
Topic: Am I the oldest gamer on here ??

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Hello all, new member here.

I have just bought the PS5 from Game and had it for 2 days now. WOW, as a person that is now drawing his pension all I can say is that over the years tech has made fantastic improvements in graphics and sound.

I bought my son an Amiga 500 years ago when they came out and I thought they were bloody well fantastic, now comparing the PS5 to the Amiga it is like night and day.

This is my first ever games console and I think I'm going to have a fun time with this piece of kit and I think it is going to be expensive as well as the games are not cheap.

Looked on Youtube for tips and tricks and there is loads out there so I should be able to get the hang of it eventually.



@Scotty-Pro I'm 42 and been playing video games since I was about 10, when I played Gauntlet on the Spectrum 48k for the first time. I hope I'm still playing them when I'm drawing my pension too



@Scotty-Pro welcome and hope you have many years of enjoyment from your new console.
It would definitely be worthwhile buying an annual subscription for PS+ essential or PS+ extra - both currently on sale for black Friday. You'll have access to a number of great games that will more than keep you busy for less than the price of buying one new game

PSN: mpquikster


I’m 51. Started with a ZX Spectrum. Went through all the Sega consoles. Then went PS1,2, DreamCast, Xbox,GC, 360 (late to PS3). Then PS4, VR, 5 and Switch. On handhelds I’ve gone through GB, GBC, DS, 3DS, PSP and Vita. (Plus ransoms like WonderSwan).

As an 80s teen I grew up in a seaside town with lots of arcades. Hope to be still playing games (but not online multiplayer shooters) when I’m retired.



EaglyTheKawaiiShika wrote:

@Scotty-Pro you kind of have to say your age

ah yes, it might have been helpful.
I'm 67, retired 7 year ago but still do a bit of freelancing from home.

MatthewJP wrote:

@Scotty-Pro welcome and hope you have many years of enjoyment from your new console.
It would definitely be worthwhile buying an annual subscription for PS+ essential or PS+ extra - both currently on sale for black Friday. You'll have access to a number of great games that will more than keep you busy for less than the price of buying one new game

Will have a look at that, already have a couple of games I bought along with Ragnorak that came with the console. Busy getting used to the controller and having fun with Astro. It is marvellous what the controller can do in that game.

Edited on by Scotty-Pro



@Scotty-Pro I'm 40 and all I will say is I hope my health is good enough to be playing games till the day I day



@QualityGeezer My dad is 74 and is still playing video games, although he didn't start until he was in his forties.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder yeah there's people in my ff14 guild in their 70s mate just hope I have the same vitality at that age couldn't think about never playing games



JohnnyShoulder wrote:

@QualityGeezer My dad is 74 and is still playing video games, although he didn't start until he was in his forties.

good on him, bet he is a lot better than me though as he has a few years experience.



@Scotty-Pro For reference he didn't get along with God of War 2018 as he found it too difficult, even on the easiest difficultly. Gaming kept his mind active during lockdown and is better then just vegging watching TV.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@Scotty-Pro I'm 56. Been gaming since 1992. I saw Alex Kidd on the Master System and have been hooked ever since. I have lots of consoles and thousands of games accross most platforms.
I have a YouTube channel too. Hardly any subs and views lol, but I like doing what I do.
And... Welcome

Edited on by GoodGame

Current Level - 55

PSN: wR_sixtee6


I'm 40, been gaming since the age of 5, first memories of gaming are Duck Hunt on the NES and Radar Rat race on the C64, I can't imagine ever stopping gaming, keeps the grey matter ticking over nicely.


PSN: nitram2k11


wow . in my 20s ,

good thing pushsquare isn’t the only site i go to , the age demographic is astonishing . but this site and ppl here are very chilled . even the mods are mostly chill .



I’ve put my age on here before… but that was prob a year or so ago now so, 43 years young. Enjoying gaming more than ever too tbh.

**** DLC!


I’m 41. Looking forward to my retirement so I can game as much as I want!

PSN: MajorBriggs81
GT7 account: MajorBriggs81JP


40 and still love gaming but I balance it out by playing a variety of different genres, so that it doesn't turn stale and plenty other interests as well.

@nomither6 I've always been extremely laid back and patient which lends itself well to gaming. But you are right this is a great online community, many fine people frequent these forums!



I'm 50 and started gaming in the 70's when I got a 'Pong' console for Christmas and progressed onto an Atari. Soon after My father had a BBC Model B too at one point - which was also my first experience of going online via 'dial-up' modem, and I had a Commodore Vic 20. I got to play games like Donkey Kong on my fathers BBC and would spend hours typing out code to play games like Snake on my Vic 20. I also had numerous hand-held, desktop games like Astro Wars, Pac-Man, numerous Game & Watch Nintendo games.

I have been gaming since the 'birth' of the video game industry. I know I'm not the oldest here, but old enough to be there. By the time Nintendo/Sega made Consoles, I was deemed 'too old' to have a 'young kids' toy and that Computers (like C64, Amstrad CPC64, Amiga etc was 'more' suited to a teenager and their School work. So I gamed on computers until the N64/PS1 era when gaming started to become more acceptable for 'young' adults. Sony were quite instrumental in that and since that generation, I moved more to 'Console' gaming and have owned at least 2 different consoles (Sony, Microsoft and/or Nintendo) ever since. It didn't help that I was spending ALL day on a Computer for work so I didn't want to spend my 'leisure' time at a desk on a Computer too...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


The gaming community have progressed so much in the recent years. I recall the time when you were frown upon for being a gamer after your twenties, because "life mandates you get married at X years, have your first child at X," etc. The milestones were sacred and inflexible.

About me, 36 years old, happy owner of a PS5. Before that I owned a NES, a PS2, a PS3, and a few computer games between console generations. So far, my plan is to continue playing videogames until I die. Maybe changing genres or interests in games, occasionally taking a break, but still always close by when a good game catches my eye.

Happy to see people from my age range and both older and younger hanging out here.

You are a gamer, hold your head up high.

PSN: Avatarian598


46 years old - still love gaming and tech in general. Psyched for the PSVR2. I have been gaming since the vic 20 days, commodore 64, then Amiga 500. Sega Master System, Megadrive, NES and Super NES, PS 1 and then GameCube. Missed the PS2 in favour of PC (shared a house with a dude that owned a PS2) - then back to consoles with PS3 and Wii, PS4 and now PS5. I do have a gaming PC as well - which doubles as my dev rig.



I'm 39 myself.
I was 4 or 5 when I started playing games in my cousin's house. I think they had a pong machine first, then a C64 with Return of the Jedi and Yie Ar Kung-Fu.
I didn't get my own console until Christmas when I was 6 or 7 I think. A NES with Time Lord, and that Duck Hunt/Mario Bros combo.

I haven't stopped playing games since.

"It's been my lifelong dream to operate a drill a hundred times bigger than me!"

PSN: Shepherd_Tallon

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