Tag: Hardware - Page 14
News Sony's Fighting Back with Some Big US PS4 Bundles
Cut price consoles
Sony got its ass kicked in the last NPD report – but it doesn’t seem especially keen on taking another beating. The platform holder has teamed up with a slew of American retailers in order to prepare some last minute PlayStation 4 bundles, and they’re pretty decent if you’re in the market for a machine. Amazon’s offer...
News PS4 Surpasses One Million Unit Milestone in France
Pour les joueurs
There’s no doubt that the French appreciate the finer things; snails, frogs’ legs, and now the PlayStation 4 are all an important part of the nation’s daily life. Writing on Twitter earlier today, PlayStation France confirmed that the next-gen console has now exceeded one million units in the region, making it the third...
News How to Buy a 20th Anniversary PS4 Console in the UK
Without paying exorbitant eBay prices, obviously
All of those cheap and cheerful 20th Anniversary PlayStation 4 consoles sold out at the PlayStation ’94 pop-up shop in minutes last week, and were subsequently posted on eBay for astronomical fees. Fortunately, there’s still time for you to get in on the scalping, as Sony has more of the limited...
News God Eater 2: Rage Burst Gobbles Up a Custom PS4, Vita, and PlayStation TV
Deity delicacy
We hope that you’re hungry, because God Eater 2: Rage Burst will be scoring a sizeable helping of hardware treats. Due out alongside the re-release early next year, Sony has prepared a line of custom PlayStation 4, Vita, and even PlayStation TV consoles, which will be available in limited quantities from its official Japanese store...
News Sony's Not Too Happy About All the 20th Anniversary Edition PS4s on eBay
"That's not what we want to see happen"
Let's be frank: the 20th Anniversary Edition PS4 is probably one of the most attractive consoles of all time. However, in a slightly controversial move, Sony sold a swathe of the sleek systems for a scant £19.94 at a secret London location. Predictably, a number of enterprising fans have now listed their grey...
Weirdness Alright, These PS4 Face Plates Are Ridiculously Rad
Cover up
Sony may not have intended for the PlayStation 4’s hard drive cover to be customisable, but it’s cottoned onto the fact that people are using the removable face plate to personalise their platform, and has started to run its own line of custom concealers. However, while those are neat, these transparent ones from Cyber Gadget truly take...
News China's Launch PS4 Has a Dragon Emblazoned on It
PlayStation Roar
Sony will be commemorating the launch of the PlayStation 4 in China with a pretty nifty paintjob. Kotaku reports that consumers will be able to opt for a Special Dragon Edition of the next-gen system from 11th January in the region, which includes a custom hard drive faceplate featuring, well, a dragon and the brand’s iconic...
News You Can Choose Your Own Game with This New US PS4 Bundle
Black Friday may be over, but that doesn’t mean that the busy Christmas shopping season is finished. Following last month’s limited bundles, Sony has announced a brand new pack for the holidays, which lets you pick from four titles. The options include Destiny, LittleBigPlanet 3,
News Huzzah! Sony Has Finally Revealed Some Proper Custom PS4 Faceplates
PlayStation phwoar
Aside from the recently announced 20th Anniversary Edition PlayStation 4, Sony's new-gen super machine really hasn't had too many attractive options when it comes to customisation. Thankfully, the Japanese giant revealed a new set of faceplates after the PlayStation Experience keynote today. The plastic personalised plates...
News This 20th Anniversary Limited Edition PS4 Will Make Your Jaw Drop
Get in quick
If you've not been paying attention, this week marked the 20th anniversary of the PlayStation brand. Obviously, we've been celebrating here on Push Square, but it seems that Sony wasn't about to let the milestone go by without a bombshell. Indeed, the Japanese giant today announced a very special new PlayStation 4 console. Dub
News Arrange a Heist to Snatch This Personalised Grand Theft Auto V PS4
Weazel Newsflash
You may want to give your buddy Lester Crest a call, as you’ve got a heist to arrange. No, you’re not going bank robbing this time – instead, you’re infiltrating Rockstar Games’ head office in order to snatch one of these custom PlayStation 4 consoles. Constructed as part of a giveaway on the developer’s official...
News This Is One PS4 Bundle You Won't Find in Your Local Store
Console major
Sony loves PlayStation 4 bundles in Europe, this much we already know. However, the platform holder has been slightly less forthcoming with premium hardware packages in North America; aside from the Destiny set and the yet-to-be-released Black Friday packs, there’s not been a whole lot to get excited about in the Land of the Free...
News PS4 Passes One Million Sales Milestone in Germany
Pole position
It may well have been severely supply constrained at launch, but the PlayStation 4 has already passed the one million sales milestone in Germany, leaving its competitors in the dust. According to SCEE, the number was crossed on 21st October, putting its next-gen platform in “pole position”. Given the region, we reckon that the...
News Here Are Your Official PS4 Black Friday Bundles in North America
We already had an inkling of the kind of bundles that Sony would be putting out for Black Friday in North America, but now the platform holder has sealed the deal with a post on the PlayStation Blog. While there’s no word yet on PlayStation 3 and Vita deals, the PlayStation 4 is unsurprisingly taking centre stage, with two jumbo sets...
News Black Friday PS4 Bundles Leaked at Walmart, Best Buy, Target
Deals of the decade
We can now probably safely assume that Sony’s big Black Friday push in the United States will revolve around Grand Theft Auto V and The Last of Us: Remastered. Following leaks earlier in the month, three of the nation’s biggest retailers have now revealed that you’ll be able to pick up the Japanese giant’s next-gen...
Weirdness This Sneaky Sony Engineer Hid His Name in Your PS4
Can you find it?
If you were about to leave a company, what would you do to make sure that your name lived on within its walls? Well, Kazuya Sakakihara – an ex-software engineer for Sony, who helped design both the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 – decided that the best way for him to leave an indelible mark on the Japanese giant was to quite...
Talking Point Should SCEA Prepare More Official PS4 Bundles?
Premium packages
Sony’s strategy in Europe with the PlayStation 4 appears to revolve around releasing as many bundles as it can possibly muster. This enthusiasm for big box sets has bordered on parody at points, with Germany landing a gigantic hardware set including Killzone: Shadow Fall,
Rumour Sony Plotting 'Massive' PS4 Black Friday Bundle at 'Competitive MSRP'
Cheap as chips
Black Friday is the biggest day in the calendar year for North American retail, and Sony appears to be lining up some impressive PlayStation 4 deals for the shopping event. We’ve already seen some stores hint at bundles including Grand Theft Auto V and
News PS4's UK Price Plunges Below £300 as Price Drop Murmurs Intensify
How low can you go?
We had expected the PlayStation 4’s price to settle in sub-£300 territory by Boxing Day, but Sony seems utterly determined to maintain its market share in Britain this Christmas. As such, GameStop UK has now dropped the price of the standalone Glacier White system to £299.97, which is considerably cheaper than its RRP. This...
News Sony Hasn't Forgotten About the Kids This Christmas
More PS4 Black Friday bundles appear
The bundles are very much, er, out of the bag: Sony’s doubling down on PlayStation 4 re-releases this coming Black Friday. Following on from a leaked Dell promotion earlier in the week, Meijer has now seemingly confirmed that the Japanese giant will be selling its next-gen c
News There's a Champions League Themed PS4 in Japan
Not in Europe, though
For those of you that don’t know, the Champions League is like the Super Bowl of European soccer. The competition sees the continent’s elite compete to be crowned the king of club football – a spectacle that draws millions of spectators every year. PlayStation is one of the primary sponsors of the competition, with...
News This Incredible UK PS4 Deal Will Empty Your Wallet
Dealing with death
Sony may be resting on its laurels a little bit in North America, but it refuses to give any of its competitors an inch in the UK. The platform holder has been frighteningly aggressive in these parts – matching Microsoft’s many price cuts at every opportunity – and it’s starting to prepare some scarily attractive bundles...
News Sony May Not Cede November PS4 Sales to Xbox One After All
Black Friday bundle includes Grand Theft Auto V and The Last of Us
The folks over in Redmond are playing price limbo with the Xbox One, and that puts Sony in a precarious position. Having already smashed September sales records with its Destiny bundle, the platform holder doesn’t necessarily need to price the PlayStation 4 any lower – but it...
News These Custom PS4 Hard Drive Covers Are Really Cool
Pimp your machine
We’ve already established that Sony loves creating console bundles. The company’s entire strategy with the PlayStation 4 appears to revolve around making as many unique hardware options as it can possibly muster, so why not go the whole hog and start creating some custom hard drive face plates to go with these limited edition...
News Sony Temporarily Slashes the PS4's Price in the UK
Just in time for Call of Duty
While many have been eager to suggest that Sony won’t compete with the Xbox One’s temporary price drop in the United States, we noted in a recent feature that it’s been frequently adjusting the cost of the PlayStation 4 in the UK to keep its nose in front. Indeed, while the system hasn’t ever received any...
News Sony's Still Bleeding Money, But PS4's in Beast Mode
Marathon sprint
The reason behind Microsoft’s temporary Xbox One price drop is looking clearer by the minute: Sony has now shipped 13.5 million PlayStation 4 consoles worldwide – and it hasn’t even been out a year yet. The company added 3.3 million units to the system’s total tally in the quarter spanning July to September, boosting game...
News Sony's Wackiest PS4 Hardware Bundle Scores a Wackier Trailer
While the PlayStation 4 may be smashing sales records in most parts of the world, Sony needs all of the help that it can get to remain competitive in Japan. As such, it’s decided to roll out the system’s ridiculous Metal Slime hardware SKU this December in the East – a couple o
News So, This PS4 Bundle Includes an Oddsock Plushie
Day zero
Sony’s deployed more PlayStation 4 hardware bundles than PlayStation Network server status updates this year, but this UK GAME mega pack simply has to be the pick of the bunch. Comprising a 500GB Jet Black console, two DualShock 4 controllers, a PlayStati
News Take a Closer Look at the PS4's Prototype Controller
DualShock development
Few moments are more exciting in a gamer’s life than when a new piece of hardware leaks. As such, many of you will probably be able to recall your mood at the exact second when photographs of the PlayStation 4’s revised controller filtered out onto the web. Unfortunately, the real unit was revealed not long after this leak,...
News This Upcoming PS4 Bundle Sure Has a Grasp on Mainstream Gamers
Box of treats
As, for lack of a better word, ‘hardcore’ gamers, we tend to put exaggerated emphasis on franchises such as BioShock and Uncharted. While both are critically acclaimed, these properties don’t touch the sales of Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto – mainstream hits that even the average person at your local pub will be able to...
News Yes, Sony's Readying an Official Grand Theft Auto V PS4 Bundle
This is how you print money
Even the most ardent fan would find it hard to argue with the momentum that Microsoft seemingly has in November, between co-marketing deals on Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Assassin’s Creed Unity, as well as its own exclusive games. However, there was always going to be one wildcard in the pre-Christmas battle:...
News Pachter: PS4's American Winning Streak Ended in September
Analyst predicts an upset
Sony was always expected to start this generation on the front foot globally, as the PlayStation brand simply has much more worldwide appeal than its closest competitor. However, the fact that the PlayStation 4 has effortlessly won major markets such as the UK and North America will be a real concern for the folks at...
News Snow Joke! Standalone White PS4 Coming to UK Next Week
Winter wonderbox
Personally, we quite like the idea of all of our home entertainment appliances being the same colour (black), but if you don’t suffer from a pesky case of OCD, then you may be tempted by the white PlayStation 4 console. Previously, this was only available alongside Destiny or DriveClub, but, as promised by Worldwide Studios...
News PS4 Takes the Gadget of the Year Gong at the T3 Awards
Brushes aside iPhone 5S and Xbox One
There’s a good chance that you’re reading this website because you love PlayStation, but let’s not pretend that there aren’t dozens of other snazzy gizmos out there. The market is practically flooded with nifty appliances these days, which perhaps makes the PlayStation 4’s success at the T3 Awards all...
News Forget That Awesome UK PS4 Package, This One Is Better
Impulse purchase
There has never been a better time to buy a PlayStation 4 in the UK. Retailers are competing for your custom ahead of the busy Christmas shopping season, and prices are getting slashed like there’s no tomorrow. There are also some great unofficial bundles doing the rounds, like the one that we spotted at GAME earlier in the week...
News This Enormous PS4 Bundle Is Bordering on Parody
Chuck everything in
In addition to wiping the floor with Microsoft's abhorrent used games policies, Sony’s strategy for the latest generation seems to have centred on one very simple tactic: bundle everything. The platform holder has announced a dizzying number of hardware packages over the past 12 months, and this set available in Germany is the...
News Unleash The Evil Within with Japanese PS4 Bundles
Scarily good
Sony loves its bundles at the moment, so it’s no surprise to see it sell Shinji Mikami’s upcoming survival horror The Evil Within – or Psycho Break as it's known overseas – alongside a couple of custom PlayStation 4 consoles in Japan. Like previous sets in the East, these come with custom hard drive fascias, showing a mansion...
News This Is One of the Best PS4 Deals in the UK So Far
Won't break the bank
Retailers around the UK are really fighting for your custom right now, and that’s resulting in some outrageous offers regarding the PlayStation 4. We already saw the system’s price slashed ahead of FIFA 15 last week, but now it seems that GAME is preparing a bundle of epic proportions – which includes three games and a...
News Surprise! Far Cry 4 Will Score a PS4 Hardware Bundle at Launch
Far away, dude
Sony's strategy of bundling the PlayStation 4 with every piece of software under the sun will continue in November, as the platform holder has announced a Far Cry 4 package in Europe. The title will also be available alongside the PlayStation 3, but the platform holder was less eager to reveal a box shot for that particular product...
News Sony Reckons Project Morpheus Is Seriously Game Changing Technology
Bigger than Ben Hur
At a recent DICE talk attended by Polygon, Sony big-wig Dave Ranyard spoke at length about the firm's upcoming virtual reality headset, Project Morpheus. In particular, he spoke about whether or not the dapper device has the potential to be as revolutionary as sound was for silent films. "Is virtual reality a d
News PS4 Responds to Xbox One UK Price Drop with Retailer Promos
Cheap as chips
While we do tend to pay over the odds a lot of the time, the best thing about living in the UK – aside from fish and chips, of course – is that retailers will fight tooth and nail for your business. This results in a ridiculous number of loss leaders, where supermarkets and specialist chains will launch outrageous deals in order...
News You Won't Have to Wait Too Much Longer for Sony's VR Headset Project Morpheus
85 per cent complete, says Yoshida
We're of two minds about Project Morpheus. On the one hand, the virtual reality headset seems like a truly nifty piece of tech. On the other, we've yet to see any genuinely compelling pieces of software to support the hardware. However, it looks like we won't have very much longer to
News Still Want a White PS4? You'll Be Able to Get One with DriveClub
Mega bundle also set to race away with your cash
Sony’s strategy with the PlayStation 4 appears to revolve around bundling everything, so it’s no surprise to see the firm use up any remaining Glacier White models by packaging them with DriveClub. Starting from 8th October in Europe, you’ll be able to buy an icy console alongside Evolution...
News Destiny Boosts UK PS4 Sales Up by a Whopping 300 Per Cent
The only way is up
It won’t come as much of a surprise, but Destiny didn’t just improve PlayStation 4 sales in North America. An MCV report – which cites a senior industry source quoting Chart-Track data – states that sales of Sony’s super machine were boosted up by 300 per cent week-over-week in the UK due to the release of Bungie??
TGS 2014 That Dragon Quest Heroes PS4 Makes Us Want to Melt
"He slimed me"
Sony managed to boost PlayStation 4 sales in Japan with its white hardware bundle, so it seems almost certain to have similar success with its impending Dragon Quest Heroes model. The reaction online since its announcement earlier in the month has been mixed, but we actually really like the silver chassis – even if th
News Destiny Pushed PS4 Sales Beyond Any Other Week Since Christmas 2013
Written in the stars
Sony may have invested heavily in Destiny, but it sounds like the partnership has paid off, as according to third-party chief Adam Boyes, sales of the PlayStation 4 soared over the past seven days. In fact, not only has Bungie’s next big thing become the fastest selling title on the Japanese giant’s record breaking format...
News PS4's Hardware Is No Longer 'Top of the Line', Admits Sony Employee
Won't stop every last drop of juice being squeezed out, though
We’re a year or so into the PlayStation 4 generation, and we’re yet to really see what the console can do. However, the world of technology never stops advancing, and that means that the system is technically already out of date. It’s a fact that Naughty Dog programmer Cort...
Weirdness This Is the Most Expensive PS4 in the World
Yours for just $13,600
If you’ve splashed out on that Glacier White PlayStation 4 expecting to be the king of the console castle, then you’re out of luck – there’s already a snazzier system on the market. Designed by Italian jeweller Gatti and available at the Games 14 convention from today in Dubai, this $13,600 device ships in a rose gold...
News PS4 May Not Be At the Foot of the Japanese Hardware Charts for Much Longer
There's a new flop in town
Japan may still be considered something of a gaming mecca among some, but its importance in the console space is slowly declining. With many of the region’s biggest developers struggling to adapt to the PlayStation 3 era, and handhelds currently ruling the roost, it’s not exactly a surprise to see the recently released...
News Wow, the PlayStation 4 Is Utterly on Fire in the UK
Already surpassed one million units sold
In console war terms, the PlayStation 3 lost in the UK. Not only did it sell significantly less than its closest competitor the Xbox 360, but it also fell behind in mindshare. Stores would stick Sony’s latest releases right to the back of their video game sections, and newspaper promotions would always show...