Comments 555

Re: Rumour: PlayStation Is Working on Reviving Some of Its 'Deep Cut' Franchises


Considering they built the entire brand in the early days on the sheer cool of WipEout, it's crimal how neglected it is.

Just give us some games that aren't third person action adventures. I love, love, love a lot of their games - TLoU, Horizon, GoT, Returnal, and yes, they are all different, but the diversity in their line up is long gone, and frankly I'm getting bored of the brand.

Re: Game of the Year: Best PS5 RPG of 2024


Genuine question - is Infinite Wealth as utterly disrespectful of the player's time as other Yakuza games? The first few hours of LaD were so slow I thought it was trolling. Also played Zero, 5, 6, and they all took an age to get going.

There's a lot to love about the series, but so far my experiences says the pacing isn't part of that.

Re: Game of the Year: #7 - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


I'm cool with this. Not my favourite game of the year, but a jolly good time nevertheless.

The wheels came off it in the last 20% or so. There was definitely a bit of fat that could've been trimmed off its bones. Ditto with the mini games. I also found navigation in Cosmo Canyon (and one of the other areas; I haven't played this game since a month after release so can't remember) a chore. And let's not forget the visual soup that is performance mode.

Still though, love the combat, love Queen's Blood, and the soundtrack is the best of the year.

Re: Game of the Year: #8 - Dragon's Dogma 2


Enjoyed about 30 hours of it, but had to drop it due to the shocking performance. Navigation did become a bit of a chore after a while. I like wandering off and exploring, but having to walk the exact same roads and fight the exact same small handful of enemy types got repetitive a million times over loses its charm eventually.

Re: Game of the Year: #9 - Helldivers 2


@Northern_munkey Definitely not taking the wee-wee. My two standards for any kind of shooters are Titanfall 2 and Vanquish, so I guess everything else feels janky in comparison.

Glad to hear you found such comfort in it and the people you got playing with in it.
That's why I was careful to say that some of the randos you can be teamed with are toxic, not the playerbase in general. But sure enough when stuff hits the fan, instead of laughs you'd get a sweat raging on the mic. Even had one guy chase me down and repeatedly kill me because he walked under my respawn pod. Ugh.

Had a similar experience myself in terms of life low point and I used to have a bit of relief playing TLoU Factions (on PS3!), and yeah, cannot thank those heads enough and the bit of relief playing a few matches online brought.

Hope life is being kinder to you of late.

Re: SEGA Is Pondering a PS Plus-Esque Subscription of Its Own


They all want a piece of the pie, yet miss the fact that PS Plus numbers are only what they are due to the need for online play, and (with the higher tiers) the gargantuan selection of games. Sega can't offer either of those things.

As it is, you'll probably get people subbing for a month or two to play the Sega game they want, and then tapping out. Which in turn loses them a boatload of cash from sales.

Watching the industry slowly eat itself sure is a wild ride.

Re: Splash Water on Your Favourite Waifus in the New Dead or Alive Game for PS5, PS4


@LavenderShroud There's a marked difference between commenting on a game that isn't for you and making valid comments and engaging in discourse about exploitative garbage like this. Plenty of people in the thread agree with me, BTW.

But if you don't like my comments and they're "clearly not for you", you are more than welcome to follow your own advice "just let them go" and stop telling me what to do ☺️

Re: Industry Analyst Argues Either Sony or Microsoft Will Need to Exit the Console Market



That's because editorial standards nowadays range from lazy to amateurish. Capitalising every word besides the connecting words such as to, if, of etc. is how it has been done for hundreds of years. I'm curious as to why you were not taught this at school, unless educational standards have also dropped that far.

Ironic, because there's different styles that follow different rules and there's no one true correct way to do it.

I'm curious as to why you weren't thought this in school...

Re: Splash Water on Your Favourite Waifus in the New Dead or Alive Game for PS5, PS4


@GreatAuk Some people still stigmatize games in a way that films and music haven't been for decades. Film and music are mainstream to the point that people have consumed them without even trying. Almost everyone will have a favourite film/actor song/musician. Not so with games.

Like I once worked with an older woman who thought all videogames were murder simulators because she saw Mortal Kombat and all people who play them must be psychopaths. That's where my take comes from.

Re: Hands On: Final Fantasy 16's Clive Is Ridiculously Well Realised in Tekken 8


@Korgon Okay dude that is indeed a very good point and I did misunderstand what you originally said.

And mentioning AKI makes a similar point also - with the SF6 DLC, we all had a rough idea of how Akuma would play, but had to sit and wait to see what AKI was like.

I might actually main AKI next. Been torn between her and Dhalsim (I've Blanka in Master and I think a bit of what got me over the line there is people not knowing how to deal with him. Been really enjoying only using the Shotos a bit exclusively to learn their matchups a bit better).

Re: Hands On: Final Fantasy 16's Clive Is Ridiculously Well Realised in Tekken 8


@DennisReynolds I've been playing fighting games since SF2 in the arcades circa 1991 and the first guest characters I can remember were Heihachi/Link/Spawn in Soul Calibur 2 over a decade later (maybe I'm mistaken but that's the first time I remember a crossover), so not quite "forever".

It also makes a rather neat point that I've been making - Link made sense thematically to SC2, Heihachi got a pass because he's from Namco's other fighting game, Spawn made absolutely no sense at all.

Guest characters not being canon is here nor there - ones that don't fit (like Negan) lessen the fiction of the parent game's universe.

Re: Hands On: Final Fantasy 16's Clive Is Ridiculously Well Realised in Tekken 8


@Korgon I don't play fighting games for the story either (I've my main character in Master rank in Street Fighter 6, and several sub characters in Diamond with about 520 hours played overall), but dropping random characters from completely unrelated franchises into the game undermines the fiction of that game.

Final Fight characters make perfect sense as that game originally started life as a sequel to Street Fighter (as Street Fighter '89) and is clearly in the same universe, shares a visual language. Terry and Mai make sense too for similar reasons - Fatal Fury was created by the same guy who created the original Street Fighter as his a spiritual sequel after he moved to SNK, and the characters have that same visual language, fit the tone of the game, etc. Now if you dropped say Scorpion from MK into SF, with his impaling people and burning their skin off, that absolutely does not fit the tone of the SF universe.

I'm not sure how random characters from other franchises force the developers to be more imaginative. Clive is a dude with a sword. Negan is a dude with a baseball bat. Plenty of fighting game characters and their movesets are way more original than them - AKI isn't exactly your typical fighting game character. Neither is Hakan. Neither is the uh, ballerina who does judo (Manon). I mean, have you played Guilty Gear at all? Bedman? Faust? Zappa? Bridget? Dizzy? They are all far more original than dudes with generic melee weapons.

Re: Hands On: Final Fantasy 16's Clive Is Ridiculously Well Realised in Tekken 8


@DennisReynolds Yes, a FF character is too much. It breaks the fiction of the Tekken universe by dumping a completely unrelated character in it for no reason other than a marketing agreement between two companies.

I'm clearly incorrect about who WB owns, but my real point there is the same as above - throwing all these seemingly random and completely unrelated characters into MK dilutes the fiction of that universe.