
Topic: General PSVR Thread

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Happy PS VR2 day, hope you all enjoy your new headsets.
@carlos82 I always expected it to be full campaign simply because of the effort required to do a certain mode (mercenaries for example) is, I would imagine, a significant amount of percentage of the work to do the entire game so why not do the whole lot (possible meta/Quest lawsuits aside).
Plus I have faith in Capcom and their VR vision plus I think they know that the VR community expects the entire game.



@carlos82 They've done that with the last 2 games so it isn't really surprising, although to be fair 7 and 8 were already 1st person, while 4 is not (but it does have a Quest VR version). Great news nonetheless.
I suspect RE in VR would be too much for me as I don't really do that well with horror games even on flat screen but I'd be willing to give it a try (I understand there will be a demo or trial for VR Village)



@CaptD It was just how it was initially worded, I'll be playing it normally when it comes out but definitely looking forward to replaying it in VR

@Voltan I did play RE7 in VR but couldn't finish it but that was more down to it not really being designed around VR. Village and RE4 on Quest look much better in that regard and I believe there is a trial too

Oh and as I type this my shipping notification pops up 😁😁😁😁😁

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.



My PSVR 2 just arrived whoop whoop!!



My PSVR2 just got delivered and only an hour after my shipping notification

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.



Got it a couple of hours ago. Had to charge the handsets up first but had a go at GT7 and it's a diiferent level to PSVR1 (so it should be for the price !)
It's amazing.



I had to contact the retailer but they finally updated my order status and I'm picking up mine after work



I’ll be plugging everything in shortly. I don’t have GT7 so I’ll check out Horizon and Moss first. I also noticed that I’m eligible for cheap upgrades of Thumper and Rez Infinite (which were free Days Of Play games, I’m pretty sure) so I’ll definitely get those!

Edit: I only played Horizon but I am very impressed. The depth and tracking feel amazing, as if I was in that world.
I’ll try other games tomorrow.
So far this is great

[Edited by Voltan]



Does it work with Bluetooth headphone or the Bluetooth single plugged into the PS5? I’ve heard conflicting things about that.



So now I've had a bit more time with it and played a few games, I can safely say this was a great investment, the HDR screen really shows off not only deep blacks but good peak brightness and contrast.

Rez with its new eye aiming mode is quite brilliant and really good fun however you play it.

Job Simulator now requires room space, so the big improvement here is been able to walk around and peek at the other desks in the office for example, oh and not worrying about the PS camera not tracking you is a god send, also HDR makes the lighting far better

Kayak VR just looks amazing, the water is stunning and the interactivity with plants, rocks etc is really well done, it's just fun paddling around aimlessly.

Re Village looks great, the new weapon loading and aiming is great but sadly this is the one which gives me motion sickness for now, so I'll be playing in short bursts.

The star of the show has to be GT7, this looks stunning and with a wheel and pedals feels a lot like the real thing. There are so many fine details and that lighting model is stunning, whether it be bright sunny days or blasting around Japan at night under the street lights, this is one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.



neonpizza wrote:

Negatives so far >

  • Tight sweet spot

Yeah, this is the only negative for me. Really fiddly. Looks great when you nail it, but it shouldn’t take more than a few seconds to find the sweet spot.



Has anyone that's played the star wars demo found out if that's from the original base game the review said is bad, it from the second part it says is good? Because the demo is pretty good looking and seems pretty fun to me. If that's the bad part I may actually buy it.

@liamcroft not sure who to ask but since you tend to lurk the form, I choose you: not sure who's doing the no man's sky vr2 review as you do all the reviews, but any chance you guys might reach out to hello games about any planned patches for the really low res psvr2 visuals? It's quite bad... Very much not psvr2 standards.



@NEStalgia I have heard bits and pieces about bad NMS graphics in PSVR2, something about it defaulting to PS4 standards? I don’t believe we’ve started on a NMS PSVR2 review yet, but the visuals are definitely something we’ll look at

PSN ID: Liam_Croft


Genuinely loving PSVR2 - GT7 of course,Horizon is gorgeous yes but for me as an old school rocker - drums rock is making me laugh and bringing some healthy competition to the house with my daughter. I am also showing her up on synth riders ha ha. We are having a blast tbh. Love it. Best fun I've had in gaming for a long time. And thats it - its fun.



First time VR user and I have to admit I was pretty blown away when Horizon opened up. Seeing the menus and everything as just a floating projection screen and then it expanding to take up my whole field of vision was pretty intense. Guess you just do not know what to expect until you see it for the first time and one of the challenges of marketing this tech. Must admit, as lame as it sounds, that turning around to look behind me was the most mind-blowing thing knowing I could never do that in a game before.

On the game front, yes, Horizon is amazing. RE Village is so well done, it really is like another game. Capcom should be commended for the investment. Of course, loading your gun takes longer, so that is scary when things are coming at you. Kayak was very tranquil and awesome, feel it will be boring over time but great to have for visitors who want to check out VR at my house. NMS...I agree with @NEStalgia that the graphics are not that great, mine actually went monochromatic. Plus, I don't like how you move in that game in VR, maybe it is a settings thing. Hoping it is patched up.

But, I must say that NFL Pro Era (if you are an American football fan or even if you are not) is so well done, I was most surprised by it. Yes, the graphics are not modern, but the whole game is so much better than I expected. I had no idea it would be so deep with so many features, full seasons, different styles, calling plays. Standing on the sideline in these big stadiums is so cool. Really get a sense of how tough this game is in real life when behind those big lineman...and it will take time to perfect the timing of throws, that has been tough.

Anyway, going to keep playing, but impressed with what Sony has done, but also in all the developers pushing so much new and upgraded games out at once. Happy for everyone on here enjoying this awesome new tech, and no injuries yet here. haha



I played about 2h of Moss today and OH MY GOD IT'S SO COOL
Even with with cartoonish graphics like this, the immersion is so good that I was really disappointed when I couldn't rest my elbow on the rock to my left 😂
Really well designed game overall too



I’ve played horizon call of the mountain and moss book 2 on PSVR2 so far. I really like the sense controllers. They make manipulating the world so much easier than it was using the dual shock 4. The move controllers were never really fit for purpose because they didn’t have an analog stick.

As for the headset themselves for PSVR2 clearly has a better screen than the PSVR, but I can see individual pixels on both so it doesn’t make a huge difference. Neither get past the fact I’m clearly looking at a screen in front of my face. I experience the same level of motion sickness with both.

The main irritation find with a PSVR2 is the seated play area is about 10 cm too small when I reach out my arms to touch something in the world, the Red Rings almost always appear. It happened when I was trying to reach out of the boat in horizon, and it was really immersion breaking.



@Ryall The same happened to me with the red rings, too. My solution was to redo the room scan. Simply ignore the prompt which says the scan is done and keep scanning as much as you possibly can: All walls, floor, basically until everything is blue. Since then, it hasn't come up once. Hope that can help you, too.


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