
Topic: General PSVR Thread

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I just finished Moss. Excellent game. Short by non-VR standards but I guess the standards are different - it wasn't expensive anyway so I'd say it was worth every penny.
I'm going to try get all the trophies (although the no death one is going to be a bit of a pain) but... chapter select seems bugged. Not that I really need it but I can't check which chapters have the collectibles I'm missing :/

Edit: I played 2 levels of Thumper... wow.

[Edited by Voltan]



@neonpizza Prescription lenses by VR Optician are scheduled for the end of March. I have them on my PSVR1 and it is a flawless experience.

[Edited by dschons]



@neonpizza I've heard their name quite a few times but I don't know anything about their prodcuts



@neonpizza That's a shame, that angle is the problem. The first day with it, I had the exact same bridge of nose pressure and couldn't take more than a few hours. I also had oil smeared on the lenses, and had a bear of a time keeping the sweet spot. After that I learned to pull the back of the headband all the way down and found the sweet spot so much easier, and also learned to NOT close the visor in so tight that it maximizes FOV, rubs your lashes on the lenses, and that you do NOT need to squash the light shield against your face, gentle contact does just fine. After that I spent probably like 12 hours in it one day over the weekend just because it's the new toy, and had no discomfort from it.

I think it's meant to have that sharp down angle of the headband, and if worn that way will not put that pressure on the bridge of the nose or need nearly as tight a clamp. But if your glasses require having the angle high, I definitely think there's no way around the nose pressure. Are you sure you really need to wear it at that angle though? The lenses really don't line up for most people with the band high up like that. I actually LOVE the light shield on this more than VR1 because I don't need to crush it close to my face, and that also means less grease smeared on the lens (once I got the first layer off...) But if you're stuck at that angle, I'm not sure there's any way to make it great.



@neonpizza what an absolute load of faff this contraption sounds like. mental note to self, whilst relaxing on a comfy sofa with a controller in hand: never buy a VR headset.



@Gamer_Guy You don't know what you're missing out on, though. It's quite a thing when it works. BUT, it's also fussy. At the end of the day it's a wearable. It's a piece of clothing, no different than a skiier's goggles, a sports helmet, etc. Different equipment will fit better or more comfortably for different people's body shapes, and sometimes the "best" piece of tech isn't the one that fits someone the best. We're not used to having to deal with tech items as clothing.....but....then.....I have a Dual Sense Edge and Xbox Elite V2 because those controllers fit my hand more comfortably, so it's not TOTALLY strange.

For me, personally, PSVR2 is substantially more comfortable to wear than PSVR1, with a more accomodating light shield, lighter overall weight, and better balance. For so much it seems, but that, I think is mostly on account of his glasses changing the projection angle from the natural one. Which goes back to your point that it can be a hassle.

OTOH, I want to start HFW and wrap up Kiwami 2, but now that I go into VR every night I never want to come out of it, and the look of my regular flat games, as much as I love the games....just.....underwhelm me.... I'll drag myself away, but...once you really start getting used to having real depth as "normal" lacking it feels so very very primitive. It's worth it...but one headset won't be the right fit for everyone. And neon's a little fussy

Remember, the one thing I think people really forget when it comes to VR, is, it's not just that things are shown in 3D. It's that they are shown life-size, in 3D. Simple things like doorways, on a 2D game you walk through the door, in VR you actually WALK THROUGH the door, and the ceiling is up above you, and the floor, and the vents below you. And behind you. It's a whole other world of gaming that really can't be expressed if you haven't seen it. The best way to convey it is just imagine playing your favorite game. Now imagine going to a theme park like the Mario World theme park and being inside a staged world of that game IRL. Now imagine doing that on your couch. That's VR. But it's a hard sell if you haven't seen it, and then read all the conversation abut blur and mura, and fitting, and glasses and motion issues and whatnot. Getting into VR the first time is like getting on a roller coaster the first time. You either love it and try to recreate that thrill for the rest of your life, or you hate it and are positive you have 5 minutes to live. Either way, it's a memorable experience.

[Edited by NEStalgia]



@Gamer_Guy The experience is enabled and elevated by VR are worth the inconveniencing are in my book.



@neonpizza "Try Resident Evil 8 in VR and come back to me, you'll never want to play it on your TV again."

So true. I can't even go back to flat Skyrim anymore. And the VR version is running on 6 year old hardware mind you, lol.



@dschons lack of Skyrim on VR2 just depresses me . I still keep hoping for something to step up and replace it. That was just the best, and I hoped nms would fill the void but it's so fugly. I'm adapting though. It really is a fun vr game, tbt blur just ruins it. I'm hoping against hope they patch it. It can do so much better on PS5.

@neonpizza aha! I thought that might be the case with comfort and glasses! I'm near sighted and also wear glasses, but I rarely actually wear them IRL so I don't in vr either. If it's supposed to look like reality it'll be blurry in all the places reality is, so it's all good... If I don't have to squint to read signage it doesn't feel real anyway 😂

Haha, yeah I wasn't going to do the star wars game from reviews, played the demo and was an insta buy. It's actually very good, visually, and the gunplay.

I'm angry at song in the smoke. I finally built a camp fire and killed 2 monsters then died of sleep loss before saving it lol. It's a smooth play though. Haven't tried 120, it's good at 90.

I've settled I think on about 70-75% brightness. I'm good with 50 in some games, but there's a balance, not just between motion and color, also eye fatigue (max is pretty, but sure straining after a while), but also one problem lowering it too much is you lose the appearance of real daylight. Horizon doesn't look like real daylight anywhere but Max and one down. But I tested with moss, the first room in the first dungeon where a beam if sunlight illuminates the middle. Max really looks like sunlight beaming in, but it's also a little too bright and blows out highlights. 3 notches down (75%) largely preserves, but not quite, the feel of real sunlight while not searing out your retinas and not blowing out highlights, but also isn't perfectly real light like. 4 notches down (70%) is pretty passable too but the light starts looking more muted and artificial..50 isn't bad on some games, it looks more cinematic than real. Anything less than that I call "VRR", "Virtually Real Ray-Bans" because it's artificially muted, desaturated, and contrasty like dark shades I also found for some reason the lower brightness fatigued my eyes more than higher brightness which doesn't make sense but it did.

It's no surprise that games really pushing graphics would be kind of messy. "Fortunately" I doubt we'll see many of those, lol. And nothing ever will look as awful as NMS currently lol



@NEStalgia Yeah, I've heard it doesn't look good at the moment. I've even seen people claim the PS4 version running on PS5 with PSVR1 looked better. Let's hope for a patch soon.

[Edited by dschons]



@dschons Yeah from what I've read, PS4+PSVR1 looked worse, PS4Pro+PSVR1 looked better, and PS5+PSVR1looked much better. OTOH I've seen some say this is exactly how it looked on PC before it supported DLSS which isn't an option for PS.

I know there were rumors of delays on PSVR2, so I'm hoping this is just a PS4 BC mode they threw in to hit launch day and the real version is yet to come, but you'd think Hello would have said something if they were planning improvements.

One thing that strikes me strange, I found on the NMS website page for the Fractal Update which is supposed to have been this update, strange patch notes. It has tiles with all the features listed, one of them is PSVR2 support. The one at the bottom is "PSVR2 Visual Quality" where it talks about improved textures, draw distance, etc, etc on do you have a patch that has both a feature of introducing PSVR2 support and of improving visual quality on PSVR2 as 2 separate features? Their included screenshot does.........not look like my NMS.... Maybe that means a patch is on the way:

The universe looks crisper and more beautiful in PSVR2, with higher quality textures, improved particle rendering, terrain tessellation effects, increased planetary details, increased draw distances, and much more.

These improvements, combined with support for AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.0 technology on PlayStation technology, create the best-looking PSVR experience yet.

It's written like that was supposed to have been in this update, but it clearly isn't. Mine looks like it's 540p at best, with PS3 textures, smeared with thick TAA FSAA. It's Minecraft in space, but without jaggies, lol.

EDIT: Eh, but then then they have patch notes they posted today for the coming soon and there's no mention of anything PSVR2 other than "terrain tesselation" not working on PS5...... might be a long wait...

[Edited by NEStalgia]



@neonpizza But the big issues with wireless remains wireless 4k video streaming is just pure garbage. Yeah PC enthusiasts with perfect line of sight to their PC get OK results, but you with how picky you are with artifacts and motion issues, you will never ever be happy with what radio can do. And you're not going to get a PS5 level performance you can strap onto your head in the next 15 years (assuming anybody makes games that utilize PS5, but you're already unhappy with demanding games running at 60 to 90hz and wanting PS5 Pro so IDK that Quest will do what you want fps/graphics-wise.

You're in that cycle of getting overhyped for what a product MIGHT be and then getting disappointed when it really isn't that. And right now VR is all about trade-offs, rather than better or worse. I've been there, it's a sucky cycle!

The cord's a pain, I don't disagree, and yet then I remember what radio transmitted 4k miracast looks like and, nope, nuh uh, not gonna work. And then I think of what a tablet can do for graphics,and if we're already disappointed in what PS5 can do, that won't go any better....

I agree with most of the complaints, but also think the trade-offs are all real. (Quest is cheaper, so there's that though.) But of all things, the ear buds are an issue? Seriously what is wrong with tethered earbuds anchored to the system? Even if it had "wireless "(ick) wouldn't you want to tether them to the headset so you don't drop them or need to find them when the headset is on? They just come along with the headset? I just don't see any advantage whatsoever to the earbuds not being tethered, unless you're going for full size cans, but that's more weight, and looks even more dated! VR1 I left the earbuds in the box and tried full size cans and those clip on near-ear speakers that sound like soup cans and string.....honestly I'm finding it a much sleeker package just using the wired earbuds this time around.

EDIT: For VR function over fashion has to reign supreme, and that means tethered earbuds where you can reach them reliably without seeing. Fashion is never ever going to work. As I'm climbing mountains with imaginary pickaxes reaching for ledges realizing I look like I'm failing out of mime school while sitting on the couch, fashion will never, ever, ever intersect with VR. No matter how sleek the hardware, you're always going to look like you escaped the asylum while using it...

[Edited by NEStalgia]



@neonpizza How would you compare motion blur to PSVR1? I had no issue with smooth turning there, and actually got used enough to it that snap turning and other comfort options makes me more motion sick instead of helping.



@Jaz007 Just to offer a different opinion from neon, because I think neon is uncommonly sensitive to motion blur, even in 2D displays more than most people will really notice, I think it depends a little bit on the game. Horizon, to me, has a motion blur to it, even at the lowest brightness setting, slightly visible even when turning your head, and the smooth turning in that game is almost unusable. I'm someone that suffers zero motion sickness in VR, and can just sit in there for 6 hours without a break and not even be wobbly when leaving.....but I can't take the smooth turning on Horizon. I tried and just can't. It doesn't make me motion sick but my eyes feel immediately strained. But it's more of a game issue than a display issue.

Kayak also has some motion issues, but while it interferes with the "realism" of the world, I don't find it causes discomfort or disorientation like Horizon. If anything just subtle eye strain over time.

A few other games that I've resorted to using snap turning instead of smooth, largely because you spend most of your time turning and I find my eyes get tired on smooth: Last Clockwinder, Light Brigade (that game has serious resolution issues, it's clearly running PS4 mode, I can't even read the settings menu it's so low res.) But all these games, smooth turning DOES work fine, I just find the slight blur is fatiguing more than I'd like.

Games I use smooth turning: Dyschronia, Song in Smoke, Garden of the Sea, Sometimes Star wars, sometimes snap turning, I think it depends on how tired I am, NMS, Zenith for that brief period I played it before you told me not to

Neon is right that the result of motion is smoother at 0 brightness, however, for Horizon I find smooth turning is still just bad. I find that the image is so desaturated, overcontrasty, and dull it's not really interesting to play with 0 brightness.

At the same time, while I liked max brightness at first, I now find it kind of unbearably bright, and find it blows out the highlights and is basically just badly calibrated HDR. The effect max bright has on sunlight is awesome, it feels like real sunlight. But after a while you start realizing, it's exactly like real sunlight, and you normally don't go outside and stare at really bright htings without sunglasses on because it's painful and fatiguing. I've been playing at about 75% which gives a motion boost and is less fatiguing, while still giving it a real sunlight look. Less than that, it looks less like real sunlight and more like a movie.....however even 75% is starting to feel a little overly bright sometimes, so I may very well drop it. I don't think I can tolerate under 50% though. Colors and HDR scale is just...wrong...that low. It's all about happy mediums, and it's a little bit game-specific. Which is fine, the settings are a double-click of the PS button away. Reminds me of PC gaming playing with sliders for every game, though lol.

@neonpizza some of the Horizon motion blur is NOT the display. I can still see the blur if I look carefully even at 0 brightness. The dimness just hides it more because everything is dim and half the detail is a buried shadow (couldn't resist.) The game engine is doing something there that it should not be doing.

[Edited by NEStalgia]



@neonpizza @NEStalgia Thanks for the feedback!
That's a shame to hear about the motion with Horizon, and kind of affirms me picking up for cheaper later. I hate snap turning, so I'll see if I can power through a later date. I'll keep that in mind about the sun too, I'm not a fan of the sun in real life, so that makes being able to turn it down a bit more appealing. I had a good laugh at that description. I don't really mind some strain as long as it's better than PSVR1.



@NEStalgia Also, how's Dyschronia? I'm really interested in it after how much I've enjoyed Tokyo Chronos so far. I still need to finish that one up. I have faith it will be good, but haven't heard a thing about it so far.



@neonpizza I'm really not as blown away as I thought I'd be either, or as much as I was with PSVR. Could just be the only game I have is CotM, which looks really cool but, idk, somehow still not as cool as The Kitchen or Astro bot.

Also if this entire Horizon game is just constant climbing imma feel ripped off. Real climbing - exhausting and tons of fun. VR climbing - just exhausting.

And it could be that I'm still getting used to this headset but man do I have trouble finding that sweet spot on my head where everything's not all blurry. I could pretty much accomplish this in seconds with the old headset but with V2 I'm really struggling, even going into the settings nearly every time to make sure I have the eye spacing calibrated correctly.

[Edited by zupertramp]

PSN: frownonfun
Switch: SW-5109-6573-1900 (Pops)

"One of the unloveliest and least enlightening aspects of contemporary discourse is the tendency to presume that whatever one disagrees with must be very simple—not only simple, but also simply wrong." - Elizabeth Bruenig


@Jaz007 I always used to hate snap turning, I still kind of do, but I'm getting used it it on the handful of games I switched, which I didn't expect. Horizon is the only one it's just absolutely necessary imo. I tried the smooth again, and it's doable but it's so straining on the eyes it affects being able to appreciate the game. It's a shame, otoh the game is otherwise incredibly pretty. It really is a great tech demo especially for horizon fans. It has engine issues, I heard it uses unreal and not decima so it's fair guerilla isn't great at optimizing it. I do love that game. It's disappointing it's not a meatier game and is more a lengthy demo but it's so well suited to it's task I don't even mind. It's also a really good sheer rock climbing sim which works well for vr by itself. I genuinely panic when my pick slips. It's funny really because in my mind I'm exhausted and my arms are sore from climbing a summit. In reality I'm sitting on the couch waving my arms like I'm in mime school 😂

I actually turned the brightness down to half. I think the more time I use it the brighter it starts feeling. Depends on game, horizon somehow looks very flat at half like the highlights are gray. So does kayak and gt. Most other things are still vibrant at half. But it's way better than vr1 in everything but the motion smoothness. There's lots of fussy gripes of imperfections from us all because that's where vr is, but assuming you get it in the sweet spot it's seriously very nice. Even ugly games are nice! In a lot of ways the PS5 itself is the bigger limiting factor than the headset. Powerful as it is it's still on the fringe of the power needed for ideal fps to drive the headset properly for more demanding games

I'm really liking Dyschronia so far. At first I was worried but it opened into a proper vn soon enough. There's some technical issues like dialogue text appearing behind objects at times and some dodgy ui choices at times, but the cote game, story, and world so far are very fun to be inside of. Relying on text for dialogue too often is not ideal in vr, but it's not really bothering me. I'm still early enough that they're still hand holding me to explain systems and such as they introduce them. The usual vn slow drip. But it's everything you'd hope for in a vr anime VN I think!



Okay so finally dipped into GT7 with the wheel and headset and that is a pretty good time right there! Was at Alsace when by the last lap it's dark and you come around the first corner and there's just a straight up fireworks show going off in the distance. Wild. It's like don't distract me I'm trying to catch these top 3. Really cool.

Or your door to door with this car and you just look over and there they are, right next to you. Obvious I know but still, I'm amazed.

But what I'm loving more than anything are the dirt tracks. It's like I get a sense of the slide better and thusly race better than I typically do using a 2D screen. The car just handles better. And the jumps are mad. Just blasting off in the air and you can't see anything but the sky and you're just waiting to feel your car make contact with the ground again. I love it. Then the dirt flying all up in your windshield when you're trailing close to a car. I can't see racing any other way now.

Tbh a spotter would be awful handy but other than that I'm really enjoying GT7. Between the wheel, the stand, the chair, and the VR headset I feel embarrassingly bougie but man does it kinda seem worth it as I'm never gonna sit behind the wheel of a proper, real life rally car and drive the windmills at Sardegna or have a truck race at Daytona.

@neonpizza Keep meaning to give the RE demo a try at least. They typically aren't my cup of tea but won't hurt to try.

PSN: frownonfun
Switch: SW-5109-6573-1900 (Pops)

"One of the unloveliest and least enlightening aspects of contemporary discourse is the tendency to presume that whatever one disagrees with must be very simple—not only simple, but also simply wrong." - Elizabeth Bruenig

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