Comments 2

Re: Review: Street Fighter X Tekken (PlayStation 3)


i am a technical fighter player. i prefer deep fighters like the perfect Virtua Fighter, soul cal 4, dead or alive 4 and the new MK. personally i dont like street fighter. i think it gets away with good reviews not based on evolving, but staying the same. its a nostagia factor. i tried ss4, but realized the move list is still the same from 15 years ago. you can have tons of fighters, but yeah they only have 4 moves each. jump kick, low kick, fireball thats seriously ALL you do. to scale tekken "Down" to fit with street fighter is really saying, hey ss4 isnt deep, so scale down your game so beginners can play it. thats not a good thing. fighters are supposed to be deep and mentally stimulating. thats the whole point. as james says, it supposed to challenge you or theres no reward or sense of accomplishment. ill wait for doa5 and vf5 final showdown. games are supposed to evolve, not scale back. i would have given the review lower score based on there being no defensive game or depth