You’ve got to feel a semblance of sympathy for Striking Distance Studios. Fronted by Dead Space’s executive producer Glen Schofield, the team has clearly designed The Callisto Protocol in direct response to the clamours for a return to EA’s iconic sci-fi horror. But on the eve of the gruesome debut’s release, Motive has started promoting a tantalising remake of Isaac Clarke’s inaugural outing. It’s true what they say: when it rains survival horror, it pours.
Of course, for fans of the genre, this overlap isn’t necessarily a negative – and while there are obvious similarities between Dead Space and The Callisto Protocol, we reckon the latter distances itself just enough to stand alone. Having played through a full 90 minutes of the campaign, we came away overwhelmingly impressed: when you consider this is the debut project from a totally new developer, the production values on display are extraordinary. From what we played, this game is going to be a white-knuckle ride.

Set in the faraway future on one of Jupiter’s moons, you play as Jacob Lee, an inmate at a maximum security prison named Black Iron. With fellow convicts beginning to transform into unsightly creatures, you’re tasked with escaping from the increasingly petrifying penitentiary. The combat is the star of the show: the title mixes close-quarters with ranged shooting, making for a methodical and meaty gameplay loop that will have you feeling every hit.
When you get close to an antagonist, you can use the left analogue stick to dodge and weave like a boxer, and then wielding an electric-charged prison baton you can battle back by striking when there’s an opening. This takes some getting used to: reading the attacks of your enemies isn’t easy when the pressure’s on, but once you get a feel for the flow it’s uber-rewarding. You’ll have a natural temptation to spam the R2 button and bludgeon your foes, but this rarely ends well: you almost need to tempt your aggressors into an error, and then punish them afterwards.
Once you’ve successfully got in a couple of hits, there’ll be a small window of opportunity for you to pop off a shot on a weak spot, and if you get this right you’ll bring them down instantly. Of course, you can hang back and pepper shots from afar, but ammunition is massively restricted: the game’s absolutely designed to keep you up close and personal with the monstrosities wandering the prison’s increasingly dilapidated corridors.
We played a chunk of the title’s third chapter, and were able to manage one-on-one encounters comfortably – but the game begins to ratchet up the tension when it puts two or more foes on screen at once. With the emphasis on melee combat, crowd control becomes crucial, and fortunately you have access to a gravitational glove known as the GRP, which allows you to toss objects and enemies aside. Ultimately, you need to use this to manage the position of your pursuers, throwing them away while you thin out the crowds. It’s hard not to get utterly captivated by it all.
Between these skirmishes is your traditional survival horror scavenging and exploration. Playing on a PS5, the Black Iron prison looks absolutely incredible, with bursting pipes and reflective metal surfaces. It’s grim, as you’d expect it to be, but the game occasionally opens up from claustrophobic corridors, enabling you to appreciate larger vistas that help illustrate the great expanses of outer-space.
As you progress, you’ll collect resources which can either be used or sold at terminals, and you can then use an in-game currency to 3D print upgrades for your firearms. One neat touch is that you need to physically stomp on the corpses of foes in order to expose any loot they’re carrying, and it becomes a real cathartic release to blitz up these bodies once you’re done with a big encounter.
The DualSense support throughout is absolutely superb, and a rare example of a third-party developer investing additional effort to ensure the game feels fantastic on Sony’s pad. Of course, you feel the kick of your firearms and crunch of your baton, but the game also depicts smaller subtleties too – like the reverberation of your footsteps on the metal tiles beneath your boots, or the sharpness of your utility knife as you use it to cut through a body bag. It’s up there with the very best uses of the PS5’s controller.
Our only criticism at this stage, potentially specific to the chapter we played, is that the connective tissue between the combat encounters is a little rote. There’s nothing inherently wrong with it, but you’ve played this kind of campaign before: locked doors prompt deeper exploration and alternate paths, bringing you full circle while you seek out a key card or a pass code. It’s all largely linear, and while the game does keep you on your toes with set-piece moments, we didn’t see anything that structurally surprised us. Schofield did point out that there are stealth sequences later on, and we got a glimpse of these as we slipped past a marauding security cyborg towards the end of our demo, but we assume these will be more purposeful in the latter stages of the campaign.

Nevertheless, if you like this style of survival horror, then we reckon you’re in for a treat. While the gory death animations that have been so key to the game’s marketing strike us as a bit of a gimmick, the combat system is anything but. By combining elements of crowd control, melee, and gunplay, Striking Distance Studios has constructed a white knuckle dance of death that will have you simultaneously dreading and anticipating each life-or-death encounter.
Thanks to Krafton and Striking Distance Studios for the early hands on opportunity with The Callisto Protocol. Are you looking forward to this sci-fi survival horror? Bat away an infected inmate in the comments section below.
Comments 39
The callisto protocol will be a instant classic.cant wait.word up son
@playstation1995 It looks really, really good. Can't wait to grab it!
Is it weird that I'm most interested in seeing all the unique death animations in Calisto Protocol?
Dead Space had some truly unique & messed up death animations, like the acid-spewing Necromorph spewing acid down Isaac's throat, or the Necromorph Head that rips off Isaac's Head and the then it takes control of Isaac's Body, or the infamous Eye Surgery death that made me fear needles to the eye more than I already do.
frame rate seems a bit weird here, aside from that, i love how atmospheric it looks, especially that part with fog (smoke?) in a corridor
Holy macaroni this looks good. I’m somehow even more pumped for this than GoW
@get2sammyb. I agree.and more horror games is always welcome.the horror games are rising from the dead this generation.its not Halloween 🎃 yet.haha.word up son
Can you let us know about the performance/FPS? Does it feel smooth?
Sounds dope as hell, and personally I’m pleased it’s more linear. So very tired of open worlds and RPG mechanics being forced into everything (that’s a little hyperbolic, sure, but only just).
@Qu1n0n3z The demo was 30fps, but I asked and they said there will be a 60fps option. Performance was fine during gameplay, but a bit choppy in cutscenes oddly.
Great preview! I’ve been moderately excited for the game, but after reading this I’m stoked. The combat paired with the dualsense features sound awesome!
Already have the Digital Deluxe Edition pre-ordered and counting down! I will be playing this immediately upon installation.
the game is over a month till it releases they have a months worth of optimization and bug fixes they can do as yet
Game I’m looking forward to the most for the remainder of the year!
@playstation1995 - 6 straight months of Horror greatness, we got the Resident Evil Village Gold Edition with the Shadow of Rose DLC in a few days, The Chant in November, Calisto Protocol in December, Dead Space Remake in January, Dead Island 2 in February, and then finally the Resident Evil 4 Remake in March!
Word up son!
Man I can‘t wait. 100% day one, same with dead space remake.
I don‘t know if it‘s youtube on smartphone but sometimes it looks rough in terms of motion.
@get2sammyb I'm totally sold now, Thanks!
Been excited for this since the very first reveal. I hope it will have some VR compatibility for PSVR2 at some point.
As gorgeous as it can look, it definitely. Shows as being choppy and rough performance wise in nearly every gameplay video I've seen of it.
I do wonder just how much will be necessarily handicapped to try and get this to run at 60fps. The linearity worries me as well, as it sounds like aside from combat the rest of it is just corridor walking and all that entails. Although I suppose that's all dead space is too. The Melee looks fun, but I assume it will get an exercise in tedium at some point. Really not into the stun auto aim shooting mechanic. I detest any form of auto aim and having a mechanic where you snap too and shoot highlighted areas with a press of a button just for connecting on melee is just stupid, and one step short of QTE nonsense.
Hopefully this one has more to it. Or at least a truly compelling narrative to push that linearity and repetition forward.
Will be playing this before the Dead Space remake, thats for sure 👍
@JustPlainLoco. Alone in the dark remake also and silent hill remake.and im pretty sure mor horror games are coming also.word up son
@playstation1995 - True, Silent Hill 2 Remake coming sooner than we think, definitely first half of 2023, not sure about when Alone in the Dark is releasing, and don't forget Alan Wake 2, word up son!
'A white knuckle dance of death'.
I'm in.
This looks so good.
I have so many games on my list... I so need self control because either my PS5 will catch fire or I will loose my job 😅
@JustPlainLoco Glen Schofield even said he has a trophy for every death so that should tell you something. Glen has always been about the death scenes and especially in the trailers like Dead Space 1
I loved Dead Space but I'm definitely more excited for this than a remake. Bring it on!
Looks and sounds a little like Deadspace meets Returnal, but since I haven't played it, I'm unsure if that's true.
I'm jealous you got to play another game I want early lol , is there much blood ? I've got a phobia of it so I'm waiting to find out if I'll be able to stomach it before I pre order
Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited for this game, and I know that dead space was Glen Scofield's baby. But this look like a Gameloft clone you know ? From every screenshot I see, from the UI, the mechanics. I hope for all the best for this game to be good and not to be compared in every Review with Dead Space, if it wants to be successful should be on it's own.
@get2sammyb did they say if you'd be reviewing before launch?
@Loftimus Erm, no mention of reviews just yet, but I'd like to hope we'll be considered for a review code!
@SilkySmile89 I kinda get what you mean, but the game really impressed with its production values. It's definitely not some cheap knock-off, which I know you weren't really implying, but yeah, worth underlining.
@Would_you_kindly It's quite brutal, yeah!
@get2sammyb ok thanks. Im only hearing positive things anyway so I'll calm down.
Looks very good. The only thing I find a little off-putting is the way the camera moves when in the heat of melee combat. Something feels off there for me.
Looks fun. I'm not a big fan of the pallet choice. It could just be the level of course. It reminded me alot of fallout 3 Era, where many games used the brown pallet tone.
Very excited for this one!
How was it for jump scares?
It's basically Dead Space 4, stomping on corpses etc. Really excited for this as Dead Space was a fantastic series let down slightly by the third installment.
“ Our only criticism at this stage, potentially specific to the chapter we played, is that the connective tissue between the combat encounters is a little rote. There’s nothing inherently wrong with it, but you’ve played this kind of campaign before: locked doors prompt deeper exploration and alternate paths, bringing you full circle while you seek out a key card or a pass code. It’s all largely linear, and while the game does keep you on your toes with set-piece moments, we didn’t see anything that structurally surprised us. ”
Honestly, Sci Fi horror games like Dead Space etc. are rare enough these days that such rehashed game design choices are completely fine with me.
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