Tag: Fear 2 Project Origin
News New Single Player DLC Coming To F.E.A.R. 2
We quite enjoyed F
E.A.R. 2</a> when it launched earlier in the year. The roller coaster levels and competent AI made it a decent shooter that we'd hoped for more of. Thankfully our hopes are being answered in the form of new single player DLC. The content will allow players to see the end of the game from a different perspective: through the...
First Impressions F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin on Playstation 3
We're told that the original F
E.A.R.</a> was a good game. Told because we didn't actually play it. Apparently the series is a mix of sci-fi, horror and bullet-time. Given this list of cliches we were a bit sceptical dropping into Project Origin but, fear not, our worries have been temporarily quashed. F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin feels...
News American Playstation Store Update: January 22nd 2009
Price Update Brain Challenge Expansion Pack ($2.99)
Playable Content WipEout HD demo F.E.A.R 2 demo Add-on Content Buzz! Quiz TV "American Culture" pack ($5.99) Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm "Storm Pack 7" (free) Skate 2 "Time Is Money" pack ($4.99) Rock Band DLC (listed after the break) Guitar Hero World Tour DLC (listed after the...
News European Playstation Store Update: January 22nd 2009
We only downloaded the F
E.A.R. 2 demo here at PushSquare.com. We thought it was pretty amazing. More impressions on that to follow. <strong>Playable Content</strong> Penny Arcade Adventures Episode 1 full game (£7.99/9.99) F.E.A.R 2 demo Disney's Action Game Featuring Hercules PS1 game (£3.99/5.99) The Little Mermaid II PS1 game...