Tag: Action
Guide Best Action Games on PS5
PS5's best action titles, ranked and rated
What are the best action games on PS5? The best part about playing video games is they allow us to perform feats we can’t in real life, whether it’s working undercover in Hitman 3 or swinging through New York City in Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Whether it’s performing death-defying stunts or...
Guide Best Action Games on PS4
All the best PS4 action games, ranked and rated
What are the best action games on PS4? Action games let us feel like true heroes, taking us on thrilling rollercoasters from the comfort of our living rooms across a huge variety of scenarios. If that's the type of game you like to play, you're in luck, as there are endless examples of great action...
Review Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (PS4) - Ship-Shape Open World Pirate Escapade
Livin' the sweet trade
Republished on Wednesday 13th July, 2022: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of July's PS Plus Extra, Premium lineup. The original text follows. Ubisoft has outdone itself with Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, as there’s more to see and do than ever in this exciting world of...
Dan, Dan, you’re decomposing, man
Republished on Thursday, 4th December 2014: We're bringing this review back from the archives to celebrate the PSone's big 20th Anniversary this week. The original text follows. Originally published on Saturday, 19th October 2013: It can be a tough life being a PSone retro game. After all, you were fresh and...
Review The Last of Us: Left Behind (PlayStation 3)
Girls just want to have fun
There was a lot to like about The Last of Us’ core campaign. Naughty Dog’s survival horror opus was not only successful in pushing the limits of the ageing PlayStation 3 from a pure hardware perspective, but it also exceeded expectations from a narrative stance, too. Where other developers stumble, the Californian...
Review Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (PlayStation 4)
Polished treasure
Rather than force you to sit through a string of paragraphs longer than the average historical textbook, we’ll get straight to the point: Lara Croft’s next generation debut looks the part on the PlayStation 4. Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition may be little more than a cleaned up retread of last year’s dirty day-trip to...
Review Assassin's Creed Liberation HD (PlayStation 3)
Assassin's speed
Retelling the rather erratic adventures of Aveline de Grandpré, Assassin's Creed Liberation HD leaps onto the PlayStation 3 after its moderate success on Sony's handheld console – and visually, it's just about what you'd expect. The game's events are now witnessed through a much clearer lens, with some drastically improved...
Review The Amazing Spider-Man (PlayStation Vita)
Cast your minds back to 2012. You may remember seeing The Amazing Spider-Man reboot at the movies, and you may even recall playing Beenox’s anticipated PlayStation 3 tie-in on your beloved console – but you probably won’t remember booting it up on your PlayStation Vita. That’s because someone at publisher Activision forgot...
Review LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (PlayStation 4)
Miniature marvel
Over the years, the LEGO video game franchise has expanded into something of a phenomenon. It all started in a galaxy far, far away when British developer Traveller’s Tales took it upon itself to re-imagine George Lucas’ sci-fi blockbuster Star Wars in brick form. After much critical praise, the studio decided to do the same to...
Review Skylanders: Swap Force (PlayStation 4)
Sky's the limit
The main selling point of the Skylanders series has always been its ability to bring action figures to life. By placing physical toys on the bundled Portal of Power device, they instantly appear in the game with their own statistics, abilities, and personalities. Each character has its own experience, skills, and level properties...
Review DC Universe Online (PlayStation 4)
Spandex okay
Dressing up in tight rubberised clothing and heading out onto the city streets to clobber “criminals” is frowned upon in decent society, and, we suppose when you consider what the tabloids would have to say about it, that’s probably for the best. There’s no need to worry, though, PlayStation 4 owners (and secret spandex...
Review Trine 2: Complete Story (PlayStation 4)
A dreamy journey
How would you sum up a typical children’s fantasy story? Perhaps words like whimsical, imaginative, and magical come to mind. For some reason, fairy tales have this strange ability to captivate the minds of not just children, but adults as well, because they bring out feelings of wonder and longing for adventure. Trine 2: Complete...
Review Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON'T KNOW! (PlayStation 3)
We can't recommend a reason either
Adventure Time is ridiculously exuberant. Its characters are eccentric and weird, its storylines are convoluted and odd, and its humour is a mix of silly, low brow, and exceptionally well timed. It's a show of complexity and deep lore based on the insane. Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON'T KNOW!...
Review Final Exam (PlayStation 3)
Fight school
The PlayStation 4 is fast approaching, and the PlayStation 3 is still drowning in new downloadable releases every week. The ageing system's PSN catalogue is fit to burst at this point, with stunning titles like Journey and The Unfinished Swan garnering more praise than most retail releases could hope for. Final Exam may not be as...
Review Batman: Arkham Origins (PlayStation 3)
Over the course of two games, the Batman: Arkham franchise has solidified itself as one of the most critically acclaimed properties of this generation. Both instalments have proven that with a lot of love for the source material, licensed titles don't have to be horribly rushed, soulless productions – but without developer Rocksteady at...
Review Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (PlayStation 3)
Nautical but nice
There’s more treasure to plunder in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag than in an entire sunken Spanish fleet. Ubisoft’s seafaring sequel represents another colossal endeavour for the ambitious organisation, leaving you free to sail the colourful Caribbean Sea in search of fame, fortune, and more grog than an honest mariner...
Review Orc Attack: Flatulent Rebellion (PlayStation 3)
Peg your nose
Orcs are almost the fantasy genre equivalent of Nazis. They often make up the bulk of an evil army, and represent the dumb grunts that you have to wade through in order to reach your goal. But sometimes we're allowed to play as them. In the The Elder Scrolls series, for example, they're a playable race, while in the ridiculously named...
Review Dragon's Crown (PlayStation 3)
Picture perfect
Atlus has forged something of a rocky relationship with European gamers. It's hard to remember a time when its titles haven't been delayed for seemingly ridiculous periods before making the journey overseas – but thankfully, the Japanese publisher has somehow managed to deliver quality games over and over again. Developer...
Review Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter HD (PlayStation 3)
Not-so-clever girl
Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter HD harkens back to a time when games were simple and focused. Back in the day, the gameplay spoke for itself so there was little need for a narrative, and your overall goal was clear and simple: rescue the princess, shoot the demons, or in this case, hunt the dinosaurs. You play as a nameless hunter,...
Review Grand Theft Auto V (PlayStation 3)
Three is a magic number
Michael, Franklin, and Trevor. These three personalities are at the very core of Grand Theft Auto V – one of the most anticipated games of this console generation. Everything that happens within the title revolves around the trio, from the gripping get-rich-quick heists that punctuate the story to the side activities that...
Review Diablo III (PlayStation 3)
The path to paradise begins in Hell
We've spent the past few days hacking and slashing through hordes of monstrosities, hoovering up loot, dazzling fellow adventurers with grandiose spells, instilling fear into the hearts of our enemies, and preventing Hell from consuming the world. Not literally, of course – we are referring to Blizzard...
Review Dragon's Crown (PlayStation Vita)
Worthy of the crown
It wasn't long ago now that Vanillaware released Muramasa Rebirth for the PlayStation Vita, and showed us exactly what it's capable of doing with an OLED screen. In an apparent effort to prove that it isn't done yet, the developer’s second game has already landed on the handheld in the form of Dragon's Crown. Though it may...
Review Killer Is Dead (PlayStation 3)
Crud on the moon
Killer Is Dead is unashamedly stupid. Executive producer Goichi Suda – better known by his nickname Suda51 – has made a living out of his bonkers plots and premises, but the latest product to drop off Grasshopper Manufacture’s production line takes the nonsense of No More Heroes and kits it out in a straitjacket. This is a...
Review One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 (PlayStation 3)
Pieces of eight
Last month saw the release of Dynasty Warriors 8, the latest instalment in the seemingly never-ending hack and slash series. This month, One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 arrives on Western shores, bringing with it more vast, hectic battles to sink your bloodied weapon of choice into. You’d be forgiven for being worn out on Warriors...
Review Saints Row IV (PlayStation 3)
The boys are back in town
At one point in Saints Row IV, your character, the Boss, tells series veteran Shaundi that it’s been “one helluva ride”, perhaps inadvertently summarising developer Volition’s latest title. What started out as little more than a franchise looking to piggyback on the success of Grand Theft Auto has travelled an awful...
Review Tokyo Jungle Mobile (PlayStation Mobile)
Beast wars
You might be kidded into thinking that there'd be some modicum of peace on Earth if the human race, along with its wide range of squabbles and skirmishes, evaporated one day. The Tokyo Jungle series disagrees. After society collapses, humans go bye-bye and cities become overgrown concrete jungles, the conflicts of the animal kingdom rage...
Review Deadpool (PlayStation 3)
Juvenile quips, over-the-top gore, fourth wall breaking referential humour, and excursions into insanity all paint the picture of the perfect Deadpool game, and in some ways this is it. You'll laugh wholeheartedly at the jokes and ridiculous scenes, but despite the excellent realisation of the character, the highly repetitive and...
Review Strength of the Sword 3 (PlayStation 3)
One knight stand
The ambitious creation of the talented twosome at Ivent Games, Strength of the Sword 3 isn’t actually the third in a series, but rather a standalone title. Peculiar naming tactics aside, it does do a lot to impress despite its developer's diminutive size. As is often the way with budget fantasy titles, a hellish army is marching...
Review Hotline Miami (PlayStation Vita)
Do you like hurting other people?
Like the Hollywood classic Drive which provided a large helping of inspiration during development, Hotline Miami is a visceral assault on the senses which often leaves you breathless and sweaty-palmed, but also isn’t afraid to offer up moments of shocking frustration. Part action game, part puzzle title, part...
Review Arcania: The Complete Tale (PlayStation 3)
Arrow to the GPU
A great fantasy RPG should immerse you completely into its virtual world, making you truly believe in the mysterious realms around you. A great fantasy RPG should compel you to the point that you want to speak to every character in order to learn intricate secrets both pivotal and unrelated to the game's plot, and should encourage...
Review Remember Me (PlayStation 3)
Who are you again?
A game that has ironically slipped under the radar for many, Remember Me is something of a risk for Capcom, a brand new IP that borrows gameplay elements from numerous popular titles, and weaves them together within a futuristic world that’s perhaps not too far from our own reality. It’s a linear title that does things mostly...
Review Soul Sacrifice (PlayStation Vita)
Sins of the skin
Soul Sacrifice deals with morality in a manner that few games manage. While the likes of Mass Effect and inFAMOUS deliver negligible narrative tweaks in response for your borderline binary ethical decisions, Keiji Inafune’s grotesque fantasy adventure aims to explore the core of your moral makeup. Are you willing to surrender the...
News Sumioni Trailer Draws In Some Demons
Acquire bringing ink action to Vita
There's a new game coming to PlayStation Vita from Acquire, and its about a mythical creature that uses magical brushes to summon spells and manipulate the surrounding environment. And no, it's not a port of Okami. Sumioni is a 2D action game starring a red demon granted with special ink powers that allow him to...