Tag: Cd Projekt Red - Page 4
News New IP Now in Concept Phase at The Witcher, Cyberpunk Dev CDPR
Three's a magic number
Not content with announcing a bunch of new Witcher games alongside a full Cyberpunk 2077 sequel, CD Projekt Red has confirmed that it's also working on a brand new intellectual property. The so-called Project Hadar will form the third core pillar of the company's catalogue, alongside The Witcher and Cyberpunk. Right now,...
News CDPR Just Announced Two New Witcher Games
A Witcher's work is never done
Good lord, CD Projekt Red is going all-in today, isn't it? The Polish developer has revealed that two new games set in The Witcher universe are happening — and that's alongside the next mainline The Witcher title that was announced a little while ago. Unlike that project, these additional games will not be developed...
News Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Codenamed Project Orion Announced
Chippin' in
CD Projekt Red has formally announced that Cyberpunk 2077 is getting a sequel, currently codenamed Project Orion. It'll be developed in-house, and it sounds like it's still many years away from actually releasing. We wouldn't expect anything less! "Orion is a codename for our next Cyberpunk game, which will take the Cyberpunk franchise...
News Cyberpunk 2077 Tops 20 Million Copies Sold
CD Projekt Red has announced that Cyberpunk 2077 has surpassed an impressive 20 million copies sold. The open world RPG is closing in on its second anniversary, and if you've been following the game since its incredibly rough launch back in December 2020, then you'll know that it's been quite a wild ride. Indeed, 2077's initial release was...
News Cyberpunk 2077 Just Smashed The Witcher 3's All-Time Concurrent Player Record
Edgerunner bringing in the Eddies
Cyberpunk 2077's incredible anime-fueled comeback has broken another impressive milestone, with the once-maligned RPG smashing the same-day concurrent player record of its wildly popular predecessor, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It's an incredible feat, especially when you consider the
News Toss a Coin to the Third Season of Netflix's The Witcher
Prequel Blood Origin airs on Xmas Day
Resident Evil’s divisive television adaptation may have been canned, but The Witcher will return for a third full-length season on Netflix in Summer 2023. Of course, if you can’t wait that long, then you can look forward to prequel The Witcher: Blood Origin, which will debut on Christmas Day later this year...
News Cyberpunk 2077 Player Numbers Have Exploded Since the Edgerunners Update
Over the edge
Cyberpunk 2077 is enjoying yet another lease of life at the moment. You may remember that player numbers rocketed when the game was finally released on PS5 earlier this year, and now the open world RPG has been hit with a similar wave of enthusiasm. This week saw 2077 top the Steam charts for the most played single-player games on the...
News The Witcher 4 Will Kick Off a Multi-Game Saga, Says CD Projekt RED
Whatever The Witcher 4 turns out to be, there's one thing we know for sure: it'll be the start of a new saga for the video game series. Announced earlier in the year, the next entry in the franchise is some way off, but will no doubt wow us with its Unreal Engine 5-fuelled visuals. More recently, CD Projekt RED has confirmed the next title...
News The Witcher 3 PS5 Version Still Set for This Year, Says CDPR
By steel, by silver
CD Projekt Red has provided the smallest of updates on The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition, via the company's latest financial statement. Despite the fact that we still haven't seen the enhanced PS5 version in action, the studio says that it is still set to release this year. More specifically, in the fourth quarter of...
Random Cyberpunk 2077 Update Adds Immersive Controller Vibration to Its Infamous Sex Toy Weapon
Is that someone's phone?
Oh, CD Projekt Red... You couldn't help yourselves, could you? The latest update for Cyberpunk 2077 — that is, patch 1.6 — is out now on PS5 and PS4, and buried deep within the patch notes is a headline-worthy surprise. If you've played the game, you may already be familiar with a melee weapon named Sir John...
News No More Cyberpunk 2077 Expansions Planned After Phantom Liberty
Game over
It appears the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty expansion will be the RPG's only substantial piece of DLC, if a comment from the official CD Projekt RED YouTube channel is to be believed. When asked by a user if there's more content to come, the channel responded saying "Phantom Liberty is the only planned expansion for Cyberpunk...
News Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.6 Adds Transmog, New Character Customisation, Out Now
The Edgerunners Update
Cyberpunk 2077 update 1.6 is out now on PS5 and PS4, and it's pretty hefty, weighing in at around 11.9GB. Dubbed the 'Edgerunners Update', it ties neatly into the upcoming Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Netflix anime, adding weapons and armour from the show. But that's not all. 1.6 also brings some welcome additions and improvements...
News Future Cyberpunk 2077 Update Overhauls Police System, Vehicle Combat, Melee Gameplay
Sounds like a big one
During the latest Night City Wire broadcast, Cyberpunk 2077 game director Gabriel Amatangelo shared a few details on the title's next update (update 1.6 was only just released at the time of writing). Supposedly titled patch 1.7, the update doesn't have a release date yet, but it sounds like it's going to be a big deal...
News Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Expansion Revealed for PS5, Skips PS4 in 2023
God bless the USA
Cyberpunk 2077's first expansion has been teased. Officially titled 'Phantom Liberty', it apparently sees V swear an oath to the New United States government in order to undergo some kind of assignment. And, contrary to supposed leaks earlier in the year, Keanu Reeves will reprise his role as Johnny Silverhand for the DLC. That's...
News CDPR Confirms New Cyberpunk 2077 Update, Info Coming Next Week
A special Night City Wire broadcast
Update: Following on from its Night City Wire broadcast announcement, CD Projekt Red has confirmed that it'll be sharing details on Cyberpunk 2077's next patch. A developer stream will take place after the show, and the team will be talking about "all the new stuff coming to Cyberpunk 2077 with the next update"...
News Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Netflix Anime Chips In on 13th September
NSFW trailer is a trip
Content Warning: The below trailer for Cyberpunk: Edgerunners features bloody violence and sexual imagery, as well as strong strobe effects. Hey, this Cyberpunk anime is actually looking pretty darn good, isn't it? The stylishly titled Cyberpunk: Edgerunners now has a 13th September Netflix release date, and the series will...
News Cyberpunk 2077 Anime, Edgerunners, Continues to Look Awesome in Official Trailer
Welcome to Night City
We got a teaser back in June, but today the first full trailer for Cyperpunk: Edgerunners was released. Edgerunners is a Netflix animated series set in the world of Cyberpunk 2077. Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is a collaboration between developer CD Projekt Red and animation studio Trigger, perhaps best known for anime series like...
News The Witcher 3 Livestream Is an Interesting Watch, But Still No Update on PS5 Version
A witcher's work is never done
As promised, CD Projekt Red hosted a livestream focused on The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt this afternoon, but we didn't get any new information on the yet-to-release PS5 version of the game, officially titled The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition. To be clear, the developer never actually said that new details would be...
News The Witcher 3 Livestream Set for This Week
As part of CDPR's 20th anniversary celebrations
CD Projekt Red will host a special The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt livestream this week, on the 20th July starting at 3PM BST / 4PM CEST / 10AM EST / 8AM PST. It's all part of the studio's 20th anniversary celebrations, and the event will no doubt provide some insight into the landmark RPG's development and...
News Cyberpunk 2077's Edgerunners Anime Actually Looks Awesome in Teaser Trailer
On the edge
It was announced ages ago, but now we're finally getting a glimpse of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners — the anime based around the world of Cyberpunk 2077. To be clear, this isn't a retelling of the open world RPG, but it is set in Night City, and fans of the game are surely going to spot some crossover when it comes to locales, stylisations,...
News Cyberpunk 2077 Saw a Significant Sales Spike Thanks to PS5 Version
V good
Cyberpunk 2077 may have had a shockingly bad launch back in 2020, but it's easy to forget that the game still sold incredibly well — and the recent PS5 release has reportedly had a significant impact on those numbers. In its latest financial call, CD Projekt Red said that the current-gen console version of Cyberpunk accounted for the...
News CDPR Confirms Most Devs Now on Cyberpunk 2077 Expansion as New Witcher Enters Pre-Production
Busy busy
CD Projekt Red revealed its current development structure during the company's latest earnings call. It comes as no huge surprise, but it was confirmed that the majority of its workforce is now committed to Cyberpunk 2077's first expansion — details of which supposedly leaked earlier this week. Having just about everyone on the DLC...
Rumour Cyberpunk 2077 Leak Confirms First Expansion's Setting, Characters, and More
Hey, it's been a while since we had a big old Cyberpunk 2077 leak, hasn't it? If true, this latest blunder is a big one, because it tells us loads of stuff about the game's first expansion, which is yet to be officially revealed. Apparently, dataminers have managed to pull this information from a patch, and subsequently leak it all...
News The Witcher 3 PS5 Version Now Targeting Q4 2022 as Game Celebrates 7th Anniversary
The wild hunt continues
Update: We had a feeling that this would happen once we published the original story (which you can still read below). CD Projekt Red has indeed given us an update on the PS5 version of The Witcher 3. The so-called Complete Edition is now targeting Q4 2022 (the start of October to the end of December). It was previously...
News The Witcher 3 PS5 Version Not in 'Development Hell', Says Developer
Following delay without a new date
The native PlayStation 5 version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been delayed as development is moved in-house, but that's not a sign the project is in "development hell", according to CD Projekt RED. Speaking during the company's latest financial earnings call, a studio representative wished to quell any fears...
News The Witcher 3 Sales Top 40 Million, Cyberpunk 2077 Passes 18 Million
CD Projekt Red reports ridiculous figures
CD Projekt Red's latest financial call has revealed some impressive sales numbers for its two biggest games. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which first released in 2015, has surpassed a frankly staggering 40 million sales, making it one of the most commercially successful role-playing games ever made. Sales...
News Cyberpunk 2077 Expansion Aiming for 2023 Release, Details Dropping Later This Year
Back to Night City
Expansions for Cyberpunk 2077 were announced even before the game launched back in 2020 — but we still don't know what they're going to be about. The good news is that CD Projekt Red says we're getting details later this year. The bad news is that the first expansion isn't coming out until 2023. This release window was...
News The Witcher 3 PS5 Version Delayed as CDPR Moves Development In-House
Looks like rain
Previously set to release at some point this summer, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition — more commonly referred to as The Witcher 3 PS5 version around these parts — has been delayed. No new release window has been given, but developer CD Projekt Red does confirm that the title is now being handled by an in-house team,...
News Cyberpunk 2077 Dev Reassures Fans That Expansions Are in the Works
Plus more updates
There's been quite a bit of speculation surrounding the future of Cyberpunk 2077 following the release of update 1.5 back in February. That game-changing patch launched alongside the infinitely improved PlayStation 5 version of 2077, b
News The Witcher Dev Wants to Make Something Extraordinary with Unreal Engine 5
New engine, new Witcher
As part of Epic Games' recent Unreal Engine 5 showcase, The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077 developer CD Projekt Red spoke on the subject of working with the technically impressive game-building software. Just in case you don't already know, the Polish company is using Unreal Engine 5 to make the next Witcher title, which was...
Random The Witcher Cookbook Will Give You a Taste of the Continent's Cuisine
Geralt of Ravioli
Geralt doesn't spend all his time just slaying monsters and taking baths, you know. Sometimes he has to sate his own appetite, feed the growling beast within, stop the rumbly in his tumbly. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt obviously has its share of culinary delights throughout the journey, and soon, you'll be able to taste those dishes...
News The New Witcher Game's Lynx Medallion Has Already Sparked Mass Speculation
Cat's got the cream
Speculation has engulfed fans of The Witcher over the last 48 hours or so, following the announcement of a new game in CD Projekt Red's role-playing series. The developer has yet to reveal any details on the game itself — other than it's being made using Unreal Engine 5 — so all we've had to go on is the key art that dropped...
News Cyberpunk 2077 Fans Left Wondering If the Game's Still Getting Two Expansions
"Expansion" without the s
When the brand new Witcher game was announced yesterday — developed using Unreal Engine 5 — CD Projekt Red also clarified that Cyberpunk 2077's upcoming expansion will still use the studio's in-house REDengine. However, the company's statement on the matter has raised some eyebrows because of its use of "expansion"...
News Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.520 Out Now on PS5, PS4, Fixes Bugs, Crashes, More
Lookin' for an upgrade
Cyberpunk 2077 has a new update on PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4. Available to download right now, patch 1.520 doesn't really have any headline acts — it's more about fixing stubborn bugs and further optimising the experience, especially on PS5. It weighs in at around 6.5GB. It's assumed that Cyberpunk 2077's next major...
News New Witcher Game Announced, Developed on Unreal Engine 5
"A new saga"
The inevitable is happening: CD Projekt Red has announced that it's now developing a new instalment in its The Witcher series. The last mainline Witcher title, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, released in 2015 for PlayStation 4 — and it's being re-released on PS5 this summer. The Polish developer states that this new game will be the...
News The Witcher 3's 'Final' Secret Uncovered Almost Seven Years Later
Blood, sweat, and wine
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be seven years old this May, but would you believe that its "final" secret has only just been discovered? The open world RPG is stuffed with all kinds of Easter eggs — but this particular oddity has taken players close to an entire console generation to track down. It all starts in the Blood...
News This Weekend Is Your Last Chance to Try Cyberpunk 2077 for Free on PS5
Punk it
If you're looking to sample the much improved Cyberpunk 2077 on PlayStation 5, then you had better get a move on. The game's free 'next-gen' trial will be removed from the PlayStation Store just after the coming weekend, on Tuesday the 15th March at 4PM UK time. Said trial lets you put Cyberpunk 2077 to the test for five hours. That's...
Review Cyberpunk 2077 (PS5) - Dark Future RPG Is Finally Ready to Rock
Play it again, Johnny
We called Cyberpunk 2077 "the single biggest disappointment of the generation" in our PlayStation 4 review. Harsh words, you might think, but it's easy to forget just how broken the long, long, long awaited role-playing game was at launch back in December 2020. Absolutely plagued with experience-breaking bugs and crippled by a...
News Sony's Releasing a PS4 System Update to Fix Cyberpunk 2077 Disc Issues
We should all know by now that things rarely go smoothly when it comes to Cyberpunk 2077 and PlayStation 4. Since the game's gigantic 1.5 update launched earlier this week, some PS4 players have had issues launching their disc version of Cyberpunk 2077 — and it's actually Sony that's moving to fix the problem. On the 19th February,...
Poll Are You Playing Cyberpunk 2077 on PS5?
Night City's calling
It's been a long road, hasn't it? Regular readers will probably know that we absolutely slammed Cyberpunk 2077 when it launched in December 2020 for PlayStation 4. We went as far as to call it "the single biggest disappointment of the generation" in our Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 review. But here we are 14 months later, and the open...
News Cyberpunk 2077 Dev Investigating PS4 to PS5 Disc Issues, Trophy Transfers
Cyberpunk 2077 has only just been reborn on PlayStation 5, but developer CD Projekt Red is already looking into some freshly reported issues. On Sony's platforms, this includes the problem that some players are having when trying to upgrade to Cyberpunk on PS5 using their PS4 disc. Indeed, it's a free upgrade if you already own 2077 on the...
News No Auto Trophies for Cyberpunk 2077 Owners Switching from PS4 to PS5
Time for a new gig
Cyberpunk 2077 is out now on the PlayStation 5, and hallelujah – it actually works! Our first impressions of this new-gen version are particularly positive, and while there are still underlying problems with the game itself, at least it’s not crashing every hour anymore. If you braved through the PS4 version, however,...
Hands On Cyberpunk 2077's PS5 Version Actually Feels Like a Finished Game
It only took 14 months
When CD Projekt Red announced that it was going to host a Cyberpunk 2077 livestream following months of silence on the game's future, we felt a small jolt of hope. But when the developer kicked said livestream off with a hugely underwhelming 'next-gen' demo, we knew that we'd have to play the newly released PlayStation 5...
News Try Cyberpunk 2077 for Free with PS5, PS4 Trial
Play for five hours without charge
If you've gotten caught up in all the excitement of Cyberpunk 2077 launching on PlayStation 5 today but you do not own the game just yet, look no further than the new PS5, PS4 trial available on the PS Store. You'll need to button through to the game's store page on either console, selectable below the option to...
News Cyberpunk 2077 Update 1.5 Patch Notes are Gigantic and Game-Changing
We hope you like scrolling
Cyberpunk 2077's long awaited update 1.5 is finally here (alongside the PS5 version of Cyberpunk 2077) and the patch notes are colossal. This is a truly huge update that promises to both add to and improve the overall Night City experience. Improvements range from AI overhauls and perk system reworkings to quest...
News Cyberpunk 2077 PS5 Version Out Now
A free upgrade for PS4 owners
The PlayStation 5 version of Cyberpunk 2077 is out now, and as promised, it's a free PS4 to PS5 upgrade if you already own the game. To find it, either go to your Game Library on PS5 and select the newly added PS5 version through the product page, or hit up the PS Store and grab it from there. You can find out
News Cyberpunk 2077 PS5 Version Detailed with 30 Minutes of Gameplay
Next-gen is here?
CD Projekt Red has pumped out 30 minutes of Cyberpunk 2077 on PlayStation 5, which covers a range of gameplay. Performance looks solid (thank god!) and the visuals seem pretty impressive. The developer's also outlined key improvements on PS5, which we've listed below. Raytracing Dynamic 4K resolution Faster loading times Visual...
Live Cyberpunk 2077 Returns with Official Stream
PS5 version inbound
CD Projekt Red will finally break its months-long silence on the future of the Cyberpunk 2077 today via an official livestream (which you can watch above). We don't know how long this thing is going to last, but we do know that it begins at 3PM UK / 4PM Central Europe / 10AM Eastern / 7AM Pacific. So, what's this all about,...
News Cyberpunk 2077 PS5 Version Almost Certainly Launching Today
Update already available on Xbox
Update: It's now been spotted on the Xbox Series X|S that the Cyberpunk 2077 current-gen update is already ready for download. It weighs in at 41.56GB on the Microsoft box. There's no sign of this on the PS5 since we'll need to wait for a separate native PS5 version to be uploaded to the PS Store. However, it...
News Cyberpunk 2077 Breaks Silence with Stream on 15th February
PS5 version, please
Is it finally time for Cyberpunk 2077 to return? Developer CD Projekt Red is teasing a livestream for the 15th February on its official channels, and we assume that the studio has quite a lot to talk about. There are currently no details on what this stream will include, but it's heavily implied that we're getting news on...