It's been over seven years since the original release of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and as far as we're concerned, it's still unmatched in the modern role-playing space. If anything, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition is a poignant reminder that many of the bars CD Projekt Red set in 2015 have yet to be topped. Geralt's adventures across the Northern Realms are just as engrossing now as they were back then, with the game's spectacular character writing, superb world building, and high quality questing all but in a league of their own.
But before we give the whole review away, let's go over what the Complete Edition actually is. This is an enhanced PS5 re-release of The Witcher 3 and its two expansions, Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine — although you need to own those expansions already if you want to upgrade them for free on the current-gen console. It's essentially a remaster, with updated visuals and boosted performance — but it also throws in a bunch of gameplay tweaks which help improve the overall experience. Plus a photo mode!

Graphically, Complete Edition is a welcome leap forward. You may not notice the enhancements immediately — especially if you haven't touched The Witcher 3 in years — but putting the PS4 and PS5 versions side by side reveals a raft of improvements, particularly in the finer details. The draw distance, for example, is far better, and higher resolution textures are plastered all over the place. Grasses are denser, the world's lighting is more dynamic, and there are even new weather effects. It all looks lovely.
This PS5 port features two graphical modes, those being your usual 'quality' and 'performance' options. Both maintain a crisp checkerboard 4K resolution, which is great to see, but 'quality' is capped at 30 frames per second, while 'performance' pushes things to 60. Needless to say, that 60fps can make a significant difference when it comes to combat, but for once, we'd encourage you to at least try the 'quality' setting.
That's because it enables ray tracing, which can really make the visuals pop with enhanced reflections, both on water and on the surfaces of shiny objects, like windows and armour. Again, the 30fps cap is a kicker, but if you want to see The Witcher 3 at its absolute best on console, even for just a few minutes, it's well worth flicking the switch.
Now then, onto the gameplay improvements. At its core, the title's gameplay remains unchanged; the somewhat divisive combat system is the same as it's always been, and main character Geralt's movement is still a bit jank. However, the performance mode's 60fps boost does make a big difference, all but eliminating the slight input lag that was present in the PS4 release. The increased responsiveness alone makes this PS5 edition feel far better to play.

The new 'quick cast' option certainly helps in this regard, too. You can now just hold down R2 and press a corresponding face button to unleash Geralt's magical signs in battle. Previously, you had to open up a full radial menu to switch between signs, which gave combat a tactical, but ultimately disjointed flow. Another welcome improvement — and you can still use the radial wheel in conjunction with the real-time setting.
Then you've got the new camera mode, which lets you place the camera much closer to Geralt, just next to his right shoulder. In the original, the default camera was awkwardly positioned. It had Geralt almost bang in the middle of the screen, and this meant that when you wanted to interact with objects, you often had to lift the camera above Geralt's head and look down at the environment in finicky fashion. With the new (and default) close camera, this is obviously no longer an issue, and as such, we'd highly recommend using it. Particularly in tight spaces, it makes a massive difference.

It might seem like a small addition, but a shift in perspective can have a profound impact on how a game's world is perceived. We wouldn't go as far to say that the new camera is transformative, but it does give the title a more cinematic quality. Simply put, it's much easier to appreciate the fantastic artistry and the impressive scale of The Witcher 3's setting when Geralt isn't standing in the middle of the screen.
The close camera can be used for combat as well — its own separate setting in the options menu — but it's harder to recommend. In battle, having a narrower field of view means that you're going to want to keep all of your enemies front and centre, which is easier said than done when you've got jumpy ghouls darting around the arena. The old camera arguably works better here, as it zooms out a bit to give you a wider view of the action.
Having said that, if you're looking for a greater challenge, the new camera is worth checking out, as it forces to you play with more caution so that you're not surrounded. Think God of War Ragnarok's perspective, and you'll get the idea.

It's not surprising, but thanks to all of these additions and improvements, Complete Edition is the best version of The Witcher 3 on PlayStation. And that's without mentioning the new content, which includes weapons, armours, and a new quest inspired by The Witcher on Netflix. Said quest is actually really good — a lengthy escapade that takes place within one of the game's barely utilised locations. We won't spoil anything here, but the level of quality is up there with some of The Witcher 3's finest excursions — and that's high praise. CDPR didn't need to inject this much effort into a one-off quest in a free upgrade, but it did, and it's well worth checking out.
With all of the new stuff out of the way, we want to quickly reflect on what makes The Witcher 3 such a landmark RPG. As mentioned, it's the writing that solidifies its place near the top of the pantheon. The dialogue is, for the most part, immaculately crafted, packed with charm and wit, without ever being overbearing in its exposition. It's the kind of writing that draws you into a fantastical world and makes it feel shockingly grounded.
The game's overall tone is masterfully balanced as well. The Witcher's world is relentlessly grim — especially if you happen to be a hapless peasant — but an excellent sense of dark humour prevents proceedings from becoming needlessly miserable.

Meanwhile, the side quests are often held aloft as the best to ever grace a video game, and it's easy to see why. The vast majority of completely optional adventures are deeply engaging because of the sharp storytelling that surrounds them. The Witcher 3's best assets have aged incredibly well — not that a genuinely great script will ever truly dull, but you know what we're getting at.
There are aspects of the game that haven't quite stood the test of time, though. We are, perhaps predictably, talking about the combat system. Even with the benefits of 60fps, there's no getting away from the fact that fighting can feel unwieldy due to overly elaborate animations and some dodgy target tracking. It's still enjoyable when you're unleashing signs and spinning between foes — and the power fantasy of being a veteran monster-killing machine kicks in at later levels — but it can be a difficult obstacle to overcome until you're used to the game's slightly awkward rhythm.

It's a shame that combat remains untouched in this update, but we understand that CDPR didn't want to alter its most beloved game on a fundamental level. But hey, the developer did go the extra mile and implement full DualSense controller support on PS5. The haptic feedback is top notch, offering a range of rumbles whether you're galloping across the countryside or slamming your sword into an ugly creature. Adaptive triggers are also an option, and as long as you don't mind exerting the additional effort, they're put to use quite nicely when firing your crossbow, or letting loose with a sign.
Over seven years after its original release, The Witcher 3 is still a masterpiece. In its character writing and dialogue, it's yet to be surpassed, while its knack for telling so many engrossing stories is still seriously impressive. Although aspects of its gameplay haven't aged quite so well, there's no doubt that Complete Edition is the best version of a truly outstanding open world adventure.
Comments 111
If anyone's got any questions, just @ me and I'll try to answer them. All the screenshots in this review were taken direct on PS5 with the new photo mode.
Needless to say I loved playing this again. What a game.
I still don’t really understand the combat hate. There’s a power attack that lets you cut people in half. Come on.
@ShogunRok is the text size in things like the menu , items etc bigger now or is it only the subtitles that got a bump up ?
@ShogunRok do saves/ trophies transfer?
Medallions humming
How is the load time? Used to be like 2 minutes.
@Sora420 Just subtitles, sadly.
@Mega-Gazz Load times are just seconds now.
@Americansamurai1 You can transfer your save, but this version has a separate Trophy list (that's made up of all the same Trophies). Trophies don't automatically unlock based on your PS4 save, either.
@nessisonett Not necessarily hate, just criticism. There's no getting around how janky it is, especially untouched seven years later. For the record, I personally still enjoy it, but it's hard to ignore its faults.
@ShogunRok load times?
I agree that improvements to combat could have been made with staying true to the original. Better weight to combat and fixing animation jank, and tracking would have all been very welcome.
Still looking forward to the replay.
@shogunrok When is the update out?
@ShogunRok Hi Shogun, thanks for the review.
I own the Witcher 3 GOTY digitally for PS4. If I download it to my PS5 will it just update to this new version?
Bought this a while ago on sale, played about an hour, and backed out, it came off as especially "dark" in tone. But a free upgrade is always appreciated, and mom seems to love the Netflix show, so I'm looking forward to giving it another shot in two days. Thanks for the writeup!
The gameplay and quest structure weren't perfect in 2015 and they are even less enjoyable now, but what this franchise has over most others is the writing of a talented author. Just like LOTR and GOT the Witcher tells a much more interesting tale than your Assassin's Creeds, Horizons, Red Dead, God Of War etc.
@Ralizah Did you already play it?
Combat still sucks. Got it.
@Bigkopman 14th December!
@KundaliniRising333 Load times are just seconds now, as opposed to minutes.
Geralt, seeing the vague outline of a PS5
"place of power, gotta be"
@The_Moose No, I think you need to go to the PS5 version's page on the store and download it. It's not an update on console, it's treated as a separate version.
@WizzNL If you don't own them, you just get the base game without the expansions. If you go and buy the expansion pass, or the GOTY version on PS4, you'll then get the expansions on PS5 too.
A bit out of topic, but are there any rumours about Witcher 1 and 2 Remake/Remaster for the current generation tech?
I honestly didn't mind combat anyway, especially vs humans with your guard up, it could feel really quite nice and flow well, especially since they added those new animations and finishers that were just immensely pleasing. Slicing people in half, as the camera pans to the sunrise, chopping someone's legs off on top of a tower with a distant mountain view, lovely! So I really can't wait to see this stuff with ray tracing and improved visuals. 30fps is completely fine, it's only ever stuttering and fps drops that ruins a games feel for me so I'm ready to just enjoy all of it in its highest console settings.
Photomode, ps5 quick captures of entertaining duels and finishers looking there absolute best, and maybe a full replay of a game I love. Definitely looking forward to it ⚔️🐺🦄
@DiabloSSJ Witcher 1 will receive an open world remake that's still early in development.
Witcher 2 is still playable, but I wouldn't complain about a remake instead of a remaster.
Witcher 4 will come out in about a decade and there is a spinoff in the works as well.
TLDR: you might have children by the time you play another Witcher game.
I can't believe I bought this game on a whim in CEX back in 2016, one of the greatest games I've ever played and I can't wait to do it all again, what an experience, What. A. Game.
@nessisonett yeah, they say untouched combat, but I'm pretty sure they added new stuff to it a while back, with really cinematic finishers. Slice the back of the leg > behead. Sure you can't really control it with a button combo, but who cares. It's a visual delight.
Plus whirl, just whirl an entire Hansa
(I think people play it wrong too, but don't tell them. Guard up, parry, strike, dodge, don't just roll around like it's dark souls 😬)
Hmm, Yen or Triss in this playthrough? Decisions, decisions.
Should I make a fourth attempt to get into this game? 🤔 I REALLY want to like it but it just doesn’t click with me for some reason. Feel like I’m missing out on one of the best games.
@Hindenburg I really hope for the children part! Thanks for a detailed answer.
@ApostateMage why not both, what an ending!
@ShogunRok could you not just give it a ten? Elden Ring has all the cons you've listed, but perhaps moreso. Very wonky elements, a tonne of bugs and graphical issues like mass clipping, pop in etc. Plus it's unimaginably hard to follow without guides for 8 out of 10 players, I'd think 😅
@Ravix I gave the original The Witcher 3 a 10. Gave Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine 10s as well. But this was up to seven years ago, and games do age, as much as we might not want them to.
TW3 is still probably my favourite game of all time, but as a reviewer I have to take a step back and criticise what needs to be criticised. A 9 is still a brilliant score, especially for a game that's almost a decade old at its core.
Regardless all the trouble with CP2077 and the lies told by CDPR… massive respect for them to bring this for free to owners of the old versions. We already got mid gen updaters for this game and now 7 years after it’s release this new update with the mods included… that’s fantastic.
@ShogunRok I suppose. I get what you're saying and that's fair. But then to me a 10 any time, is still a ten. I play old games and still get as much out of them as I would new games, but maybe I'm different. I played TW3 later than most people too, because it took me a good run up and coming back to it later to really get into it (I had zero experience with fantasy games at the time) but once I did, it was clear it was a 10, and now it's going to look better too lol.
Maybe then it's a 9 if you've played it, as not enough is new, but to someone who might get to experience it for the first time, is it not then a 10? 😅🤔 or is it a 9 because you think people new to it might be disappointed it's not brand brand new quality? I'd have more faith in how people who enjoy games think though, and still give it a 10, even if it is old 😁
@Ravix Many game mechanics age, and things we used to think were acceptable in terms of game design become outdated (Ubisoft towers for example) or janky combat. I think it's crazy to think that a 10 would remain a 10 in perpetuity, except for games that are pure gameplay like Tetris!
9 is a GREAT score.
An excellent early Christmas present, great timing. Shame the combat is still a bit janky but the story, world and music more than make up for that.
@ShogunRok have they improved the terrible looting experience from older gens?
What I mean more specifically is you have to align yourself perfectly for the loot prompt to appear? Considering the amount of looting in this game it started to drive me bonkers how user unfriendly I found it!
I'm not playing it a 4th time. Got plenty of other things to play, I understand why they've done it but I'll not be bothering.
@Octane TW3? I did a fairly complete playthrough (all non-Gwent sidequests I found, along with the two expansions) bouncing back and forth between the Switch and PC versions.
@Ravix Trust me, we wrestle with review scores all the time. For what is ultimately just a number at the end of some writing, we spend sooo much time discussing them. It's never easy!
But I know what you're saying. Re-reviewing games years after release is always tricky. You're looking for improvements in remasters, but sometimes aspects of the game don't hold up quite as well as you remember, and so scoring them gets a lot more complicated — especially when you gave the original a really positive score.
There's no easy answer, really. I think this is the best version of TW3, and we gave the original a 10, so shouldn't this be a 10? But then we always try to remember that games don't exist in a vacuum. Times change, things can get more and more outdated over time, or they're given new context.
I suppose my advice to anyone reading reviews is to always take the actual writing to heart, rather than the score. The score's really just to help people gauge how good a game is on a very broad scale.
Like I said, never easy!
PSA: Aside from fairly low quality Ray tracing implementation there is little reason to settle for the ray tracing mode. It is capped at 1440p and averages less than 1200p.
Where as the performance mode is dynamic 4k averaging 1500p and has better draw distances and looks far better in motion in terms of clarity.
After some of the rubbish I've played lately Calisto protocall,nfs can't wait too jump back in too my favourite game loving the new camera angle.But has too come out when I'm back at work unfortunately.
@ShogunRok Hearts of Stone is still a 10 IMO. Such a great story.
@Ralizah Good! I couldn't remember.
@ShogunRok well said.
it's kind of absurd to think a game should get the same review score 7 years later just as it was when Fan humans decried a lower score for the last of us cash grab 2.0.
Game mechanics age and sometimes poorly. While the games design and writing are excellent your are reviewing this update to the game and not necessarily the game as a whole here. There are things with combat that absolutely could have been better improved. Not to mention inventory and UI elements that are and were severely old and cumbersome 7 years ago that are the same here (and in cyberpunk lmfao).
A 9 is generous here imo
@Ravix you make the combat sound like it has steps or hard, pop up shield go to town reapply shield and repeat. Unless they fixed the shield abuse "tactic"
That said can't wait to play again my favourite game in last decade, dunno if I can't whack in 250hrs or more again tho 😱
@Starkei Think I probably agree to be honest. Gaunter O'Dimm and Olgierd von Everec are still two of my favourite video game characters.
I am super excited for the up close camera that feels like a gamechanger for the experience
@ShogunRok any graphic improvement on ps5 version ?
@Dodoo It's better overall if you use the new close camera setting, because you can just place the object in the middle of the screen and get it a lot easier without having to get finicky with the camera so much.
They also removed the loot window when you're picking ingredients. That's just automatic now — all you have to do is press X, thank god.
@ShogunRok is it recommended to replay it again on ps5 version ? i love it so much when i finished story on ps4 version
@MichaelHawj Yeah everything's improved. 4K textures, better character models, enemy models, environmental assets, better lighting, weather effects, draw distance... Everything you could want, really.
It still looks like TW3, but the detail's a lot better across the board.
And yeah, I'd fully recommend another playthrough if you love the game. It's a great update.
@Octane I'm not hugely gaga over it as an open world adventure, and I still think the main plot is underwhelming, but the character writing and sidequests mostly make up for that.
I look forward to jumping back into this world. I want to do a no side quest playthrough. When I played this last, I got so lost in the side quests that I lost track of the story.
@ShogunRok Does it have a new trophy list? Or will the old PS4 trophies count.
Maybe I might finally plat the game, the only thing that stopped me from getting the platinum on PS4 was collecting all the cards. And the worst part was that it was only one card that I missed and it was way too deep in the game for me to try to get back to it. Now would definitely be a good opportunity to try but idk if I want to suffer through that again lol
Is there a reason why we can’t have 60fps and rat tracing but compromise on resolution at 1080p?
@PteBlade It's a separate Trophy list, but it's made up of the same Trophies as the PS4 version. Trophies you've unlocked on PS4 do not unlock automatically on PS5 even if you transfer your save data.
I fell off this on ps4 after about 5 hours. I think i was burnt out on open world games at the time and i seem to remember wanting to play something else. Maybe it's time to try it again
@ShogunRok yeah, it wasn't a criticism or anything either, and I largely agree with the things you are saying too (especially about the number shouldn't influence people in general), it's just a good discussion to be had to be honest.
I myself am torn how I'd approach it, but I land on the side of all games that are 10 (to me) have flaws, but they are flaws that you forgive due to how the experience resonates with you as a player, or just as a person. And that's the kind of thing that doesn't really age, so to me the score should not age also. Which is, I suppose, why I'm currently on my first playthrough of Skyrim, and am enjoying it as much as if I'd have discovered it originally, flaws and all. And why I started a second playthrough of KIngdom Come Deliverance, and why I'm going to enjoy TW3 once again, I'm sure 😄
Great that this is a free upgrade for anyone looking to play it over - or get the $12 "old version" and upgrade if new to the game.
Such a good game.
But with Forspoken, One Piece Odyssey and Hogwarts all in a row, not really investing what free time I have playing Witcher 3 again even if free.
@ShogunRok how is the save transfer realized? Is PS Plus/Cloud Save needed or is there an Option to import local/USB save data?
Anything to take into consideration with different Versions? E.g I own a physical Vanilla Version with only HoS and a digital GOTY Ed.
Oh, and what is the File size?
@Rob_230 I always recommend going back to TW3, as I had a similar experience, I didn't get bored as such, I just got stuck in a really annoying cave and forgot to "save before cave" my ultimate fantasy RPG advice to live by now. It took me maybe a year to go back to it, and then by the time I'd finished all the DLC's I was totally in awe of the entire franchise/universe/IP
dont think id bother playing through this again, the combat was average at best and sounds like it hasnt changed.....and while some of the side quests were really really good, the main quest was a complete bore fest....played out like a long overdrawn fetch quest
@0ld_boy I'm not totally sure yet, but I think it's through CDPR's own servers. So if you go on the PS4 version, there'll be an option to upload your save, and then on the PS5 version, you can download.
I'm sure the dev will put out some information soon.
And the game's about 53GB on PS5, I think.
@themightyant I think I'm just in the perpetual 10 camp. It's not a criticism of any line of thought, I think I just have a good tolerance for things if the actual heart of the game is worth it, maybe even more so. Some of the best games I've ever played are either frustrating or buggy in some major way, but that gives them character and proves how good the actual core of the experience is that you end up not caring, or even growing fond of the less favourable elements over time 😄
@Arkham24601 why would you even want rat tracing though? Personally I'd rather not have a realistic representation of where all the rats are in TW3. If I wanted that, I'd play a Plague Tale game instead
Not a 10 because is not a sony exclusive.
9/10 #notsonytax -1
@ShogunRok thanks for the response
@Palolo You download the PS5 version separately, as it's classed as its own product. Should be there for free if you already own the PS4 version.
I rarely replay a game this huge, and I will replay TW3 for the 3rd time with this version!! Hunt the tropies again will be another incentive!! The Witcher 3 is hands down my favorite PS4 generation game, and for sure one of the best of all time.
@ceedj is it free even if you have the game on disc on PS4? 🤔🤔
@ShogunRok And to use with the disc version, we only need to put the disc in the console and download the PS5 version right?
@freddquadros As far as I know, yes. If it's like other PS5 upgrades you might need to keep your disc in the console when you play it as well.
@huyi Yep!
@huyi - what the esteemable ShogonRok says - should be no problem with a disc, assuming the disc is not damaged. Or upside down. Which is surprisingly easy to do.
Time to make some space in my gaming schedule to get a second platinum on one of my all time favourite games.
@ShogunRok If I have a PS version and a PC version does the PS version now surpass PC or is it simply PC on highest settings? i.e. does PC get the gameplay patch also?
@lindos The PC version gets this upgrade as well, yes, but it's just a patch, rather than a new edition. Has all of the same improvements, minus the DualSense stuff.
@ShogunRok Any news on a physical release date? I need that white banner on my box 🤦♂️
@Mostik No update on that yet. Some retail listings have it down for February, but we haven't had official word on it. Hopefully soon.
Gave them my money twice for this game. Can't fault anyone who has never played it or only played it once. Great game.
Hm. First off I dont have a PS5. And Im currently in the middle of my second playthrough on PS4 (which Im working on for about 2 years now). Not sure what I will do with that playthrough now..
@ShogunRok cool, I'll give it a download when it hits maybe I will finally finish a playthru once and for all
Will jump back into this at some point. Fantastic game, truly one of the greats.
Masterpiece? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This was easily the 2nd worst game of last gen by a LONG SHOT. Awful characters, dialogue, combat, controls, quests, narrative... Everything about this game has been done 10x better in hundreds of games.
Only someone who plays less than a few hours a week and no more than 3 games a year would call this game anything positive. Any real gamer would play this drek and tear it to pieces with how bad it is. Masterpiece.... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Oscarjpc it's not a 10 because it's factually nowhere near good enough to be classified as quality gaming.
@RobynAlecksys i wouldnt rate it as 2nd worst game of last gen, but i do agree that it isnt as great as people make it out to be. some good side quests but other than that nothing we havent seen before, and yeah the combat, controls and main quest were all pretty meh, severely overrated imo
@lindos that will depend on your PC. On paper the PC version also gets this patch and can handle BOTH 60fps and RT at the same time as well as a few other more minor benefits. But you may need a more powerful PC to outperform PS5.
@Ravix there are no wrong answers on this, we all feel differently. For me I can replay a game I loved and gave a 10/10 to on release, like I did recently with Mass Effect 2, but realise there are aspects of the gameplay that have aged poorly. If I was to re-score it I couldn’t still give it 10/10, but that doesn’t stop it being one of my favourite games of all time, it just means a few elements like the combat are a little outdated a decade later.
Same with Witcher 3 which never had great combat in the first place, but that didn’t stop it being a fantastic game overall, and still doesn’t.
I think it’s testament to the fact that games are always improving. Learning and growing off the foundations laid by those that came before. It’s a good thing.
Ultimately scores are pretty useless and entirely subjective anyway.
P.S. enjoy Skyrim, for all the memes it’s still an incredible game, one of the absolute greats. Also been replaying that too!
Oh Geralt, you had me at hello. Another playthrough it is then.
Uh, excuse me, Mr. Ramsey. On The Witcher 3 CD-ROM, is there a way to get out of the dungeon without using the wizard key?
I think that ever since most people became disillusioned with CDPR following the disastrous CP77, I've only just begun to realise that a lot of what made W3 so good really hasn't aged all that well.
It's a solid game and set a benchmark for the time, but ever since, I've certainly played at least a handful of RPGs that have far surpassed it, if not in their world building and characters then at the very least in their mechanics and polish.
@SoulChimera There is, but it involves romancing the wizard.
@ItsBritneyB_tch You're not the only one, I just couldn't get into it at all.
@ShogunRok Hmmm. Small price to pay. Haha.
Thanks for the in depth review. Much appreciated.
Great to see this good review. I can't wait to replay this again after I finish Soul Hackers 2. TW3 is my favorite game of all time and I'm sure with this upgrade it will feel even better than the last time I played it, which was 2 years ago.
Couldn't get into the game a few years back when I tried it, twice. Will see if the bug finally bites this time.
Thanks for the in depth review! I tried playing the Complete Edition on PS4, but was intimidated by the busy HUD and imo easy to forget controls.
Hopefully that has all been resolved in the PS5 update.
@ShogunRok Appreciate this may be too late to ask a question but I have only read 2 reviews for this, yours which was glowing, and another that said the game was virtually unplayable due to the bugs, glitches and crashes. They went as far to call it a Cyberpunk level disaster. Did you encounter anything like that?
I’ve been waiting for this since PS5 launch! I love God Of War, Ratchet, Returnal, and Forbidden West but this is most certainly my most anticipated PS5 title! My favorite video game of all time!
Come on Roach!
Can't wait to have an excuse to play this again, for the nth time
The world never ceases to draw me in and I always feel a pang of sadness as sson as you get to Kaer Morhen as that means the journey is nearly over.
@Ooccoo_Jr I read that review as well! Obviously can't speak to their particular experience, but I had almost no issues whatsoever. Certainly no crashes, just some minor animation bugs.
Our video producer's been playing as well, and he hasn't had any problems either.
Having only passed the Switch edition and barely tryed the PS4 one after having buyed it on sale some time ago, I am prepared to be amazed with this PS5 edition.
@TeapotBuddha I've noticed that you can now get foggy weather anywhere, not just in certain swamps. I've also noticed a lighter / heavier rain, and a kind of weather where the sky goes completely cloudy, with just a few sunrays coming through. As far as I can tell, the weather is just more dynamic in general.
Sounds like an excellent upgrade and I’ll check it out soon, just hope that the save transfer works well!
Jesus it crashes almost as bad as during the cyberpunk release. It really ***** ***** up if it crashes during a situation in which you lose a bunch of progression, items, etc... Because of a distant auto save or not saving because you don't assume the damn game is going to crash buying and selling at a merchant.
This is starting to feel like another half assed CDPR product.
***lol right after the above rant it crashed again, then said my saved file was corrupted and had to delete it.... upon rebooting the game it acted like it was the first time I'm booting up the game and I had to reset all of my settings the gamma the HUD screen size but it still had a previous save like an auto save before that. This is so much like cyberpunk it's hilarious it's the same type of errors.
@RobynAlecksys I mean, the majority of people think it's a masterpiece (including myself) and I've been playing video games on a regular basis for over 30 years
As a complete beginner, I struggled to have my save games from PS4 version on my PS5 version.
Might I misunderstood something on cross progression post.
Anyway, I just let you know @all:
I loaded my last save on PS4 version, made a new save game straight away and that shows on my PS5 version.
So it seems transferring save games won't work on previous saves.
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