Comments 1

Re: Review: NBA 2K11 (PlayStation 3)


Good review overall . . . wait for it . . . except for the Move part. Please excuse me if I sound like the "bitter crazy posting guy" (I bought the navigation controller for this game (NBA 2K11) based on a review that read as though the author actually used it in the game). Have you actually played this game with the Move motion & navigation controllers? From experience & research, this game to-date (unfortunately) doesn't support the navigation controller. If you've found a way to use it, let us know, because the only way to move players during Move-gameplay is to awkwardly hold a normal ps3 controller in your off hand and move the L3 stick. If the navigation controller was compatible (as it should be), then the total Move experience for this game is actually a nice addition. Also, FYI, just like in real basketball, your release point can determine the strength & trajectory of your shot. So in regards to the motion controller having no control over power, that's not true, and to be fair, I don't think you get much if anything in the way of control over power or direction if you just play with standard controllers for the PS3 or XBOX. In closing, if you're not hung up on the traditional button-mashing-way of playing most sim-basketball/sports games, then you may actually enjoy the unique change of pace the Move provides. James, please correct/pass on the current* inability to use the navigation controller to your readers, as this could be a deal breaker for most "Move Investors". (*Rumor has it that there is supposed to be some sort of patch or download to enable the nav. controller use).