Tag: Yakuza 3
News Earth-Shattering News: There's Another Yakuza Game In The Works (Honestly!)
We love the Yakuza franchise
Love it. It's consistently brilliant. But with a PSP Yakuza title in the works, we had hoped SEGA would take a break from their annual release schedule and take a bit longer with the next home-console entry in the franchise. They're not — there's a new Yakuza game in development right now for the PlayStation 3. Talk...
News SEGA: Yakuza 3 Sales In The West "Positive"
SEGA's made a comment on Yakuza 3's sales, which launched earlier in the year exclusively on Playstation 3
The game's overt Japanese nature made it a tough-sell for many consumers, and many were worried about how the game would be received. But SEGA's come out to say, "hey, it was all good", providing the following statement on the SoA...
News SEGA Announce Yakuza 5 In Japan... Brapppp!
We only just got Yakuza 3 in the West last week
Japan gets Yakuza 4 this month. And guess what? SEGA's just announced Yakuza 5. SEGA announced the game at a press event in Tokyo last night. The trailer SEGA showed starts with a shot of Yakuza's Kamurocho night-spot, followed by the words, "A young guy appeared in Kamurocho. The young guy knew...
Feature Justified: Why You Need Yakuza 3 In Your PS3 Collection
We've been playing Yakuza 3 this weekend and have fallen in love
We're in head-over-heels admiration for Sony's risky Japanophile experiment. But why's it so good? Well ahead of our review (check back mid-week for that), we wanted to justify the reasons why you should rush out to your local game store and pick up this under-rated gem right now...
News PushSquare's Playstation Picks: 8th-14th March 2010
It's a really crazy month here in the PushSquare office
Game-a-geddon is in full swing and no sooner are we done with one game, than we have to move on and get to work on another. Still, at least you're not going to be bored this month, as not only is there lots to talk about, there's lots to play. So let's get started with what's releasing this...
News Continue Your Yakuza 3 Preperation With A Yakuza 4 Demo On The Japanese Playstation Store
Hey folks, how are you finding the wait for Yakuza 3? Yeah, it's been a long year hasn't it? Still, at least we have a firm March release date to look forward to an announcement of a demo for, erm, Yakuza 4
Yep, Yakuza 4 is on the horizon for Japan, so if you have a Playstation Store account for the region you'll be able to check out the next...
News Yakuza 3: Now With Less Hostess Clubs
Sadly, SEGA's confirmed to IGN that the Western release of Yakuza 3 will have less content than the Japanese version
Apparently, due to time constraints and cultural differences, the hostess clubs have been removed from the experience. Hostess clubs are somewhat a Japanese tradition, in which males essentially pay for female company. Sure it sounds...
First Impressions Yakuza 3 on Playstation 3
It took about, ooh, five minutes
We were excited. We've wanted to play Yakuza 3 for a long, long time and finally we got to go hands-on. It took about five minutes and then it dawned on us. "Dude, we're playing Yakuza 3." SEGA's hesitation to release Yakuza 3 in the West rings loud in much of the game's design. This is Japanese, and it...
News Celebrate The Impending Release Of Yakuza 3 With, Erm, Yakuza 4
We may well be waiting for Yakuza 3 here in the West, but for the folk in Japan, that game is old news
Y'see, the Japanese are hotly anticipating the release of Yakuza 4. And as you would imagine, the latest trailer for that game is sick as hell. We've embedded it above for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.
News American Playstation Store Updates: 18th February 2010
Special Offers Marvel Vs
Capcom 2</em> ($7.49) Call of Juarez: Bound In Blood - Old West Map Pack ($5.99) Shaun White Snowboarding - The Glamour Pack ($2.49) Tom Clancy's End War - Faction Elite Pack ($1.99) Brothers in Arms D-Day ($7.49) Price of Persia Revelations ($4.99) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ($9.99)</ul>PSone Classics...
News Latest Yakuza 3 Trailer Screams Win From Every Frame Of Animation
If you want to watch crazy awesome Japanese dudes fighting, staring and generally kicking ass, then this latest trailer for Yakuza 3 is going to seriously float your boat
Ignore all the low budget production that appears to be going into these trailers and preorder the game now, because it's going to rule. Go on. We'll wait.
News European Playstation Store Updates: 18th February 2010
Special Offers Until March 4: Marvel vs
Capcom 2 (was £11.99/14.99 now £5.49/6.99) Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD (was £11.99/14.99 now £5.49/6.99) Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood Old West Map Pack (was £7.99/9.99 now £3.99/4.99) Tom Clancy's End War Faction Elite Pack (was £3.19/3.99 now ...
News Amazing News: Yakuza 3 Demo On The European Playstation Store Today
Dance. Sing. Whatever. SEGA's announced that a demo for the upcoming Yakuza 3 will hit the Playstation Store today. As you can imagine, this is properly amazing news. Yakuza 3 joins another SEGA title, Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing aswell as DLC for Assassin's Creed II and Resident Evil 5. Expensive day on the Playstation Store then. Get...
News Hey Look, It's Toshihiro Nagoshi Talking About Yakuza 3
Are you excited about Yakuza 3? Of course you are, it's going to be properly amazing
And what better way to slip into the mood, than listen to franchise creator Toshihiro Nagoshi wax lyrical in the first of a series of Yakuza 3 developer diaries. The game's due early next month. We're stoked.
News SEGA: It's Too Late To Change The Yakuza 3 Boxart
Fact: Yakuza 3's Western boxart is terrible
You know that, we know that, even SEGA know for goodness sake. Which has actually pushed SEGA's assistant community manager Aaron Webber to make comment on the Playstation Blog, in which he explains it's sadly too late to change the art. Apparently, SEGA will remember next time. Pssht... Hopefully there is...
News European Edition Of Yakuza 3 Gets Some Extra Goodies
If you're planning on buying Yakuza 3 here in the Europe, know that SEGA are going to drop you some free goodies
Included in the standard European edition is a soundtrack CD, four DLC packs and an interactive CD for the PC, detailing the series thus far. You'll get all that for £40 or so. Make sure you order the game now.
News Yakuza 3 Gameplay Trailer Screams Shenmue, Features Mason Vs. Princess Superstar
Aside from the fitting choice of Mason Vs
Princess Superstar as its soundtrack, this Yakuza 3 gameplay trailer rocks because it's all like, "Yo, this could easily be a Shenmue game." Apart from all the blood and brutality. 'Cos Ryo was a bit of a lover, really. Beneath all the revenge and beatings. Anyway, you should absolutely order this...
News Preorder Yakuza 3 To Get "Challenge Pack" In The US
If you're American and order Yakuza 3 from GameStop you'll get a free and exclusive "Challenge Pack"
The pack contains mini-games including pool, darts and bowling. It'll also contain four new outfits. GameStop reckon the game's out March 9th.
News Hey British People, Yakuza 3's Coming March 12th
SEGA has today confirmed that, yo, that Japanese gangster game you've been waiting for (Yakuza 3, obviously) is due to hit British consoles on March 12th
The game is a Playstation 3 exclusive. We can't wait.
Feature The Most Notable: Overlooked Playstation 3 Games Of Early 2010
Whenever somebody says, "hey, there's a lot of great content coming to the Playstation 3 this year," the titles on many player's lips are Heavy Rain, MAG, Gran Turismo 5 and God Of War III
But there's also a lot of content due on PS3 this year that's been swept under the carpet a little; ignored by the masses. We're here to take a look at some of...
News More Terrible US Boxart Emerges, This Time Yakuza 3
What's with American boxart being so rubbish? First Heavy Rain, now Yakuza 3
The super stylish Japanese boxart has been replaced by a red background and an uber close-up of the protagonist's face. Rubbish. To be fair, the art has only shown up on GameFly so may just be a placeholder. We hope so. Here's the Japanese box.
News New Yakuza 3 Screens Are Rad, Include Helicopters
Joystiq's got a host of new Yakuza 3 images for you to peruse
Despite technically being a year old now, the game still looks nice and shiny, and will easily impress when it gets its long awaited Western release here in March. Get your preorders in folks. Especially if you want SEGA to release Yakuza 4 over here too.
News SEGA: Yakuza 3 Will Have Japanese Voice Actors Only
It seems SEGA Of America's Constantine Hantzopoulos' comments on the 4 Guys 1 Up podcast have been taken out of context, as SEGA's just confirmed to us that the Western release of Yakuza 3 will feature only the original Japanese voice actors with English sub-titles, as previously believed. Reports had earlier indicated that the game might...
WTF Yakuza 3 Will Feature English Language Voice Overs After All
An interview on the latest 4 Guys 1 Up podcast has hinted at an English language track being added to Yakuza 3
The original announcement suggested there would be full English sub-titles to the already stellar Japanese voice-cast, but Sega of America's studio director Constantine Hantzopoulos hinted differently in the podcast interview.The bulk of...
News Sony Confirm Q1 Triple Header: MAG, Heavy Rain & God Of War III
This is more of a reminder to save any Christmas money you get this year; as Sony's exclusive line-up in Q1 is particularly strong
The company has confirmed that MAG will launch in January (29th), followed by Heavy Rain in February and God Of War III in March. It's also worth noting on the exclusives front, that White Knight Chronicles will also see...
News Yakuza 3 Announcement Trailer Is All Kinds Of Rad In 44 Seconds
The champers is still flowing from the Western Yakuza 3 announcement mere moments ago, but now we've popped open another cork
SEGA only really needed to show us some cut-scenes glued together alongside ridiculous orchestral music to get us stupidly excited — so that's exactly what they've done. The trailer includes a dude getting stabbed in the...
News SEGA Confirm Yakuza 3 For Western Release, PushSquare Champers Flows
We don't really need to type much here: Yakuza 3 is coming to the West
Confirmed. In March 2010, SEGA will publish Yakuza 3 exclusively for the Playstation 3 in Europe and America.Yakuza 3 was one of the most requested titles for localisation by our European SEGA community," said SOE's Gary Knight, "So we are delighted to be able to...
News Amazon Germany List Yakuza 3 For Retail, SEGA Say Nothing
A mysterious Amazon listing for SEGA's Yakuza 3 seems to hint at a Western release for the popular Japanese Playstation 3 title at last
The listing on Amazon Germany, uncovered by TSA, lists a retail price of 62.99 with a March 2010 release. VG247 got in touch with SEGA and were told, No comment from me, Im afraid." Please let it happen...
Rumour Yakuza 3? Dude It's Already Being Localised As We Speak...
The Yakuza 3 saga continues
At first we weren't getting it. Then it became a possibility. Now 1Up.com are hinting that the game's Western release is definite. They claim the game is already being localised for "the US and European markets". Please make it happen. Please make it happen. Just stick subtitles at the bottom, we don't care...
News Blimey Oh Riley, Yakuza 3 Is Not Doomed In The West
Remember when it seemed like Yakuza 3 was never going to come out in the West
Well, there's still a chance it might. SEGA man Aaron Webbers posted on the US PS Blog claiming:"Yakuza 3 is not cancelled and the possibility for localizing it does, in fact, still exist. "The original news story that went around about Yakuza 3 being...
News Yakuza 3 Unlikely To Make It Over To The West
We already know that SEGA are working on Yakuza 4: Heir To The Legend
Personally we're still waiting for Yakuza 3 to get a Western release though. Which is looking increasingly unlikely. SEGA Europe have told VG247 that they have no plans to localise the game. This mimics the thoughts of a SEGA Of America employee who cited low sales for Yakuza 2 as...
News Yakuza 4: Heir To The Legend Detailed By SEGA, Playstation 3 Exclusive
Yakuza 3 only just came out and SEGA are already hard at work on a follow-up to the popular franchise
Yakuza 4: Heir To The Legend will follow similar design choices to the other games in the franchise, once again enlisting on famous actors and actresses to fill the game's cast. The game is listed is a Playstation 3 exclusive. Hopefully we can get a...
News These Girls Are Auditioning For A Part In The New Yakuza Game
SEGA have been auditioning nice young ladies to feature in an upcoming sequel to the Yakuza franchise
Between May 8 and June 19, there were over 1,500 applicants. Groups of 2-3 were interviewed by the game's creators. They were asked to read lines and questioned things such as whether they liked karaoke. Apparently all this is an essential part of...
News SEGA Seek Out Real-Life Host Club Stories For Use In A New Yakuza Game
Host clubs are common part of the Japanese and East Asian night-life
Visiting such a club entitles you to paid conversation with attentive ladies. It seems rather ludicrous but it's popular in the East. Alas it's something SEGA want to incorporate into a coming Yakuza sequel. They're asking for real-life stories and one winner will have their story...
News SEGA Already Have Another Yakuza Game In The Works
We haven't played Yakuza 3 yet because it's looking unlikely SEGA will ever slap subtitles on it and release it in the West
The game however has managed to be a huge success without Western sales mind. Over a half a million people in Japan own the game making it a rip-roaring success. Enough for another entry in the series, which Toshihiro Nagoshi...
News Sony Dominates The Japanese Software Sales Charts Yet Again
Playstation 3 has been kicking some ass in Japan lately
Literally. With the Wii floundering of late and the 360's lack of presence, the charts have been open to Sony domination for a few weeks now. This week is no different, with six Sony titles in the Japanese top ten. Resident Evil 5 slipped to second place after an amazing launch. It fell to the...
News Sony Dominate 49.9% Of The Japanese Hardware Market Last Week
The release of Yakuza 3 should put an end to Sony doom-slaying
The PS3 continues to sell very well despite the economy and its high price tag. SEGA's Yakuza 3 is the latest game to prove that Sony's console can shift units, with 372,000 copies sold in its first week. Naturally this had an effect on the Playstation 3's overall sales, where it...
News Yakuza 3 Has The Second-Best PS3 Launch, Ever
The numbers are in
It's official. Yakuza 3 didn't sell 300,000 copies but actually more — 372,000 to be precise. That puts the game right behind Metal Gear Solid 4 as the PS3's biggest Japanese seller. This also pushed PS3 system sales up to 35,000 — early reports are indicating that's 23,000 more systems sold than Wii. Those "PS3 is...
News Yakuza 3 Sells Big In Japan
We reported last week that Yakuza 3 had sold 232k copies on its first day
But it seems that number has risen a little with lead designer Toshihiro Nagoshi claiming the game has sold 300,000. Either way, it's a bumper first few days for the SEGA exclusive and really improves the chances of a localised version making it to the West. We'll keep our...
News Yakuza 3 Sells 232k On Its First Day In Japan
SEGA's hotly anticipated Yakuza 3 has sold 232k on its first day
The game topped Japanese charts ahead of 360 rivals Halo Wars and Way Of The Samurai 3. With the 360 outselling the PS3's hardware totals in Japan last week, it will be interesting to see what effect Yakuza 3 has on the nation.
News Yakuza 3 Is Getting Post Release DLC
SEGA are planning 8-weeks of post release DLC for upcoming release Yakuza 3
The DLC, which will all be free, will include new missions and items. Supposedly the game will also update itself when you boot up the game, so no need for trips to the Playstation Store or anything. We love the pushes for free content Criterion have made, so the fact SEGA...
News Yakuza 3 Gets A Demo In Japan
Yakuza 3 may not be coming out in the West but that doesn't mean we aren't itching to try it
Following an impressive 38/40 score from Japanese gaming bible Famitsu, SEGA have announced a demo for the hotly anticipated title will be available on the Japanese PSN from tomorrow, February 19th. You can use Kotaku's guide if you wish to create a Japanese...
News Sony Begin To Power In Japan -- Occupy The Top Four Of The Charts (No Nintendo)
Many believe Sony's Playstation 3 will temporarily overtake Nintendo Wii sales for at least a week in the coming month or so
With Street Fighter IV, Yakuza 3 and Resident Evil 5 all poised to release and White Knight Chronicles and Demon Souls already out it's certainly a strong Q1 lineup. So it's rewarding to see Sony dominate the Top 4 of the...
News Yakuza 3 Has A Somewhat Enormous Mandatory Install
We all want Yakuza 3
There may be one or two of us willing to import if we can find a good translation guide. If you are one of those people make sure you have some space on your PS3's HDD because, well, Yakuza 3 is going to have a mandatory 5gb install. Don't pretend we didn't warn you.
News Why SEGA's "No Plans For Western Yakuza 3" Hurts So, So Much
We were pretty stoked for Yakuza 3 until SEGA came out and destroyed our dreams
If that wasn't bad enough videogaming247 have just rubbed salt into the wounds with an impressive compilation of screens. Check them out after the jump. More games should incorporate karaoke in our opinion.
News "No Plans For Yakuza 3 In Western Territories," says Mr. SEGA-san
SEGA have confirmed that they have no plans to release Yakuza 3 in the Western world
The game, which is set for release next month in Japan, takes place in the fictional town of Kamuro-cho in which players control lead protagonist Kazuma Kiryu. We had our fingers crossed for a European release of this one but things are certainly looking bleak.