After 23 years of 3D Sonic adventures, we all know how we feel about them; some love them, some demand they be launched into the sun. Regardless of your opinion on the 3D games, it was clear that, after the disaster that was Sonic Forces — a game many consider one of his worst ever — something drastic had to happen. After five years (the longest the series has ever gone without a new mainline entry), Sonic Team is taking a gamble by moving Sonic into an open world, and we're happy to say the gamble paid out.
Frontiers opens with Sonic and his friends on their way to a mysterious island after tracking the Chaos Emeralds there. After a rough landing, Sonic awakens, Tails and Amy are nowhere to be seen, and a mysterious voice is calling out to him, dubbing him "the key that can tear down the walls between dimensions."

The most immediately striking thing about Frontiers is just how isolated you feel on the Starfall Islands; there's a sombre tone from the get-go. Kronos Island is an eerie, desolate place unlike anything we’ve seen in a Sonic game before, almost evocative of (and we can’t believe we're making this comparison either) Death Stranding. Even the voice performances, despite sharing the same cast, feel decidedly less cartoony than usual.
We were pleasantly shocked by the story of Frontiers, the new character Sage. Her relationship with Robotnik, and the arc she goes through during the story even bordered on getting us emotional by the ending — especially if you listen to the egg-logs. Obviously you'll have to let yourself become invested in these funny cartoon animals to truly get into it, but it feels leagues above any Sonic story since the Adventure days. The game is also a treat for long-time fans, with so many nods and significant pieces of info that affect the canon of games from over 20 years ago.

The main attraction, however, is the gameplay. Sonic has gone open world (or as the developers call it, open-zone). While footage from the game has brought forth comparisons to Breath of the Wild, Frontiers' core gameplay loop is actually more similar to a different Nintendo release — Bowser's Fury. Each of the game's five islands revolve around traversing the land, taking part in platforming challenges, and battles to find the Chaos Emeralds, fighting the island's hulking titan bosses.
Getting around the Starfall Islands feels good; there's a solid flow to Sonic's traversal as you explore. It's one of those games like Marvel's Spider-Man, where, even as fast-travel becomes available, you find yourself ignoring it as it's just that fun to move around. The more precise moments still have an element of that Sonic in 3D jank, but these moments are less common. Even then, Sonic Team has included a suite of options to make Sonic's movement and pace highly customisable, so you can find that sweet spot. We highly recommend ignoring the mission markers and exploring the island at your own pace; otherwise, you'll miss out on what makes Sonic Frontiers so good.

Sonic's new move this time around is the Cyloop mechanic, in which he trails a line of energy behind him. It's an effective move for both puzzle solving and combat. Frontiers has a stronger focus on combat than usual; the world is littered with small groups of enemies, who drop XP that can be used in the game's relatively small skill tree. You'll also encounter mini-bosses who revolve more around puzzle solving and platforming skill than pure combat prowess, giving out gears upon defeat.
Gears are used to unlock the game's cyberspace stages. These levels will be immediately familiar to those who've played Sonic Generations and Forces, with a gameplay style similar to the modern Sonic levels in those games — but also because some of the level design is lifted directly from them. While not the end of the world, it does add to the disappointment when it turns out there are only four themes to these levels (Green Hill, Chemical Plant, Sky Sanctuary and a nondescript City). Aside from these issues, the cyberspace stages are a fun change of pace from the island gameplay, and scratch the itch of a more traditional Sonic experience.

Minor issues is the name of the game in Sonic Frontiers. While there aren't any major glaring flaws in our eyes, the game is filled with these small annoyances. For example, every time you reach your max ring count, Sonic enters a power boost state (akin to his blue lightning powers in the movie) after a short cutscene. While it only lasts about five seconds, it plays every single time. The game loves to wrestle control away from the player like this often — especially in the early game — which feels antithetical to the whole game's freedom.
Another huge change of pace are the Titan boss fights. Sonic can't take these titans down on his own merit and thus has to call upon some souped-up form of Sonic (if such a thing exists) to do battle with these giants. The game's overall tranquillity allows the bombastic moments like these to hit that much harder. They feel plucked right out of a Platinum Games title, and are helped by their use of that classic 2000's Sonic butt-rock music we grew to love in the Adventure era.
One thing you can count on in a Sonic game — even the bad ones — is the music being good. Frontiers may have the best soundtrack in the series, and we don't say that lightly. From the beautiful sombre suites during island traversal, the banging electronic tunes that accompany each cyberspace level, the aforementioned butt-rock, and even some lo-fi beats for the fishing mini-game. It'll be robbery if this game doesn't sweep every music award at the end of the year.
Sonic Frontiers feels like a statement from Sonic Team after years of being treated like a joke. By no means is it perfect, but this is exactly the injection of life the franchise needed after the misstep of Forces, and it's the freshest Sonic has felt since Adventure first hit the shelves. While it is wrought with minor issues, the overall package of Sonic Frontiers mostly hits the mark, with its satisfying gameplay, a storyline that will please long-time fans, and an absolutely phenomenal soundtrack. It immediately places itself among the best Sonic games ever made.
Comments 101
Here we go!
That’s a nice surprise, I was kind of hopeful. Sometimes games look rubbish and you need to play them to get it.
I'm uh... wow.
So it's good?! Miracles never cease.
I could've talked for a lot longer than this, so I'm happy to answer any (non spoilery) questions you may have about the game
I'm looking forward to playing this after Ragnarok. It's been a few years since I've played a mainline 3D Sonic game.
@SMcCrae95 Thanks for the great review! I was cautiously optimistic, but so great it's turned out decent. The comparison to Spider-Man in terms of traversal is what I was most hoping for!
How excellent to hear!
I've been looking at this for a while and felt Previews were being extremely negative compared with the potential I was seeing, so I'm delighted they have realised at least some of that potential.
One I'm done with GOW, this looks likely to be on my play list, and it will be a delight to be entertained by Sonic one more!
Welcome back my spikey blue friend, I've missed you!
Great that its fun! I´ll wait and see how this looks down the line, if they can get less pop-ins etc as I find those a bit to distracting if its as bad as in the trailers. Will watch some gameplay videos and maybe pick it up in a sale.
Great, can't wait for my copy to arrive
I’ll be alternating between this and GoW Ragnarok! 🙂
@SMcCrae95 Hey, can you comment about the performance of the game in the base ps4 console?
So glad this turned out, despite the many naysayers who get more enjoyment out of bashing by default instead of playing games.
Sega is among the best out there.
8 lmao, this game is barely a 6
I absolutely refuse to believe this game is good. Even if I play it, and it's good, I won't believe it.
Being reading some other reviews as well.
Seems it’s not all that a great game.
Will be skipping this for certain.
Never really been interested in sonic always found the gameplay a bit meh ,it seemed I spent more time watching a hedgehog flying round the screen than actually playing the game,but this looks interesting, might pick it up when its a tenner 😁
@SamMR Assuming you played and finished it already?
And everything was right in the world! Happy to see Sonic succeed. Looking forward to playing it!
Going by what I have seen and other reviews
Yes it’s barely a 6. Just sonic hype I’m afraid.
@Dezzy70 I see a lot of reviews in the 7s and above. Everyone is entitled to a different opinion.
I really didn't like Forces. May give this one a try at some point as it's trying a new direction for sonic.
Still looks like a pricey tech-demo to me. But hey, glad to see Sonic fans may finally get something decent? Even if the reviews are all over the place lol.
Actually so chuffed for the blue boy and the fact so many are rooting for him.
Never really played the somic games (played the werehog one but that was more of a dare from a friend XD) but this one has looked good. Glad to see Sonic finally getting some proper treatment
This is the first I've ever seen Big the Cat being a positive anywhere. lol.
That said, I'll get the PS4 copy for my son this Christmas. That way we get a bit better performance than the Switch without taking up precious PS5 SSD space.
I’m here!!!…to ask how tight the controls feel on the option they tout for veteran players?
@get2sammyb I didn't need to play "Balan Wonderworld" to know it was a flop, this game is in the same boat. Both look like a mess
If there is any game that needs a demo or trial, its this game.
@SMcCrae95 could you delve a little into why the story is a plus?
most other reviews seem to criticise it.
Happy to come here and read this positive review!
It’s 60% in my own opinion that’s all.
Nothing to get excited about.
Game is a failure to me as I won’t be buying it. I only play the best of the best. Why bother with this and my money when I can spend my time and money with GOWR.
I would almost be interested if the performance wasn't as abysmal as the overall consensus is suggesting regarding the pop in. I do wonder just how bad the frame stability is as well, if they couldn't even get nearly constant pop in during movement under control, especially with this level of visual fidelity.
In a franchise defined by speed in movement, nailing that feel alongside fluidity should have been an design optimization priority before release.
I do agree a demo on this one would be great! Just not interested in playing something that may be akin to Nintendo switch level technical limitations and polish on a ps5 for full price. It sounds like it's still in an alpha build.
Sounds like some simple mindless fun for some though! However be forewarned. Despite the generally OK to good reviews, this game's popping is so bad that part of actually playing the game is running up to an objective waiting for the assets to load in and then running back to actually traverse those assets that have no managed to load in to get to the objective you need to get. you can't just fluidly go there because you have to force the game to load in the assets.
This game seems to be getting a widespread pass regarding it releasing with gameplay affecting technical problems that other titles have been rightly criticized for. This game is essentially unfinished and it shows.
I'm glad to see this worked out well, I've been optimistic since the announcement. I probably would have picked this up at launch if not for my big bald daddy game.
It’s a me, Sonic!
Seems the usual sheep that’ll bash a Sonic game blindly no matter what, despite having never played it are alive and well in this comment section.
@SMcCrae95 Hey there, how long would you say the game is? I’m going to have fun with it either which way, but I’m just curious. Great to see you enjoyed it. I’m looking forward to jumping in to it tomorrow.
N.i.c.e. thats cool sonic frontiers got a good score.a 8 is definitely great.word up son
@Sakisa I played on that mode, for the most part I felt like it was fine aside from feeling a bit fussy on the percise moments
@stvevan Yeah so I'll have to dance around it a bit but I liked it. Theres a lot of stuff in there that long-time fans will really get a kick out if (especially those who like the adventure games) Obviously it isn't quite God of War or whatever but if take it for what it is, it's solid
@KundaliniRising333 performance was solid in the 60fps mode. I never played in the resolution mode (because It's sonic you gotta go fast). Never noticed many huge drops. The pop in is bad and the motion blur is a bit ridiculous (I didn't mention that though, since it can be turned off)
@somnambulance My final save with all portals, keys and side stories was around 24 hours (give or take a bit for idling) if you wanted to just blast through the story it'll be over much quicker, but I HIGHLY recommend taking it at your own pace.
Had zero hope for this one. Glad to be mistaken and happy for all the fans out there, even though I will miss this game, at least for some time.
@SMcCrae95 not a big issue for me but very few reviews (unless I overlooked it) have discussed the framerate or the graphical fidelity. I've mainly read about extensive pop in. Is the framerate steady and does it look to take advantage of current gen hardware?
Looks like you answered a similar question! Sorry! Great review
@Nyne11Tyme It ran solidly for me on performance mode, the couple of times I swapped to resolution It looked a lot worse on the framerate end but I didn't use that mode enough to tell you for sure.
I think the game looks nice! the environments (despite being a bit empty at times) look pretty. Which makes the pop in stand out that much more
Yayy 8/10 i guessed correct, a demo would be ideal with this launching in a busy pre holiday release schedule, get on it Sony at least make my premium sub "a bit" worthwhile.
Not convinced. I'll need a demo.
If this reviews well on Switch I might get it there, otherwise I'll be getting it on PS. Glad to see it's reviewing fairly well.
I love Sonic the character but suck at his games. If I get this it will be on sale.
Looks promising for next gen at least.
Good review! Sonic needed something new. I’ll be playing this tomorrow for sure.
Ok, looks like it turns out to be a nice game. I’ll definitely have to try it out.
@SMcCrae95 Awesome! Sounds like the game is a perfect length. Seeing reviews being all over the place, I simply cannot wait to make up my own mind on this one. Is it weird if this game seems so much more exciting to me than Ragnarok?
@KundaliniRising333 Agree. It seems like a good game, but that pop in is horrible. For a fast paced game, that's a no buy until they patch it.
Haven’t played a Sonic game since Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and haven’t even been tempted to return… until today it seems.
Sega is just Yakuza and Persona atm.
@belmont Hey, I only played the PS5 version, but Rhiannon who reviewed the game over at TheGamer did so on the PS4 version and said it ran really well. Aside from the pop in issues also present on the PS5 version
I'll try to switch between this and God of War in the next couple of weeks! Glad we're getting a great new Sonic! Pop in or not I'm in (it's not like an issue with just Sonic Frontiers)
I just can't do it... I'll wait for the $30 range. Looks fun though. I'll pick up the PS5 version once it hits my price point.
@SamMR but 'Balan Wonderworld' got awful reviews, this game is getting relatively positive reviews so not really a good comparison!
You can't just bash a game and say it's a 6/10 without playing it, don't be silly
I can only imagine how this runs on the stinky switch lol.
Well this has exceeded most people's expectations. It has moved from my totally ignore list to my maybe in a sale list.
@SMcCrae95 make a quick video and share your extra thoughts.
@CapGod Well that’s a reductive take on a developer making way better stuff than most devs these days. I’d say they’re making more cool games than Capcom right now.
@JohnnyShoulder is it even possible to imagine ? 😂😂
@SamMR unleashed was low rated and it’s the best 3D sonic after Adventure 2 which i think got a mediocre rating too so that’s a bad take . i’f this game got an 8 then that means it’s at least a 6 which is good for a sonic game .
….it’s sonic fan logic , don’t ask .
@get2sammyb Shill-up didn't even recommend it, that is a big red flag when others are giving it above average reviews.
Thanks for the review.
Going by most others I read so far it sounds like Frontiers is adequate-ish at best. Still I will judge for myself when I eventually get the game.
Wee man is a big Sonic fan and pre ordered this on his PS4.
As it came with the PS5 version I've downloaded it and will give it a bash tomorrow. Never been a fan of 3D Sonic but I'll check it out
@Dr-M If I had the means to I would! but alas.
@Sakisa Loving Sega's output atm but IMO no-one is outdoing Capcom right now
Capcom? Nope. Not even close. Capcom is the best third party publisher hands down.
Just because you like indies (basically retro gaming or snes like games) or playing something of a genre that is not that popular, it doesn't mean it's better. The best game is the best game. Triple A blockbusters for the win.
Sega needs to step it up. They are with yakuza. Like a dragon was fire.
@SMcCrae95 Thanks Scott for the review. I know it was on the ps5 version, so can you let us know how it performs on ps4 as well?
@CapGod Triple A blockbuster is not always ‘for the win’. For the most part they’re more bloated and bland than smaller, tighter games by my estimation.
Only thing I care about from Capcom is Resident Evil right now. At least until Dragon’s Dogma 2 or they get off their asses and make a new Mega Man. SEGA meanwhile has Like A Dragon (finally got rid of the garbage Yakuza name and won’t acknowledge it as such anymore), Puyo Puyo, Monster Boy/Wonder Boy, Valkyria Chronicles 4, SMT (and Persona I guess) last year’s Monkey Ball remasters, and Streets of Rage 4, all of which sold and reviewed well. Maybe you like to be reductive and write off indies and smaller games, but don’t claim to speak for the ‘majority’ when you knock that stuff or say blockbusters or nothing.
@SMcCrae95 Thanks, I have not decided between the ps4 or the Steam Deck/PC version
@Sakisa majority is definitely not indie 😂
@Sakisa 🤣🤣🤣
@Dezzy70 hmmmmm I think 30 positive reviews and a dew mixed, seems to contradict your statement. Im know sonic fan hy any means but seems like a lot more people liked it than didn't
@nomither6 It isn’t, but there’s enough of an audience for them that saying SEGA’s contributions to that space don’t count, and only their ‘blockbusters’ do is pretty closed minded and ignorant. Same for their AA output.
They’re more than Like A Dragon and SMTs more shallow visual novel offspring.
@Sakisa those people are annoying. Almost as annoying as the sheep that blindly bash hugely popular franchises like Call of Duty and EA sports games no matter what. Despite never playing them. Right?
@rockodoodle I won't be surprised if there is a steep discount this holiday.
Do you know how many indies games are trash? Apart from the rare good indie games,most of them aren't good. It's the saaaame scenario. Not all AAA games are good. I never said that, but I buy new gen systems for AAA games.
@CapGod I’m aware a lot of indie games are trash. A lot of games in general are trash.
You know what isn’t trash? Streets of Rage 4. Monster Boy in the Cursed Kingdom. Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania. All games you implicitly said didn’t matter with saying SEGA is only Like A Dragon and worse SMT.
Besides, Hollow Knight is indie and is better than any AAA game in the last decade.
Those sega games are good, but their main business aren't indie games.
I agree. Hollow Knight is like a top 10-15 game from last gen.
@crazykcarter geez... it dropped to a 73 in a few short hours. 😬
@CapGod Fair enough, I may have been overly aggressive in my posts.
But I do have a passion for a lot of SEGA's back catalog and how they've payed respects to it on a lower budget. I'm genuinely Sorry if i've come across as a jerk. I have a lot of passion for SEGA and their IPs in general.
Enough with sonic, give us kid chameleon or decap attack sequels
It's not that. It's just that I've seen you complain about AAA games in various posts.
No worries. No problem man.
What was sega thinking releasing this game a day before gow ragnarok? Its gonna be just when horizonFW released so closely to elden ring
@somnambulance yes it is weird… there I said it. But to each their own.
For me, it looks decent at best. Unpolished, but alright… Something I will probably get on sale, but not at full price.
@rpg2000 it’s unpolished for sure
@nomither6 Sonic Adventure 2 has an 89 rating on metacritic, they were both well received at the time. The problem is now many would have played them on the later DX ports which introduced more issues into the games
@rpg2000 Frontiers looks absolutely baffling, which is a compliment to the game. No matter the amount of reviews I read, I still have no idea of what the game is or how good it is, and for that, I’m quite excited to try it out. From friends I know that’ve played it, it’s gotten a relatively positive reaction. I’m really looking forward to sitting down with my son to play it.
@crazykcarter it's not a 60 like the one guy said. It'll take a bunch of purely negative reviews in row to drop it that far. 73 is ok....nothing to be proud of & definitely not a return to form for the sonic series. I just read the eurogamer review and it looks like it's going to drop the score further. Let's see where this goes.
Played the first half hour of the game before work today. Got to be honest and say I really enjoyed it. There’s a lot of potential here and it’s definitely a game that emphasizes the fun factor.
Does the game use any features from the Dualsense controller like haptics?
8/10? how long did you play, After 4 hours I had enough and wont be putting it back in.
@kingv84 poorly
@Randinator123 GoW is exclusive, also not a lot of people care for it!
Having gotten the game (PS4 version), played and completed the main story, I give Frontiers a strong 7 of 10 for now, might go higher depending on the "100 procent" route I'm currently going for, and future DLC.
Could have been better in a couple areas but I do enjoy it overall.
Enjoying this on PS5. In my opinion, this is the best Sonic game since Sega went 3rd Party.
@rockodoodle Same here with me. I grew up with the Sonic X anime and enjoyed what I've seen of Sonic Boom cartoon.
However when it comes to the games I am either terrible or get bored and lose interest.
I grew up with Sonic games and Sega System and I am having a blast with this on ps5. It has some flaws (like how repetitive the cyber space levels get after a while) but otherwise is so good!
@KidBoruto Sonic All Star Racing Transformed is one of my favorite games of all time….
@rockodoodle Oh that's cool! Glad you like it
Dunkey just trashed this...doubt it's any good!
"After 23 years of 3D Sonic adventures, we all know how we feel about them; some love them, some demand they be launched into the sun."
I'm PROUDLY on team "launched into the sun"
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