Comments 5

Re: Like It or Not, This Is Why PS5 Pro Doesn't Have a Disc Drive


2 problems here. Physical games are much cheaper here in Australia. I can get AAA games at launch for up to 40% cheaper, so buying physics is a no brainer. If they made digital cheaper or even the same price I would probably go digital.

I don't have an issue paying extra for a disc drive on the Pro, but make the bloody thing available. It's been out of stock here since the Pro announced, with no sign of them coming back in stock any time.soon. You can't call it an elegant solution if they're unavailable.

I'll likely be cancelling my Pro preorder if I can't get a drive at launch, it's killed the initial enthusiasm I had for it

Re: Some PS5 Users Are Inserting Their Discs the Wrong Way Round


I've never used a PlayStation vertically before, but this one looks like it's designed to be, so I used it that. I initially put the disc in the way that felt natural, which turned out to be the wrong way. Usually the readable part of the disc points towards the centre of the console. Yes it makes sense horizontally, but I didn't set it up that way when I got home with it at 6:30 am after a couple of hours sleep