So, let’s get the obvious gag out of the way: Microsoft has a better PlayStation Vita lineup than Sony this year. Following the Redmond-based organisation’s somewhat unexpected acquisition of Mojang last month, it was touch and go for all of a few minutes whether Minecraft: PS Vita Edition would ever release at all. Fortunately, it turns out that the console war isn’t fought with golden pickaxes and diamond swords – and so Steve, the least imaginitive video game protagonist of all time, has trotted onto Sony’s handheld on the back of an unimpressed pig.
This port is significant for one fundamental reason: it’s portable Minecraft with very little compromise. While the Pocket Edition of the property has proved popular on smartphones and tablets, only the ill-fated Xperia Play managed to provide the product with the physical inputs that the title so richly deserves. The control set-up’s more or less what you’d expect here, then: the twin analogue sticks handle movement and camera direction, while the shoulder buttons allow you to punch and place bricks.

The pocketable platform’s touchscreen isn’t neglected either, allowing you to toggle between items on your hot bar, as well as control menu screens. This works just fine, but the d-pad is also supported if you’re not keen on leaving smears all over your system’s delicious display. Still, the inventory could have used a few more months in the furnace, as the cursor format feels like a late 90s user interface nightmare, which really should have been left behind. This editor also found the miniscule text taxing on his ageing eyes.
Look beyond these minor irritations, though, and what you have is a bit of a miniature masterpiece. Markus ‘Notch’ Persson’s billion dollar blockbuster remains very much at its brilliant best here, tempting you in with its crude art style and leisurely gameplay loop. There are objectives for you to fulfil, but the title never rams these down your throat, instead encouraging you to discover rather than do as you’re told. It’s a daunting prospect, but a thorough tutorial will get you up to speed – and good old fashioned trial and error will see you figure out the rest.

The only limit on your abilities arrives at night, when the sun kissed scenery is swapped for something a little more sinister; you’ll need to fashion shelters out of squares, which will keep you safe from the nasties that lurk in the evening. While you can switch to a pure creative mode if you prefer, though, this constant sense of danger gives the game just enough focus to make its crafting shine; you’ll start out with the bare essentials, but will eventually exchange elbow grease for an empire – the hard work that you’ve invested making your visible success all the more satisfying.
And you can share that gratification with others, be it locally or online. The game supports up to four folk in ad-hoc multiplayer mode, with eight able to join over the PlayStation Network. There’s also the option to transfer your progress back and forth between the PlayStation 3, but if you want to port your world to the PlayStation 4, it’s a one-way journey only we’re afraid. This is because the next-gen version employs even bigger landscapes than are found in the portable product – but it’s not like you’re going to be rubbing shoulders with invisible walls all of the time.

In fact, the only real downside here is the technical performance, as it’s obvious that the title’s pushing the Vita to its uppermost limits; don’t let the rudimentary visuals fool you, because this will drain your handheld’s battery faster than you can imagine. The frame rate’s also far from perfect, sinking way below an acceptable level when the action’s particularly hectic. It’s a negative, for sure, but given the nature of the gameplay, it’s not necessarily an enormous issue – after all, a creeper’s not going to kill you because of a momentary lapse in input precision.
Minecraft: PS Vita Edition is a match forged in heaven, even if it isn’t angelic all of the time. A few minor interface issues and framerate fluctuations threaten to bring this portable port crashing down, but Mojang’s moreish gameplay loop provides the release with strong enough foundations to keep it standing tall. An uncompromising edition of a modern classic, this is an essential addition to your handheld library.
Comments 27
I totally don't understand this game,is it for pre-school kids?
Why is it so popular?
Ok gonna check the demo on my vita first.
@italodance It's not really for kids at all, it's great for all ages. I think it's so popular because it's outrageously addictive, and also it really enables you to explore your imagination in an accessible way. It's not everyone, but it's hard to deny its brilliance. Definitely check out the demo.
Never liked minecraft...until now. This truly is the definitive version if you would ask me. Minecraft is finally home!
@get2sammyb as good as this is I have had two saves go corrupt on me now!! First time u wasn't too bothered but the second one nearly resulted in a broken vita :/
From November 11.
@ZeD I have heard that it's prone to crashes. Personally, I haven't experienced any issues, but, yeah, hopefully they patch that because that's not good at all.
Not to be a broken recod, but I think bundling this with PS TV would have been a better idea than the Lego movie. No concerns about small text or battery life. And while evrybody already has the Xbox, PC, PS3 or Vita version maybe Nintendo fans would pony up $100 for it?
And dont say MS wouldnt let them PS3 or PS4 is fetting a Minecraft bumdle this holiday.
@rjejr I agree. Since this came out last week I have played on my vita every single day! At work, at home, on the toilet - you name it!
Might get for a tenner or less.
I've never experienced any framerate issues and the only gripes I have are that you can't use the touch screen everywhere- you can only use it on your main tools bar (I don't know the name for it)- and that texture packs and skins are overpriced.
Surprised MicroSoft haven't changed the name yet to - MicroCraft or MineSoft
Update 1.02 will fix this issue
Bug list
Enjoy http://l.gamespot.com/1w2l2fZ
minecraft is maybe the best game ever.for those who havent played or dont think they ever will, it can be so tranquil and relaxing. its a beautiful open world experience. imagine an open world original zelda. being able to play minecraft while im out and about waiting for this or that is just the greatest thing. poor terreria vita edition, it was nice knowing you.
@italodance what sammy said and also it's really one of those games where it's up to your imagination, hence he accessibility he mentioned to you. Lot's of options in this game and even more if you have friends who play.
Never understand why this is good
Try the demo, can't stop playing, yet still dont know what makes it addictive
@divinelite I think it's because the loop is so moreish. You start out with the bare essentials, but through that you're able to fashion something that you're proud of, which then enables you to build something even better, which you're even more proud of... And it just keeps going like that.
The thing that I like about it is that your legacy in the world reflects your progression; every tunnel that you build or shelter that you construct is representative of your time with the game. Compare that to most other games, and your progression usually represents an ambiguous number of some kind. Here, you almost always have something more meaningful to show for your actions.
Minecraft is a fantastic game, completely addictive and as the article states on the Vita is a match made in heaven. The large OLED screen and dual stick controls make it a much better experience than on a phone. Not quite as nice as on the PS4, but I would argue the best handheld version going around. Could not recommend it enough. But I am an unabashed fan.
@ZeD Yep!
Waiting for Best Buy to list the physical version so I can preorder. They better get on it because the game comes out in a couple weeks
@get2sammyb Best Vita game yet. Bought it on ps4 and pocket edition too. It's very addictive.
Well I can see how this game is addictive but even I'm unsure how this turned into a 54+ million selling game. Just goes to show you don't know what is going to be a big thing.
At first I wasn't going to buy it but I tried the demos on PS3 and PS Vita and then something messed up happened, I somehow got the full game for free on both platforms. Come to think it I never purchased PSASBR on Vita digitally so I don't know what's going on.
Meh, still don't like the game.
Danganronpa 2 is still my fav Vita game this year.
Bought the PS4 version and found out I have to pay 20$ for the Vita version again instead of being able to pay 5$ like I thought... Too bad for me I guess. I love it on PS4 but not enough to pay full price again for owning it on Vita too!
@Punished_Boss_84 PSASBR is cross-buy on PS3/Vita, so that's probably how you've ended up with that. Sony messed up with Minecraft at one point, too, so looks like you just got lucky.
@get2sammyb Lucky me but i never bought the PS3 version of PSASBR?
@Punished_Boss_84 PlayStation Plus?
@get2sammyb No wasn't a member during those months.
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