

Now playing... Hollow Knight

Comments 13

Re: Feature: Ten PS4 Games to Drag You Through the Next-Gen Drought


@get2sammyb That makes sense, they've been very quiet about it for sure. With the ESRB rating it got a few weeks ago I was hoping for February as well. I totally agree @Glacier928 they should take their time and make it great. March would be ok I guess, I just really hope that the June rumor that is going around is way off

Re: Talking Point: How Have This Week's Delays Affected Your Anticipation for PS4?


As a big fan of racing games, this is a little disappointing. I was excited to have my friends over this year, show them those crazy car graphics and hopefully sway them to PS4 for Christmas purchases. Hopefully showing them Knack, Resogun, or Killzone will do the trick!

Fortunately my backlog of PS+ games is huge, and I'll have plenty to play before DriveClub and Infamous next year. As an Evolution fan, I really hope DriveClub rocks!

Re: Sony Confirms That You Will Be Able to Talk to Your PS4


I pre-ordered one with the intent of cancelling if I didn't see any good features closer to launch. The only thing I liked more about the XBONE was being able to talk your way around the interface, and if PS4 can do it in a similar fashion, I'll be a really happy camper. Show us how it works Shu!!!