Ah, Resident Evil 3. A PS5 version isn't going to restore all that cut content, but at least the game looks and runs better on Sony's new system. Just like Resident Evil 2, Capcom hasn't exactly pushed the boat out in terms of enhancing its remake of the underappreciated 1999 title. However, there's little to really complain about: Resident Evil 3 looks and runs better on PS5. Simple.
The same two graphical modes headline Resident Evil 3 on PS5; the first is all about ray tracing at a targeted 60fps while the second doubles that frame rate goal and drops the visual quality to make it possible. You also have the option of turning both options off and enjoying the native 4K resolution.
Ray tracing feels more pronounced here compared to Resident Evil 2 as the Umbrella laboratories making up the late-game areas truly shine with slick white walls that shine reflections all over the gaff. The game was already a looker on PS4, but this simple upgrade has done wonders for Jill Valentine, Carlos, and co. We didn't notice quite as many frame rate drops with ray tracing turned on compared to Resident Evil 2 either, suggesting this title may have a slightly better handle on it.
Resident Evil 3 on PS5 also takes advantage of the same speedy load times as its predecessor, allowing you to very quickly get in and out of the game with ease. The same goes for the PS5's adaptive triggers — it's once again very basic support, but there is a touch of difference between the handguns, shotguns, and grenade launchers.
While a PS5 version of Resident Evil 3 could never rectify the glaring issues of the PS4 remake — cut content, very short run time — it does at least shine bright with ray tracing implementation and a native 4K resolution. Capcom was simply trying to make Resident Evil 3 look and run better on PS5, and it at least achieved that.
Comments 63
This game was a massive disappointment for me following the incredible Resi2 Remake. I'll only try out the ps5 version of Resi2.
I'm one of the rare people that liked this just as much if not more than the Resident Evil 2 Remake. Maybe me never playing the original Resident Evil 3 helped, but I found this to be a blast regardless.
Now, like for the PS5 version of RE2, I just have figure out how I'm going to play it. Whether I sacrifice a bit of framerate for the ray tracing or go for a rock solid 60, I don't know yet. It will still look great even without the ray tracing, so I guess I'm leaning towards that for now.
What do you guys mean by disappointing?
I loved every minute of this game. I will definitely play it again. It turned into one of my favorite Resident Evil entries.
I loved this game.
I remember so many people being disappointed with the original version of 3 too, but I played through it countless times back in the day.
Now RE3 Remake is my go to game when I just want to chill for an hour.
The new visual upgrades look very nice too.
Will get it to sit with resi 2, unplayed on my shelf. Dont know why i buy these games when i dont even dare play them 🤷♂️
@KilloWertz same here the og resident evil 2 is my favorite RE out of them all and the remake was great but a little bit of a disappointment to me while I played og 3 I never had the feelings for it like 2 so I really enjoyed it and feel like it’s about as good as remake 2.
I think its dope and this take will eventually disappear.
I love RE2, but it does dip a bit in the middle, RE3 remake is all killer no filler. It really doesnt bother me its not 20 hours long
I think I probably enjoyed RE3 more than 2 (same for the originals too!)
Mr X was just a bit too annoying in RE2. And the short playtime of 3 meant I blitzed through it in 2 sessions.
Granted I only spent about a tenner on 3.
(I do think overall this was a let down versus the 2 remake though, even though I enjoyed it more personally.)
For those who don't know why people consider the remake disappointing, it's because they left out more than half the game
I'll stay play this again on PS5, as mechanically speaking, it's brilliant, and I really liked what they did with Carlos.
Not to beat a dead horse, lack of clock tower and many Nemmy encounter sucks.
@KilloWertz yeah me too.
It could be longer but to be fair, Resi 2 is longer but only if you replay it as a different character plus at times the second playthrough is way to similar to the first.
I really enjoyed both games.
I don't understand why this get such negativity. It's short, I agree there, but I expected that as the original is about 3 hours long, and RE2R took me 4 hours to complete both A and B.
Either way, I had a good time with both titles.
@Humaniac exactly. And not every game has to be that long.
@allblaxx Exactly. So many locations were left out: the park, newspaper office, the gas station only appears briefly in a cutscene, and the hospital sequence is severely simplified - with the vaccine synthesis removed for Carlos. And Raccoon City itself is oversimplified - you don't get that sense of progression, moving through the city uptown to downtown and back, trying to repair the cable car and escape, never knowing when the Nemesis will show up. The remake is technically sound, but overall pales in comparison to the original
Awful game waste of money
@pyrrhic_victory it's absolutely crap
It was disappointing compared to RE2 but I still enjoyed it. Put about 20 odd hours in to it total. Also loved Jill in this one.
I bought both these games on launch, and while 3 was disappointing I still really enjoyed it. Both games are pretty short, I beat 3 in one session in under 5 hours, and RE2 took me around 8 to do both runs when I first played them, so they're not that different in terms of size or scope.
I just wish they didn't cut some things from the original on the remake. Whole sections are gone.
Far too much was made of this games length
Absolutely love this game. It’s okay for some games to be shorter; but I get the disappointment with cut content. Anyways, the ray tracing looks amazing, but it definitely takes a hit on the frame rate; not horrible, but it was distracting, hitching a tad when I swing the camera.
@Ryany Free upgrade? If u own the ps4 version?
If not. Then a waste of money
@Kidfunkadelic83 https://www.goodtherapy.org/learn-about-therapy/issues/compulsive-shopping/get-help
They’re both great games (RE2 & 3) but I enjoyed 3 more because Mr X was really annoying. I do wish they hadn’t cut certain areas from RE3 but it’s still a very good game. Probably my favourite RE game actually. Closely followed by RE2 (Original) and RE4.
@GuyProsciutto therapy 😂😂
The problem with re2 remake I feel Is Mr X ruins the pacing of the game, for me anyway. I like to take my time and explore. Feel the game and atmosphere, the dread of dark halls and what's lurking around the unknown corridor. Mr X turns up at every giving moment meaning I now need to rush around to the next room. He should have remained as scenario B only. Also I feel capcom had the chance to make these scenarios completely different this time round rather than the mess doing the same thing as both characters and not them not being intertwined properly. Don't get me started on the cut content of re 3. It's still a good game in its own right and I enjoyed the short ride. but for the people who played it first time round know whats missing and that's a hell of a lot.
You would have hoped by some small chance they'd taken the opportunity to have listened to feedback of the initial release & maybe extended/restored some of the original's cut content,but no,just add some extra graphical sprinkles.
Bit like PS4 RE5...although nothing will save it from Chris Ironfist Redfield levels of plot silliness, fixing the dumb companion A.I. in single player would've been at least something to improve the gameplay!
Resi 3 is perfectly fine and doesn't overstay it's welcome and respects your time. The game was also available for under 40$ only weeks after release, so unless you're a tool that pre-orders everything and pays full price, you got a perfect value proposition.
I see I’m not the only one that loved re3 remake. It was a pretty over looked game imo because code Veronica came out as a sega timed exclusive at the time so the re3 felt like a side game then a sequel.
Well this comment section made me smile. LOVED the RE3 Remake as well, even more than RE2R, already have the plat but will go back for a fun playthrough!
Canned review. As expected, just reproducing the common voice of nostalgic adults who are never satisfied with ruining their childhood. How silly! Welcome to the 70 hour gaming era...
I am sick and tired of this RE3R slander and I will stand for it no longer!
RE2 remake is better than RE3 remake but still very good imo. RE4 is still my fave RE so really looking forward what the Remake will look/play like. This PS5 upgrade is a win & it's FREE too (other genre, but the Wreckfest payable PS5 upgrade was a huge disappointment, especially concerning DS implementation).
I loved re3r. That's all.
@KilloWertz I did too! But I don't think my opinion really matters because I genuinely liked RE5, and RE6.
@__jamiie Re5 and 6 are one of the best
Resident evil 3 (the og) is my favourite resident evil the remake was disappointing because it felt more like a dlc to resident evil 2 than a full game it's still not a bad game & I'll be replaying it after resident evil 2 just a shame they didn't put the same effort into it as 2 remake
@__jamiie My opinion probably matters even less since these two remakes are the only two Resident Evil games I've ever played. Well, technically I played the first one all the way back on PS1, but I never finished it.
@Humaniac I wish I could get through it that fast I want to unlock the extra weapons but I'm not going to pay for the unlockables because I don't agree with locking cheats behind a paywall
@KilloWertz It's a series I didn't get into until the Resident Evil remake on the GameCube. I never owned a PS1 unfortunately. The entire series up until 4 was released on GameCube so I got to catch up with everything and at the time 0 and 4 were exclusive. You should go back and play as many of them as you can. Even the Chronicles games on Wii/PS3. One of my favourite series ever.
@Robocod I wish they had but that's why I think it's odd that they announced that they were making dlc for village because so many people asked for it Asif we didn't also want more content for 3 remake lol
@__jamiie I may give some of the rest of the series a shot here and there. I have a lot of other games in my backlog to play as well, and I did try Resident Evil 7 last year and didn't like it. In all fairness, I didn't like Resident Evil 2 Remake when I played the demo, but gave the game a second chance when the full game released and loved it of course (I wouldn't have played 3 if I didn't). I will give 7 another chance at some point.
@WaveBoy Uh what? The dismemberment and even gore was a downgrade compared to RE2RE
@Would_you_kindly If only there was more of Nemesis and ya know, clock tower...
RE3R is on my short list of plats, Jill, and Carlos are good RE characters, the game did not feel so short on my first playthrough, and overall i like the game. Also my opinion is a $20 opinion. At $60 my opinion would also include that it is overpriced with missing content.
I really enjoyed RE3 remake. But I never played the original RE3, so I can't compare the two. Mabey I'll go back to this and try to beat Inferno difficulty so I can finally get that Platinum trophy...
So hyped for RE 4 Remake!
@WaveBoy Ah got it, still hoping the other games like Veronica get a remake cause I've never played them
@KilloWertz I love playing the original games with tank controls. There's something a bit scarier about it. And I still believe that Code Veronica should be remade as soon as possible.
Is everyone here agreed that Code Veronica deserves a remaster?
I wasn’t disappointed with 3, I’ll be going through it again soon.
@__jamiie I really hope Code Veronica gets a remake. Since it picks up after the events of 2, and let’s those new to the series what was next for both Clair and Chris. I want this remade, I’m not as excited for 4 remake. I’ll play it but there were others I wanted to get the RE remake treatment first. Code Veronica, zero, and the original again. By then, 4 would have been a bit older and I would have been more welcome to it getting remade.
@EvilSilentFrame It's the most deserving entry for a remake.
Shame they didn't take this chance to add back in all of the missing content. I'll wait until the game is on sale for $15 New or cheaper...
I couldn’t stop playing it because it looked so good with ray tracing. I was happy actually that it was so short though, because I couldn’t handle the stress level for much longer
I finished the original multiple times back then. The new remake, while lacking some places from the previous game, is still a great game. In a way, the experience is tighter with a more relentless pursuit of Nemesis. I would say this is better or at least as good as the original. People just talking down because it didn't include all things from the old game.. For me it is the whole experience, not stay true to old game nor the overall game length.
The most disappointing game in the history. The original is my fav game ever.
Compared to the original this was such a let down. Whoever thought leaving out 60% of the game was a good idea that may not noticed was an idiot. Capcom have been on a roll of late but this was very very disappointing, more so as a fan of the original.
I never played the original so I quite enjoyed this game but it definitely wasn’t as good as RE 2 remake or even RE 5 IMHO.
@Nintendo4Sonic Pretty sure they are referring to the remake and not necessarily the original, as disappointing. At least that's how the title reads.
@CynicalGamer it's been 2 years move on
@allblaxx then play the original problem solved
@Zombiechris No need to. Just passing an opinion shared by others as well. No big deal. Have a good one.
Removed - unconstructive
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