Tag: Pc - Page 13
News Move Creator Keen to Open Controller Up to PC Coders
On your Marks
We reported recently that we could see an update to allow PlayStation Move to work on PC, and it seems the driving force behind such an update could be none other than Dr Richard Marks, the controller's creator. Speaking to Ars Technica, Dr Marks mentioned his desire to open the controller to a wider range of creative folks: For a...
News Move Can be a Bridge Between PC Gamers and DualShock Lovers
Controller is mouse and keyboard-friendly
We already know that DualShock players best Move users when it comes to Killzone 3, mostly due to the unfamiliarity of the Move technology compared to the well-worn DualShock controllers we've all been using for the best part of fifteen years. One part of the gaming population may find the adjustment easier...