Comments 9

Re: Megalith - A Run-of-the-Mill PSVR MOBA


@AdamNovice You didn’t get my point.. just because you are defending Push Square doesn’t mean you secretly work for them. You are defending something you care about just as I am. No need to belittle my motives.

Re: Megalith - A Run-of-the-Mill PSVR MOBA


@get2sammyb to say you don't have much interest in what other sites are doing cant be true. If you didn't, you likely would be out of a job. It's called knowing your competition and being aware of the industry you are working in.

Anyway, doesn't seem like you want to discuss this sincerely as its obvious you are entrenched. I'm done with you and your site. GG

Re: Megalith - A Run-of-the-Mill PSVR MOBA


@get2sammyb Thanks for the reply. My implication about clicks was that as a site you seem to score low as a practice/rule, not just relating to Megalith. Firewall (6) Moss (7) Etc. It's a trend I've seen used typically by smaller sites to gain attention. Your avg score as a site is MUCH lower than others.

Also a little surprised an editor would come in and make the first comment on a "unbiased" review to impose their opinion about what VR should be doing. Is that reporting? Does that happen often? It seems to imply Megalith is being used as a platform for you to express your personal aversion towards MP focused VR games. (That was the only comment that has been down-voted in the thread)

Re: Megalith - A Run-of-the-Mill PSVR MOBA


@get2sammyb Hey Sammy. You don't think this review is a bit reckless? Eurogamer is a far better and more revered site and they feel the biggest shortcoming of this game is not enough people know about it. You think rushing out your negative review from an inexperienced reviewer to be first out is a smart call? Doesn't it hurt the chances of the game gaining ground? It's unfortunate sites like this survive by trashing games to get clicks.

Re: Megalith - A Run-of-the-Mill PSVR MOBA


@get2sammyb Not sure but it has had literally zero marketing. I hadn't even heard about megalith at all until about 2 days before the beta ended. Hoping this one grows by word of mouth. At least there are bots so there will always be something to play. I too have purchased games I was never able to match for

I'm in the discord channel and everyone is super positive about the game so seeing this review was a bit shocking. There isn't a tutorial which imo is its biggest flaw, because it wasn't until I played with a good player who showed me the ropes that I really got it. Maybe that was the issue here. But since then it has been a TON of fun mastering all the heroes. Lots of room for experimenting with their abilities.

Re: Megalith - A Run-of-the-Mill PSVR MOBA


Hmm. Not sure I agree with this. Megalith is a little light on content, but their controls and champion mechanics are great. Don't think I've played a better competitive game in VR. Firewall feels clunky in comparison. This reminds me of that terrible BorderlandsVR review that got pulled down..