Tag: Hardware - Page 6
News PS5 Controller Patent Potentially Explains DualShock 4's Back Button Attachment
Push where?
Sony has filed a patent for an updated DualShock controller, which will potentially be the design that ships with the PlayStation 5 next year. Interestingly, the documentation reveals four additional buttons on the rear of the unit – particularly pertinent considering the organisation has
News For Some Reason, the PS4 Back Button Attachment Is Exclusive to GAME in the UK
Get your pre-order in
UK folks will already know the drill. If the collector's edition of a hotly anticipated PlayStation 4 game decides to launch on British shores, it's probably going to be exclusive to GAME. The retailer pretty much has the market on lock, but we don't ever recall it being the only place you can purchase an officially produced...
News PS4 Back Button Attachment Proves Demand for PlayStation Pro Controller
Sony should be listening
Sony made the rather unexpected announcement of a back button attachment for the PlayStation 4 controller earlier this week, allowing the pad to map two buttons to padels placed underneath where your fingers would usually rest. It's an accessory which has been implemented into the past two versions of Microsoft's Xbox Elite...
A couple of months back, it was revealed that the owner of the only privately-held Nintendo PlayStation prototype, Terry Diebold, was looking to sell it off. In a new report from Kotaku, it turns out he'll be bringing the extremely rare machine to auction in February 2020. It seems this is somewhat out of necessity, as Diebold and his...
Talking Point Is the Back Button Attachment an Attempt to Bring the DualShock 4 In Line with PS5?
And what does it suggest about the PS5 controller?
In case you missed it, Sony has just announced a very interesting DualShock 4 controller add-on named the Back Button Attachment. In a nutshell, this device clips onto your PlayStation 4 pad and provides you with two customisable buttons along the back of the controller. It will allow faster access...
News Newly Announced Back Button Attachment Turns Your DualShock 4 Into a PS4 Pro Controller
Coming early next year
This came out of nowhere: Sony has just announced the DualShock 4 Back Button Attachment. This new add-on for your PlayStation 4 controller essentially gives you an extra two buttons, which you can fully customise. The paddle-style inputs can be programmed to any command on the DualShock 4 to grant you faster, or easier,...
Deal Death Stranding Limited Edition PS4 Pro Bundle Is a Great Price in the UK
Give me your hand in savings
If you've been eyeing up this special edition Death Stranding PlayStation 4 Pro, you may be in luck. Of all places, UK retailer GAME has a great price on the black and white bundle. Maybe you're still Christmas shopping, or perhaps you just really want this fancy, hand-printed machine? Whatever the case, this is a decent...
Deal Amazon UK's Flogging a PS4 with Five Must-Own Games
The price is right
If you weren’t around for the start of the PlayStation 4’s generation, then try not to worry too much; you’ve got some catching up to do, but you’re going to be able to do it at the best possible price point. Take this Black Friday 2019 bundle available in the UK, which includes a 500GB console and five must-own games...
News PS5 Will Save You Lots and Lots of Time
Speed demon
Playing games on the PlayStation 4 is not as immediate as it should be, and Sony has made a point of stressing that the PlayStation 5 will function faster than its predecessor. We’ve already seen elements of this: Marvel’s Spider-Man, for example, loads in under one second on the next-gen console, compared to over 15 seconds on the...
Soapbox Sony's Made Four of the Five Best-Selling Home Consoles of All Time, And That's Insane
Sammy's staggered by PlayStation's statistics
There’s life left in the PlayStation 4, but it’s already outpaced the PSone’s eye-watering 102.49 million units install base and established itself as the second best-selling home console ever made. It’s got some work to do before it catches the PlayStation 2’s mind-blowing 155 million units,...
News PS5's Price Considering Market Penetration and Acceptability
Still consider saving
Sony’s not saying how much the PlayStation 5 will cost just yet, but it doesn’t sound like the system will carry an extortionate price tag. Speaking to investors as part of a financial briefing earlier today, the organisation explained that it’s focusing on market penetration and market acceptability with its next-gen...
Rumour PS4 Will Be Less Than $150 This Black Friday
How low can you go?
Sony’s shaping up to sell a lot of consoles this coming Black Friday 2019, as a leaked Walmart ad suggests that the system will be available for less than $150 this holiday. The savings apply to the standard 1TB Slim model, which doesn’t come with any software. Meanwhile, the PS4 Pro will purportedly be available at $299 –...
News PS5's Devkit Looks Like a Monster in Visualisation
Beast mode
We’re beginning to get a better idea of what the PlayStation 5’s devkit looks like, and these visualisations based on a leaked photograph give us the best view yet. Rendered by Dutch website Let’s Go Digital, the images are based upon
News First PS5 Devkit Photograph Finds Its Way Online
V for vendetta
Remember when the first sketches of the PlayStation 5 devkit popped up online and we weren’t sure whether they were real or a hoax? It’s since emerged that the heavily ventilated box with the cut-out ‘V’ shape is indeed the real deal, and you’ll find it in the office of dozens of developers around the world. Want more proof:...
News PS5's User Interface Sounds Much More Interactive with Live Information from Games
In-game info to be shown in PS5's menus
If you've been wondering whether PlayStation 5's menus and interface will differ much from the PS4, it sounds like there will be some significant changes. As part of Wired's latest report on the upcoming hardware, Mark Cerny explains that you'll get live updates from your games directly in the UI of the PS5...
News PS5 Will Have a 4K Blu-Ray Disc Drive
4K-ing great
As detailed in a new article from Wired, PlayStation 5, as it's now officially known, will feature support for 4K Blu-Ray discs. This is a step up from PS4 and PS4 Pro, and will allow playback of 4K content. The insightful article tells us that "physical games for the PS5 will use 100GB optical disks, inserted into an optical drive...
News Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Scores Two PS4 Hardware Bundles
The Price is right
Sony's been in bed with the Call of Duty franchise for a number of years now, and it seems unlikely that anything's going to change. While some may be upset by a timed exclusive mode, PlayStation 4 hardware bundles are a little more agreeable. Of course, the platform holder has seen fit to pack in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare with...
Guide What Specs Will PS5 Have?
All of PlayStation 5's technical specifications
What are the PS5's specs? Sony's PlayStation 5 is coming, and it's going to come packed with some pretty impressive technology. For most people, the technical specifications of the PS5 won't matter all that much -- at the end of the day, the important thing is that Sony's next generation console runs a...
News Start Saving! Nintendo PlayStation Prototype to Go on Sale
Going once, going twice
Do you think if we have a whip around we can afford this? Cedric Biscay – the founder of Magic Monaco and a key player in the production of Shenmue III – has revealed on social media that Terry Diebold intends to sell the only known Nintendo PlayStation prototype in existence. He happened upon the mythological machine...
News Limited Edition Death Stranding PS4 Bundle Revealed, Comes With a See-Through Yellow Controller
Dead good?
What do we think of this one then? Sony has revealed a limited edition PlayStation 4 console bundle for Death Stranding that comes with the game, a uniquely designed PS4 Pro, and a see-through, yellow tinted controller. We think it looks pretty darn stylish, but these things always seem to be divisive. The bundle launches on the same day...
News PS5 Will Be Less Power Hungry Than PS4, Says Sony
Suspending gameplay to use a fraction of the energy
The PlayStation 5 is going to be a fair amount greener than the PS4, according to Sony's Jim Ryan. In a recent PlayStation Blog post, which details how the company is combating climate change, Ryan speaks briefly about the next-gen machine, stating that at least one feature will be far more...
News New PlayStation VR Mega Pack Bundle Includes Five Top Games
Out in Europe next month
Looks like Sony will continue to push PlayStation VR this holiday, as it's just announced a new Mega Pack bundle for Europe. Including the headset, a PlayStation Camera, and download codes for five games, it's a great way to get someone started with virtual reality on PS4. So, which games are included? In the box, you'll...
News Japan Gets Not One, Not Two, But Three Super Stylish Persona 5 Royal PS4 Models
Take our hearts
Phwoar, Japan's getting some lovely looking Persona 5 Royal-themed consoles later this year. Available to pre-order now from the Sony Store in Japan, there's one PS4 Pro design and two regular PS4 designs. You can see the former above in all of its stylish glory. Below, you can find the two PS4 designs -- one in black, and one in...
News PS5's Devkit Looks Like an Alien Spaceship in 3D Mock Ups
That's not necessarily a bad thing, by the way
You may be forgiven for missing the news, but the PlayStation 5’s devkit casually leaked this week. Corroborated by a Codemasters employee, the blueprints show a ridiculously shaped system, decorated with a ventilated ‘V’ symbol on its hood. It’s unlikely that the final consumer product will...
Rumour PS5's Graphics Processor Is a Beast
Leaks say it's a monster
There's a rumour going around that the PlayStation 5's graphics processing unit is a bit of a monster. It all stems from Twitter user Komachi's findings, put into context by fellow Twitter user Is A Parrot. Basically, leaks suggest that the PS5's supposed GPU is currently being tested -- and it's powerful. We're not going...
Soapbox Why Sony's PS5 Strategy Will Pay Dividends
Sammy believes giant is right to target hardcore gamers
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: the PlayStation 5 is poised to "fail", and op-ed writers around the world are scrambling for the hottest take. One article published by financial site CCN – not to be confused with American news network CNN, to be clear – was bold enough to declare...
Soapbox Nintendo Switch Lite Signals the Need for a PS4 Super Slim
Sammy reckons it's time for one last revision
I don’t know if you realise this, but the PlayStation 4 still costs $299.99 officially. Sony has added value to the console by increasing its base hard drive size and also by bundling in software, but it’s more or less maintained the same MSRP for nearing three years now. That’s a testament to the...
News Sony: We're At the Beginning of the PS5 Unveil Process
There's much more to come
Sony may be pointing out the obvious, but it’s admitted that it’s at the very beginning of the PlayStation 5 unveiling process. The company has already revealed some of its next-gen system’s specifications, and even demonstrated some features – like the super-fast SSD hard-drive, which allows Marvel’s Spider-Man...
News Sony's Steel Black Limited Edition 1TB PS4 System Looks Slick
Available from 7th June
As was the case last year, Sony’s celebrating its annual Days of Play promotion with a limited edition 1TB PlayStation 4 console – this time in Steel Black. The gun metal grey device is not a PS4 Pro, but it comes with the iconic PlayStation symbols embossed neatly on its shell. You also get a matching DualShock 4 with...
News Sony Details Days of Play 2019, 11 Days of Deals on PS4 Hardware, Games, Accessories, and More
Sony's annual Days of Play celebration is kicking off next month, and so the company's saw fit to detail what we can expect. Beginning on the 7th June, rolling discounts will be applied to hardware, loads of games, and a bunch of official accessories. Oh, and there's that limited edition PlayStation 4 that was revealed during the most recent...
News The PS Vita Is Dead, Long Live Playdate
New handheld device announced out of the blue
Is the handheld console market dying? Well, the PS Vita might have struggled, but that hasn't stopped small publisher Panic from branching out into this space. The company has gone from creating mobile games to publishing console releases, such as Firewatch, and it's now jumping into the icy cold waters...
News Feelreal VR Mask Hopes to Enhance Virtual Reality with Smells, Air, and Moisture
Compatible with PlayStation VR
We don't really want to imagine what Skyrim VR smells like - it looks like it stinks, let's be honest - but what if you could get your nose involved in the virtual reality experience? Moreover, would feeling the wind in your face or mist from a waterfall deepen your immersion? These multisensory experiences are what...
News Here's a Glimpse at How PS4 Pro Compares to PS5
Loading time comparison video leaked
Sony has just held a meeting with investors, where it presented a look at the state of PlayStation across all kinds of metrics. From first party growth to an emphasis on streaming, the platform holder clearly has its plans in place for PS5. We've already heard a little bit about
News A Japanese Converter Will Let You Use Switch Controllers on Your PS4
And vice versa
Have you ever wished you could play God of War with Joy-Cons? No? Well, it's possible anyway, if you fancy. A Japanese company has created a small device that allows Nintendo Switch controllers to work with PlayStation 4. The 'Super Converter', which will only be purchasable from Japan, plugs into your PS4 via USB and can convert the...
Deal You Can Get PlayStation Classic Mini Console for Just £30 in UK
A classic bargain
Remember the PlayStation Classic? We rather liked it, to be honest, but enthusiasm for the miniature retro machine quickly dwindled thanks to a divisive selection of software and some ropey emulation. Consequently, the plug and play console's price has been gradually on the decline for months, and this latest UK deal from Argos...
News Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled PS4 Bundles Drift Into View for Europe and Australia
Options vary by country
In a move that makes complete and utter sense, Sony will be packing in copies of Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled with PlayStation 4 consoles when it boosts across the finish line on 21st June. The catch? It seems the various bundles are restricted to certain countries, and North America currently isn't getting a look in at...
News PS5 Specs Expand to Ray Tracing, Bringing Hollywood Effects to the Home
New territory for consoles
We’ve published a lot of information on the PlayStation 5 today, but you may be wondering about the console’s hardware specifications. Well, according to a new Wired article, the system’s built upon an AMD chip as expected. “The CPU is based on the third generation of AMD’s Ryzen line and contains eight cores of...
News PSVR's Install Base Soars Past 4.2 Million Units Worldwide
VRy good
PlayStation VR enjoyed a humongous showing during yesterday’s State of Play livestream, and Sony has since announced that the headset has now sold through more than 4.2 million units worldwide. This is up on the three million units that the peripheral had moved back in August, suggesting that the device proved popular over the...
News PS Vita Island Closed as Sony Officially Lays Handheld to Rest
Push square to pay your respects
The PlayStation Vita is officially dead. Sony held the handheld’s funeral today in front of a small audience of straggling mourners, as it added a nondescript update to its Japanese website pronouncing that production of the platform has now ceased. We’d like to take this opportunity to hold a moment of silence...
News This Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Limited Edition PS4 Pro Console Will Be Difficult to Obtain
But just look at it
A good custom console is always a treat, and we've had some cracking special edition PS4 and PS4 Pro bundles sporting all sorts of cool colours and designs. It looks as though the latest game to get a limited edition custom console is From Software's Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, although it's a bit unusual. Well, the machine...
News Pour One Out for the PS Vita! Production to End in Japan Soon
The end is nigh
Sony already announced last year that it will end production of physical PlayStation Vita cartridges by 31st March, and now it looks like it’s done building the hardware – even in its native Japan, where the device has lived a slightly longer life than the rest of the world. On the official Japanese PlayStation website, it...
News PS4 Was the World's Best-Selling Console in 2018
Sony edges out Switch in fifth year
Contrary to common opinion, the PlayStation 4 was once again the world’s best-selling console in 2018 – despite it celebrating its fifth anniversary in November. Sony shipped 8.1 million consoles globally during the three month period ending 31st December, bringing its overall total for the calendar year up to...
News The PlayStation Classic Is Free with This UK iPhone XR Deal
After a new mobile?
Mobile contracts have bolted on extra goodies for years now, enticing customers with some modern tech to go with their flashy new smartphone. If you're after one of Apple's latest devices, the iPhone XR, there's a UK deal that might be of interest. Plumping for this particular offer will net you a PlayStation Classic for free...
News Gran Turismo Sport Shown at 8K on New Sony TV at CES 2019
4K is so 2018
Television manufacturers often play a demo reel on their brand new displays in order to best show off their products to the public. You know the ones -- there's usually footage of glitzy cityscapes, swimming polar bears, and fields of flowers, all of it beautifully crisp to entice shoppers. Well, Sony has been using Gran Turismo Sport...
News PS4 Edging Closer to 100 Million Units After Strong Holiday Season Sales
91.6 million units sold globally
Back in November, Sony boasted that its successful current gen console had sold over 86 million units. We know that 2018 was an incredible commercial year for PS4; somehow, the five-year-old machine has seen an increase in sales year-on-year. It's been looking rosy for the platform holder the last few months, in...
News PS4 Sales Up Year-Over-Year as Sony Tops UK Hardware Charts
Commands over 40 per cent of physical game sales, too
PlayStation 4 hardware sales increased year-over-year in 2018 in the UK – despite the console celebrating its fifth birthday in November. Sony’s system was once again the region’s best-seller, despite stronger competition from the Nintendo Switch this time. A whopping 42.2 per cent of...
News Kingdom Hearts III PS4 Pro Bundle Announced
Limited edition console is a looker
Sony has unveiled a limited edition Kingdom Hearts III PS4 Pro console, and it's a good one. As you can see from the images, the console has a subtle yet intricate design that features lots of Kingdom Hearts iconography. Even if you're not a fan of the series, it's hard to hate this. As always, the bundle...
News PSVR Bundles Heavily Discounted in USA Over Critical Christmas Period
The time is now
Sony’s reducing the price of PlayStation VR over the critical Christmas period in the United States, with hardware bundles available as low as $199.99 from 16th December through 26th December. The cheapest option includes a headset, PlayStation Camera, and copies of the excellent platformers Astro Bot Rescue Mission and Moss –...
News PS4 Pro Has Been a Good Example of Necessary Evolution, Says Sony
Sony reckons hardware revision has been a hit
There was scepticism prior to the release of the PlayStation 4 Pro, but the mid-gen hardware revision – along with the Xbox One X – has ended up being a success. Sony’s supercharged console hasn’t held back the base model in any way – it’s merely allowed those seeking greater performance to...
News European PSVR Mega Pack Bundle Offers Sony's Headset with Five Top Games
Everything in one box
Sony seems to be really getting behind PlayStation VR ahead of the holiday season. Not only was it aggressively discounted during Black Friday, the platform holder has been introducing brand new bundle packs for the device. Earlier in the week, we saw the new PSVR bundle with