VC. It could be such a good experience if they just made a game instead of a microtransaction store wrapped in a basketball game. Imagine a career mode with proper progression or customisation like PES master league, it would be awesome, instead we get a cut back game that makes you feel like a loser to try to make you buy VC.
The standard myNba is ok but still doesn't have a mode where you take a scrappy team or player and bring them up to win it all. You have to enforce your own imaginary rules if you want to play like that rather than the game give you that experience.
I'll wait for it to be $20 on sale like I did with 2k21 give it a shot again.
Will get this for $5 when it inevitably goes on sale next year around days of play.
I don't care for MyTeam and microtransactions so the GM mode is good enough for me.
But are the Trophies easy?
Ads & MTX but full price? Don’t think so
@nessisonett it's not even worth it for free honestly.....
@Pusher2021 yeah £65! For this gambling rubbish! You have to be insane to pay retail price for something like this!
@huyi I’ve been having fun just playing the single player mode. Same as I usually do in these games.
@kejsi-sensei I have bought 1 Fifa game 15 years i guess. 🤪
These games should be €30 top with all the MT on it. 🤪
@Flaming_Kaiser congrats...I guess!? what games do you play?
@kejsi-sensei Now firstparty singleplayer, RPG's, a lot of indie stuff. Only with RPG's i have a harder time starting them up getting older less and less time. When i get my PS5 im going to play Returnal, Demon Souls, Ghost of Thushima. I do like the shorter games now its easy to start and finish just finished Matterfall im bot going for the Platinum one hit deaths where you need to get to the end as fast as possible. 😭
The last boss took me a weekend on Veteran and that with two hits where you can use a power up slot to get two extra hits. 🤬
@Jacko11 it looks like the way to go with these games is wait about 8 months. Im getting this game on ps5 for $10, if you dont mind waiting.
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