Tag: YouTube

  • Random This YouTube Account Has Gone Viral for Unsealing Old PlayStation Games


    OpenGame, a new YouTube account which is blowing up at the moment, owes a lot of its success to the TheRelaxingEnd. The formula is very similar: a pair of gloved hands unseals old games with a fancy knife, but the account’s focus on entire franchises appears to be pleasing Google’s algorithm. Take, for example, this video on every...

  • News YouTube App on PS5 Now Supports HDR with Latest Update

    Click the like button

    If you make any use of PlayStation 5's YouTube application, you might have noticed that, earlier this week, it received a patch. We didn't think much of it, especially as PS5 still doesn't let you see patch notes on the system. However, the small update added something pretty nice: HDR support. Yes, after installing the latest...

  • News The Winners from Sony's Latest State of Play

    Death Stranding! F.I.S.T.! Sifu!

    It’s always interesting to observe which games attract the most attention in the aftermath of a State of Play or press conference. While the data certainly isn’t fool proof – different channels upload the same clips and engagement alters based on YouTube’s mysterious algorithm – we figured we’d compile...

  • Guide What Is YouTube Error NP-37602-8 on PS4 and How Can You Fix It?

    Why are you signed out of YouTube on PS4?

    What is error number NP-37602-8 on PS4's YouTube app? How come you're getting an error message on YouTube on PS4? Many PlayStation 4 users are reporting a strange error when trying to use the YouTube application. First it tells you you're signed out of YouTube, and when you try to sign in, you'll get an...

  • News YouTube TV Is Now Available on PS4 in the US

    What is YouTube TV?

    Every company on the planet is getting into the streaming game, and here comes Google with YouTube TV. The service, which launched back in 2017 in select areas of North America, is an alternative to traditional cable or satellite television. With YouTube TV, you're able to stream live TV from a wide variety of channels. The good...

  • Site News We're Looking for a Vibrant Video Producer to Lead Push Square to YouTube Glory

    Hey everyone! It's [Your Name] from Push Square

    We love writing about PlayStation here at Push Square, but apparently the younger generation aren’t quite as fond of the written word. We’ve been meddling with YouTube for several years now, and we’ve published some cracking content in that time. However, with the PlayStation 5 around the corner,...

  • News Red Dead Redemption 2 Clips Featuring Assaulted Suffragette Prompt YouTube Controversy

    Channel deleted, then restored

    Like so many of Rockstar’s games, Red Dead Redemption 2 trades heavily on its freedom. As you’d expect, you can go anywhere in the world and do pretty much anything you want, from hunting animals to hogtieing civilians and robbing trains. Of course, not everyone is going to use that freedom in the most positive...

  • News Stream Classic Sony Soundtracks on PlayStation Music's YouTube Channel

    We're assuming it's official

    Is this an official channel? Right now, that’s the big question mark looming over this new PlayStation Music YouTube channel, because if it isn’t then it’s about to get stung by a series of copyright strikes and shut down. But if it is, then it has the potential to blossom into something very exciting indeed:...

  • E3 2017 Which Games Won the Battle for YouTube Views?

    A new metric enters the fray

    YouTube’s released some data regarding E3 2017, detailing which titles generated the most buzz on the website. This accounts for official uploads, gameplay, fan reactions, and more, so can be considered a reasonable gauge of which titles proved the most popular. However, it only tracks between 9th June and 14th June,...

  • News PewDiePie Launches Twitch Show as YouTube Burns


    In case you haven't been keeping up, YouTube is in a rough spot. The uber-popular video delivery platform has come underfire of late due to the discovery of adverts being served on some racist videos, which has had the knock-on effect of brands pulling support from the platform. Many high-profile content creators have revealed a sudden,...

  • News Pewdiepie Gets Pulled by Disney After Controversial Stunt

    Offensive gag backfires badly

    We almost didn't run this, but Pewdiepie is perhaps the biggest name in gaming culture, and so it probably deserves a quick post. In case you haven't seen the news, the Swedish YouTuber has been dropped by Disney-owned network Maker Studios after a failed gag which included anti-Semitic undertones. As the biggest...

  • News PS4's YouTube App Scores 360 Degree Video Support with PlayStation VR

    Extra immersion

    In the UK, we have an expression called "sod's law", which basically means that when you say something, the opposite is almost certain to occur. So as we uploaded a video complaining about Sony's treatment of PlayStation VR today, it was pretty inevitable that the platform holder would make some sort of meaningful announcement...

  • Live Watch YouTube Live at E3 2016 with Geoff Keighley Right Here

    Gameplay demos! Dev interviews! More!

    Geoff Keighley's in the house. The industrious gaming journo is hosting this year's YouTube Live at E3 2016 coverage, which promises to include conferences, developer interviews, and gameplay footage. We're hosting the live video embed here for those who want to check it out.

  • Live Watch YouTube Live at E3 2015 Right Here

    Keighley's coming at you hard

    Did you enjoy our coverage from Bethesda's big E3 2015 press conference last night? Awesome, because we're about to do it three more times today, as we cover EA, Ubisoft, and Sony's media briefings live. Of course, if you're looking for a little something to do in the interim, may we recommend YouTube's live stream...

  • E3 2015 YouTube Gaming Makes Twitch, Er, Twitch

    Google reveals new streaming initiative

    Twitch may be trying to laugh off YouTube Gaming's big announcement today, but there will be a lot of businessmen with furrowed brows right now. The video sharing giant has revealed its streaming initiative on the eve of E3 2015, touting a summer release date in the US and UK. Essentially, it will allow you to...

  • Guide How to Upload PS4 Share Clips to YouTube

    Broadcast yourself

    The social features of the PlayStation 4 have been screaming out for YouTube compatibility for some time now, and PS4 firmware update v2.00 has finally made it a reality. Now you’ll no longer need to take advantage of workarounds in order to upload your share clips directly to Google’s ginormous video streaming site –...

  • Guide How to Access the PS4's YouTube Application

    The cats are calling

    Even we thought it was strange when the PlayStation 4 launched without a native YouTube application – but we suppose that this is the same company that just deployed PlayStation TV without Netflix. Fortunately, the format holder has realised the error of its ways, and dropped Google’s video streaming service onto its system...

  • Feature Watch and Yearn - Are YouTube and Twitch Influencing Game Design?

    Tune in

    “A 20 minute video changed my life,” said Mike Bithell in an interview with GamesTM. “That's the reality.” And he's right. Thomas Was Alone is a minimalistic, esoteric little gem which seemed likely to come and go without turning many heads. And without videos like the one posted by TotalBiscuit, which now has over 300,000 v

  • E3 2014 Broadcast Yourself Better with YouTube on PS4

    Become an online celebrity

    While the PlayStation 4’s excellent share features have been very well received in the gaming sphere, many have been begging for a direct YouTube upload option for a while now. Sony mitigated this issue slightly by allowing video clips to be copied to USB sticks in the system's mos

  • News You'll Be Able to Share Your Sinister Side with the World in Deception IV

    Broadcast your brutality

    The real appeal of gaming is that it offers unmatchable escapism, allowing you to perform feats that you may not otherwise get to experience in the real world. These may range from lifting the FA Cup in FIFA 14 to helming a pirate’s ship in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag – or, in the case of upcoming PlayStation 3 and...

  • Guide How to Share PS4 Video Clips on YouTube

    Broadcast yourself

    There’s no doubt that the PlayStation 4’s share button has significantly changed the manner in which we communicate our gaming experiences with friends and family, but the console’s inability to upload gameplay clips to sites such as YouTube is a bit of an oversight. Fortunately, there is a workaround if you’re willing to...

  • News Reports Suggest PS4 Won't Be Able To Share Video To YouTube

    But Sony's Yoshida says the company is "considering every possibility"

    The PS4's Share button is being promoted as one of the console's biggest selling points, allowing you to share footage of your best gaming moments with friends via a wide variety of services. One of those services was expected to be YouTube, but recent reports suggest that Sony...

  • News Now You Can Share Your Best Yoostar Moments on YouTube

    Upload away

    Yoostar 2 built its whole world around a social experience but one vital piece of the puzzle was missing: access to the world's biggest video-sharing community, YouTube. Not any more though, as the publisher has just announced an update bringing YouTube support to the movie karaoke game. Now you can upload your performances to the web...