Comments 137

Re: God of War Ragnarok's PC Launch Trailer Reminds You It's a Classic


@Vovander Because they're an additional revenue stream for the platform holder, and an alternative way of accessing games for players. Again, you're paying pocket change to rent from a library of hundreds of games. Sony have no doubt looked at how GamePass has devalued the Xbox brand and decided they don't want a repeat.

Why have discounts? Because that's how retail works. Not everyone wants to buy at full price. The publisher is better off eventually selling at a reduced cost to people who otherwise won't spend money on that particular product.

Your DVD analogy doesn't work. Yes, you want the cheap and cheerful rental for a few bucks, but you've also ignored the fact that the DVD phase of any film's shelf life involves paying full price for a DVD. And you're traditionally paying similar if not more than it cost for a cinema ticket.

Sony experimented by putting Horizon Forbidden West on the service, and it stopped sales of the game dead in their tracks. Being the for-profit business that they are, obviously don't want a repeat of that with one of their most popular games.

TL;DR - if you want access to GoW Ragnarok, then pay the admission price like the rest of us who wanted to play it. Otherwise, tough luck.

Re: Sony Priming 'Even Less Exciting' PS5 Remaster for State of Play


@Oz_Who_Dat_Dare The pandemic freebie doesn't count towards the total sales. Console pack ins aren't around for too long either.

PC has shifted 3 million copies of the game long after it was originally out on PS4. Forbidden West had sold 8.5 million copies (its addition to PS Plus stopped it dead in its tracks). There's clearly a thirst for it.

Re: God of War Ragnarok's PC Launch Trailer Reminds You It's a Classic


@RoomWithaMoose Yeah it's definitely the weaker of the two Norse games (and I'm with you in the original games being better camp too).

The pacing is incredibly poor, the puzzles are repetitive and unfun, companions treating players like they've never played a videogame before, the incessant dialogue, Ironwood. The fact that the stages look open but you're still forced to find the developer's linear path through them.

I finished the game, but it's like a 6/10 for me. Heck, I enjoyed Ascension more than it.

Re: Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster (PS5) - Capcom Classic Still Shines 18 Years Later


@Troubbble So what notable line of dialogue was changed?

There's also a big difference between "anti-censorship" and "objectifying women for the jollies and cheap titillation of dorks is a bit ***** cringe and has no place in 2024 and I'd rather not have that in my videogames".

I am staunchly anti-censorship. And you know what, this sort of stuff isn't censorship. It's removing garbage that shouldn't have been there to begin with, that's all. Calling this sort of inane, inconsequential nonsense "censorship" makes a mockery of actual censorship and people who have to live under the yoke of it.

Re: The Crew Motorfest's Generous PS5, PS4 Update Looks Like an Entire New Game


@SlipperyFish I quite liked the gadgets in Rivals, ditto the handling to the point where I was playing Hot Pursuit Remastered and it didn't hit the same.

HWU2 was about a tenner on PSN recently. Sorry I didn't pick it up as I do enjoy noodling about in HWU1 regularly and 2 would suit the same sort of casual half hour sessions.

I wasn't aware of that about the devs! Had high hopes for Solar Crown as I quite like the WRC games (once they came to PS5 and moved to 60FPS at least), but alas.

Re: Mini Review: Funko Fusion (PS5) - Bland, Cryptic Nostalgia Bait Lacks LEGO's Charm


@nomither6 They're cheap plastic tat designed to appeal to insatiable consumerism, and bring almost nothing of their own to the table.

I say "almost" because the one thing they do bring is the destruction of memorable character designs - look at the silhouette of any number of famous characters, they're still easily to recognise. Now look at the silhouette of the equivalent Funko - generic stick body with a generic block head.

Oh, and the bug eyes on them are hideous as well.

Re: The Crew Motorfest's Generous PS5, PS4 Update Looks Like an Entire New Game


@SlipperyFish Yeah honestly I approached the Criterion NFS games as extensions/offshoots of Burnout instead of NFS games. And I rather enjoyed NFS Rivals as well - in fact I still have it installed on my PS5 external hard drive despite originally playing it at PS4 launch. 2015... I played the ass out of that as I had recently moved, started a new job and wanted a proper "switch brain off for an hour at night" sort of game and really enjoyed it. Got bored of Heat and Payback in no time, but did finish Unbound.

Didn't realise Automodelista was rare! I think one of the boys has it in his attic...

HWU2 isn't a bad game per se, but it feels like change for the sake of change, to add a list of "new features" to the back of the box. Being able to jump adds nothing to the game, neither does being able to tweak stats. The open-ish map checkpoint races are no fun. HWU1 was a much purer experience while 2 has these superfluous bits that add nothing. Definitely still worth a buy these days with the dearth of racers and the fact it's frequently super cheap.

Gah yeah I had my eye on Solar Crown but have been burned far too many times with pre-orders, so I said I'd wait and here we are. Hope it gets fixed for sure.