Tag: E3 2009 - Page 2
News E3 2009 Sony Liveblog: Uncharted 2 Demonstrated
- Uncharted 2 multiplayer beta starts tonight
We're going to show you more Uncharted 2 singleplayer today. "Here is Uncharted 2: Among Thieves." Drake is in a city like vista. Game looks phenomonal. So colourful. Draw distance is unreal. Cheers from throughout the auditorium. A helicopter chase ensues. The cinematic elements to this game...
News E3 2009 Sony Liveblog: 35 Playstation Exclusives This Year
- 24 Million on PSN
Moving away from sales. inFamous is pretty awesome. 35 exclusives on Playstation this year. Naughty Dog built up.
News E3 2009 Sony Liveblog: PS3 Sales Are Going Up, PS2 Will Be Supported Beyond 10 Years
- Talking about Playstation 2
Hopefully they'll get it out of the way quickly. 100 new titles for Playstation 2 this year. PS3 install base grew by 40%.
News E3 2009 Sony Liveblog: "In 2009, You Need Playstation 3."
- "2009 will be our best year ever
Even better than 2008." Playstation has grown lots. "This is the best lineup on Playstation to date." Heavy Rain gets big applause. "In 2009, you need Playstation 3."
News E3 2009 Sony Liveblog: Jack Tretton's On The Stage - 364 Games On Playstation Coming Out
- Jack Tretton makes a joke about the PSP Go leak
"We're industry leaders at press leaks." "My heart-beat is beating really fast." "Biggest problem is doing justice to the 364 games we have coming out."
News E3 2009 Sony Liveblog: Crazy CGI Intro Games Showcase...
- Spotted a ton of games in Sony's intro
Uncharted, White Knight Chronicles, God Of War, LBP, Heavy Rain. Interestingly different logo. PSP Games. LittleBigPlanet. PSN games. I think perhaps Sony are showcasing the range of content they're going to have here.
News E3 2009 Sony Liveblog: And We're Off. Anticipation Is So High.
- An amazing CGI intro for Sony's conference
We are go!
News E3 2009 Sony Liveblog: Longer That 2 Minutes!
- Music has stopped
I guess we'll be off pretty soon? Now worrying my computer has crashed. Music is back. Nothing happening yet. 2 minutes UP Sony. sigh.
News E3 2009 Sony Liveblog: We're 2 Minutes Away From Beginning...
- Just so you know
2 minutes until things kick off. "Find your seat".
News E3 2009 Sony Liveblog: These Things Never Kick Off On Time...
- We're still waiting for the conference to start
2 minutes late right now. No doubt something to do with the Nintendo conference over-running. We'll take this time to apologise for typos in advance!
News E3 2009 Sony Liveblog: No Cellphones. Starting In A Few Minutes.
"Just a reminder to turn your cellphones off
" It's kicking off in literally, minutes. Oh-em-gee!</ul>
News E3 2009 Sony Liveblog: Glossy Techno Music On The Showfloor
As is traditional, Sony have some sparse tech-rock spinning in the conference room
Helps to keep everyone quietly anticipating. And how we're anticipating - quick predictions: Assassin's Creed II, DJ Hero, all the pre-announced exclusives, PSP Go, loads (LOADS) of PSP games, Team Ico, Kojima. Calling it!
News E3 2009 Sony Liveblog: 12 Minutes To Go
Ok, 12 minutes to go until the press conference
Who's excited? Remember Twitter and RSS to follow us.
E3 2009 Official Press Shots Of The New PSP Go
Following the leak of the PSP Go today, here are some Sony press shots of the new console Looks really snazzy when in its closed position. These shots are courtesy of Eurogamer. Thoughts in the comments.
E3 2009 Important Information About The PushSquare Coverage
Hey guys
Sony will be hitting the stage in under an hour. We're practically bubbling with excitement. You've heard our predictions, you've heard our ideas for the perfect conference and you've probably followed Nintendo and Microsoft over the last two days. The pressure is firmly on Sony's shoulders to be abrupt, concise and decisive. And we'll be...
E3 2009 Keighley Hints At Assassin's Creed II Demo At Sony's Conference
Many were bemused at the lack of Assassin's Creed II content at the Ubisoft conference yesterday
After all, it's their biggest title this year. Perhaps it's because Sony want to show the game off? GTTV host Geoff Keighley thinks so:"If you're looking for the first demo of Assassins 2, look to the Sony briefing later this...
E3 2009 Final Fantasy XIII Still On Track For Winter '09 Japan Release
Final Fantasy XIII was announced for Spring 2010 at Microsoft's XBOX 360 conference; but the Japanese version is still on its way on Playstation 3 this Winter as confirmed by Square Enix's E3 line-up listings
There had been mumblings of a delay but it seems like the game is still on track. Thankfully.
E3 2009 Kojima Taking On A Third Game? This Time Castlevania?
As part of a trio of reveals from press site GamesPress we now have details on Metal Gear Solid Rising's platform origins, Metal Gear Solid's romp on the PSP with Peace Walker and also a new Castlevania game entitled - Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow
Lords Of Shadow was a game originally pitched as an "action IP" by Madrid-based Mercury...
E3 2009 Assassin's Creed II Launching November 17
Ubisoft's press conference was a strange beast
It seemed to last approximately seven years in length and, well, there was very little in the way of Assassin's Creed II - which we think everybody expected to be a big deal at the show. Especially when it launches on November 17th. That's, what, five or so months away? We've barely seen anything of the...
E3 2009 New Quantum Theory Trailer Is Absolutely Phenomenal
Here's the E3 trailer for Tecmo's upcoming Playstation 3 exclusive Quantum Theory
We suggest if you're reading instead of watching you stop right now and watch the video. Ok, we're now happy you've stopped reading and are instead being dazzled by the trailer, thus we'll continue to talk to ourselves about how amazing this game looks.
E3 2009 Sony Ready "The Wand" As A Motion Control War Seems Imminent
Microsoft announced a weird Eye Toy-esque gimmick last night with the terrible name "Natal"
With Nintendo already prominent in the motion control department, it seems just Sony are left to make the jump. Cue rumours coming out of E3 about Sony's "Wand"; a new controller which will allow full motion tracking. After the uproar Microsoft's...
E3 2009 Kojima's PSP Outing Will Be Titled Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
So much for being done with the Metal Gear Solid franchise, eh Kojima? Not only do we have Metal Gear Solid Rising, but announced via the very same press site we posted about earlier is a listing for Kojima's PSP game - Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
The game is scheduled for a 2010 release.
E3 2009 Metal Gear Solid Rising Destined For Playstation 3, 360 & PC
Hideo Kojima may have announced Metal Gear Solid Rising is in development for XBOX 360, but, hey, you know what? It's multiplatform
We already assumed that after Konami dodged the term "exclusive" and Microsoft's John Schappert clarified no exclusivity. But hey - a press listing for the game on PS3 and PC has pretty much confirmed things...
E3 2009 A Quick Look At Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2's E3 Trailer
There's rain, bad dudes and lycra in Tecmo's trailer for the upcoming Playstation 3 semi-exclusive Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Oh, and there are giant hammers too. Can't forget the giant hammer!
E3 2009 Here's Your First Trailer For Crysis 2...
.. If you can call this a Crysis 2 trailer at all. It just looked like shards of floating glass on a black background to us. But hey, different strokes for different folks - no doubt the Crysis fanboys are already screaming "game of the year".
E3 2009 First The Beatles: Rock Band Gameplay Trailer
Following up the introduction trailer, the first The Beatles: Rock Band trailer shows off the game's harmony system, graphic style and range of career spanning tunes
Awww man. This is actually the first time we've been sold by a rhythm game. This is going to be big.
E3 2009 The Beatles: Rock Band Drums Revealed
For your viewing pleasure, The Beatles: Rock Band's packaged Ludwig drum kit which kinda doesn't look anything like the real kit but is designed around being used in a video game so we'll let them off
E3 2009 Ozzy Osbourne Will Cameo In Brutal Legend As Himself
What do you need to make your heavy metal video game even better? A better initial idea? Well, yes, that - or the Prince Of Darkness himself Ozzy Osbourne
Ozzy Osbourne will be playing an unnamed character in Brutal Legend who looks a lot like Ozzy Osbourne. Funny that. We hope he can manage to read his script ok.
E3 2009 EA Announce A New Sports Game, EA Sports MMA
At their conference last night, EA's Peter Moore announced an entirely new game for the "consoles" - EA Sports MMA
The game will feature "multiple fighting techniques" and looks like a martial arts style affair. We assume more details about the game will appear at some point soon.
E3 2009 Fight Night 4 Releases 5 Days Early, June 25th
Fight Night Round 4 is shaping up to be one of the most visceral and graphically pleasing sports games of all time
At EA's press briefing last night they announced that the game would be available 5 days earlier than expected, releasing on June 25th. Expect a review on PushSquare around then.
E3 2009 ... And Microsoft Clarify Metal Gear Solid: Rising Is NOT Exclusive
Microsoft may have invited Hideo Kojima on stage to announce his new Metal Gear Solid game; but there was no mention of exclusivity
Why? Because it's not exclusive."You know, we didn't say that it was exclusive," clarified Xbox executive and corporate VP John Schappert (he was the guy hosting most of the event) during an interview with me...
E3 2009 No Comment On Metal Gear Solid Rising Format
Konami has declined to comment on the platform of Metal Gear Solid Rising; neither confirming XBOX 360 exclusivity, nor denying a Playstation 3 version
Kojima surely won't deny the platform that has made his franchise a success?
E3 2009 Screenshot Seems To Suggest PSP Trophy Support
The image is blurry, but those of you with apt enough eyesight will spot what appears to be a small "trophy unlock" icon appearing during a demo game of SOCOM Fireteam Bravo 3
This is something we've been wanting for a long, long time, so hopefully Sony announce it at their E3 conference tomorrow. Naturally it could be absolutely anything, so...
E3 2009 New Dante's Inferno Trailer Is Mad
What you see above is what happens when you take CGI, a classic novel and craft it all together into one sub-3 minute trailer with sole intent of getting people excited for your game
Dante's Inferno looks amazing in our opinion.
E3 2009 New MotorStorm: Pacific Rift Expansions Announced - Speed & Adrenaline
Evolution Studios have just announced two entirely new content packs for MotorStorm: Pacific Rift giving players a slew of new tracks, vehicles and trophies to play with
Speed Expansion: Three new tracks and variants (Quicksands, Engorged, Dark Fire Swamp) Four new vehicles 48-event Mini-Festival Speed Weekend Plus rewards, Trophies and...
E3 2009 Konami Announces Zephyr: Rise Of The Elements For Playstation 3
Zephyr: Rise Of The Elements is a new game for the PS3 in which you'll guide a tornado in its path of destruction
Looking at the image above, we're guessing Zephyr's going to be a pretty tongue in cheek experience. It's the first game to come from Loose Cannon Studios, a new team consisting of Sucker Punch veterans. We'll have more as we know it.
E3 2009 New Metal Gear Game Announced For The XBOX 360
A new Metal Gear game entitled Metal Gear Rising was just announced for the XBOX 360
Most interesting part of this - the word "exclusive" was not mentioned at all. Expect Hideo Kojima to show up at Sony's E3 conference tomorrow.
E3 2009 The Beatles: Rock Band Songs Revealed
During Microsoft's Press Briefing today Harmonix showed the first real footage and details of The Beatles: Rock Band
The game has a really exciting look to it that perfectly suits the Beatles. The songs announced for the game are as follows: I Saw Her Standing There I Wanna Hold Your Hand I Feel Fine Day Tripper Tax Man I am the Walrus Back in the...
E3 2009 Guitar Hero Coming To The PSP
If you feel like you haven't got enough Hero games to look forward to, you'll be pleased to know that Activision are bringing Guitar Hero to the PSP
An Activision investor call made mention of a PSP iteration of the rhythm game, which promises to feature "a drum component," according to Gamespot. There are no other details to speak of at...
E3 2009 Sony's E3 Conference Will Be 2 Hours Long
In traditional style, Sony's E3 conference will span a full 2 hours tomorrow night
For comparison, Nintendo will speak for an hour and Microsoft for around 95 minutes. The news has broken from Geoff Keighley's Twitter page, who incidentally, likes to make sure his Twitter page is never too far from the gaming press. He wrote:To those asking about...
E3 2009 BBC Technology Man Reckons The "Secret BBC Game" May Be Revealed At E3 This Year
Since the beginning of time, BBC technology editor Darren Waters has spoken about a "secret game" Sony showed him a while back that led him to hype a "step change in what games consoles are capable of in terms of story-telling and immersion"
And now he reckons it might finally be shown to the public. The game, which has since taken on its own title...
E3 2009 Front Mission Evolved Trailer Is High On Cinematic Drama
Here's the trailer to Square Enix's recently announce Front Mission Evolved
There's a pretty cool explosion in the video. There are also some nice looking robots. It's hard to assume much else though, because, well this is a cinematic trailer. There's zero gameplay in here. Hey, it all looks like it would probably be quite good though. Right?
E3 2009 Blur Burns Rubber With Gary Numan
Here's the latest trailer for Bizarre Creation's weapons based racer Blur
We thought the addition of Gary Numan was perfectly fitting. This game reminds us so much of Megarace. Remember that?
E3 2009 Sony Still Have A Lot Of "Shockers" Planned
The PSP Go may have leaked, but SCEA's PR man Jake Osuwah reckons it matters diddly squat
Speaking on Twitter he claimed:<span class="entry-content">Pre-E3 annoucements or not! There's still lots of shockers planned for you guys @ E3, stay tuned...</span></blockquote> <span class="entry-content">So there...
E3 2009 Some Soothingly Beautiful New Screens Of Trine Appear
Heading to the Playstation 3 and PC later this year via Ascaron, Trine is looking like one gorgeous beast
The platformer should release later this year. You can see the full set of screenshots here.
E3 2009 Wipeout HD Expansion Pack Announced, Set For E3 Reveal
Ahh Wipeout HD, how we've been loging for more of thee
And thank goodness we're finally getting one! Wipeout HD Fury will include a ton of new stuff as detailed via the Playstation Blog.The WipEout HD Fury expansion pack will increase the content of your current game with 8 new tracks, 13 new ship models and 3 new game modes, 2 of which will be...
E3 2009 LEGO Harry Potter Becomes A Reality
LEGO Harry Potter has been on the cards for a while
But today, Warner finally released the first trailer for LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 — which naturally will document the first four years of Harry's time at Hogwarts. The trailer looks suitably rough but, alas, the game is not due until next year. Press release after the jump. WARNER BROS...
E3 2009 Glorious Quantum Theory Screenshots Pop Up
Quantum Theory may have been delayed for a little while, but when the game is already looking this good, we're almost frightened to imagine how the delay could make the final version look
Often touted as the Playstation 3's answer to Gears Of War, dare we say this might end up being better? You can catch the full set of screens here.
E3 2009 Where Can I Watch E3 2009?
Our friends over at TheSixthAxis have posted a handy guide to this year's E3 coverage
As always you'll get all the news here at PushSquare, but if you want to get in on the Sony conference live, as it happens; here are your points of interest: Sony: 11:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM ET / 7:00 PM GMTG4 (Also on TV)GameTrailers (HD)IGNGameSpot
E3 2009 Kazanori Yamauchi Will Not Talk About Gran Turismo 5 At This Years E3
According to VG247, those interviewing Polyphony Digital's Kazanori Yamauchi have been asked not to mention Gran Turismo 5
The anticipated racing sim was expected to get a launch date at this year's E3 but apparently will be missing from this year's lineup again. Interviews will likely focus on Gran Turismo PSP.