The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners - Tourist Edition is a 15-to-20-hour post-apocalyptic survival experience developed by Skydance Interactive. Playing as The Tourist, you find yourselves in a flooded New Orleans, among several conflicting factions all fighting over access to The Reserve, a haven full resources for surviving an apocalypse.
Tasked with roaming the streets in search of hidden caches and intel, with a map and a drawing for reference, you're sent to scavenge supplies. While exploring you'll find a very limited supply of melee weapons and ammunition. Combined with very tough AI enemies and armaments with set durability before they break, you have yourself a hard-as-nails survival experience. There's always a tense atmosphere as you plan how to take down each zombie you encounter and what path to take to avoid other dangers.
You'll be collecting almost every item you find, as everything generates useful materials when recycled back at base. These resources can be crafted into a vast array of weapons and ammunitions at workbenches — knives, bats, guns, etc. Each weapon has a very different feel to it because of the PSVR2 Sense Controllers' impressive adaptive triggers. You can also manufacture armour for protection, food for stamina, and medicine for health, all of which are necessary in this harsh environment.
You'll also stumble across both friendly and enemy factions; some will allow you free roam of their territory and task you with side missions, whilst others will just shoot on sight. Being shot or grabbed by the walkers can be a very scary experience, caused by the immersion of the headset haptics, and the requirement to shake off the undead. The walkers can even occasionally begin conflicts between rival factions or overrun their areas entirely, turning all group members into undead right in front of your very eyes. All this makes for an enjoyably bustling world of activity. However, we did find the lack of variety in enemy types to be a little underwhelming, with gun-toting members and helmet-wearing walkers being the only variations.
Saints and Sinners stands out in more than just its survival aspects as it's visually stunning too, with greatly detailed models and impressively dark, dingy environments; it's a jaw-dropping adventure from start to finish. Its moving story and creative gameplay make for one of the most engaging VR titles to date. One big step forward for post-apocalyptic survival and one giant leap forward for virtual reality gaming, The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners - Tourist Edition is a must-buy for all PSVR2 gamers.
Comments 28
Even though it's a remaster, this is the best PS VR2 game you can currently play!
Have it, love it, recommend it to anyone. The only thing is, and this is a personal preference, but scavenging for ammo and having to be careful sometimes gets tiresome and I just want to shoot / hit stuff. Might turn difficulty down to story mode eventually as I understand that provides more scavengeable items to make guns and ammo. Also understand the sequel is a bit less survival and more action orientated, so looking forward to that.
Glad that I’ve had no motion sickness with this too (or really any other PSVR2 game) , as I got quite sick when playing this on VR1.
I just bought my psvr2 today from the online store! This is definitely one I’m going to look into once I feel I can handle games with movement
@ztpayne7 jesus,someone with commonsense,you are a rarity!Most people new to vr are jumping straight into the big hitters what happen to have the most movement and are also the worst for sim sickness.I tell people all the time 'start of slow and in no time you'll be playing the big games' but most people refuse to listen
@ROTTIEMAN16 yes, that's a good piece of advice. I, stupidly, started off with Gran Turismo 7, and felt sick immediately! So now I'm looking for some of the 'slower' games. Do you have any recommendations?
@ROTTIEMAN16 wjat would you suggest for me buddy. I got my PSVR launch day and im fine with games like Drums rock, Moss, Unplugged air guitar, Pistol whip, Ragnarockand GT7 but i get a little icky with Kayak and i only lasted 10 minutes with this on 2 occasions.
I’m just waiting for PSVR 2 to be available from Currys so I can use my vouchers. C’mon Sony!
I absolutely love being in this world but damn am I terrible at it. I wish there was a version for people who are terrible at games like these. Even easy is still too hard for me lol. I'll fumble the guns and panic if I run out of ammo and lose where I need to go. I'd honestly die instantly if there was an actual apocalypse.
@Bingbongboyo yeah never try pushing through sim sickness because your brain will start associating vr with sickness and you'll not want to play.As for games to play before you get your vr legs try moss book 1&2,demeo,tetris effect,last clockwinder,puzzling places and drums rock are a few to keep you going
turning down the difficulty helps a lot. Had a blast afterwards!
@Kidfunkadelic83 for games you should be ok with until you get vr legs of steel I'd suggest demeo,last clockwinder, thumper,tetris effect,rez and maybe song in the smoke(brilliant but a lot of movement).When you've done your apprenticeship you can play resident evil 8 and both walking dead s&s games plus call of the mountain(a lot of people rag it but it's beautiful)
Try Moss Book 1 + 2 and Synth Riders, so much fun!!!
I’d recommend turning flick turning on for most games. Slower games like walking dead are usually fine, but smooth turning can make many feel queasy.
@thefourfoldroot1 i will give it a go. Thats the first game that made me start to sweat from feeling rough. Took the headset off right away. I did get on better sitting down to play it too.
Absolutely right. Always use snap-turn in the beginning for right analog stick and the slowest movement Option/Teleport movement for the left analog stick. Also toggle on the vignettes Option if possible and crank it up all the way.
You can also try to turn on a fan which blows at your face or open a window for a fresh air blow, to trick your body into feeling that you are actually moving.
Also do not try to push it too hard. Take breaks often (every 10-15 minutes the least)
Bought this the other day...still yet to try it though ...haven't played that much of my vr..still slowly playing through horizon on the weekends
Thanks for the advice everyone, very much appreciated! I really like the look of Moss, so I think I'll give that a whirl!
Thanks again.
Yes, I play all games sitting down, apart from ones like pistol whip of course. Sitting is more stable so you’re less likely to get your body out of whack.
This was a 9/10 for me on PSVR1, despite some clunky tracking and dated tech, can imagine it will be 10/10 for me on the new the upgrade and part 2 waiting for me once i finish RE8...cant wait!
@StylesT welcome to world of VR, hope your enjoying Horizon, its a sweet showcase, but for a meaty game S&S is great starter.
Great game. I have 75+ hours on it
My top tip would be to take it at your pace. tbh zombies do not really get that much more abundant and items don’t get that much more scarce . Scavenge for days if you like, do a story quest, scavenge for another couple of days and then go back to the story.
Makes the game a lot easier and tbh you can relax and enjoy it, explore, find those secrets, upgrade your crafting and soak in the games glory when not being pressed in to the story elements.
Story is great, but don’t feel you have to rush it.
Stunning game. Played through it 6 times on PSVR, PCVR and Quest 2. Just HAD to play it again on PSVR2 before starting Retribution and its still sooo compelling and a fantastic place to get lost in. I seem to know where everything is now so 100%ing it only took a few days. Its got that "just one more run" addictive vibe that keeps you up till 3am. Nice that you can transfer your save to Retribution and keep all your items and progress... which does kinda make Chapter Two feel like DLC. Both brilliant games.
@Bingbongboyo Moss and Tetris are excellent games for starting with VR. Both can be played seated and have no character movement.
I skipped part 1 due to the balls up on launch and just watched a recap of the story and jumped in to part 2. Really atmospheric game but im taking it easy on this one as its made me feel rough. Taking in to account the tips above i will hopefully be able to find my VR locomotion legs and be able to enjoy this game.
I played seated and had no issue at all with this. Use a swivel chair rather than an armchair (as you need to be able to reach down for your 'holsters').
I'd also suggest you never run in S&S. There's certainly no need to in S&S 1 (I haven't started 2 yet). Running makes the VR sickness much more of a risk for me.
Does "The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners - Chapter 1 & 2 Deluxe Edition" include this?
If I own "The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners - standard edition" (PS4), can I upgrade to PS5/VR2 version by buying "The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners - Tourist Edition Upgrade"?
These names are just too confusing.
@skaarj217 I believe that those that own the standard edition are able to pay for a $10 upgrade to the Tourist edition which then has the free upgrade packaged for free. Hope this helps.
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