Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League isn’t quite what anyone expected to follow up the revered Arkham trilogy. In fact, it’s steadily become a controversial release, as terms like “endgame” and “post-launch content” have understandably riled up the fanbase. From Arkane’s disastrous Redfall to the now-canned Naughty Dog Factions multiplayer, we’ve seen many single player developers fall for the seductive appeal of live service games. But has Rocksteady really sold its soul? Or has it managed to strike that fine balance? What is clear is that the studio has gambled big on Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, and the pay off has been worth it... mostly.

So what exactly is Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League? Well first and foremost it's another expansive story experience set within the Arkhamverse. Five years after the Dark Knight hung up his cowl, Task Force X is sent into Metropolis — a city occupied by the alien Brainiac — with a mission to take out the now brainwashed Justice League. It's one hell of a concept, and we lapped it up across the roughly 12 hour campaign. In many ways this is another traditional Rocksteady experience, with industry leading cinematics and facial animations, plenty of twists and turns, and some goosebump-inducing moments with its iconic roster of superheroes-turned-villains.
Then there's the other side of the coin. Suicide Squad is a co-operative shooter, where up to four players assume the roles of Harley Quinn, Deadshot, King Shark, and Captain Boomerang. While some missions are more traditionally linear, most are objective-based, as Task Force X captures, defends, and escorts while defeating waves of enemies. Upon the completion of missions, players are met with an end screen, granted some loot rewards, and sent back into the open world. The whole thing can be played in either co-op or solo, although as of publishing, Suicide Squad requires an online connection regardless of which you choose.
How well you think this hybrid blend of single player and multiplayer works is really down to perspective. As a single player game, Suicide Squad has some whacky pacing, as you’re left to pick off enemies again and again in between some brilliant story content. But as a multiplayer offering, it’s got a far better story than you’d find in the likes of Destiny 2 or The Division. Either way we have something that is good — verging on great — but never quite hits the highs we’d expect from Rocksteady, since it isn’t willing to fully commit to one or the other.

Let’s start with that story, though. Tone is the biggest change between this and our last Arkham outing, with the bickering Task Force X acting as the heart of this tale. This is a team vastly under qualified to take on the might of the invading Brainiac and his Justice League pets, and in part it’s what makes this comedic take so endearing. This is a far funnier game than we ever expected it to be, and we caught ourselves laughing throughout its story thanks to the witty banter between the core squad. Every member has their own personal vendetta against each of the Justice League, and the continual toe-stepping makes their quests for revenge all the more entertaining. It might not be for everyone, but for the most part, it manages to tow that line of consistent laughs that never truly overshadow the more serious moments.
Of course, part of the narrative will be spoiled by the title itself, and it’s here that feathers may be ruffled. Rocksteady manages to expertly build up each of the iconic League members, brilliantly showcasing just how big a threat they are under Brainiac’s allure. The game's introduction to Batman — featuring a devilish performance from the late Kevin Conroy — is genuinely fear-inducing, and the earth-shuddering thud of Superman taking flight impresses every time. We have to take a moment to mention Wonder Woman too, who's portrayed far better here than anything the ill-fated DCEU conjured up.

Pacing, however, kills so much of the good will that Suicide Squad builds up with its often excellent writing and character portrayals. Not only are campaign missions set apart by a tedious stop and start of five-minute objectives, once you actually get to the point of the game, it doesn’t really want you revelling in the moment. We don’t want to spoil things here — as much as we can avoid that with a game called 'Kill The Justice League' — but after some excellent build up, it'd be nice to take a beat to process what transpires. Instead, Rocksteady would rather you move to the next shooting gallery as soon as possible.
Speaking of shooting, you’re going to be doing a lot of it. Regardless of whether you're playing as Harley Quinn or King Shark, each character will be kitted out with SMGs, pistols, shotguns, assault rifles, snipers, and even miniguns. It’s an odd fit for the Arkham dev, especially after cooking up a combat system that still holds influence to this day. But we were pleasantly surprised to find that gunplay feels snappy, responsive, and super satisfying. It’s helped by the incredible haptic support, which is Sony first-party level — and that carries on outside the combat itself.

While guns alone may not be enough to make Suicide Squad’s gameplay stick out, its traversal will. Each of the four members of the squad have their own way of getting around Metropolis. Harley uses Batman’s Bat Drone and grapple to swing around, Deadshot his jetpack, King Shark his godly jumping abilities, and Boomerang his speed force gauntlet. Each fundamentally works the same, but they all have a distinct feel to them that ties into the combat. In the early hours we honestly weren’t sure about the traversal. We had our favourites — Boomerang immediately stuck out to us — but the likes of Harley and King Shark felt dull by comparison.
However, as we delved deeper into the campaign, and steadily got to grips with the various traversal styles, the true fun of Suicide Squad’s gameplay unearthed itself. While missions are initially short, they gradually lengthen, and bumping the difficulty up to the highest tier means you really have to knuckle down at times. Keeping your character in the air, moving around, countering shots, and melee attacking enemies to gain back your shield becomes a delight, and we genuinely couldn't get enough of the combat in the latter hours of the game. It’s helped even more by the rock solid performance on PS5.

In testament to how fun each character is to play, our playtime is a pretty equal across all four antiheroes. However, if you do want to stick with one member of the squad, you can easily do so. Thanks to the guns, grenades, melee weapons, and mods, you can mold any of the characters to your preferred playstyle, and Suicide Squad has a pretty in-depth customisation process via skills trees and weapon rolls.
The Hall of Justice acts as the game’s operating base, and it’s here that NPCs such as Poison Ivy and Penguin can amplify and modify your builds. Admittedly, it’s all a little numbers heavy for us, and once we found a higher tier weapon and gear we typically just stuck with that. Credit where credit is due, it's nice that you can just let the stats fall by the wayside if you want to, but it does mean that outside of growing familiar with the traversal, nothing really changes your playstyle. It's all there if you really want to dig into it, but the systems fall a little flat.

What about all this live service stuff we keep hearing about, then? Well, outside of the mission types you’d find in a shooter like The Division, there isn’t really anything too intrusive throughout the base campaign. Playing the game solo would make the end screen leaderboard stuff really annoying, and it does impact pacing, but when playing with a friend, it undeniably sparked that competitive edge in us.
Placing top on the leaderboard means you become the squad leader, and get to pick the next mission. Especially as we creeped our way into the later missions, the threat of losing out on the top spot goaded us into pulling off flashier moves and dealing more damaging combos. It’s a nice way to incentivise competition with your friends, and Suicide Squad makes sure it’s super easy to engage with it.
Matching up with other online players is also a breeze, and thankfully when playing in a friend’s world, yours will update seamlessly alongside it — so there’s no need to replay the campaign or side content in your version of Metropolis. There’s also a neat feature called Social Squad, where if playing with AI, you can fill the bot players with your friend’s character profiles — featuring their weapons, gear, and cosmetics. When that friend logs back in, they’ll receive a small portion of the resources you gained from playing. There are a number of nice quality of life features like this that many similar games simply wouldn’t launch with.

All this friendly competition and cooperative play becomes increasingly prevalent as you move into the endgame content. So far, the Incursion missions — which follow the final boss — are a little underwhelming. You effectively play a variant of an objective at higher and higher mastery levels, with the aim of unlocking villain-centric weapon sets. The co-op aspect of the gameplay never feels especially prevalent, as you're effectively shooting at the same group of enemies rather than working together to take them down. Enemy variety, while visually bland, does keep things fresh gameplay-wise, but we just wish there was a more satisfying levelling system, or better rewards, and because of that, we’re not sure the game has the legs to be played for weeks or months.
However, Rocksteady is keen to emphasise that the first season of content is on its way, with new Elseworld-inspired areas, a new playable character, and of course new story stuff, mission types, and weapons. Three following seasons are teased upon completion of the campaign, with the scope for what we estimate to be six full seasons. It’s refreshing that Rocksteady seemingly has an endpoint in store for its post-launch plans, but the jury is still out on whether this will be enough to keep players engaged.
What is a relief, however, is that all of this content is free. The only paid DLC in Kill The Justice League is cosmetic, purchased either through the store or a battle pass. And there are actually a fair amount of cosmetics you can unlock via things like Riddler challenges and riddles, which make a welcome return from the Arkham games. When put next to other live service games, Suicide Squad is a pretty generous offering that hits the ground with a light jog, rather than a full-on sprint. There’s certainly a lot to look forward to, but whether it'll be worth the wait is another thing entirely.
Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League is a complicated game. It's tough not to think about what could have been if Rocksteady opted for another traditional single player title — especially since the split personalities at this game's heart stop it from reaching the heights of the developer's previous works. That said, despite all of our complaints, we can't deny that the game's fun. The story lacks the payoff but remains engaging throughout, the traversal-tinged combat is genuinely fantastic, it’s a blast to play with friends, it’s one of the best looking games on PS5, it runs like an absolute dream, and, as far as live-service games go, it’s shaping up to be a meaty and generous offering. There is a bittersweet feeling surrounding Suicide Squad, and that sentiment will remain for a lot of players, but it's hard to say that Rocksteady entirely missed the mark with this big gamble.
Comments 92
Hmmm I think I will still wait to hear about endgame and how that plays out. I still haven't seen any post pictures of what the battle pass looks like yet.
I knew this would be the case. The game is "fine". Some may really like it. Others won't
Its a GAAS, which some people hate and has basically started this ongoing media pile-on. Its not a 1/10.
It really sucks that after a studio that’s known for some fantastic games, maybe some of the best ever, takes all these years to release this.
I may be incorrect, but I believe it’s been almost 9 years………9 YEARS!
Some ‘killer story moments’.
I see what you did there Aaron. Good bit of business that.
Game will end up with almost the exact same metacritic score as avengers.
Seems like something I'll only be interested in if it's pretty heavily discounted or appears on PS Plus extra.
I will wait till it's free before the servers shutdown.
I’m actually really enjoying it. I like it and is like exopromal
Interesting overall conclusion.
yeah,...... i would definitely check out some other opinions on this if you are still seriously considering playing this one. Aside for some oddly generous reviews that overlook some pretty awful aspects of this half-baked mess, most have come away shocked at how bad it is on many different fronts.
You say 7 but it sounds like it should be lower
This one is coming to PS+ and Game Pass just like Gotham Knights sooner or later. Thta's just what Rocksteady does nowadays.
@KundaliniRising333 Care to elaborate?
So far been liking it but I'm only 5 hours in. Shame that this game will most likely fail due to the hate and we won't see another DC game for years 😢
I still want a justice llegue game.
Slight spoilers!!!
I love the interaction between Louis lane and batman at the beginning with the announcement, can't wait to see more from the others.
Still won't be buying this.
@KundaliniRising333 indeed. There have been so many cons about this game and not enough pros. I didn't expect a 7/10 seeing that almost all the articles leading up to the release have been pretty negative so for it to be awarded a 7 is a bit of a shock considering better games have fared much worse in review scores. I doubt I'll purchase this but if it ever drops on my extra sub I'll give it a go. It should have gone f2p to be honest.
@SgtTruth I mean, this isnt really a game for me, but when the reviewers are saying its one of the best looking games on PS5, im not sure we can say its a downgrade on a game from 9 years ago pal.
@RawnDawn You are halfway through the game at 5 hrs in just so you know (hrs may vary but based roughly 10-12 hrs main campaign runtime). Hey if you like the gameplay loop then I am genuinely happy for you.
I won't be playing it but have watched several full gameplay streams and checked in all of the mainstream reviews out there alongside some content creators that have less bias toward soft conclusions and whos opinions often if not always align with my own after playing a title. Granted I havent played it but I am rarely steered wrong when cross referencing many accounts of a game, as they often all mention the same thing, but oddly decide on varying scores as a result of those things based on whatever reasonings they may have. I can still deduce the quality of a game based on my tastes and make what have proven to be largely on point choices which i am sure many do similar investigations pre purchase as well.
The overall consensus ive seen is:
quality cutscenes
Next to zero mission variety
Short, especially for a 7+year dev cycle, along with vey little to offer as a package
Terrible loot system, and what appears to be the leftovers from a lootbox system that was walked back much like gotham knights.
Extremely low, like count on one hand enemy variety
empty and bland looking world
Shockingly terrible story decisions
and a final boss fight that is just a reskin of an earlier one.
Underwhelming endgame (albeit the first season doesn't drop for months, so maybe that will change)
This game appears to be from what I've seen and read to be much closer to a 5 in terms of quality. I'm sure itmay provide some mindless fun had it been a sub svc or f2p title though or may even just click with some.
@OmegaStriver they didn’t spend 9 years on this. They started making an original new mp game while Montreal was working on this but WB took this and gave it to rocksteady
@Lup Gotham knights wasn't a rocksteady game it was wb Montreal.
@KundaliniRising333 it’s easy to get your bias justified
@KundaliniRising333 pretty funny I’m almost at 20 and just now took down my first league member flash. You sure do talk a lot for someone who hasn’t played it and I don’t care if you watched hours of streams which btw is funny for a game you seem to hate there’s a totally different feel and experience between passively watching and playing
@dark_knightmare2 20 hrs?! I agree that I am missing the feel of playing it for sure, but its not hard to deduce what you will like or dislike from playthroughs and reviews. Otherwise, they wouldn't exist because no one would watch them. I am happy you like it man, no need to get salty simply because I share my thoughts on it, that may differ from your own.
Shoot away my friend!
@KundaliniRising333 yep granted I’m doing the riddler stuff and exploring the city to discover all the Easter eggs as well as the side activities. It’s also hard not to stop and fight enemies with how fun the combat and traversal is. Oh and the world is the furthest thing from bland it’s retro future look is unique and beautiful
@Luvstagrind how the majority of the review was positive. Did you even read it or just look at the bullet points
@dark_knightmare2 thats IMPRESSIVE seriously. As a chronic "hold up wait a minute," completionist myself, i commend you on that. I often some how rack up 50+hrs in games the mainstream say run about 20 lmfao. so i get it.
@dark_knightmare2 I'm not picking up any hate in his comment which is an opinion not bias. I've watched a load of videos on this to see if it's something I'd enjoy and in the end I decided it wasn't. I'm pretty sure that he's done exactly the same. I hope everybody's enjoying it who have invested in it.
From what I've seen, the amount of hours in the campaign, the awful boss fights including a final boss that is laughable, the terrible escort missions, the live service crap...this score is very generous!
Nice for a honest fair review...I suspect most will jump on the bandwagon of ultra hate
@Northern_munkey AGREED.
yah that's really it. I love games just as the rest which is really why i look so deeply into really every release that I hope ends up good. I looked into it out of interest, but I in no way assume just because I've concluded its not for me and genuinely a fairly bad effort, that no one will like it.
I even tried gotham knights once it hit ps plus to see if I may like it, despite concluding the same way that it was not for me. Sure enough, I REALLY REALLY did not enjoy it and shared the same sentiment as many others did during release as to why.
Despite this new "hate bandwagon," token term being thrown around by many, the reality is what is being discussed is far more often than not an emerging consensus. A majority opinion derived from experience that others can look to for clarity in decision making. If it differs from your own conclusions, then great! you have something new to enjoy and that's awesome; but don't be contrarian for the sake of a reason to argue in a comment section. Just play the new game you like so much and carry on!
@StylesT fair...honest... trying to keep WB happy so they get more review codes in the future...
I'll give this a shot someday down the road when it's a lot cheaper. I wouldn't mind playing through the story, but I'm not paying $70 for a GaaS title. As long as I'm entertained when the time comes (free or at least half price), then it won't be too bad.
I picked it up as got it on a discount, but its good to see it's not being ripped apart everywhere.
@dark_knightmare2 Yeah, judging from the review, was expecting an 8 actually.
So so combat, poor endgame, empty boring world, weak insulting story and gross MTX but sure a 7/10 🙄
nope. it is a 5 at best. currently it is sitting at a low 60 on metacritic, making this review an outlier. i have seen enough of it in action to know that it is misguided trash that nobody asked for. i think the question that should be on everybody's mind now is: what is to be the fate of rocksteady?
also, there is a bigger issue at play here. for those who want to stand up for the survival and integrity of the gaming industry at large, you really should vote with your wallet on this one and not be swayed by cheap marketing tactics.
@KundaliniRising333 Oh dang, I didn't expect it to be that short.
I'm hoping the side quest can help it pad a few hours while being interesting.
Although, I have yet to fight anyone major so I'm looking forward to those fights.
Love the gameplay but I guess it'll be repetitive real soon.
Thanks for the info mate 👍
Asked for by nobody except for the suits and investors that were likely screaming "MONETIZE, MONETIZE, MONETIZE!!" The entire time the game was being developed.
I would agree with a 7, Hoping that will change once the season really starts. That said, I'm having a lot of fun with it. I'm just over 10 hours in, Chapter 3. I heard people were already beating it within that time but I'm doing side quests and looking for Riddler trophies.
Weird to see Pushsquare be more positive than most reviews I’ve seen. A kinder, friendlier Pushsquare
So many people want to hate this game. Live service… 😭 Not Single player only… 😭 The heroes are the bad guys… 😭 But I’ve played it and it’s actually quite good.
Like I say to my four year old niece when she won’t eat her vegetables, ‘how do you know you don’t like something, if you haven’t even tried it?’
@OmegaStriver why am I thinking of a scene where a doctor in Malta wakes me up from a coma and tells me it has been 9 years when I read your comment?
@ItsBritneyB_tch .....incredible ain't it ? There's people on here commenting "it's a 5 at best"..."no way it deserves a 7" then declaring that, no, they haven't actually played it but watched a couple of YouTube videos. Baffling.
The general consensus around seems to be that it's a ffaaarrr better game than everybody expected
I do want to try it for myself at some point but it's just gotta wait. Got other stuff to play. Glad to see it sounds like it's at least somewhat okay though.
@Lup lol. Ok I’ll take the bullet here. So uh you must be a pretty big gamer?keep up with the game world?ok cool. But you missed something. I know you were trying to sound witty with that’s what rocksteady does. But yeah. Lol. Rocksteady did not make Gotham knights lol. I just lol. I can’t say any more. Lol.
I have a feeling they will be chasing that playstation plus money within the next 12 months, so I think I will wait until then to play this game.
@Northern_munkey ahh. You responded to the smart guy who thought rocksteady made Gotham knights before me. I thought I was the first to correct his ignorance lol.
@IamJT how are you comparing this game to the avengers.
@Moj500 It's a live service super hero game reviewing comparably?
@XboxistheBestBox bro what? Arkham Knight is a great game! If you're trying to act like this game is on the same level as Arkham Knight, I'd say you're misguided. Arkham Knight may be a point or two below the first two but those games were 10/10 all timers. I also think as time has passed, people appreciate Knight much more in hindsight rather when it came out for whatever reason. But I replayed it on PC about a year ago & loved it, things like the Man Bat jump scare are moments that a lot of modern open world games can't even pull off.
The problem these games run into for me is that I don't often revisit games. So telling me "hey, there's 6 seasons of bonus content coming" just makes me want to wait 'til it's all out and I can buy the game patched, and for less than full retail price. I am completely disincentivized as a consumer to spend $70 now and HOPE the rest of the stuff is good or that it gets the ample support they plan for. I'd MUCH rather wait and see. It's not like I don't have other stuff to play.
Also people complaining about people hating on this game, can you really blame them? I am a comic book collector & was so hyped for this but it's just not the kinda game I want from a comic book game. It seems like it has a decent story but it's not story driven really. The missions are just like "go here, shoot this, repeat" or that's the impression I get. Like I love a lot about this game inherently just because I love those characters & their stories in various other mediums but this is a multiplayer horde shooter with light story elements. I'm not hating on those types of games, they can be fun, but it's hard for me & most people it seems to look at this game, this developer, these characters, hell even the awesome story concept & not say "man this could've been incredible." It doesn't mean it's necessarily a bad game it just means a lot of people feel like it could've been a much better game if WB hadn't pushed it so far in one direction. They fumbled it like they've fumbled most of these properties in their recent film continuity. (Outside of The Batman & Joker & James Gunn's stuff.) DC & WB has suffered a lot in recent years in almost all mediums from chasing trends & looking at what other companies have success with & saying "hey do what they did." Hopefully it's blown up in their faces enough now to reverse course like they have with their film productions.
This is truly one of the games of all time. It released, it has gameplay, and it has graphics. It even has characters.
This is about what I expected, the game to be good, but not great with the live service elements being the culprit. The Avengers was the same way. There's a great game buried underneath the monotony and padding, but the game goes out of its way to make it a chore to get to the good stuff.
@KingPev it is sitting at a 62 on metacritic. in what world is it a good game worthy of our time? the entire point of reviews is to persuade or dissuade consumers from making a purchase. i absolutely do not need to play the game to have an opinion on it or know that it is something to be avoided. yet there are people on here trying to go against the grain and act like this is some sort of misunderstood game or hidden gem or something haha. why would i support a product that is distilled with everything that is bad about the gaming industry? have fun playing it. i'll have fun playing something else
@LazyLombax you are correct!
A 7?!!!? Just say you want to stay in WB's good graces. Pacing is horrendous, let's not even discuss performance issues (bugs, glitches), story is the only redeeming factor but even then, the characterization is all over the place and does not fall in line with what Arkham fans (of the trilogy) would expect. The tone is all off (it's like they watched both Suicide Squad films and decided to 'replicate' that in game form. I've played 12 hours and it's almost impossible to keep pushing along from the gameplay loop: Cutscene, go find the next plot device, rescue civilians hiding in buildings, shoot and loot 10 - 20 monsters, rinse and repeat. SS and Gotham Knights was a 1-2 punch to any fan that took Batman seriously and enjoyed great stories. Save your money for FF7 Rebirth or something that looks more enjoyable (and probably will be).
@KundaliniRising333 I actually really enjoyed Gotham knights but at least you took the effort to give it a go eventually. This could have been so much better but like a lot of things these days games seem to follow what's the current craze rather than be that studio that creates what they really desire. Fortnite has a lot to answer for as that seems to be the golden goose that devs are struggling to emulate and no I'm not knocking fortnite before the fortniters decide to pick a fight I'm just simply saying without that stand out game in this over crowded genre we wouldn't have these live service,gaas games. Not once did you mention "predatory practices" 🤣
An unlikely incentive, due to pushsquare not getting review codes for this game.
Not for me, Clive.
I'll play this one day on PS Plus/Game Pass and probably end up enjoying it.
@GalacticBreakdown You can criticise them for not playing the game and scoring it anyway which I believe is the point the comments in here are making.
It's fine for peeps to just say they've not been convinced to try it. Has gaming culture even moved past 7/10 being the nicer end of the dead-on-arrival scale?
If I can't own and play the game once the servers are shut down you won't be seeing a Penny from me if you want to fill your game with micro transactions then it should be free to play
Thank you for your review - it not easy to be positive when the narritive has already been choosen, but you have demonstarted just why sharing thoughts after a paltry 3 hours was never a good move.
Not my kind of game, but I'm glad theres some fun to be had for those that might like it.
Number two digital game in the UK so far this week, behind EAFC but ahead of CoD and miles ahead of LAD.
I still don't think it's for me, despite thinking it would be when they first showed the concept (without gameplay) but I think it's safe to assume the game is selling pretty well so far.
@SgtTruth and yet its widely known that youtube compression is terrible. John from digital foundry was impressed, even saying it has some of the best character models he's seen. Lets wait to see what they say and continue this conversation then.
WOW , not bad, lol! i know a lot of ppl are mad about this 😂😂
another W for live service
From what I've watched of it, it actually looks pretty interesting and the story definitely has me intrigued. Gameplay looks "ok" at best, but yeah, I just don't think I can justify playing it now until it drops in price and maybe gets some QoL updates in the future.
@Ridley I mean if you wanna just ignore what I said & ignore the genuine sentiment rather than just complain about people scoring games without playing them, which is kinda asinine. If you criticize them, you just encourage them. But it's hard to ask people to withhold judgment because they're not willing to pay $70 to play game they already have preconceived notions about. I'd advise you to just ignore troll scores but if you'd prefer to focus on troll comments rather than genuine critics of the game, that's your prerogative.
@XboxistheBestBox what do you mean the weakest villain? All the games have multiple villains Including Knight, but I'd say Knight is no weaker than say Hugo Strange.
And I really don't care about your score, it's kinda silly. You say "weakest" like the things you're saying are truly weak, they're only weak because they were preceded by two of the greatest games ever created. Next to other games, it's a fricking masterpiece especially for 2014, it 100% holds up to modern standards.
Also the batmobile puzzles are like, 1% of the game. You didn't like a few puzzles but I disagree with your sentiments. I don't think you played Arkham Origins either because it seems you don't count that one. That game is good too.
But if you're saying Arkham Knight is on the same level as Suicide Squad, I think most people, not just myself would disagree.
@XboxistheBestBox also if you wanna score games, going by "scores" Arkham Knight has an 87 on metacritic with 8.1 user score on PS4. So compare that to Suicide Squad & like I said, I think most would disagree with your implication that it's comparable to SS.
arkham knight has the best DLC and overall content & side missions too. the story is weak but everything else ***** on city
city aged worse than knight ever will.
@XboxistheBestBox not just visually , did you read what i said ? the gameplay , combat , stealth, mechanics - literally everything aside from its subjective story
The final score is one point higher than I expected, honestly. Maybe after a year of polish and content, the game will make it to an 8/10.
IGN rated the game 5/10.
This game looks like a generic game as a service, loot box filed, predatory piece of garbage with absolutely to personality.
I knew it! this game is mediocre at best! been saying this for a while and people call me a hater. It's really sad to see this direction in the gaming world especially with some great studios like Rocksteady
Absolutely zero interest in this game.
Reasons why:
@LazyLombax if they don't give it a favourable review they'll probably stop getting free review codes.
It's a hard pass from me I'm afraid. I'll catch it when it inevitably rolls out on ps+ in a couple of years all patched up....maybe.
I played the closed Alpha and loved it, bought the deluxe edition and yes the game does starts slow with only certain kind of missions before you fight the justice league then Brainiac.............. But once you finish the game the map is full of missions to complete...... Again the variety isn't the best but they are bound to put different missions and game modes in.
Other online games had a sparse amount of game modes, maps and activities at launch but they fixed it over time
"Rocksteady's Big Gamble Just About Pays Off" uhm... no? The game sucks. Just seeing any videos of it makes me recall the horrible beta. The floating numbers and flashy stuff flying all around, the horrible traversal and the boring gameplay. No thanks, ok it's just not for me, if you have fun with it, go for it. But this is never ever a 7/10. Just started Arkham Origins via PS Plus streaming yesterday, that was a PS3 game and still looked and played better, than this mess.
@BrotherFilmriss I agreed with everything you said up until you mentioned origins. When arkham Knight was released I bought it for my PC and it was a total disaster so much so that rocksteady actually gave away free copies of all the previous batman games including origins and that side scrolling one. I never played origins until after I played Gotham knights and only then because everybody was saying how great it was so I booted up my PC which is ancient in terms of today's rigs but will happily play anything that was released before 2018 on the highest presets. Now origins plays really well and the combat as always is sublime but it in no way looks better than this graphically..I'm sorry but that's a definite no,no, be fair I'm not even sure it's fair to compare this to the other batman games visually as they are much grander in scope and are much darker. Personally I thought origins was the weaker entry into the batman games and by that I don't mean crap just not quite up there. I don't class Gotham knights as a "true" batman game as he's only in the intro.
Glad there are people that want this and enjoy it, but just not for me for various reasons. Doesn't mean I hate it or want the game to fail. Just not my cup of tea.
I'm enjoying this quite alot story and gameplay. Bought it on a whim as I had to see what the fuss was about.
It will be in everybody's interest if Live service games fail.
@SgtTruth like I said in the first place, it aint for me (remember that?). I said you cant say the graphics look a step down on last gen. Nothing more.
As digital foundry say, 'technical marvel' in that department.
As for the actual gameplay, zero interest for me.
The review sounded more like an 8 or a 9. I hope it wasn't given a safer 7 to get limited backlash. It's hard to not let the Internet bubble affect you but thanks for sticking to your guts!
"Very positive (85%)" rating on Steam. Maybe it will survive the all out blitz the gaming media put on it pre release. That's a pretty good place to be at this point of a live service. Hopefully the content is there to keep it going.
IGN was pretty disgusting over their behavior. The article/social media posting saying the game was already discounted was a horrible display. They casually bury the fact that they referenced a single ebay listing as the "sale." They framed it, especially on social media, as a sign the game was dead on arrival but it was just one ebay code seller that probably got them by shady means.
Watched te ending online I'll be OK skipping it looks fine but not €70 fine.
Left a comment before but now I’ve finished it more thoughts and they have changed and I disagree that this is a 7. I would say 4 maximum 5. This site has got this completely wrong like I originally did.
1. The missions are almost the same over and over. Honestly it is that bad. When you get to another mission to save three humans by pressing square, you want to throw your controller at the screen.
2. The penguin. What on earth!? An arms dealer and bus driver. Enough said.
3. Batman. Destroyed years of worth, basically a directors commentary throughout.
4. No one will EVER replay any mission. Ever.
5. All the numbers on equipment. I mean, what the hell!? Can’t even be bothered looking for the highest number as that also comes with up, down, left, right arrows.
6. Harley’s swinging in the game is plain awful. Anyone who disagrees with me must be playing a different game.
I’m now gutted. Finished and I’m looking at it thinking delete and maybe come back in a. Year to see if improved but likely servers will be off and it will be non useful coaster. Awful.
Ha! Nailed the 7! (took a guess in a previous comment a few weeks back).
Que in the "review bombing" in a week or so (maybe even earlier)...
LazyLombax wrote:
True, though to be fair this review is slightly more positive than most and it’s trending far nearer a 6 (62 on Meta/60 on Open critic)… that said…
quote wrote:
Agreed, and I do wonder in cases like this whether all the negative sentiment affects the final scores given and if so by how much. Unconscious bias is a thing and it’s hard to be as fair or objective in such a surge of negativity whether we like it or not.
"Well, outside of the mission types you’d find in a shooter like The Division, there isn’t really anything too intrusive throughout the base campaign."
This line says it all for me it's not to intrusive everything that does not improve a game but makes it worse is a waste.
The story is there people seem to love it, it runs like a dream would it not be way cooler to have the "optional" coop stuff and story expansions.
Also the weapons are they adding something or is just a way to keep people farming for new stuff and it does not add so much.
Probably the most positive review I've seen of the game 😅
I don't agree with the review personally but I definitely gotta disagree on the shooting though.
At best it feels average but most of the guns (from the couple hours I've played) sound average and don't feel great to use
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