- Website
- bethesda.net
- Average Review Score
- 7.29/10
- Average Game Rating
- 7.92/10
Review Fallout 4 (PS5) - Timeless Gameplay Loop Stuck in an Outdated RPG
Nearing a decade after its original release, Bethesda has ported Fallout 4 to PS5, promising the kind of improved technical performance that you'd expect from a generation-jumping upgrade. But does the once highly-rated, open world RPG still hold up in 2024? That's a surprisingly difficult question to answer. Some would argue that...
Review Hi-Fi Rush (PS5) - Xbox Gem Makes Its Rhythmic Debut on PS5
It takes two to tango
Hi-Fi Rush was easily one of the surprise hits of 2023, which just so happened to be one of the best years for game releases collectively. Despite not having the immediate chance to experience the latest creation by Tango Gameworks due to Xbox exclusivity, Microsoft’s recent announcement of PS5 support has finally enabled us...
Review Fallout 76 - A Shockingly Bad Attempt at Multiplayer Survival
Nuclear hazard
Republished on Wednesday, 28th December, 2022: We're bringing this review back from the archives following the announcement of January 2023's PS Plus lineup. The original text follows. Fallout 76 will be remembered as a defining moment for Bethesda Game Studios, and not in a good way. This entirely multiplayer take on the Fallout...
Review Ghostwire: Tokyo (PS5) - Not the Bethesda Swansong We Hoped For
The evil without
From The Elder Scrolls and Fallout to Dishonored and Wolfenstein, the Bethesda catalogue has been a staple of many a PlayStation console's third-party lineup. Its games are unique and varied. And while not all of them land, you're always in for something a bit different. Microsoft's acquisition of the company means that's all set to...
Dragon it out
Available as either a full release priced at £47.99 / $49.99 or as a discounted upgrade to 2016's Special Edition, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Anniversary Edition is quite simply the best version of Skyrim to ever grace a PlayStation console. Although, admittedly, that's not saying much. The original game on PS3 was and still is a...
Review Deathloop (PS5) - Arkane Does It Again in Confident Shooter
Loop Hero
For as much as Deathloop presents itself as a complex game, asking you to work out how to break a time loop upon the island of Blackreef, it's actually a somewhat simple one. Arkane Studios has designed the opening hours of the game it made after Dishonored and PREY to be overwhelming, introducing mechanic after mechanic and sprinting...
Review DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods - Part One - Much More of PS4's Best FPS
Back with a vengeance
If DOOM Eternal was the kick up the arse the gaming industry needed towards the start of this year, DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods - Part One will leave those buttocks raw. The Slayer himself has returned with the first instalment in a new expansion so utterly relentless that a rude awakening is in order for even those who...
Mini Review The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor - Return Trip to Skyrim Is Another Decent Adventure
Hey, you're finally awake
The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor is the MMO's big expansion for 2020. As with previous 'Chapters', players get access to a whole new zone that's yours to explore, complete with a new storyline, new quests, new dungeons, and fresh activities. It's yet another solid outing for those already invested in The Elder Scrolls...
Mini Review DOOM 64 - After More Than 20 Years, DOOM's Oft-Forgotten Third Instalment Packs a Punch
It's been 64 years
It’s easy to forget that DOOM 64 is not simply a port of the original DOOM to Nintendo 64, but a fully-fledged sequel that was developed Midway Games. It’s even easier to forget that this was actually a pretty impressive step forward. While aiming is still archaic – lateral aiming only – the level design represents a...
Review DOOM Eternal - The Best First-Person Shooter on PS4
Hell's Bells
After a dismal start to the year for new releases, id Software has issued the industry with the firmest kick up the arse imaginable. DOOM Eternal is absolutely incredible. In building off of a fantastic predecessor, the Texas-based studio has reached new heights as its equation of intense, fast-paced action and enjoyable exploration has...
News Microsoft's Bethesda Bid One Step Closer to Completion as European Union Approves Acquisition
Money money money
Microsoft's 7.5 billion dollar acquisition of ZeniMax Media — of course including Bethesda Softworks — has met the approval of the European Union. As VGC reports, the EU's antitrust regulator has given the green light to the historic merger, which will see Microsoft become the parent company of all Bethesda's development teams...
News Classic DOOM PS4 Ports to Have BethesdaNet Login Requirement Removed
Publisher working on an update
Last week, Bethesda released DOOM, DOOM II, and DOOM 3 on PlayStation 4 as part of its 25th anniversary celebrations. The surprise arrival of the trilogy was naturally well received, but a symptom of modern games got in the way of playing the classic shooters. It was quickly discovered you first have to login to...
Guide What Time Is Bethesda's E3 2019 Press Conference?
All you need to know
Bethesda should have an interesting press conference this year. It's pretty clear what will and won't be there, but there's still potential for one or two surprises from the publisher. But when does it all get started? In this guide, we'll give you all the information on Bethesda's E3 presser. When is the Bethesda E3 2019...
Hands On The Evil Within 2 Is a Familiar Yet Different Beast
Daddy issues
The Evil Within was an overlooked survival horror gem. It may have been rough around the edges with some performance and gameplay issues, but it was a much-appreciated return to old survival-horror design philosophies. Scarce ammo, unforgiving difficulty, intentionally limiting controls – elements like these filled the void that...
E3 2017 Wolfenstein II's Story Is Going Bigger and Better for Sequel
Oh, and there will likely be a Wolfenstein III
If DOOM and Titanfall 2 were signs of the first-person shooter genre's revitalization last year, then 2014's Wolfenstein: The New Order was the forerunner of this unexpected movement. With an impossibly ridiculous yet serious story that rivals the Metal Gear Solid series' tone and impeccable...
E3 2017 The Evil Within 2 Story and Gameplay Details Emerge
We don't Kidman
The Evil Within was incredibly bonkers and unpredictable, but it's these attributes that made it the bizarre, tense horror game that we loved. With appropriately scarce resources, deliberately hampered movement, and terrifying enemies, we've been hoping that Shinji Mikami wouldn't cave and turn the sequel into something like the...
E3 2017 Surprise! Skyrim Announced For PlayStation VR
Coming this November
One of Bethesda's most beloved games, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, is heading to PlayStation VR. Take a look at the reveal trailer above. This is great news for those looking for bigger, more meaningful games on Sony's headset. What's more, it'll be available this November. Will you be dipping back into Skyrim for its VR...
E3 2017 Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Looks Brutal and Bonkers
Releasing October on PS4
After a brief tease last year, Bethesda has today unveiled the next game in the Wolfenstein franchise at its E3 conference. The sequel, titled Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, takes place in the USA, and sees meaty franchise hero BJ Blazkowicz joining another Nazi resistance movement. The extended reveal trailer...
E3 2017 Death of the Outsider Is a New Dishonored Adventure
Bethesda just announced Dishonored: Death of the Outsider at its short E3 showcase, and you can find the trailer embedded above. At first thought to be DLC for Dishonored 2, the official blurb describes Death of the Outsider as "the next standalone adventure in the critically acclaimed Dishonored series". You play as Billie Lurk who reunites...
E3 2016 Looks Like We Won't Be Seeing A New Elder Scrolls for Eons
A prophecy waiting to be fulfilled
While we were holding out on the slim chance that Bethesda might reveal a teaser for the next instalment in its The Elder Scrolls saga last night, it seems our hopes have been crushed even further. Bethesda head Todd Howard had the chance to speak with Geoff Keighley and addressed the question that's been on...
E3 2016 Dishonored 2 Will Feature an Optional No Powers Mode
Absolute power corrupts
In a slightly awkward exchange on today's Youtube Gaming at E3 livestream, Bethesda head Pete Hines announced that Dishonored 2 will ship with a new mode known as 'Flesh and Steel', which will allow you to play the entire game without access to any powers whatsoever. At the beginning of the title, you can simply refuse to be...
Gamescom 2015 Fallout 4 Has No Level Cap and You Can Continue Playing After the Main Story
The end forever
Bethesda's just dropped a couple of interesting facts via its official Twitter account regarding Fallout 4, so we thought that we'd better help spread the news. For starters, the studio's revealed that you'll be able to keep playing the game once the main story is over. Fans will remember that Fallout 3 received a hefty backlash when...
News Pre-Order Fallout 4 from the PlayStation Store and Get an Exclusive PS4 Theme
As if your PS4 wasn't dusty enough
Fallout 4's product page has gone live on the North American PlayStation Store, which means that Bethesda's latest is up for pre-order on PlayStation 4. As you'd expect, it's got a price tag of $59.99, and you also get a small bonus for going down the digital route. An exclusive PS4 theme is up for grabs for those...
Miracle elixir
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited was offline earlier as ZeniMax Online Studios got to work on implementing the game's newest patch, which is now available to download on PlayStation 4. Weighing in at 700MB, it's certainly not the biggest update that we've seen in recent times, but it's still something that you'll want to...
News Fallout 4's Pip-Boy Collector's Edition Has Been Nuked from Production
Better hope you got yours
If the constant stock shortages weren't evidence enough, Fallout 4's pip-boy collector's edition has been in incredibly high demand ever since it was revealed at E3 2015. The package, which comes with a wearable pip-boy casing that you could use to hold your smartphone, has been removed from sale following the news that its...
News Fallout 4's Official Strategy Guide Is Here and It's Bound to Be Hefty
It'd likely make a decent melee weapon
Whether it's The Elder Scrolls or Fallout, Bethesda's open world escapades always release alongside a weighty strategy guide, and Fallout 4 will be no different. When the upcoming post-apocalyptic adventure launches on the 10th November, you'll be able to snag the official guide along with it, and the best news...
News DOOM Ditches Campaign Co-Op on PS4
Shot down
Sorry expectant couch co-op fans, it sounds DOOM won't have any sort of campaign split-screen when it launches next year. Speaking to PC Gamer, Marty Stratton, the game's executive producer, said that while you'll be able to create your own co-op-esque levels thanks to the title's SnapMap feature, there won't be a more traditional option...
News Love Finds a Way as Fallout 4 Has Companions You Can Romance
Love is in the green, toxic air
Companions in Fallout are nothing new, but it's still nice to hear confirmation that upcoming open world romp Fallout 4 will have its own selection of weirdos to shuffle around the dusty wasteland with. Spilling some more details at QuakeCon 2015 courtesy of a whole new gameplay demo, Bethesda has revealed that...
Weirdness The Horrific Truth Behind Fallout 3's DLC Train
Masterful game development
Believe it or not, developers cut corners all the time when it comes to making games - especially if it's a particularly big project. And Bethesda, the studio behind The Elder Scrolls and the recent Fallout games, is no stranger to such practices. Usually crafting titles that are absolutely massive in scope, it's no secret...
News Celebrate the Coming Apocalypse with This Rather Nice Fallout 4 Lithograph
Tomorrow may never come
It's already been established that Fallout 4 isn't the best looking game, but if there's one thing that we really like about it, it's the art direction. The upcoming sequel appears to inject some colour into the series' typically dour post-apocalyptic theme, and that's expressed quite nicely in a new lithograph that you can...
News The Elder Scrolls Online's First DLC Pack Brings Battles to the Imperial City
For the Emperor
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited is getting its first slice of downloadable content on the 15th September, ZeniMax Online Studios has announced. Those of you who played The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion will likely recognise the Imperial City - the seat of Imperial power that exists at the very heart of Tamriel. According to...
News VATS Doesn't Completely Pause the Action in Fallout 4
War does change
Speaking with The Telegraph, Bethesda's always approachable Todd Howard has spilled some more details regarding Fallout 4. The post-apocalyptic adventure was blown wide open at E3 2015 last month, and finer points have been slowly leaking out ever since. With the game set for release this November, we'll no doubt be hearing more and...
News Bethesda 'Will Do Anything' to Avoid Issues with Your Saved Game in Fallout 4
Glad to hear it
Let's be frank: Bethesda's titles aren't known for their smooth launches. Every game that the studio released on the PlayStation 3 started out with its own share of problems, from Fallout 3's graphical glitches to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's crashes. With Fallout 4 now looming on the radiation-soaked horizon, development lead Todd...
Guide What Is The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Exactly?
It's not Skyrim 2, if that's what you're asking
Right, it's time that we attempted to clear up this mess once and for all. The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited launched on the PlayStation 4 last month, but despite the fact that the game's been out for a reasonable amount of time, we still get asked the same old questions on a regular basis -...
News Can't Log In to The Elder Scrolls Online on PS4 in Europe? It's Being Looked Into
Tamriel limited
Ever since the PlayStation Network came back online after going down a few hours ago, European players of The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited have had trouble signing into the game. We've checked our own copy, and can confirm that we can't go on any adventures, either. From what we gather, the issue isn't affecting everyone,...
News Microsoft's Bethesda Bid One Step Closer to Completion as European Union Approves Acquisition
Money money money
Microsoft's 7.5 billion dollar acquisition of ZeniMax Media — of course including Bethesda Softworks — has met the approval of the European Union. As VGC reports, the EU's antitrust regulator has given the green light to the historic merger, which will see Microsoft become the parent company of all Bethesda's development teams...
News Classic DOOM PS4 Ports to Have BethesdaNet Login Requirement Removed
Publisher working on an update
Last week, Bethesda released DOOM, DOOM II, and DOOM 3 on PlayStation 4 as part of its 25th anniversary celebrations. The surprise arrival of the trilogy was naturally well received, but a symptom of modern games got in the way of playing the classic shooters. It was quickly discovered you first have to login to...
Guide What Time Is Bethesda's E3 2019 Press Conference?
All you need to know
Bethesda should have an interesting press conference this year. It's pretty clear what will and won't be there, but there's still potential for one or two surprises from the publisher. But when does it all get started? In this guide, we'll give you all the information on Bethesda's E3 presser. When is the Bethesda E3 2019...
Hands On The Evil Within 2 Is a Familiar Yet Different Beast
Daddy issues
The Evil Within was an overlooked survival horror gem. It may have been rough around the edges with some performance and gameplay issues, but it was a much-appreciated return to old survival-horror design philosophies. Scarce ammo, unforgiving difficulty, intentionally limiting controls – elements like these filled the void that...
E3 2017 Wolfenstein II's Story Is Going Bigger and Better for Sequel
Oh, and there will likely be a Wolfenstein III
If DOOM and Titanfall 2 were signs of the first-person shooter genre's revitalization last year, then 2014's Wolfenstein: The New Order was the forerunner of this unexpected movement. With an impossibly ridiculous yet serious story that rivals the Metal Gear Solid series' tone and impeccable...
E3 2017 The Evil Within 2 Story and Gameplay Details Emerge
We don't Kidman
The Evil Within was incredibly bonkers and unpredictable, but it's these attributes that made it the bizarre, tense horror game that we loved. With appropriately scarce resources, deliberately hampered movement, and terrifying enemies, we've been hoping that Shinji Mikami wouldn't cave and turn the sequel into something like the...
E3 2017 Surprise! Skyrim Announced For PlayStation VR
Coming this November
One of Bethesda's most beloved games, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, is heading to PlayStation VR. Take a look at the reveal trailer above. This is great news for those looking for bigger, more meaningful games on Sony's headset. What's more, it'll be available this November. Will you be dipping back into Skyrim for its VR...
E3 2017 Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Looks Brutal and Bonkers
Releasing October on PS4
After a brief tease last year, Bethesda has today unveiled the next game in the Wolfenstein franchise at its E3 conference. The sequel, titled Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, takes place in the USA, and sees meaty franchise hero BJ Blazkowicz joining another Nazi resistance movement. The extended reveal trailer...
E3 2017 Death of the Outsider Is a New Dishonored Adventure
Bethesda just announced Dishonored: Death of the Outsider at its short E3 showcase, and you can find the trailer embedded above. At first thought to be DLC for Dishonored 2, the official blurb describes Death of the Outsider as "the next standalone adventure in the critically acclaimed Dishonored series". You play as Billie Lurk who reunites...
E3 2016 Looks Like We Won't Be Seeing A New Elder Scrolls for Eons
A prophecy waiting to be fulfilled
While we were holding out on the slim chance that Bethesda might reveal a teaser for the next instalment in its The Elder Scrolls saga last night, it seems our hopes have been crushed even further. Bethesda head Todd Howard had the chance to speak with Geoff Keighley and addressed the question that's been on...
E3 2016 Dishonored 2 Will Feature an Optional No Powers Mode
Absolute power corrupts
In a slightly awkward exchange on today's Youtube Gaming at E3 livestream, Bethesda head Pete Hines announced that Dishonored 2 will ship with a new mode known as 'Flesh and Steel', which will allow you to play the entire game without access to any powers whatsoever. At the beginning of the title, you can simply refuse to be...
Gamescom 2015 Fallout 4 Has No Level Cap and You Can Continue Playing After the Main Story
The end forever
Bethesda's just dropped a couple of interesting facts via its official Twitter account regarding Fallout 4, so we thought that we'd better help spread the news. For starters, the studio's revealed that you'll be able to keep playing the game once the main story is over. Fans will remember that Fallout 3 received a hefty backlash when...
News Pre-Order Fallout 4 from the PlayStation Store and Get an Exclusive PS4 Theme
As if your PS4 wasn't dusty enough
Fallout 4's product page has gone live on the North American PlayStation Store, which means that Bethesda's latest is up for pre-order on PlayStation 4. As you'd expect, it's got a price tag of $59.99, and you also get a small bonus for going down the digital route. An exclusive PS4 theme is up for grabs for those...
Miracle elixir
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited was offline earlier as ZeniMax Online Studios got to work on implementing the game's newest patch, which is now available to download on PlayStation 4. Weighing in at 700MB, it's certainly not the biggest update that we've seen in recent times, but it's still something that you'll want to...
News Fallout 4's Pip-Boy Collector's Edition Has Been Nuked from Production
Better hope you got yours
If the constant stock shortages weren't evidence enough, Fallout 4's pip-boy collector's edition has been in incredibly high demand ever since it was revealed at E3 2015. The package, which comes with a wearable pip-boy casing that you could use to hold your smartphone, has been removed from sale following the news that its...
News Fallout 4's Official Strategy Guide Is Here and It's Bound to Be Hefty
It'd likely make a decent melee weapon
Whether it's The Elder Scrolls or Fallout, Bethesda's open world escapades always release alongside a weighty strategy guide, and Fallout 4 will be no different. When the upcoming post-apocalyptic adventure launches on the 10th November, you'll be able to snag the official guide along with it, and the best news...
News DOOM Ditches Campaign Co-Op on PS4
Shot down
Sorry expectant couch co-op fans, it sounds DOOM won't have any sort of campaign split-screen when it launches next year. Speaking to PC Gamer, Marty Stratton, the game's executive producer, said that while you'll be able to create your own co-op-esque levels thanks to the title's SnapMap feature, there won't be a more traditional option...
News Love Finds a Way as Fallout 4 Has Companions You Can Romance
Love is in the green, toxic air
Companions in Fallout are nothing new, but it's still nice to hear confirmation that upcoming open world romp Fallout 4 will have its own selection of weirdos to shuffle around the dusty wasteland with. Spilling some more details at QuakeCon 2015 courtesy of a whole new gameplay demo, Bethesda has revealed that...
Weirdness The Horrific Truth Behind Fallout 3's DLC Train
Masterful game development
Believe it or not, developers cut corners all the time when it comes to making games - especially if it's a particularly big project. And Bethesda, the studio behind The Elder Scrolls and the recent Fallout games, is no stranger to such practices. Usually crafting titles that are absolutely massive in scope, it's no secret...
News Celebrate the Coming Apocalypse with This Rather Nice Fallout 4 Lithograph
Tomorrow may never come
It's already been established that Fallout 4 isn't the best looking game, but if there's one thing that we really like about it, it's the art direction. The upcoming sequel appears to inject some colour into the series' typically dour post-apocalyptic theme, and that's expressed quite nicely in a new lithograph that you can...
News The Elder Scrolls Online's First DLC Pack Brings Battles to the Imperial City
For the Emperor
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited is getting its first slice of downloadable content on the 15th September, ZeniMax Online Studios has announced. Those of you who played The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion will likely recognise the Imperial City - the seat of Imperial power that exists at the very heart of Tamriel. According to...
News VATS Doesn't Completely Pause the Action in Fallout 4
War does change
Speaking with The Telegraph, Bethesda's always approachable Todd Howard has spilled some more details regarding Fallout 4. The post-apocalyptic adventure was blown wide open at E3 2015 last month, and finer points have been slowly leaking out ever since. With the game set for release this November, we'll no doubt be hearing more and...
News Bethesda 'Will Do Anything' to Avoid Issues with Your Saved Game in Fallout 4
Glad to hear it
Let's be frank: Bethesda's titles aren't known for their smooth launches. Every game that the studio released on the PlayStation 3 started out with its own share of problems, from Fallout 3's graphical glitches to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's crashes. With Fallout 4 now looming on the radiation-soaked horizon, development lead Todd...
Guide What Is The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Exactly?
It's not Skyrim 2, if that's what you're asking
Right, it's time that we attempted to clear up this mess once and for all. The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited launched on the PlayStation 4 last month, but despite the fact that the game's been out for a reasonable amount of time, we still get asked the same old questions on a regular basis -...
News Can't Log In to The Elder Scrolls Online on PS4 in Europe? It's Being Looked Into
Tamriel limited
Ever since the PlayStation Network came back online after going down a few hours ago, European players of The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited have had trouble signing into the game. We've checked our own copy, and can confirm that we can't go on any adventures, either. From what we gather, the issue isn't affecting everyone,...