
Topic: Sony games that they should remake

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with the news of the last of us remake coming out it got me thinking of old sony owned games that might be better choices to be remade.

was thinking what about a remake of the original God of war in the style of the new games
with super hero games all the rage what about infamous and the superior infamous 2

Edited on by trev666



They remade the first Ratchet and Clank, so it'd be cool if they remade the rest of the PS2 games. At the very least Deadlocked because that's the best of the original games.



War Of The Monsters The Original Killzone Forbidden Siren Ape Escape Jak And Daxter The Getaway MAG Starhawk And Folklore To Name a Few.

Edited on by Areus



The Legend of Dragoon is probably the only one I can think of that would actively excite me.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm, Mark of Kri.

@trev666 - Not sure a GoW remake in the style of Dad of Boy would work, hard to platform when you can't jump

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


Ratchet Deadlock

Toro Let's Party PS3

Ratchet & Clank : Size Matters

Secret Agent Clank



The Resistance Trilogy. I never played any of them as I never had a PS3, PSP or Vita. Hopefully that rating listing of Resistance: Retribution turns out to be true.

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PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Honestly can’t think of any of the big Sony games that would be worthy of one. I know they’re Konami but I mostly associate Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid with the PS1 so I’d probably go for them.

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@nessisonett I said in the TLOU Remake poll article that there are only a few games I would play again if they were to be remade, and MGS would be one of them. I don't remember actually playing Silent Hill, but do remember seeing it. I defo played SH 2 and 3 and loved them to bits.

Soul Reaver would be another if we are stepping away from PS exclusives.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@Shigurui thats why it would be very much a remake not a tarted up remaster like the last of us. The game would play differently it would play like the 2018 game open world exploration not like he originals so there would be no platforming the only thing the same would be the characters and the plot

Edited on by trev666



Just imagine MGS 1..... 'DeS-Style' remake, from the ground up etc

There must be so many 'younger' gamers today who never got to experience the original game at release. I'll never forget fighting Psycho Mantis for the first time and realising you need to swap the controller port so he can't read your mind from the memory card slot... incredible



@trev666 - Then it would be a completely different game entirely and not a remake.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


@Shigurui still same story, plot, characters and setting



@CJD87 thing is thats a konami game not a sony game so its up to konami of the remake it but i do agree it does need to be remade



@Shigurui i agree , i hope that never happens . the so-called 2018 “Reboot” (which is really a re-imagining) basically obscured and killed the legacy of the OG god of war games ; it’s a new IP using a GoW skin & names .

If they re-imagined the first game , then that’s just solidifying GoW will never go back to its roots again . Nonetheless GoW will always be a badass , gory hack n’ slash to me .



on topic though , i want Fighting Force from PS1 to come back and be remastered . that game was so ***** dope , the chicks played the best & me and my siblings never could beat the game and always blamed each-other for sucking . we need beat-em ups like that again ! 2D side-scrollers is nice and all but they’re still around and ain’t got ***** on Fighting Force !



@trev666 ah OK thanks for clarity... but either way, would be a 'solid' game to remake



I'm not a massive lover of remakes as I prefer to play new games and keep the rose tinted glasses on for some of the older games but there is a few that would make me sqeaul like a little girl.

Dino Crisis
Dante's Inferno
Legacy of Kain:Soul Reaver
And I'd probably like to see a version of Metal Gear Solid 1.



@JudgeDredd Good shout about The Getaway - I'd forgotten about that game. If they do remake it I hope that they keep the original script and voice acting



I would love to see MotorStorm come back. I feel like Pacific Rift would be the best to remake, was my personal favourite at least.


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