Comments 583

Re: Poll: Are You Sick of Soulslike Games?


I like the genre, have been playing since Demon's Souls released exclusively in Asia, though would prefer less volume but better quality Soulslikes.

Over the years I grew to enjoy the fast skill based games over Soulslikes. Your Niohs, Bayonettas, DMCs, Ninja Gaidens. Even Vanquish which is a shooter but follows a similar style.

FromSoft make fantastic games though. Not DS2, that was the b team.

Re: Stellar Blade DLC Given the Green Light, New Evidence Suggests


Did the platinum trophy, had fun, and honestly have no desire to go back for dlc. A sequel would be cool since Eve turned out to be an interesting character. I think they should tone down on the fan service ecchi stuff and let her character shine more.

Wouldn't call this GOTY. I enjoyed RotR, SMT V, Infinite Wealth, Dragon's Dogma more. With more games to come from September on, I think this game just about cracks into the top 10 for 2024.

Re: Across Its Vaunted IP, Capcom Fans Crave Dino Crisis Above All Else


It was most wanted remake, high up in favourite series/game (2nd in one poll), Regina was in the top 10 best characters multiple times. Remake/sequels to existing IPs was the most wanted direction. The fact this beat DMC in any poll is a hell of a statement.

We are so getting a remake. Also Breath of Fire 3 feature in the top 10 a lot too. My second most wanted after Dino Crisis.