Our individual Game of the Year articles allow our lovely team of writers to share their own personal PS5 and PS4 picks for 2021. Today, it's the turn of freelance video editor Liam Richardson.
5. It Takes Two

It Takes Two felt like it arrived completely out of left field. I wasn't a huge fan of A Way Out — feeling it bit off slightly more than it could chew — but with It Takes Two developer Hazelight really hit its stride. This is a phenomenal co-op game that not only understands what makes cooperative play fun but is excited to show you its ideas like a child gleefully digging through a toybox. Throughout its lengthy 12 hour campaign, the game frequently thrusts entirely new mechanics onto you, resulting in a thrill ride that never grows stale. Sadly, the whole thing is let down by its rancid protagonists who I genuinely despised with the burning heat of a thousand suns. Swings and roundabouts, I suppose.
4. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

Other than its gorgeous next-gen visuals and ludicrously fast loading times I wouldn't say that there's anything particularly special about Ratchet & Clank's PS5 debut. It's just another Ratchet & Clank game. That's not a bad thing, though! There was something extremely comforting about spending time with two old friends, and it was pleasant to become acquainted with two new ones thanks to the introduction of fresh-faced duo Rivet and Kit. Rift Apart felt safe — perhaps too safe — but there's a place for games like this, I think. A joyful interplanetary romp. Lovely stuff.
3. Resident Evil Village

Resident Evil is on a winning streak at the moment, and as a huge "Resi Head" (this is what we fans call ourselves trust me don't Google it) I couldn't be happier. Case in point: Resident Evil Village, a game that proves the ageing series is far from running out of steam. Village feels like it finally solved the tension that lies at the heart of most mainline Resi games, successfully marrying action-packed shootouts with scream-inducing horror set-pieces thanks to a refined pace that keeps things moving forward at a decent clip. There's a lot to see in Village, even if your time there feels potentially a bit too brisk by the time the credits roll. It's a promising template for a follow up to build upon, however, and I can't wait to see what's next.
2. Hitman 3

Is it possible to talk about Hitman 3 as a singular release? Because... it's not really, is it? It's more of an expansion pack to developer IOI's incredible world of assassination sandbox than an individual game. If you already own Hitman 2016 and Hitman 2, Hitman 3 simply rounds off an already content-rich package, gluing on a couple of exceptional new levels and making everything look prettier when played on Sony's shiny new system. In isolation, Hitman 3 is a moreish globe-trotting stealth game about killing people in ridiculous ways. Paired with its predecessors, Hitman 3 becomes an essential purchase for anyone with a penchant for fibre wire and a passion for expressive gameplay. Superb.
1. Death's Door

I could spend an entire year sitting within the halls of Death's Door's reaping commission, a bureaucratic establishment rendered entirely in monochrome that serves as the game's hub world. It was here that my affection for Acid Nerve's Zelda inspired release solidified into genuine love. It is a peaceful place, one that offers much-needed respite from the grim cold word that lies behind its heavy wooden doors. Out there is violence. Decaying monsters that must be dealt with. Crumbling ruins that must be navigated. Difficult quandaries about mortality that must be pondered. But in here, things feel safe. Its music — soft and warm — is underpinned by the tips and taps of your corvid colleagues as they work away on their miniature typewriters. Tiny woodland creatures (the only things rendered in colour here) coo as they follow you around its endless maze of cobblestone pathways. I like Death's Door a lot. It is a remarkable, special thing.
What do you think of Video Liam's personal Game of the Year picks? Feel free to agree or berate in the comments section below.
Comments 23
"Sadly, the whole thing is let down by its rancid protagonists who I genuinely despised with the burning heat of a thousand suns."
Excellent work
Great to see more Hitman 3 love. Outstanding game.
“ corvid colleagues as they work away on their miniature typewriters”
I’m sure I can’t be the only one who read this as covid colleagues 😂
Can’t believe nobody has suggested Lost Judgment yet!
That is an excellent list. Only one I'd not have in mine that high is Hitman. Death's Door at number 1 is a fantastic choice.
Good list! It would be cool if you guys did top 5's for games you've played this year but didn't release this year, unless it was Mass Effect Legendary Edition because let's be honest, that is the best game that's launched this year by a mile.
Im tempted to try deaths door but i dont like roguelikes. I hear a lot of good things with this though. Somebody sell me on it and i will tip quite easily to getting it!
@Weebleman It isn't a roguelike, SOLD!!!
@Weebleman I don’t think it is, is it? I’m also not a rogue-lite/like fan. I was under the impression this is more Zelda-esque exploration, though…
How is the trophy list on deaths door? Is it a long grind to get the platinum?
@Weebleman It's more of a Zelda clone. Linear levels, unlocking new items after defeating bosses etc. It's brilliant stuff.
I wanna play It Takes Two but it's difficult to find time to get another friend to play it with me at the same time, and I don't want to play it with just some random person on the internet.
@fuzzymonkeyfunk I’m playing it now. Depending on how you play the platinum can be achieved in one play session of about 10 hours. I’m doing two playthroughs though because I wanted to try all the weapons on my first go round.
@GorosBat take my money 😂
@residentmeevil right well thats sorted that then. I will give it a tickle (i think its on sale as well at the mo).
Thanks to all the folks who talked me out of my money haha
Update: purchased!
I don't get all the praise for Death's Door. Was an OK little game and I'm glad I played it but it felt NOTHING like Zelda to me at all. My big problem was that the 4 weapon upgrades were uninspired and all felt the same. Prob a 6/10 for me.
LIAM! I'm calling you out! I googled it and Resident Evil fans do NOT call themselves Resi Heads! I feel so betrayed...
@weR1youR2Podcast champion it’s on my list of games to play next year 👍🏻
FINALLY someone has Death’s Door where it belongs. It was easily my GOTY as well. Soooo good.
Death’s Door is fantastic, easily in my top three of the year.
I've said it before, but I really want to try Death's Door.
Another great list and another game to add to the back log - looking at you Deaths Door.
I don't know if Deaths Door is the best game of the year, I just got it yesterday and I can't put it down, even though I'm playing several parts a multitude of times.
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