Tag: Hands On - Page 4
Hands On Fall Guys Is an Ultimate Knockout on PS4
Takeshi's Castle IRL
Fall Guys will be one of the two PlayStation 4 titles available as part of the August 2020 PS Plus lineup, and it couldn't be better suited to the service. We've been putting this comical 60-player Battle Royale title through its paces over the past couple of days through a closed beta, taking part in every event possible and...
Hands On Dreams Just Got Bigger, Better, and Weirder with PSVR Support
Living the dream
Whenever we step into the world of Dreams, we're reminded just how brilliant it is. There's never a shortage of weird and wonderful things to discover, and that's if you don't bother making anything yourself. No matter how you enjoy Media Molecule's mecca for user-generated content, it provides countless hours of entertainment. Now,...
Hands On Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris Is a Technical Mess on PS4
A seriously disappointing return
The latest Sword Art Online game, Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris, is out today on PlayStation 4. We have a copy of the game for review, but we haven't played enough of it to deliver any kind of final judgement just yet. However, we felt that it was worth writing up a quick Hands On article just to let you know...
Hands On The Last of Us 2's World-Building Is Almost Unmatched
Every store has a story
A large part of The Last of Us’ enduring appeal is just how real its vision of the apocalypse seemed. Naughty Dog took protagonists Joel and Ellie on a road-trip through the remnants of the United States, and every area had the fingerprints of its storytellers all over it. The focal point was, of course, the relationship...
Hands On The Last of Us 2 May Be the Most Accessible Action Game Ever Made
For all the players
A lot of games can, if we’re being honest with ourselves, be pretty impenetrable. If you’re reading this article, you’ve probably got years of DualShock practice under your belt, and so utilising both analogue sticks in order to line up perfect headshots feels organic. It can be easy to forget, however, that not everyone...
Hands On The Last of Us 2's Firefights Are Fraught, Uncomfortable, Fantastic
Bloody Nora
Here’s what we’re allowed to say about The Last of Us: Part II so far: the combat is utterly enthralling. Naughty Dog’s brand of game design often gets criticised for putting the plot ahead of gameplay, but we’ve always considered this form of feedback reductive. Despite all of its extended climbing sections, Uncharted 4: A...
Hands On Whiteboyz Wit Attitude: The Pursuit of Money Must Be Seen to Be Believed
Wear the Purp
Every so often, a game comes out of nowhere and completely blows you away. It could be a cool, little indie title that the PlayStation Blog highlights in its weekly The Drop post or a game you haven't given enough attention to in general, but either way, it's a pleasant surprise. Whiteboyz Wit Attitude: The Pursuit of Money is a...
Hands On Drop-Dead Gorgeous Guilty Gear Strive Could Be Something Special
Smell of the game
We've seen a lot of good looking games in our time, but Guilty Gear Strive had us staring at our TV screen in awe. Going into this past weekend's closed beta test, we already knew that we had a gorgeous fighting game on our hands -- we've all seen those amazing character trailers. But to watch the title in motion right before your...
Hands On Call of Duty: Warzone Is Fine, and That's Not Good Enough
Neat ideas don't justify simplicity
Call of Duty: Warzone is far and away the most amount of hype the Battle Royale genre has seen since Apex Legends. After months of rumours and speculation, the standalone, free-to-play expansion to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare finally arrived on PlayStation 4 yesterday, bringing with it a gigantic map 150 players...
Hands On Final Fantasy VII Remake's Modern Combat Thrills, But Level Design Feels Stuck in the Past
7th Heaven?
It’s hard to imagine the stakes being higher for Final Fantasy VII Remake, considering this is a recreation of arguably the most iconic PlayStation role-playing game of all time. Resident Evil 2 proved without doubt last year that it’s possible to resurrect PSone classics for a new era, retaining all original charm while appealing to...
Hands On Resident Evil Resistance Is a Fun Enough Multiplayer Distraction
Run to the hills
Capcom hasn't had the best of luck with multiplayer this generation. Umbrella Corps was a complete and utter disaster while Monster Hunter: World, the publisher's best-selling video game of all time, continues to be held back by a frustrating and nonsensical online infrastructure. So, when the Japanese team announced that Resident...
Hands On Resident Evil 3 Does the PSone Classic Proud
I'll give you S.T.A.R.S.
Capcom has taken advantage of the fact that its fanbase doesn't hold the PSone version of Resident Evil 3 in quite as high a regard as its predecessor. After successfully bringing back its classic survival horror undertaking last year in Resident Evil 2, the Japanese publisher is primed to do it all over again. However, this...
Hands On Shenmue III's Story Quest DLC Is an Add-On Done Wrong
Chawan shite
It may have a bad reputation, but DLC can be incredible. Consider, for one moment, The Old Hunters expansion for Bloodborne: it’s a brilliant extension of an already timeless title, which adds exciting new environments, enemies, and armaments to the fray. Of course, add-on packs have a bad reputation because they’re so often...
Hands On Persona 5 Royal Is So Much More of 2017's Game of the Year
Shujin's finest
Atlus isn't looking to reinvent what it means to be a JRPG with Persona 5 Royal. The much-expanded rerelease of Push Square's 2017 Game of the Year is still that same 100+ hour epic journey through the trials and tribulations of Shujin Academy's favourite friendship group. So, what do franchise fanatics have to look forward to when...
Hands On Nioh 2 Is Primed to Become One of 2020's Best PS4 Exclusives
Yokai fame
It's been three months since Nioh 2 opened its doors to the public with an open beta. Allowing players to get to grips with what sets the sequel apart from the 2017 original across a single weekend, it was an eye-opening experience for developer Team Ninja. That's because the most overwhelming piece of feedback was that the technical test...
Hands On Shenmue III's Battle Rally Is Bad in the Best Possible Way
Race to the bottom
What the flying Fuku-san is this? Shenmue III’s first post-release expansion pack Battle Rally launched this week, and it’s stranger than turtle racing. Somehow, this extraordinary add-on does its best Outrun impression, aping the logo of Yu Suzuki’s high-speed arcade hit. And yet we’ve never experienced anything quite...
Hands On Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Is Good Fun, But It's Far from Perfect
Kicked in the head cha-la
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot could have been amazing. Its heart is in the right place and it has plenty of neat ideas, but the finished product feels disappointingly rushed. While it's not a bad game, and there are certainly elements that Dragon Ball fans will love, there are just so many issues holding back its potential. For...
Hands On Shenmue III Is a Fantastic Sequel That's Been Frozen in Time
The follow-up fans wanted
It’s been almost 18 years since Shenmue II released on the Dreamcast in Europe, but its long-awaited sequel feels like it’s been preserved in a time (toy?) capsule during that time. This is the greatest compliment that could be paid Shenmue III, of course: look beyond the richly rendered Unreal Engine 4 visuals, and the...
Hands On Nioh 2 Could Be the Toughest Souls-Like to Date
Prepare to die
We're not ones to boast, but we sort of have to be pretty good at video games in order to do our jobs properly. We've managed to beat every Dark Souls entry there is, Bloodborne, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice -- you name it and we've probably clocked it. However, Nioh 2's open beta just kicked our arse. Playable for the next 10 days, Koei...
Hands On Planting Our Bare Knuckles on Streets of Rage 4
Axel prose
Discard the dizzying politics, and we’re truly living in the greatest timeline. Let this sink in for a minute: Shenmue III, Windjammers 2, and Streets of Rage 4 – we, as a species, simply don’t deserve such riches. But feast on them we shall – gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins, but we’re hungry for these retro revivals,...
Hands On Final Fantasy VII Remake Will Live Up to RPG's Legendary Legacy
What's old is new again
Final Fantasy VII Remake is oh-so anime but oh-so good. If you’re like this particular author, you’ll cringe at physics-defying hairstyles and exaggerated American accents, but protagonist Cloud Strife’s oft-requested return is shaping up to be a sublime role-playing game – even if the jury’s still out on how its...
Hands On Windjammers 2 Needs to Come to PS4
That's all
Under normal circumstances, port begging would be a bannable offence, but we make the rules here and we can’t exactly purge our own accounts. Look, here’s the thing, Windjammers 2 is shaping up to be a superb sequel, but it’s not currently announced for the PlayStation 4 and that’s keeping us awake at night. Having gone hands on...
Hands On Iron Man VR Is the Next Big Thing for PSVR
Stark would be proud
It feels like major PlayStation VR releases have dried up as of late. Sure, the likes of Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot and Vacation Simulator were fun enough, but it doesn't seem like virtual reality has really made any waves since Blood & Truth nearly six months ago. It's a quiet period indeed, but there is one PSVR title we're...
Hands On Inertial Drift Is a Promising PS4 Racer That Drives on Its Side
Angle grinder
Life is more fun when you’re on your back – not that we’d know anything about that. Inertial Drift – a name so close to plagiarising legendary anime Initial D that it instantly earned our respect – argues that it’s actually more entertaining on your side, as this so-called twin-stick arcade racer trades on taking corners at...
Hands On Predator: Hunting Grounds Has a Ways to Go Before It Realises Potential
Target acquired
Sony has made it clear that its catalogue of multiplayer-focused titles needs some fleshing out. The days of MAG and SOCOM are long gone, so the hardware manufacturer has employed developer Illfonic to develop a worthy online asymmetric experience that could act as a bit of a test bed before we head into the next generation...
Hands On Marvel's Avengers on PS4 Assembles One Helluva Set-Piece Opening
A real Marvel
Marvel’s Avengers has come under intense scrutiny since its official unveiling at E3 2019 – strange, considering the Crystal Dynamics developed superhero smash opens in the most eye-popping manner imaginable. Perhaps it’s merely a case of all the criticism leading to lowered expectations, but we came away from a 25 minute hands...
Hands On Ghost Recon: Breakpoint's Open Beta Runs Much Better on PS4
But it's not perfect
We're intrigued by Ghost Recon: Breakpoint. Ubisoft's upcoming third-person tactical shooter is more The Division 2 than its predecessor Ghost Recon: Wildlands, and it creates an experience that feels a lot like a Game as a Service would but in a setting that is more than happy to accommodate just the single player. This fact...
Hands On FIFA 20 Career Mode Really Needs a Patch
Poor performance
Poor old Career Mode, consistently left behind to stagnate as Ultimate Team gets all the attention. But hey, EA's finally made some nice improvements to Career Mode in FIFA 20, allowing for custom managers and one-on-one conversations with players, while also making a range of behind-the-scenes tweaks. However, despite all the good...
Hands On How Does Borderlands 3 Run on PS4 Pro?
Performance vs Resolution
If you came across a review of Borderlands 3 prior to launch, it was most certainly done on the PC. The console version of the game has been shrouded in secrecy as developer Gearbox Software focuses on showing off the experience in the best light possible. Now that release day is here, however, we've got our hands on the...
Hands On Madden NFL 20's Superstar KO Mode Channels NFL Blitz
Big plays, big prizes
One impressive Aaron Rodgers drive aside, last week’s NFL season opener between the Chicago Bears and Green Bay Packers was a fairly mundane affair. While there’s plenty to appreciate about the defensive game, the reason we all tune in to football every Sunday is to see the big plays – and that’s what Madden NFL 20’s...
Hands On Ghost Recon: Breakpoint Is Grittier, Better, and Overwhelming
Who forgot to tell us this is Destiny?
If Ghost Recon: Wildlands was the starter, then its sequel feels like the dinners you've been eating for the past week rolled up into one gigantic main course. Seriously, Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is huge. We've poured a handful of hours into this past weekend's beta and come away impressed thanks to what appears...
Hands On Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's Gunfight Mode Could Be the Next Big Thing
From 100 to 4
As the multiplayer scene continuously finds ways to increase its player count, be it a 64-player round of Battlefield V or a 100 participant strong game of Fortnite, it's perhaps interesting to consider that the next big hit may only require a fraction of that. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's alpha test gives you access to its all-new...
Hands On No Man's Sky Beyond Brings a New Lease of Life to the Ambitious Adventure
Hello again
Let's get one thing clear: at the end of the day, this is still No Man's Sky. That might sound silly, but the excitement surrounding the huge Beyond update may have had people hoping for an unrecognisable, utterly transformative new experience. Beyond does many things to the game, but at its core, this is the very same space exploration...
Hands On WipEout PSVR Will Totally Melt Your Mind
Free patch is a game changer
What the freakin’ heck? Sony casually dropped the PlayStation VR patch for WipEout Omega Collection, and it’s transformed the fast-paced futuristic racer into one of the best virtual reality experiences you’ll find on the platform. This is an extraordinary achievement – it’s so impressive that we’re...
Hands On NHL 20's PS4 Beta Shows Promise
A step forward
EA's NHL franchise hasn't exactly had the best console generation. After skipping the first year of the PlayStation 4 altogether, NHL 15 tripped out of the gate with a pretty weak effort. This in and of itself is pretty normal for sports games, but they tend to improve drastically as the generation rolls on. Unfortunately, that never...
Hands On Concrete Genie's Colourful PSVR Experience Could Cure Sadness
Short but sweet
You need to know one thing about being a games writer: publishers will always ask you what you think when you hand them back the controller. In the case of Concrete Genie, the ever-affable folks at Sony wanted our reaction to the title’s PlayStation VR experience, which is included for free alongside the main game. “You’ve...
Hands On Concrete Genie Plays to the Strengths of Sony's First-Party
Art attack
You’ve never played a game like Concrete Genie before, but this is unmistakably a product of Sony’s first-party. Developed by PixelOpus – a curious mix of game development graduates paired with industry veterans – the third-person adventure sees you painting ethereal monsters onto the walls of a dilapidated sea port, which was...
Hands On Detective Drama Blacksad Will Get Under Your Skin
Paws for thought
Unless you have a moustache and wear garlic in place of jewellery, we’re going to assume you’ve never heard of French graphic novel Blacksad. A favourite among furries, the dark detective series has spawned five volumes, and is actually the work of a couple of Spanish lads – proof, perhaps, that the European Union is still...
Hands On Until Dawn Dev Evolves Interactive Drama with Man of Medan Multiplayer
Holding hands
Man of Medan, the first instalment in Until Dawn developer Supermassive Games’ new interactive drama series The Dark Pictures Anthology, has a secret: it’s fully playable in online co-op – and it’s unexpectedly brilliant. The Guildford-based developer has somehow managed to keep its ambitious multiplayer mode under wraps, but...
Hands On Days Gone's Free Arcade DLC Is an Addictive Addition
A shining Deacon for all
In an age of loot boxes and microtransactions, few things are more refreshing than free add-on packs that add genuine value to an already excellent experience. Sony, to its credit, has been pretty good with post-release support for its blockbuster exclusives – and while its various first-party developers have all plotted...
Hands On Firewall Zero Hour Revived with Operation: Nightfall, But Old Problems Persist
Tense battles, long wait times
We attracted a lot of criticism for docking Firewall Zero Hour points in our review due to its online-centric design. Our point was pretty straightforward: PlayStation VR is a popular peripheral but it’s still relatively niche, and
Hands On Blood & Truth Elevates PSVR to the Next Level
Can you Adam and Eve it?
Back at launch in 2016, we waxed lyrical about the London Heist in compilation game PlayStation VR Worlds. At just an hour, London Studio’s short crime drama perfectly captured the potential of PlayStation VR, immersing you in a variety of interactive vignettes, from a particularly harrowing interrogation sequence right...
Hands On Team Sonic Racing Is a Slight But Solid Co-Op Kart Racer
The first of two upcoming colourful PlayStation 4 kart racers to reach the finish line is Team Sonic Racing, the follow-up to the much loved Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Sumo Digital has cemented itself as a talented arcade racing studio, and it seems to have made the most of the game's significant delay. We're currently playing...
Hands On Everybody's Golf VR May Be the Hardest Hot Shots Yet
Fore the pros
Hot Shots Golf has always traded on its instant accessibility, but new entry Everybody’s Golf VR looks set to have a significant learning curve. Make no mistake: this has not suddenly become a simulator – it’s still a colourful, arcade romp. But by favouring motion controls over the click-click-click format of old, it can be...
Hands On Dreams Is an Inspiring, Mesmerising Wonder
The stuff dreams are made of
No matter which way you slice it, Dreams is an incredible achievement. Media Molecule might be taking its sweet time developing this project, but the hard work is clearly paying off. The game is now available in Early Access, allowing everyone to finally tinker with the creative tools, and experience the weird and...
Hands On Tending a Shiny New Bar in N1RV Ann-A
Come as you are
Hot off the heels of VA-11 HALL-A finally being dated for the PlayStation 4, we actually got to go hands-on with Sukeban Games’ follow-up, N1RV Ann-A, at PAX East. For those out of the loop, VA-11 HALL-A is a visual novel and bartending simulator set in Glitch City, a cyberpunk dystopia. The writing, setting, and music are...
Hands On Hamsterdam Lays PS Vita to Rest with Kung-Fu Fighting Furballs
Sure, why not?
Look, it’s a hamster in Amsterdam – what more do you really need to know? Your humble host backed Hamsterdam on Kickstarter on the strength of its name alone, so feel free to discredit any of the opinions herein. But having spent a good ten minutes with the regal rodent at last week’s EGX Rezzed 2019, we can at least confirm...
Hands On Eating Everything in Sight in Wattam
Wattam matter with you?
In our Sayonara Wild Hearts PAX East hands on, we mentioned that another of the games Annapurna brought to show was Wattam. A curious title from Keita Takahashi, the creator of the Katamari games, Wattam is an utterly charming title that, to put it mildly, is incredibly bizarre. The gameplay demo starts with you taking...
Hands On Snooker 19 Looks for Its Big Break on PS4
In the frame
There hasn’t been a licensed snooker game in almost a decade, which seems unusual when you consider the popularity of the sport. Sure, it’s never going to rival FIFA or Madden, but billiards can be brilliant fun – even if you’re not necessarily a baize buff in real-life. Snooker 19, then, is the first game on the PlayStation 4...
Hands On Runnin’ Down a Dream in Sayonara Wild Hearts
Sayonara Bye Bye
One of our favourite booths to visit each PAX East is the Annapurna booth. With an ever-changing, always impressive lineup of interesting titles, it’s usually a highlight of the entire event. This excitement goes all the way back to their first PAX East in 2017, where they brought What Remains of Edith Finch and Gorogoa, and...