
Topic: General PSVR Thread

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New blog post confirms every mode of GT7 other than split screen will be available in VR. That’s pretty amazing, ngl.



Slightly on topic but is anyone planning to get the Collective Minds third party cradle and charger for vr2? It's only $30 and has a stand for the vr helmet too vs 50 and no stand for the official charger. I haven't ordered a charger but keeping the controllers in place and charging separately could be annoying.



@NEStalgia Depends on how much use it will get. If it's not a weekly thing, I'd rather store it in a box underneath the TV to prevent it from catching too much dust.



I was likely still going to pass, but this news makes it even easier. The Sense controllers will not be sold separately, at least for now. I'm not paying $550 for something with the possibility that I won't be able to use it at all if one of the controllers breaks. I have a hard time believing this is a stock issue or anything like that.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@KilloWertz If they break, then there's probably a way for Sony to replace them. It probably comes with a two-year warranty anyway, so selling separate controllers in its first two years is kinda pointless anyway.



Exciting stuff, looking forward to the media coverage.
PlayStation Access (official Sony YouTube channel) also got theirs today.
Still somewhat dismayed at the lack of marketing so I hope the media does what Sony doesn't, i.e. Promote the thing.



PSVR2 embargo date is rumoured to be 15th so next Wednesday.
Digital foundry also have a unit and John L is on the case so expect some videos there.



@KilloWertz I'd thought about that and wondered. Yeah that's kinda nasty if a stick drift or something can take out the whole unit. They really ought to sell spares, but I bet they won't. $550 to fix stick drift or a bad trigger.

@Octane I doubt it's more than 1 year in the us. If controllers do break it probably really is bad



Pavlov is showing in the UK store, but only if u search for it!
I am wondering if it will be a launch freebie like Quest did?



@Octane Accidents happen though. Sony will replace or repair them if they develop an inherent fault such as stick drift but not if one of them gets chewed up by your dog or something! I definitely think that replacements should be available to buy.

[Edited by LN78]



We now have some PSVR2 gameplay from Switchback VR and it looks fantastic and a bit scary

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.



So it's a literal on-rails shooter? Honestly it looks kinda fun



@Voltan If you've seen Until Dawn Rush of Blood, it's basically the same thing.




After reading reviews for Horizon I think I'll cancel my pre-order for now. While it seems good, it doesn't seem to be killer app, and with a €70 price tag for a digital only game, it's difficult to justify for me.

And with no Astro Bot or other cool VR game to look forward to, I will wait until there's more software available. The tech seems cool, and I'll get it some day, but it's too bad there isn't enough on day one.



@Octane that's fair, I changed my preorder from the Horizon bundle to the standard one as Horizon seems to be a lot of climbing which I find pretty annoying even in VR games. Though I was always much more excited to play GT7, RE Village and Rez in VR anyway, with Switchback being the new game I was looking forward to

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.



@Octane Good approach as unless you are a racing fan or a horror fan then the lineup diminishes considerably, imo. Thankfully I'm both but I still haven't preordered despite being extremely excited for psvr 2 and watching all the reveal vids on YouTube, I'm still waiting for Sony to reveal some sort of roadmap plus I'm in no rush as I still have a psvr 1 backlog. I'm also waiting for more psvr 1 upgrades.

As for horizon, that game was always going to be a "game for all" and because of that it was going to be restrictive for VR veterans, e.g. the combat compromises. Personally I would have preferred a GoW spinoff (or even better make GOW ragnorok a hybrid game) but then , as I say, GoW isn't really a "game for all" because of the violence.



@carlos82 @CaptD Horror and racing aren't really my thing. For VR I also bought GT Sport, which I enjoyed, but it isn't a system seller for me. So I'll get GT7 once I get the VR2, but it's not a priority. And yeah, I realise horror is big on VR. I was fine taking the risk with PSVR, because it was a lot cheaper, but for price of PSVR2, I'd like the guarantee that there will be more games up my alley before getting it.

They're surely working on an Astro Bot VR game, so I don't know why they won't reveal it already. It's sometimes nice to have the confirmation, even if it's another year away.



FYI. YouTube streamers over the next few days.
I know Eurogamer is going to be doing a mammoth one on Wednesday and I think (not 100% sure) that PlayStation Access are doing something tomorrow, probably Gt7 but I feel it might be a big stream comprising of lots of games (just a guess).
Obviously there are the Psvr without parole guys as well, assuming they get their headsets as Sony cut them out of the Press loop.
Be sure to avoid all those Re8 spoilers though as I'm sure some of you have been waiting to play it in VR, I know I have.



It's VR2 day!
... and I'm still waiting for confirmation that my unit is ready for pickup :/


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