The core conceit of Paradise Killer is so brilliant and yet so simple: the player dictates how the whodunnit story plays out. This first person adventure title drops you into a fantastical island setting where you must solve a mass murder, but the responsibility rests with you. There's little guidance — you simply need to explore the open world environment, discover clues, and gather evidence by talking with the colourful suspects.
At first it can be overwhelming. The game throws a lot of unique terminology and lore at you from the off, and the first hour or so can be dizzying. However, like the core mystery, you'll slowly work out what the island is and who you're dealing with as you explore. It's an initially confounding, but eventually fascinating setting that allows for some truly wild twists and turns.
Gathering your own evidence means a lot of walking and talking, and while the idea of hunting down the answers yourself is truly engrossing — especially as the final pieces fall into place — the act of getting around can be a bit of a chore. The island is fairly large and it's pockmarked with people, collectibles, and valuable clues, not to mention important abilities that are inexplicably easy to miss. It's worth searching everywhere if you want to get the most from the story, but getting from A to B is slow, and fast travel will cost you an in-game currency, which is a little annoying.
However, Paradise Killer will gradually win you over. Part of its smart design is letting you begin the endgame trial, where you'll make your final accusations, whenever you like, giving you complete control over the outcome. When you're satisfied you know what happened, you can start proceedings and present your case — there is no single correct answer. Combined with a great, low-tech aesthetic and an excellent soundtrack, and this is a game with both style and substance.
Comments 11
So, this seems right up my alley, but I can't find it anywhere in the Norwegian PS Store. Could this be another case of missing localization data in the store preventing the availability in some countries? Anybody know?
Keep meaning to make time for this.
What's the deal with the crazy naked blue bug thing in the screenshots? Pics don't seem to match the game description, lol
@FuriousMachine problem is with Sony - developer has said some European regions just haven't put the game up when they should have done and they are awaiting a resolution.
This game is absolutely awesome, can't recommend it highly enough!
If you like games like Her Story and Telling Lies, Obra Dinn, or even Outer Wilds, by all means get this as well!
It's so good!
@Scob Ah, thanks mate
Then I'll just try to be patient and hope Sony gets it sorted sooner rather than later.
@Ralizah Same, had it on Steam for ages now and haven’t made the time.
Good review, made me interested in the game although I had barely heard of it before.
@Chinese_Stu If you watch a trailer for this game, it doesn't seem as out of place as if you're just reading the review and go through the screenshots. This game seems to be pretty weird at times, but in a good way, so it doesn't seem that out of place.
I can recommend it too. I guess open-endedness may bother some, the fact no one is telling you if you figured things out correctly or not.
Games like this make me wish there was a PS VITA version. I played this on SWITCH. Its very impressive.
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