
Topic: Am I the oldest gamer on here ??

Posts 21 to 40 of 41


@tangerinedreamer I'm super excited for PSVR2. I'm expecting an experience similar to the one I had when I jumped from my Mega Drive to my PS1.
An amazing experience.

"It's been my lifelong dream to operate a drill a hundred times bigger than me!"

PSN: Shepherd_Tallon


@BAMozzy can I ask why you use single quotation marks/inverveted commas whatever you want to call them, in all your posts? It seems odd, and makes reading often lengthy posts even more difficult

PSN: mpquikster


MB81 wrote:

I’m 41. Looking forward to my retirement so I can game as much as I want!

believe you me, you do not have as much time on your hands as you might think, especially when the wifey finds jobs all the time for you to do.



Back in the day there was actually arcades



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Kuromiano wrote:

BAMozzy wrote:

... on my fathers BBC

What does BBC stand for? Some websites translate this to Big Black C*** - something not fitting for gaming.

You’ve just outdone yourself with that mate… I nearly choked on my prosecco! 1 and 2 in post of the year… bravo!

Edit. Cue the “what does prosecco stand for? Some websites translate this to…” 😉

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!


I just wanted to chime in and say it is nice to be amongst an older bunch of gamers (I am almost 31 myself).

Then I saw THAT.

That has got to be the quote of the year.


Life to the living, death to the dead.


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@Kuromiano for the longest time that’s all i knew it as then i found out it’s some news media thing or something . but whenever i hear BBC that always crosses my mind first 😂



@MightyDemon82 “ I've always been extremely laid back and patient which lends itself well to gaming.“

until you play online



Well in the UK (Where I live), the first thing I think of when I see 'BBC' is British Broadcasting Corporation - which is what the BBC in BBC Micro B stands for. It was a home computer system built by Acorn Computers for the BBC Computer Literacy Project in the early 80's and was adopted by schools to teach kids about 'computers'.

A BBC Model B computer...

Between this and a Vic 20, this was my first 'Computer gaming' experiences. Prior to this, it was Pong and gaming in arcades...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


Anyone else in their early 20s round here? I'm 23.



I’m 48.
My first computer was the amstrad CPC (I remember that it had a disc drive), then I moved onto the Amiga 500+.
After that I got the original PlayStation. (Tekken 2, and Rage Racer were the first games I owned, I think.)


PSN: matthewholland


@BAMozzy remember playing pitstop on this - the only computer in the school - it lived on a trolley, wheeled into each classroom when needed.



@Matthewnh You’re not alone, old man. I’m 46, and I’m here. I grew up with Atari 2600. I don’t even know why my dad kept buying games, because he never played them, and my older brother didn’t much, either. I did, though, and I always made my babysitters play with me, too. 😎




@tangerinedreamer lol… I used to be one of the kids wheeling the BBC computers around my primary school and setting them up for classes to use 😅

**** DLC!


47 and started with an Acorn Electron and the pacman rip off snapper.


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