When Terminator: Resistance first launched back in 2019, it was hard to ignore how much this glorified bit of fan-service was hampered by a lack of time and money. Sure, Teyon and Reef Entertainment had nailed the tone and atmosphere of the future war setting briefly glimpsed in Cameron’s movies, but it left a lot to be desired compared to other blockbuster single player first-person shooters on the block. Unfortunately, the new Annihilation Line DLC suffers from the same budgetary issues. For Terminator die-hards, however, it’s a satisfying side story that doesn’t outstay its welcome.
Annihilation Line doesn’t take place before or after Terminator Resistance’s main campaign, instead being sandwiched bang in the middle. John Connor has put together an elite unit together in the hopes of discovering why a civilian convoy has gone missing, you see, and you (alongside Kyle Reese and a couple others) make up the special team. Cut to plenty of resource scavenging and enemy base sabotaging, all as you run-and-gun through the titular area in unabashed B-movie fashion.
What you’re getting here is ostensibly a four to five hour extra slice of campy shooting action. The bones of the base game very much remain, though Annihilation Line gets you up to speed early with a boatload of weapons, skill points and resources at the start. The core act of shooting remains floaty. However, this arguably works to make the T-800s you’re fighting feel appropriately intimidating.
The main draw here is getting to spend time with Kyle Reese, and this standalone adventure does indeed succeed in rounding him out as a character. This being Terminator: Resistance, though, expect to see lots more Easter eggs sprinkled in. That’s why, much like before, Annihilation Line delivers another ho-hum FPS experience that only true franchise veterans will fully have fun with.
Comments 32
I think the problem with modern day (since PS3 era on) FPS games is that they are mostly "ho-hum". There are few exceptions like Riddick, Hunt Showdown and the likes. Even Destiny, being from the creators of arguably one of the most successful FPS of all time, would be ho-hum without a good team to play with. The FPS genre is all but dead to myself and many others.
@Uncharted2007 Way I see it, Killzone and Call of Duty felt like a death knell. When you compare them to games like GoldenEye, Quake, the PS1 Medal of Honor games etc, they feel largely on rails and just a collection of set pieces. Which obviously were impressive at the time but don’t age as well. I like the FPS games with secrets, little maps to explore with keys, different objectives and such.
@nessisonett Agreed. I think that seeing some devs take on the option of either 1st or 3rd person in their games are going to become more prevalent moving forward. We're already seeing it stated to being implemented in games like the upcoming Instinction. That game looks phenomenal but I'm also a Dino Crisis (PS1 days; ignore 3rd on Xbox) fan.
@Uncharted2007 what is ho hum?
Does this DLC have new trophies?
But it’s way off of nine
@Flurpsel it’s that song from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, “ho hum, ho hum...” ...oh wait.
"Not much here for non-Terminator fans"
I don't understand this as part of the review or score?
A terminator DLC for a terminator game, gets marked down because people who don't like the terminator won't like the fact its based around the terminator films?
Is this going to continue with other reviews? The new AC dlc next year for example, if you don't like AC, vikings or viking mythology, you won't find it interesting so best knock a point or two off? How about the next Cod? People who don't like CoD won't like the next CoD because its still CoD, not a perfect game then I suppose?
I absolutely loved Terminator Resistance.
Sure, it’s a bit rough around the edges - I wasn’t expecting AAA visuals tbf. But what they nailed was the look and the atmosphere.
Could it be better? Yes... but I doubt we’ll ever get a proper, big budget Terminator game; so this is perfectly fine in my eyes. I’m just glad we get any Terminator game tbh.
Honestly, this will be one of the first games I replay when I get a PS5. Looking forward to the dlc now too 😁
@Flurpsel Sorry, I thought I was pretty straight forward. First Person Shooter games are ho-hum. FPS games. The Call of Duties.... Battlefields... Halos... Destinys... etc. Insert name here: _______
@FatallyYours117 yeah, I think certain games get a pass in that regard. I don’t like football... FIFA 22... 6/10! 🤣
I would probably score FIFA lower tbh because I wouldn’t know what was good or bad?
Grass is a nice shade of green, evenly mowed... 1 point for that. Ronaldo‘s character model is kinda hot... 1 point. Total score, 2/10 😁
@MyThoughts31 yep
@Uncharted2007 The problem is the market. If you make a game that's not like cod, it gets piled on for not being "modern" enough.
I think the FPS games that end up being the best are the ones that buck the trend or fall just as much in to another genre, rather than just action.
@Richnj I would argue FPS Horror is significantly overdone as well. If it were a roast... it would be charred.
Just finished the base game and was very pleased. Really got the Terminator feel right (which genisys and dark fate failed miserably imho).
Also happy to see an ambitious AA game since there seems to be a big empty void between indies and trippleA releases.
@Uncharted2007 Are we talking more Alien: Isolation or Dying Light?
@Richnj RE7/8, Back 4 Blood, etc. Take your pick. It's overdone.
I very much disagree. Bioshock, Shadow Warrior, the Doom reboot series, Metro series, the Wolfenstein reboot series, etc. Theres been a lot of fps games that simply dont fall into the mold you are describing.
@Flurpsel ho hum is average..its an english saying which is used when something is very ordinary,almost to the point of being mediocre therefore "ho hum"...
I think there just aren't enough fps games on Sony platforms of late ... think they've got a bit of an obsession with making 3rd person games. Variety is good and honestly I'd be more keen to see a new Killzone or Resistance game than Horizon.
@PegasusActual93 I weirdly wouldn’t even class Metro and BioShock as ‘FPS’ games, same as Deathloop. Didn’t even register when I was thinking about those sorts of games.
@Northern_munkey cool. Thanks. I thought it meant more "straightforward", like there is no depth to it. Which is my opinion of many FPS games nowadays. Regenerating health, near infinite ammo, poor enemy AI, narrow maps, very little means of completing it in different ways, all that.
Heck, even the environment is pretty much static besides some scripted demolition. I remember when I played Destiny 1 which was heralded as the second coming of Christ and I would shoot a barrel and it didnt even move.
Halflife 2 back in the days had the gravity gun that you could use to manipulate the environment. I fully expected the gaming industry to build on that. But then Modern Warfare 1 came and every single FPS since was just some static setpiece scripted "ho hum" game.
Some exceptions though. I loved DOOM 2016 for example
@Flurpsel i agree..doom 2016 and doom eternal are 2 of my faves in the fps genre..i admire the half life games and the mechanics they introduced but i found them to be quite tedious to play..i guess this "ho-hum" saying has a broad range of applications..
@PegasusActual93 That's the great thing about a free society. We're allowed different opinions.
How short is the dlc if can be beaten in one sitting? Depending on price, it won't be much of a con to me.
Love this love terminator!
I don't get why this dlc isn't in the PS4 version, it doesnt look any more technically demanding than anything you saw in the original game and the original game wasn't even very technically demanding to begin with. It even ran at 60fps on a base PS4.
@PegasusActual93 Titanfall 2 had a very decent campaign too. I agree with your comment, Metro and Bioshock had good narratives and excellent immersion which almost put them in a category of their own but they are still FPS games in my opinion. I wouldn't say we've been spoiled for choice though. COD etc definitely do more harm to the genre than good with very little evolution between iterations and a heavy reliance on multiplayer to sell. I will admit Warzone was a revelation during the early days of the pandemic however!
@PegasusActual93 it probably will, it's a small team give them a chance.
@fR_eeBritney I understand that some games get a pass, even if I hate it, but games websites are either producing paid for reviews, or are trying to keep the developers on their good side. But that's usually AAA Dev's/games
The first paragraph of this review is just....made up or wrong??
"Glorified bit of fan service", this was an ambitious, fully LICENSED project from an almost indie dev, that seems to nail the look, sound and feel of the original terminator films from what I can tell. I wouldn't say it's fan service at all. Was alien isolation glorified fan service? The Spider-Man games and marvel games? I'd like to know what metric this reviewer is using to determine this
"Hampered by lack of time and money" is just wrong. There was plenty of time and money (for an indie Dev). They made a PS5 version on top of the initial release for both Xbox and PS4, and a PC port, taking both time and money, they delayed the enhanced edition to make sure it was polished, they added a free mode, again presumably costing time and money, and lastly, what this review is based on, a fully fleshed out, unannounced at initial release, DLC, again, costing the Dev time and money....
"it left a lot to be desired compared to other blockbuster single player first-person shooters on the block" where on the entire internet does the Dev say this was a AAA fps that wants to go up against the likes of CoD, BF, Halo, Doom?? That's an unfair and untrue statement. It's not a blockbuster game. The reviewer even goes on to say it's a B-movie, campy type shooter. That's completely different from a blockbuster AAA fps developed by thousands of people, with nearly unlimited money and the best tools available on the planet, backed by powerful, recognisable publishers with marketing
That fist paragraph is just terrible to be honest. Then marking the game down for being too-terminator-like. Very reminiscent of IGN marking down that Pokémon game based on islands and water, for having too much water
I saw this on sale for £20 a while back (the base game) I do love T1&2 so thought bugger it I'll give it a go. I was pleasantly surprised how the feel of the game was spot on though yes janky controls sometimes hampered it. But the crafting, level up and improving mechanics were a nice addition and helped add to things to do (though once you get the best improved laser there's no looking back). the final push battle felt amazing and the soundtrack kicking in as you near skynet really made me feel immersed in the story I'd played through, I wouldn't have liked to pay full price for it, though I do think it was only £35 on release but it was for sure a delightful experience as a terminator fan, I will give this a go at some point.
Thanks for the honest review! I'll pick up this DLC when it's on sale for 50%.
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