Comments 41

Re: Until Dawn (PS5) - Killer Teen Slasher Snags a Pricey New-Gen Remake


I get the feeling that the performance may be sandbagged slightly so they can make a big(ger) deal out of the Pro since it’s already listed as a Pro Enhanced title and I’d imagine that means it will be stable 60fps
I loved the original game on PS4 and I have preordered the Pro so I will get this…..but I won’t pay full price as I just don’t think it’s worth it. If they’d offered an upgrade path (even half price like Darksiders II) I’d probably have got this day one and waited a month to play it on the Pro but at full price it just doesn’t seem value for money over the original

Re: How to Pre-Order PS5 Pro


I just had an email from PlayStation saying that stock was available (UK) and it is as I’m typing this - stand and disc drive are out of stock but the Pro itself is available

Re: PS Stars: How to Solve the Game Catalogue: Must Play This Month (Can You Feel the Love?) Campaign


Life Is Strange is still not popping for me - the other games have registered but I’m stuck at 75%.
I’ve downloaded episode 1, I’ve streamed the complete season and started a new game on each and neither will get the quest to register. If this were just for a collectible item I wouldn’t be bothered but even though 50 points isn’t worth much I’d still rather have them than not.

Re: Immortals Fenyx Rising Is Looking Good In PS5 Gameplay Video


Having recently Platinumed AC Odyssey and having always had an interest in mythology (Greek and Norse so Ubisoft are really spoiling me this year with this and Valhalla!) and a long love affair with Zelda (Ocarina was the first action RPG game I ever completed) this has been on my radar for a while now. Not sure I'll get it at launch next month (probably depend on final reviews) or wait till next year when the price inevitably drops (Ubi games seem to go on sale very regularly) but unless it turns out to be a spectacular failure (seems unlikely from the demos and previews) I'll definitely be picking this up.

Re: Sony Exploring Ways to Store PS5 Games on External SSD


@vapidwolf if you mean an actual game disc then it still has to install onto the internal drive and download the latest patch every time you want to play it - the games don't run from the actual disc anymore they are basically just drm/unlock keys to price ownership these days once the data is installed on your hard drive so while you may save some time you're still not solving the problem and you're also shafting anyone that buys the PS5 digital console when this whole situation could have been avoided by allowing PS5 games to be stored on an external drive!

Thinking about it now I don't actually know why I'm even surprised by this - how long did it take Sony to allow external storage on PS4 as it too didn't allow it from the off.

Re: Sony Considered Raising PS5 Game Prices Beyond $70, Says New Report


I dont mind paying £70+ for gold/ultimate editions of games I really want to play where I'm getting the base game and DLC/season pass included but I will never pay £70 for a single base game - I'm waiting to get a PS5 and when I do I'll be waiting until the games I want to play come down in price. The only way to stop this is by voting with your wallet - if the games dont sell well until after the price drops then they'll lower the prices back down. Or they'll double down and raise the prices even more lol!

Is it just me by the way or does today seem like it's been one bit of bad/troubling news after another?? Has someone from MS pr infiltrated Sony to put out all these downers on the same day - the day before the new Series X/S consoles launch?

Re: Sony Exploring Ways to Store PS5 Games on External SSD


@Porco Being honest my decision to not get one (or at least try to get one) was partly financial and party down to spite that the UK and Europe have to wait an extra week for the launch lol! I certainly wont mind waiting 6-12 months and getting a full featured console that may be ~£50 less than it is now - I've got lots of games in my backlog to work through on my PS4 Pro and none of the initial exclusives are enough to make me change my mind

Re: Sony Exploring Ways to Store PS5 Games on External SSD


@huyi I feel for you dude - I'll be honest my download speed is pretty good nowadays but I'd still rather transfer a game from an external drive than have to download it each time - especially since game sizes haven't reduced in size yet (hopefully some devs will take the time to compress the files better because of the internal SSD and thereby make the overall file size smaller but that may take some time to come into effect as games are developed and they learn to take advantage of what they're working with)

Re: Sony Exploring Ways to Store PS5 Games on External SSD


@Porco I didnt think I'd missed an explanation but once I decided I wasnt getting one at launch I did skip over some details so it may have been overlooked by me. Now that the launch is "here" its impossible to escape all these articles and it's making me happy about my decision to wait - next year when I do get a PS5 I'm sure all these "missing" features will be available and working properly

Re: PS5 Doesn't Have a Web Browser


While this initially appears another odd decision by Sony I cant think of any time since the Dreamcast that I've ever used a web browser on console unless forced to in order to sign in/create an account for a game. I want my console to play games - I have a tablet and phone to browse the internet

Re: Sony Exploring Ways to Store PS5 Games on External SSD


Has any reason been given for why you cant store PS5 games on an external drive as standard? I get that in order to run them you need the internal drive since they're programmed to use the drive and the advantages it brings and I'm fine with that logic but given the space limitations of the smaller memory they're using (compared to Series X and likely done to keep the costs down) and the fact that there are no expandable memory drives available at launch it seems all the more baffling that you're forced to keep the games installed on the internal SSD?!!? As others have posted if you've got rubbish download speeds you could be spending a long time (re)downloading the games you want to play instead of actually playing them.

Re: PS5 Doesn't Support Save Transfers via USB


It seems Sony has prepared a list of "silly little things that'll annoy the user base" and is working their way through them to erode away the good will they earned last gen after the clusterf*** that was the original XBOne launch

The lack of clarity and forthright communication (when compared to MS) is frustrating to say the least - yet it always seems to happen to companies when they rest on their laurels following a successful generation - Sega MegaDrive/Genesis to Saturn, PS2 to PS3, X360 to XBOne, Wii to WiiU - it seems like no-one wants to keep their user base happy or takes it for granted that that all the people who bought last gen will naturally buy the next gen console too.

Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla Trophies Revealed, Platinum Requires a Bit of Everything


Got the Platinum for Odyssey (need to finish all the DLC for 100% but dont see that being a problem), will get the Platinum for Origins when I go back to it to do the DLC (time consuming as completing all locations will be its still very doable especially as an overpowered Bayek after completing the main story), have plans to go back and mop up the few Syndicate trophies I'm missing so I can have the Platinum for that too (given the way it looks on PS5 I guess I'll need to do this before upgrading to next gen - unless they patch it in the meantime) so I'll happily be going after the Platinum for Valhalla too.

I would very much like to know whether it will have an entirely separate trophy list for PS4 and PS5 however - if its as good as I'm hoping it will be then I dont mind stacking lists especially since buying for PS4 gives a free upgrade to PS5 but it would be good to know what's happening with these cross-generational titles

Re: Hands On: PS5 Backwards Compatibility - The Good, the Not Bad, and the Ugly


@everynowandben I'm deliberately not looking at the full list lol! When I decide that I am getting a PS5 (missed out on pre-orders so will wait till "some point" next year) I'll look to see if anything has changed and if I own any of the known problematic ones I'll prioritize completing them on PS4 as I dont currently plan to keep my Pro when I go next gen

Re: PS5 Doesn't Have Quick Resume, But Loading Is Lightning Fast


A little disappointing (& not entirely surprising since I'm sure they would have confirmed it (even if it had a different name) by now) as the more I'm reading about Quick Resume the more useful I think it can be but it's not a deal breaker by any means - if the SSD can load a game in 9 seconds then that's more than acceptable (not exactly an inconvenience to resume play from a checkpoint when applicable since that's what we've all been doing for years anyway)

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Requires 133GB of Free Space on PS5


I was under the (quite possibly mistaken) impression that although the game has higher textures (4k) and is generally better looking and performing (new gen after all) that because of advances in data compression and the super fast internal ssd being able to extract and use that data quicker than ever before that file sizes would therefore be smaller. I'm not really a techie though so I could easily have misinterpreted things.

Re: Resident Evil Village Goes All the Way with PS5 Feature Support


@LiamCroft honestly no - I'm not getting a PS5 at launch (I was rather asleep when the email came through from Game in the middle of the night) so I've not been paying too much attention to the ins and outs of everything at this stage - I know enough to know I'll be getting a PS5 when stocks (& funds) are more readily available.

@lacerz I hope it is a game changer (I just dont see how at this point) and will experience it and decide for myself when I get a PS5 next year

@Dr-M I'm guessing I am the "he" you reference - do I know you? Do you know me? How do you know what I have or have not read or watched?? A little presumptuous of you to make a judgment about my nature from one comment. I did reference the fact that I hope my opinion will change upon actually using one for myself and that I found it good that 3rd party developers are making use of the feature. I may be skeptical at this stage but that doesn't mean I'm pessimistic by nature and even if I were pessimistic about this particular item that certainly doesn't mean I am "pessimistic about everything"

Re: Resident Evil Village Goes All the Way with PS5 Feature Support


I'm honestly struggling to get excited about "haptic feedback" and "3d audio" and cant really see how much of a difference they'll make (controllers have had a rumble feature built in for a good long while now) let alone be a "game changer" that some people are hyping them up to be. Hopefully my opinion will change once I've actually used the new controller in a game but it's good at least to see that 3rd party devs are supporting it.

Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Is a PS5 Exclusive, Dev Reiterates


I think it probably could have been done on PS4 but it likely would need loading screens every time you travel through a rift and would be heavily compromised graphically with frame rate issues during busier battles.
A wise decision by the devs and Sony to decide that just because something could be done doesn't mean it should be done and stick to only releasing it on the hardware it is optimised for - I'm sure they probably would have sold a lot of copies on PS4 but that may have a lasting effect on peoples memories if they play a game that is released in a less than ideal state.
Perhaps CDPR should have taken this decision when it became clear that Cyberpunk was really a next gen title.

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want to Know About PS5?


@Philbop No worries - it may be that deliveries take an extra day of two but that may come as much from Game limiting the number of staff in their warehouses (if they do that for social distancing) as from the couriers being overworked with many more deliveries to cope with than usual. I know during the earlier lockdown that DPD had to take on extra drivers to cope with the increased demand so hopefully those extra staff are still in place to cause less disruption with deliveries now.

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want to Know About PS5?


Do all PS4 games take advantage of "Game Boost" or only those that are specifically patched by the developers? If it's the latter do non patched games still run a bit better regardless (frame rates, load times etc) or do they need to be installed on the ssd for that (or do they just run as though they are on PS4/Pro)???

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want to Know About PS5?


@Philbop I would think getting the console during lockdown will depend entirely on where you've pre ordered it from - if it's Amazon or another online retailer then you shouldn't have a problem as couriers will still be running for deliveries, if it's an actual shop then you may have a problem since non essential retail shops will close on Thursday - if you're in that boat I'd suggest you contact them tomorrow and see if they are setting up deliveries

Re: Earning PS5 Trophies Might Net You Some Digital Rewards


I think it's entirely possible that this is just relating to your in game profile banner and avatar for destruction all-stars (like setting your online title and things in Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat) and not necessarily indicative of some wider change to trophies in general

Re: PS5 Game Boost: All Major PS4 Game Improvements


I was under the impression that the boost mode would only be available on games that are patched/updated to receive it by the developers yet this article seems to suggest that all games will receive an automatic boost that can then be further improved upon with a developer update - could someone please confirm which is actually the case??? If it is the case that all games are boosted then what was all the talk about the GPU downclocking to PS4/Pro speeds for backwards compatible games???