
Topic: Sony games that they should remake

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When it comes to a game, would you rather play a sequel or remake of a beloved franchise or a spiritual successor from the original creators of said franchise? I only ask with calisto protocol and dead space remake coming within a month of each other.



@PhhhCough That’s a good question, and my instinct to a to say I’d rather have a new game, so either a spiritual successor (Callisto Protocol) or a sequel which is a reimagining (God of War). But I say this and realize that one of my favorite games so far this year is Demon’s Souls Remake and my favorite game on PS4 was probably Shadow of the Colossus Remake.

Overall I think the remakes are best for me when I didn’t experience the first game. So for example I enjoyed DeS, having never played the original PS3 game, but I was less enamored with Final Fantasy 7 Remake, since it just didn’t really quite live up to the original for me (despite still liking the Remake).

I think in general I just like new things. So that’s why I appreciate well done sequels and reimaginings.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Give me MediEvil 2 Remake, you cowards! Sir Dan must be brought back, he's too precious to leave in the ground. The remake of the first game was no masterpiece but it was a prettier version of MediEvil 1 and it made me happy enough to see it again.



Umjammer Lammy, though do it better than Parappa the Rapper's remaster (looking at you, off-sync stages).



Single player "The getaway" feel it's more of the setting more than anything don't know why always find London is/could be good setting for games.

Multiplayer "socom" if you've seen me comment on push square before on a multiplayer topic I probably find a way to bring socom up. I just pray that one of theses multiplayer games they are working on is either a remaster of socom 1 and 2 or reboot to just socom



The Legend of Dragoon
The Resistance series
Vagrant Story (Square-Enix)
Onimusha (Capcom - already remastered, but would love a Resi 2/3 style remake)
MediEvil 2

"It's been my lifelong dream to operate a drill a hundred times bigger than me!"

PSN: Shepherd_Tallon


we already have a SotC remake, TLG is beautiful, we only need this one remake to have all 3 Ueda games looking great on sony platforms



Personally, I'd love to see their First Person Shooters return - Killzone and Resistance in particular. A remastered Resistance Trilogy with a modern MP suite and remastered maps would be a LOT of FUN! The secondary function of many weapons making it unique from many other FPS games.

Personally, I'd prefer 'reboots' over remakes/remasters in general but I can see value in maybe remastering if you are intending to reintroduce those IP's to allow new comers to get up to speed and bring those 'old' entries up to the standard of new games. It can be quite jarring to go from a PS3 (or older) visual presentation with low polygon character models, low density environments etc to suddenly having ultra realistic high polygon, high density game with much better animations etc too...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


I would LOVE to see a remake of Ico - it would look incredible on PS5



The Last of Us Part II Remake


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