News Articles
Sunday23rd Mar 2025
News Watch a Full Playthrough of the First-Person Until Dawn That Never Released
A fresh perspective
Not everyone knows this, but Until Dawn was originally intended to release as a PS Move game for the PS3. There’s a great story from our friends Time Extension about the project through here, including design documents and more. The game was eventuall
Tuesday15th Oct 2024
News Until Dawn's Movie Lives to See Another Day on 25th April
That ain't far away
Sony has tagged its upcoming Until Dawn movie with a 25th April, 2025 release date, after filming concluded earlier this month. The film, directed by Lights Out’s David F. Sandberg, features a script penned by Annabelle’s Gary Dauberman. The movie will mostly host an all-new cast of rising stars, but Swedish star Peter...
Wednesday9th Oct 2024
News Fans Are Concerned Until Dawn PS4 Could Be Delisted Following PS5 Remake's Release
Not available for purchase, but almost certainly a bug
Update: While we haven’t received word back from Sony yet, it’s looking increasingly like this is a bug. Until Dawn shows as “not available for purchase” on the web store in some countries, but if you search for it on a PS5 or PS4 console, you can buy it no problem. This all suggests to...
Wednesday24th Jan 2024
News Until Dawn Reportedly Set to Receive New PS5, PC Versions
PS4 horror classic already getting a movie
Until Dawn, the PS4 horror classic from Supermassive Games that's set to be turned into a movie, will reportedly also be getting new versions for PS5 and PC. The suggestion comes from Billbil-kun, a reliable PS Plus leaker who claimed only yesterday that
Monday26th Oct 2020
News Until Dawn PS4 Improvements Are Unfortunately Wishful Thinking
Game hasn't been patched in years
There are some reports swirling that Until Dawn’s loading times, like The Last of Us Remastered, have been improved on the PlayStation 4. This all started with a post on Twitter, but it’s since been upvoted on
Tuesday20th Dec 2016
News This Is What Until Dawn Looked Like on the PS3
Move aside
Some of you will remember, but for those who don't, Supermassive Games' schlocky horror Until Dawn was originally in development for the PlayStation 3 – and, primarily, the PlayStation Move motion controller. It was planned to be an exclusive for Sony's illuminating wand, with the gameplay built around the 3D tracking of the...
Thursday9th Jun 2016
News Is an Until Dawn Sequel Unlikely Now?
Supermassive Games eyeing multiformat move
We'd always assumed, following the surprise commercial success of Until Dawn, that Sony would have signed up a sequel straight away – but it sounds like developer Supermassive Games has other plans. Despite being one of the Japanese giant's closer partners, the developer has expressed interest in breaking...
Friday30th Oct 2015
News Until Dawn's Free Hallowe'en PS4 Theme Is Worth Downloading
Clock's ticking
It's been a disappointing week for Until Dawn fans. Supermassive Games announced a woeful looking rails shooter spin-off earlier in the week, while Sony's second marketing push has amounted to a new trailer and a free PlayStation 4 theme. There is, at least, one silver lining, though: the animated wallpaper is one of the better ones...
Thursday22nd Oct 2015
Rumour Until Dawn Goes On-Rails for PlayStation VR DLC
More like off the rails, right?
Until Dawn is one of the best games of the year because of its intentionally crumby plot and ham acting – so we're not sure how we feel about the game getting a PlayStation VR powered side story. Apparently that's exactly what Supermassive Games is working on, though, as a Destructoid tip-off has hinted that a...
Sunday4th Oct 2015
News Sony Admits PS4 Exclusive Until Dawn Was a Sleeper Hit
Slasher success
There's a bit of revisionist history going on with Until Dawn at the moment. The game has been hugely successful for Sony – both critically and commercially – but with a bit more marketing there's no doubt that it could have been an even bigger success. As such, armchair analysts believe that the platform holder missed a trick...
Wednesday9th Sep 2015
News PS4 Exclusive Until Dawn was Hugely Popular on YouTube Last Month
Like, so totally hot right now
Whether you like it or not, and despite what it says about our ever-changing industry, websites like YouTube offer a telling look into which games are hot, and which games are not. Indeed, YouTube's even started publishing its top ten 'trending' titles for each month, and in August, PlayStation 4 exclusive Until Dawn...
Friday28th Aug 2015
News Japan's Censored Until Dawn's Most Grisly Scenes in the Worst Way
Fade to black
Until Dawn doesn't go totally SAW, but it does have a little fun with a saw blade at one point. Sadly, those playing the slasher in Japan will not get to see all of the gore, as the game has been censored in arguably the worst way imaginable. In the sequence involving entrails and other viscera, the Eastern version simply cuts to...
Wednesday26th Aug 2015
News Sony's Stopping Twitch Streamers from Archiving Until Dawn
We're not entirely sure how we feel about this one. A tweet by Twitch Support appears to allude to the fact that Sony has disabled archiving on Until Dawn, preventing people from replaying streams that have since concluded. This could be a simple error on the platform holder's part, but it seems like a calculated decision to stop the story...
Tuesday25th Aug 2015
News Scream Like You Mean It with Until Dawn's Launch Trailer
The shock success of Until Dawn appears to have taken even Sony by surprise, as it scrambles to put out trailers and prepare bundles for what's turned out one of the better exclusives on the PlayStation 4. Given the critical mauling that The Order: 1886 received, we can understand why it was sceptical of this one – but at least it can give it...
Thursday6th Aug 2015
Gamescom 2015 Cause and Effect Is at the Crux of This Until Dawn Trailer
Like a butterfly
The butterfly effect is a funny thing. Earlier in the year, Sony executives sat in an office and decided to skip Gamescom 2015, blissfully unaware of the fact that we'd be subjected to a busy but still boring week. Until Dawn deals with these decisions in a different way, as you're pursued by a serial killer who looks like the star...
Saturday1st Aug 2015
News Development on PS4 Teen Horror Until Dawn Is Done
Like, OMG
PlayStation 4 spook-'em-up Until Dawn is shadowing Tearaway Unfolded to a manufacturing facility, as developer Supermassive Games has confirmed that the teen horror has gone gold. The story-driven adventure – described by yours truly as PlayStation's next best worst game – sees you take control of a roster of randy teenagers, who are...
Saturday18th Jul 2015
News Chatter Your Teeth Through 30 Minutes of Until Dawn
Elk no
This year's best worst game is actually starting to get a bit of buzz, which makes us nervous. We've been singing Until Dawn's praises for over a year now, but following that PlayStation Experience demo, it seems like the rest of the media has got on board. Sony and Supermassive Games won't be complaining, of course, as this could end up...
Wednesday10th Jun 2015
News Until Dawn Has the Best Use of the DualShock 4 Ever
Which probably isn't saying much
Supermassive Games is taking Heavy Rain's giant head title screen to the next level – by introducing Sackboy-style puppet controls. This amusing new video from PlayStation Access shows how you can use the DualShock 4's tilt sensors to pivot star Hayden Panettiere's head. Just imagine the kind of fun you'll be able...
Tuesday26th May 2015
News PS4 Exclusive Until Dawn Books a Log Cabin Holiday For August
No one can hear you scream
A date that editor Sammy Barker has no doubt already circled on his calendar, Until Dawn is launching exclusively on PlayStation 4 on the 25th August. The cheesy horror story plays out like an interactive movie, where your decisions and potentially disappointing reflexes can shape the plot, as characters die and desperate...
Friday13th Feb 2015
News Cupid's Baying for Blood in PS4 Exclusive Until Dawn
Fright night
Roses are red, violets are blue; Until Dawn will whisk you away to a cabin in the woods – but there'll be no time to get nude. That's the theme of this brand new trailer for Supermassive Games' forthcoming PlayStation 4 exclusive at least, as romantic tension paves the way for straight-up tension. "As you may know by now, [the game]...
Saturday17th Jan 2015
News How Does PS4 Exclusive Until Dawn Plan to Scare You Senseless?
Terrifying tricks
We know that PlayStation 4 exclusive Until Dawn is supposed to scare us just as much as it makes us laugh, but how does developer Supermassive Games plan to pull off this trick? Well, for a start, it's hired some truly talented horror writers. "We have Larry Fassenden and Graham Reznick as our script writers,” Supermassive...
Tuesday16th Dec 2014
News Giggle Through Eight Minutes of PS4 Horror Until Dawn
Turn off the TV
Until Dawn received a rapturous response at PlayStation Experience last week. While the jury may still have been out on this David Cage-esque survival horror escapade, any concerns seemed to fade away with the spontaneous crowd engagement during Sony’s keynote. At the conference, though, we only got to see a couple of minutes of...
Monday8th Dec 2014
News The Crazy Clown Is the Least of Your Worries in This New Until Dawn PS4 Trailer
Press X to tighten towel
Outrunning a psychotic serial killer clown ain’t easy – but try doing it while you’ve only got a towel to cover your modesty. That’s the predicament that Heroes star Hayden Panettiere faces in PlayStation 4 exclusive Until Dawn, as she tugs at the bathrobe to prevent it from falling down. Yes, it’s pretty pandering...
Saturday6th Dec 2014
News Until Dawn Still Looks Like the Best Worst Game Ever on PS4
Up all night
This editor’s made no secret of his penchant for PlayStation 4 exclusive Until Dawn, and the Supermassive Games developed survival horror looked brilliantly bad in its The Game Awards showing tonight. The clip centred on a vulnerable Hayden Panettiere trying to escape from an incensed member of the Insane Clown Posse. Day one.
Saturday16th Aug 2014
Gamescom 2014 Cringe Through Over 20 Minutes of PS4 Exclusive Until Dawn
Avoid if you've got a heart condition
Heavy Rain was packed with some pretty cringe-inducing moments, but they weren’t exactly intentional. In the upcoming PlayStation 4 exclusive Until Dawn, developer Supermassive Games has set out to create an experience inspired by dodgy slasher teen movies – and on the evidence of this 20 minute showing,...
Friday15th Aug 2014
Gamescom 2014 PS4 Horror Until Dawn Will Come to Hundreds of Conclusions
Fine, as long as Hayden Panettiere doesn't die
Until Dawn is starting to sound more like Heavy Rain by the second, which should come as particularly pleasant news to fans of Quantic Dream’s game. As part of a presentation in Cologne this week, Supermassive Games detail
Wednesday13th Aug 2014
Gamescom 2014 Until Dawn Fuses Heavy Rain with Horror on PS4
Death cabin for cuties
Parisian developer Quantic Dream may have skipped Sony’s press conference yesterday, but fortunately for fans, its style of story-driven games will live on in PlayStation 4 exclusive Until Dawn. Originally announced for the PlayStation 3, but now completely rebuilt for the Japanese giant’s next-gen machine, this title...
Monday11th Aug 2014
Gamescom 2014 Sony to Reveal How Horror Is Being Reinvented on PS4
Until we meet again
It seems like there’s still time prior to Sony’s Gamescom 2014 press conference for another one of those horror themed teaser trailers. This is the most revealing yet, showing a man wielding an axe in a grotty window. We still reckon that this is related to Supermassive Games’ previously announced PlayStation 3 exclusive...
Thursday7th Aug 2014
News Something's Coming in Sony's Second Gamescom 2014 Teaser of the Day
An axe to grind
Sony’s in full on hype mode ahead of its Gamescom 2014 press conference next week – it’s just a shame that it’s releasing some pretty poor promotional trailers to lead into the event. Alright, this one isn’t anywhere near as bad as this afternoon’s hypnotherapy session, but two teasers in one day is probably a little bit...
Tuesday5th Aug 2014
News Snow Joke! Sony Seemingly Teases Until Dawn PS4 Re-Reveal for GamesCom
Arms get cold in February air
Until Dawn became the poster child for Sony’s ill-fated PlayStation Move motion controller when it was first announced, which just goes to show how long the teen horror title has spent in hiding since being unveiled. As suspected, a leaked GamesCom 2014 lineup last week confirmed the release for the PlayStation 4 –...